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Chapter 2 Progress Log

Started by 3lric, August 20, 2013, 06:52:12 pm


Also, I dont mind waiting, but would it be possible to know -approximately- how much can it take? Not a release date, but the time it can take for each chapter


it happens when it happens
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Bonesy#9386

RJ Cid

Quote from: Zyrku on May 05, 2016, 11:59:07 am
Also, I dont mind waiting, but would it be possible to know -approximately- how much can it take? Not a release date, but the time it can take for each chapter

I hear ya dude. Occasionally someone does ask for some kind of idea for a timeline on the finished project, but if I'm not mistaken, there is no certain time or date available until it's goes into the "debugging" process (I believe that's what it is called). The amount of time it takes to do a chapter depends mostly on their availability with their schedule.

I've actually been working on a series of novels myself. This is relative to Jot5 because there is no set time it takes me to develop a character/setting or bulk up the story outline. I do as much as I can whenever the time is there, and what gets done gets done.

After 2+ years, I'm finally ready to print the outline, character & setting development, and first draft of my first book to go through the long process of editing. Once that's done, I have to write a second draft that tightens up the whole story while making it more interesting. And once that's done, I will pay a lot of my own money to an editor to take my polished manuscript and rip it to shreds, explaining everything that sucks about it. Once THAT'S DONE, I can begin writing what I hope will be my final draft and then check all my sources on the best methods for self-publishing and move forward with that while simultaneously starting on the second book...

The reason I explain all this is because when my supportive friends and family ask when the first book will be done so they can read it, I can only tell them where I am in the process, but I can't ever give them a time or date. The same goes for the good folks working on this FFT mod. They are doing all they can when they can, and we love them for it, but we mustn't push them into giving up a time or date.

One last point; many video games are pushed by their publishers to be completed and ready to ship by certain dates (i.e. the Holiday Season, etc.). Because this pressure gets put on the game's developers, the game's quality tends to fall short of its true potential. MegaMan Legends is an example of this, and I f#%$ing love that game as it is, but realize it could've been so much more if it hadn't been released before it was completely ready.

I hope these points help with the waiting process for Jot5. Check in every now and then, and offer some positive reinforcement when you do. I look forward to talking endlessly with everyone on these boards about how awesome the finished mod is!


QuoteAlso, I dont mind waiting, but would it be possible to know -approximately- how much can it take? Not a release date, but the time it can take for each chapter

Well, not really. For one, I at least have no prior experience releasing anything like this, so I wouldn't even be able to give even a vaguely accurate estimate. Secondly and probably more important, Jot5 isn't being developed on a specific deadline, so priority is able to go towards finishing up something that turned out to be more complex than expected, as opposed to saying "sorry, time's run out, let's just slap something together for this instead and move on".
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I don't think you guys understand how tedious it is making new storylines and real content filled patches for this game. And I tried it before there was an easy to use event editor, to try and help zozma save remix. It's a nightmare. So if you don't get it, it can consume your life. This isn't a straight up fftpatcher patch. This isn't a difficulty patch. This isn't 1.3. Event editing, and EVNTCHR is both tedious, and hard, and the latter requires the best spriters. Jot5 contains nothing reusable storyline or plot wise from vanilla so it's like making a new game almost.


I give a lot of crap to the makers of the online board game Talisman. Basically what has happened is they sell a season pass for $60 in which you can get all the DLC however they keep pushing their plans back to the point where they essentially have no timeline for the DLC (which greatly adds to the game). Plus if you were to buy all the DLC separately you would only pay $1-$4 more than the season pass which isn't a deal in my eyes. I don't buy season passes but if I were one of those people who supported the game from the start and paid full price for that pass I would feel ripped off. As the amount of the purchase barely pays off now and the developers originally ensured a much speedier release.

The game has been out for something like 3-5 years and the developers have also not fully addressed the bugs and poor AI that have persisted throughout the games lifespan. They have also switched focus from the main game to a spin-off title. Talisman is basically a well established board game that has been out for a very long time and essentially what the developers have to do is just translate that board game to digital as all the material and balance for the game has already been established. There are no new concepts for the developers to wrestle with and they have a team of a considerably larger size.

Compare this to FFT: JOT5 where the team is much smaller and does not have the luxury of giving their full attention to it due to real life needs and concerns. There is also all new content; jobs, sprites, items, abilities, character development, side quests, story, difficulty and balance. Include bug testing and pushing the technology of what is available to its limits shows the development team is deeply passionate about what is being produced. All of this and producing and distributing the game for free is no small accomplishment and is almost non-existent in today's world! It is completely understandable that there is no established time line as the developers are doing this labor out of love, are not being compensated in the slightest and have to do


more work than most of the recycled garbage that is found in gaming today. A free ware, fan made game is defiantly not the same as a professional, compensated title. My suggestion when wondering where the progress is at is to simply ask the team "what have you worked on recently" which expresses interest in the project and encourages the developers at the same time and may promote problem solving. PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME on this original and wonderful project which at this point is its own game and can be considered a proper sequel to one of the best games I have ever played.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


Quote from: KingUrameshi on May 07, 2016, 11:14:32 am
"what have you worked on recently"

I actually think a few random updates where people just say what they've been working on recently would be kind of cool :)

Now this wasn't me at all (I'm currently working on ability / skillset idea stuff, Nyzer has probably contributed to that more than I have at this point :P though I am being put in charge of the implementation of these ideas) but the artsy-talented people on the team have been hard at work doing effects for abilities recently. They all look great, and though many are just recolourings of old ones, there are a few that have totally new graphics added to them that look fantastic.

I hope everyone continues to eagerly await the re-release. It's gonna be sick!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Also another thing to add...

It's been said quite a few times, but they are working on the entire foundation for the game right now, not just the re-release of ch1 and ch2.  With all the stuff added I'm sure you can understand how time consuming it is, but after the foundation is built, things tend to go much smoother and faster.

Plus they are always looking for dedicated people to help out on the mod!

PS what did you guys do with nyzer!?!? this new guy has an avatar....


Nyzer made his own Avatar :P If you want one of your own there are pre-made ones from the game you can select on your Profile - Forum Profile, you can also make your own like Nyzer has and attach an image link from somewhere on the web.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I know I'm not normally the best at responding in a timely manner, since I normally see new posts while I'm working on Jot5 stuff and forget to respond once I'm done.

To makeup for that, here's a treat for people who take the time to read this. Note that we are still working with some color stuff, so this is not a finalized version, it's just the only one I've recorded during the test period (Ignore the Judgement name, that's for something else)

Courtesy of Lijj, I present to you... A Holy based Summon

  • Modding version: PSX


Alexander is one of my favorite summons EVER!! That is awesome that you guys can add that to the game. Can't wait to use that all the time.

One cool aspect from Celdias patch was that some equipment would have skills attached to them that you would normally equip on your character. It added a lot of variety and strategy to the game.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


Quote from: KingUrameshi on May 07, 2016, 03:07:39 pm
Alexander is one of my favorite summons EVER!! That is awesome that you guys can add that to the game. Can't wait to use that all the time.

One cool aspect from Celdias patch was that some equipment would have skills attached to them that you would normally equip on your character. It added a lot of variety and strategy to the game.

Alexander won't be the only new summon. ;)

Knives in Jot5 will grant you the Scavenge skill in the Bonus Skills selection that you will have thanks to Xif's ARH2. Scavenge allows you to gather materials from dead monsters on the field, similar to poach, however it will be used on monsters that are already dead (but not crystalized, obviously). These go along with the materials you get from mining, farming and gathering wood to use in Synthing items. You can expect later weapons to also offer skills!
  • Modding version: PSX


QuoteNyzer made his own Avatar :P

Nnnnope, this avatar is almost entirely Twin's work. He sent it back to me as a quick idea of what he'd design for the portrait, and I haven't had the inspiration to go back and give the portrait another try myself yet, or even fix the color I was missing before he gave me this cloak design. And the turban design was also his from last year. But uh, I... made the gems?

I don't have anywhere near the grasp on sprite art that he does. :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Lol, Guru makes a joke about how nyzer only recently got an avatar ("What have you guys done with nyzer, this new guy has an avatar") and everyone takes it all seriously n such.
  • Modding version: PSX


Man, I already feel guilty about Twin fixing it all up for me, I don't want people misattributing his work to me too! :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


It's fine Nyzer, don't worry about it haha. We're all working hard behind the scenes on things we can't talk about. But the rerelease is gonna be great and chapter 2 will be just as great. I think this is my first post on this thread? I've been working on the pixel art aspect of the mod along with Lijj and others and I'm really happy with the result of everything. Expect some updates to portraits and some new sprites when the rerelease comes out!
  • Modding version: PSX


i think i'm more curious to see this game out then FF7 remake and FF15 lol...
Seriously with all the things you guys added, i will probably end up playing this one as much as FFT itself, which mean close to 20 years playing the same game.

Even just thinking about all these thing and the fact that you will have to FIND certain mobs to scavenge them to get the items you need to make a weapon or whatever,  its making me going crazy with the will to play!!!

I'm pissing in my pants from the emotion XD  Can't say hurry up , since i tried to script in first person and I KNOW how time consuming this can be, but seriously i never waited a game so much XD


Everything sounds great guys, keep up the great work - you have my support (for what it's worth) among the support of many others. You all are creating something great here and I encourage you to take all the time you need to complete this beast of a mod!

I checked out the Alexander summon and it's remarkable! Great, great work, it looks immaculate.

Keep up the grind, we love it and love you!

PS: any other sample clips you feel like posting would be epic!

Thanks again team, keep kick arse!
  • Modding version: PSX


That summon sure looks great!! :D
Also, little question:
I have seen a certain amount of games and unofficial mods that have been canceled or shut down by order of the company that owns the base game, did you have some similar problem at some point? This not only goes for JOT5, but to the rest of mods here.
And thanks for the hard effort you put on yout ¡n your works.


I don't know if FFH has ever faced that problem, but it is why everyone is so adamantly against donations of any kind here. Free fan-made mods normally don't cause trouble, but mix money into that and it threatens companies' right to protect their IP.

I know Blizzard recently filed a C&D at a fairly successful World of Warcraft private server, and they had this to say as to why:

QuoteWhy not just let Nostalrius continue the way it was? The honest answer is, failure to protect against intellectual property infringement would damage Blizzard's rights. This applies to anything that uses WoW's IP, including unofficial servers. And while we've looked into the possibility - there is not a clear legal path to protect Blizzard's IP and grant an operating license to a pirate server.

Notably, the private server had taken a bare minimum amount of donations shortly before the C&D came, when they'd been struggling to pay for the server to stay online. Up 'til then they'd run for a year with no issues whatsoever.

On the other hand, other stuff like Red vs Blue or Dragonball Z Abridged, which don't make money directly from their work on IP they don't own, have run fine for quite a few years. Some issues with Youtube auto-moderation here and there, but no C&D.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown