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CCP - Update Log: Current Dev is v1.967 (Get it here!)

Started by Celdia, June 24, 2011, 09:48:18 pm


November 13, 2011, 09:45:27 am #20 Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 09:54:53 am by Celdia
A not-so-quick update here to v1.965. Just getting some things out of the system that were annoying me.

- Some ENTD edits to make notes rewards actually show up as intended.
- Fixed some monster animations. Others I just made do with what I could manage. Try not to laugh too hard.
- Put in the new, taller Lamia sprites and recolored the Siren to get rid of that gaudy yellow.
- Fixed the vertical flags on Loremaster skills. They should be more functional/dangerous now.
- Champion's Behemoth Power will now Target Self. This goes against the original design of the skill but I think this will justify the JP cost on it.
- Gave the Adamantoise a non-monster skillset in an attempt to get it to use its damned skills. Seems to be effective in the AI's hands and controlling it myself didn't give me any problems. If you notice something amiss with it, let me know.
- Cleaned the Void animation.
- Modified Orlandu's starting gear to something more fitting of a late-game unique character.
- Added the hack to make Phoenix Down's only deal 25% of MaxHP damage to Undead units.
- Knightswords lost their inherent elemental attribute. They still strengthen their element however, making them boost individual Mystic Knight skills as originally intended instead of EVERYTHING. Don't know why I let that go for as long as I did.
- Minor text edits.
- And the really big edit for last: Magic Armor has been removed and redistributed among the other armor types. Elmdor's armor (Orochi's Hide) is the only Armor that grants MP now. There are 3 new Armors, 3 new Clothing items and 2 new Robes to collect. Master Guide will be updated later to reflect the new equipment.

I haven't had a chance to test a lot of the stuff I threw in there yet so please let me know if the new armors don't appear to be functioning as advertised.

Edit: Re-uploaded because I forgot to change one two of the item icons. No functional difference between what I posted last night and what I re-posted again this morning...just that one little thing would have driven me mad. >_<
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Well, it looks like I've run into what consists of a huge problem as far as things go. My elemental Move skills aren't functioning at all anymore which may mean that the entire ALMA hack has failed with 1.965. I'm taking the patch down until I can get it fixed. Apologies to everyone that's been playing. :(

I've reposted 1.964T for anyone looking for a playable version of the hack for the time being.

Alright. It looks like I ran into a glitch with ALMA 3 I wasn't previously aware of but now that I know its there I should be able to avoid it. The (hopefully) full-functional v1.965 should be back up in just a little while. Sorry for the inconvenience, folks. ^_^;;
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


I finally got around to fixing the Zalera fight, thus I give you v1.965Z. Just a very quick list of fixes.

-Zalera is no longer spawning with 50 MA, nor can he Fly or Teleport now. With the ability to control his movement now by blocking him in I should think the battle will get a bit easier.
-Updated the new Female Alchemist sprite (Thanks, Choto!) and reorganized the Male Alchemist's palettes to better match the female's.
-New DD battle! Elite Chocobo Battle on TERMINATE. Like the battle with the "Vampire" on NOGIAS, this one is a set-level battle so if you find you're having problems with it, leveling up will help you get by.

That's it for now. This was a really small update more to fix Zalera than anything. The other stuff was just good timing for getting into this release.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Just another light update. Nothing major, though there are a lot of annoying little fixes.

- Rad is less bugged now and something closer to a unique character. Still looks like Ch.1 Ramza in Formation though.
- Warriors should be able to equip Armor (but not Helmets) now.
- Equip Pole was expanded and moved. It is now Equip Arcane and it covers Poles, Books and Wands.
- HP Restore makes its return as Guts and is on Homemaker and Butler. MP Restore got renamed to Restoration. I think I renamed a couple other skills but they should still work the same.
- Enhance is now a buyable Support found on Tactician.
- Meliadoul now immediately joins after the Zalera fight so any skills you learn for her in that fight should stay with her.
- Fixed and added multiple spell quotes.
- Amaterasu's Mane (Elmdor's Helmet) now also gives +30 MP.
- Feeblemind and Weakness should now properly hit MA+45% of the time, ignoring Faith.
- The Wind Wrap reward should spawn properly at Doguola Pass.
- Guardian Band fixed to no long give Walk on Water.
- Weighted Boots removed because they were mostly useless. Replaced with Bag of Holding which gives Throw Item + Equip Change innate. (This one is untested. Someone give it a go and let me know if its working right?)
- Changed up a lot of the ENTD sprite selections to try and minimize the glitchiness of sprites calling Vanilla EVTCHRs. Hopefully it all looks better.
- Modified the targeting on Hearth and Home. Hopefully its not being treated as a Linear skill anymore.
- Text edits abound, as always.

I was hoping to get some more work on equipment put in here but I just didn't have it in me at the time.

EDIT: Got some other small changes I decided I really did want on Rad for this release. Will have the new patch up again in a little bit once I get those details implemented. Just a little something to make him more officially a unique unit.

Alright, the new and (arguably) improved Rad is good to go. Got a little bit of assistance from our awesome Twinees on a very subtle modification to Rad's appearance and I felt it belonged in this update. So, to the five or so of you that already downloaded this update, I apologize.

A quick note on Rad: That he always has 1 MP in his base job is not a glitch, its intentional. In trade for this he gets much improved PA and HP as well as an array of weapons at his disposal. I hope you enjoy experimenting with his potential. ^_^

EDIT #2: Fast bugfix update for the Bag of Holding item. I want some solid feedback about the usefulness of this item so I'm just updating for that and since I'm taking the time to upload again I fixed that description on Guts while I was at it.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


1.967 is up. There are only a few changes here.

- Rad has been reverted to a generic unit again because making him unique created more problems than it fixed.
- Meliadoul should join at the end of the fight with Zalera and retain any abilities learned in that fight. I did test this and it works.
- The 1 MP bug shouldn't pop up anywhere now since I removed that from the ALMA hack.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0