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September 20, 2024, 09:28:43 pm


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EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.91 BugFix [King Needed a Band-Aid.]

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, September 05, 2011, 07:57:43 pm


I simply asked this because I have been confined to spriting and ENTDS etc. It's good to know I can now use this to make personal edits to my game


September 07, 2011, 04:06:59 pm #21 Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 04:07:46 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Get your brand new EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.3 Here!

Now includes tons of shit.  I won't even go into detail, just look:

I think this update covers almost everything Cheetah wanted that isn't insanely difficult to do, and some other really important features he didn't mention or that I wanted to do anyway.

Other than what you see there, there's tons of improved error handling, the bug I mentioned being in v1.2 is fixed, and better Directory-end organization.  When you go to Open a file, instead of just looking for a notepad named what you entered into one of the Event Index fields, it'll also look for a folder named that in the given Directory, then check inside it for an "event.txt" file to open.  This way, you can sort your custom events however you please, though the autosaving will still make a notepad named what you input or selected by default.  (For those curious, if you start messing with both Event Index fields, it'll automatically take the value in whatever one you clicked into last, so don't worry about errors in that regard.)  The Tab Order was also finally made nice and competent for those bothered by that.  Finally, there's no need to worry about the errors in Philsov's events if using the Final Fantasy Tactics Event Directory - I went through the pain of making a set of my Vanilla Plus Events with the original offsets to avoid some of the horrific errors in Phil's, such as inexplicable hanging games, poorly copied comments, need for {end} padding, poor handling of choice sections like Save Algus / Kill Death Corps, etc.  (Not that the majority of these are his fault, only 1-2 really are, they're just a bevvy of the errors present in that event set.)  Finally, if you have a PSX Events.txt file that's generated by the Event Decompiler, you can pull events directly from that into your editing window.  This is probably really good for existing mods like Call of Power that may not have the singular events sorted out anymore.  I also included a Vanilla TEST.EVT and a vanilla PSX Events.txt file to help people get started, just because.

Now go kick ass, chew bubblegum, and make some damn game mods.


Here's a more detailed piece of work done with only the v1.0 of EVESP. This is the new event where you collect Cyan in CCP.

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Once again Raven, you are amazing and deserve an award. This is the greatest piece of software our site has seen since Melonhead disappeared. However I will continue to give you criticism and feedback to make this even better. I appreciate you being so open to feedback and incorporating so much.

Suggested Changes:
1) So I wasn't clear originally about the unknown instructions. Though we don't know what they do, we do know their length. This is all part of the old decompiler. For example we know that instruction 45 looks like this "{45}(r000000)", however when I insert and unknown instruction all I get is "{45}()". It would just be nice to have them be the correct length and then we can fill in information as we go. For instance I know that the first byte of instruction 45 is a unit ID.
2) I'm confused by the three first pulldown menus. I think I just need some clarification on their role.
3) Having some of the commands in true file pulldown selections might be nice. Especially Decompile and Compile. It would clean up the look quite a bit. Also how do I know which Test.EVT it is compiling to? Or is it still only one Test.EVT and the other events are only there for reference and you are never writing over them?
4) Totally option but a nice touch, would to be able to hide and show the map stuff. It is only really needed for a few things.

1) When I try to insert instructions in opened indexed events it doesn't appear to be working all the time. I tried in the Orbonne Prayer Setup and it does, but when I try in Orbonne Prayer proper it just jumps to the top of the event instructions and I don't see the inserted instruction anywhere.

This is all I have so far. The map stuff is really looking awesome. I will continue to play with this and see what else I can find or think of. I'm also noticing that the text offsets are all missing where you could usually comment them out, was that on purpose or am I missing something?

@Celdia: You should probably have your new character move back to a normal standing position before the battle starts. He looks odd just continuing to stand there like that. Otherwise this is looking good.
Current Projects:


September 07, 2011, 05:17:01 pm #24 Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 05:23:27 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Quote from: Cheetah on September 07, 2011, 05:00:25 pmSuggested Changes:
1) So I wasn't clear originally about the unknown instructions. Though we don't know what they do, we do know their length. This is all part of the old decompiler. For example we know that instruction 45 looks like this "{45}(r000000)", however when I insert and unknown instruction all I get is "{45}()". It would just be nice to have them be the correct length and then we can fill in information as we go. For instance I know that the first byte of instruction 45 is a unit ID.

Thing is, I don't know any of this.  If someone wants to PM or post the known info about the unknown instructions I can give them proper Command files to pull from.  You get {ID}() because that's what I set the program to output if it can't find any information on your commands.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 07, 2011, 05:00:25 pm2) I'm confused by the three first pulldown menus. I think I just need some clarification on their role.

First pulldown is the old Event Index Listbox, sorted in the Vanilla Final Fantasy Tactics order with proper descriptive names.

Second pulldown is exactly the same, but sorted into the order I'll be using for my Vanilla Plus patch release.  

You can use either of these to choose which event you want to load, I just couldn't fit all the info into a single dropdown so I had to split it into two, and my Vanilla Plus release should be soon so I wanted to make sure the EasyVent Editor Super Perfect supported both it and proper Vanilla.  If you choose an event in the top one, then realize you goofed and needed to find something using the Vanilla Plus order or vice-verse, it automatically only takes from whichever box you clicked last as a failsafe.

The third box chooses which folder it looks for when you go to load files.  If you look at the accompanying folders, those are the Directories.  By default there's a "Final Fantasy Tactics Event Directory" which holds all the Vanilla-ordered events, a "Vanilla Plus Event Directory", which holds all the Vanilla Plus ordered events, and a "Custom Event Directory", which is a default directory for people who want to backup their own custom events when Saving.  You can make your own folders as well and type them into the Directory bar to open them.  The same is true of events now.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 07, 2011, 05:00:25 pm3) Having some of the commands in true file pulldown selections might be nice. Especially Decompile and Compile. It would clean up the look quite a bit. Also how do I know which Test.EVT it is compiling to? Or is it still only one Test.EVT and the other events are only there for reference and you are never writing over them?

You can only have one TEST.EVT at a time, placed in your "External Program Hub" folder.  That's one of the only downsides, and I can't think of many ways to fix it outside of making like 15 copies of the Event Compiler and Event Decompiler and applying some logic that may or may not always work.  It'll save to an event.txt in that folder when you click Save As Event.txt, then compile it into your TEST.EVT in that same folder when you click Compile.  I was thinking that with Compile/Decompile, but I'm trying not to "hide" any functions if I can help it.  It means a few more buttons on the screen, but I want everything to be as obviously laid out as it can be.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 07, 2011, 05:00:25 pm4) Totally option but a nice touch, would to be able to hide and show the map stuff. It is only really needed for a few things.

You should be able to just shrink the form and have it disappear off the right side.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 07, 2011, 05:00:25 pmBugs:
1) When I try to insert instructions in opened indexed events it doesn't appear to be working all the time. I tried in the Orbonne Prayer Setup and it does, but when I try in Orbonne Prayer proper it just jumps to the top of the event instructions and I don't see the inserted instruction anywhere.

Look for your "EventEnd()" command.  It should be directly above that if you clicked twice.  All commands will always concatenate to that spot.  Your cursor gets jumped to the top of the event currently because the only way I know if making this work involves destroying all the data in the textbox and replacing it.  I'll see if I can think of a workaround to that in the future, but I don't know if there is one.  It's a bit annoying if your event is long but it's a small price for all the other conveniences, I think.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 07, 2011, 05:00:25 pmThis is all I have so far. The map stuff is really looking awesome. I will continue to play with this and see what else I can find or think of. I'm also noticing that the text offsets are all missing where you could usually comment them out, was that on purpose or am I missing something?

I just outright removed them from as many Events as I could remember to do so since you generally don't need them anyway.  I figured it'd be better that way, since not removing that offset can be the cause of many a noob frustration.


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on September 07, 2011, 05:17:01 pm
Thing is, I don't know any of this.  If someone wants to PM or post the known info about the unknown instructions I can give them proper Command files to pull from.  You get {ID}() because that's what I set the program to output if it can't find any information on your commands.

Check Xif's CONFIG.INI: the long list immediately after the settings comments and immediately before the character map you directed me to has a "lngt" parameter for most commands.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: pokeytax on September 07, 2011, 05:21:21 pm
Check Xif's CONFIG.INI: the long list immediately after the settings comments and immediately before the character map you directed me to has a "lngt" parameter for most commands.

Haha!  First you, then me.  Fun.

I'll look into it in a while.  I need a break first.


Time to discover some new instruction.


1 new one so far. I challenge others to see if they can do a better job of decoding this shit than I.
Current Projects:


I just realized I could update the CONFIG.INI of the Event Compiler to display the events correctly instead of using the {45}(rID00DR) format I think.  I just got some unrelated bad news but I might update everything to decompile properly when possible if I'm correct. 


Yes, CONFIG.INI is designed to make these alterations. The tricky bit is keeping them organized and updated so that everyone is working with the current material. Your Event compiler will help with that.
Current Projects:


Quote from: Cheetah on September 07, 2011, 07:16:30 pm
Yes, CONFIG.INI is designed to make these alterations. The tricky bit is keeping them organized and updated so that everyone is working with the current material. Your Event compiler will help with that.

Yeah, that's the idea.  I've already got everything all set to go in terms of the CONFIG.INI included with EasyVent Editor Super Perfect for all known instructions so far.  I posted anything that seemed odd in the thread you linked to, though.


Wow, a new release already. I'm gonna try it see what I can do.


September 08, 2011, 01:15:20 pm #32 Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 01:26:04 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
I do releases fast for my tools when I have a means to improve them.  My Spreadsheet Shoppe was like this too, constant updates until I ran out of things to add/fix/improve, because I hate leaving subpar things on the market, so to speak.

Speaking of, welcome to the world of EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.4!

Yep.  Don't even need to go into most of these.  The more attention to detail you pay, the more additions you'll see.

I updated the Help files for clarity, made the guide values my program inserts by default clearer as to whether they're a Byte/Signed Half-Word/etc.  I may have a few Signed Half-Words and Unsigned Half-Words mixed up still, but its still a vast improvement from what I had originally.  CONFIG.INI now accepts and displays commands like 45 UnitPresent as UnitPresent(xID,x00) instead of the awful previous notation.   Though, if you compile an event using the old notation of {CD}(r#######}, you'll get an error and need to convert it to the new one.  Fair warning, but nothing gets in the way of progress, peeps, not even needing to use an Event Editor that lowers the standards as much as it can to replace a command in your event with the exact same command, ohmy.

All the buttons now have keybinding shortcuts.

Decompile = Alt+D
Compile = Alt+E
Save = Alt+S
Open = Alt+O
Camera = Alt+G
SpriteMove = Alt+N
Export to Editing Window = Alt+T
Close = Alt+C
Compile Just Event = Alt+J
Compile Directory = Alt+D
Remember Me = Alt+R
Yes = Alt+Y
No = Alt+N
Don't Ask Again = I seriously fuckin' forget, play Where's Waldo on that shit if you care.

Decompiling now outputs both a PSX Events.txt and a PSX Events folder with individual event files inside it.  EasyVent 1.4 onward now supports the format EVT_NUM_SCR for the purpose of being compatible with those events.  You can now even Compile directly from a PSX Events.txt file if you want to keep all your events in a single notepad for some reason.  Also, your TEST.EVT now goes into the main folder, none of that stupid subfolder shit with it.

There's honestly probably other additions too, but fuck it, my attention span fell out.  If this thing isn't the uber leet boss of doom by now, nothing will be.

Enjoy, bros and hoes.


Woot another huge update just another day later. This gets the award for the quickest development of a FFT tool in the history of FFH.
Current Projects:


Kokojo just verified I was wrong on the precision of the SpriteMove command, so don't use the control in v1.4 and expect an accurate result.  Apparently SpriteMove doesn't share the 4x precision of Camera, sorry bros.

This does mean though that it'll work fine if you enter your X/Y/Z to be 1/4th of what you actually want, making it a damn good thing these controls all accept decimals and salvaging that part of the interface I suppose.


EasyVent Super Perfect v1.41 Bugfix Release

Bunch of bugs like the SpriteMove thing and not being able to decompile two directories in one session were fixed.  Saving was updated to accept the EVT_NUM_SCR format, but currently names cap out at 16 characters, with any others you use when saving being cut off.  I'll try to think up some logic to get around this in the v1.5 release, but I was more concerned with getting bugs fixed and getting things implemented over making them pretty.  A bunch of help files were also fixed, etc.  The typo on one of the message boxes was also fixed.

I also added beta logic for writing events properly to the PSX_Events.txt Notepad file that the Decompiler outputs for people who'd prefer their events to all be in one file, and for making the fact you can load and compile from it actually worth something.  It's intended as one of the primary features for my v1.5 release, so I didn't actually test it yet, but it should work fine.  I'll probably throw in more checks and safeguards to ensure if does when I release v1.5, regardless.  That should be it, though.  I'm not sure what else I can even add to this thing at this point.  I have one or two things but I've mostly run out of features I think would be useful when Event Editing.  Unless someone hits an error, I'm going to stop working on this for a few days and work on making an automatic FFT OrgASM generator for the newbs who have no idea how to format OrgASM XML files or something, I dunno yet.  Maybe finish my GUI-Replacement ATTACK Spreadsheet.

Regardless, enjoy, break this game open, etc.


Eh, fuck.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.5

The BugFix is broken.  This fixes a lot of the issues I saw.  I also think the PSX Events.txt writing should be fully implemented now, but I'm not in the mood to do much testing with it.  Has some slightly tighter coding in areas, more improvements on the failsafes, better order for how windows auto-close when you click their popup option, and other housekeeping things like that.  I also made the "Don't forget to save ye scurvy fucker!" box much less annoying and added some messageboxes to verify when you push things like the Remember My Choice option that otherwise show no visual feedback.  Also added a README at Eternal's request.  Enjoy.

E: Also, your file save names don't get truncated in this version, and it currently accepts the Event 00###000 NAME, Event 00###000 0xSCR NAME, and EVT_NUM_SCR naming Formats for saving and loading  I'm going to look into expanding the naming styles you can work with in the future, just because it's a simple thing to me do at the point I'm on in VB knowledge and there's no reason for me not to.  If I don't think of anything worthwhile to implement, The Great Name Expansion might end up being the bulk of whenever I do a v1.6 update, hah.


Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.6 Here or in the OP!

New features include...

CTRL+F to search for or replace text in the editing window, CTRL+A to select all in the editing window, the cursor now properly situating itself directly before the "EventEnd()" tag when you concatenate a new command onto it.  Every button now also has a CTRL+Key binding, instead of the more awkward Alt+Key thing that VB does natively.


Main Window
CTRL+A = Highlight all Text in Editing Window
CTRL+D = Decompile TEST.EVT
CTRL+F = Find or Replace Text in Editing Window
CTRL+I = Move to Indexed Event ComboBox
CTRL+L = Close EasyVent Editor Super Perfect
CTRL+M = Move to Map Selection ComboBox
CTRL+O = Open Indexed Event
CTRL+P = Open SpriteWalk Generator
CTRL+R = Open Camera Generator
CTRL+S = Save As Event.txt
CTRL+T = Move to Command List ComboBox
F1 = Help (Opens this README file.)

Camera Generator
CTRL+E = Export to File
CTRL+L = Close

Sprite Generator
CTRL+E = Export to File
CTRL+L = Close

Event Compiler Options Window
CTRL+E = Compile Just Event
CTRL+D = Compile Directory
CTRL+R = Remember My Choice

Save Warning Window
CTRL+Y = Yes
CTRL+D = Don't Ask Me Again

Help Window
CTRL+L = Close

Custom Directory Save Query Window
CTRL+Y = Yes
CTRL+R = Remember My Choice

Find/Replace Window
CTRL+F = Find Now!
CTRL+R = Replace Now!
CTRL+L = Close

Some random bugs I noticed were also fixed, and naming was heavily expanded on as promised.  It now accepts Event Offset SCR, Event Offset, Offset, EVT_NUM_SCR, SCR, xSCR, 0xSCR, and possibly one more, and it now knows how to properly handle custom named Events like Event 00004000 Leisure Suit Larry's Great Tactical Escapades should you type the entire name into the Index bar, something I've somehow glossed over in every version so far.

Not much else to be said, only a little was done but they were big little steps.  Not much left on my wishlist to cross off.  I think it's just Cheetah's color-coded comments left, which I've not even begun looking into yet.


September 12, 2011, 08:28:27 am #38 Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 12:30:34 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
EasyVent Editor Super Perfect 1.61 BugFix Update

This is a small but important BugFix.  I made an error in the check for the Ctrl key in the Ctrl+Key commands that was causing them to trigger whether you held down Ctrl, Shift, or Alt.  Now that should be fixed, so you can use capital letters in your events without fear!  The old Alt shortcuts I implemented back in the 1.4 days of a few days ago still exist because I've not removed them yet, though.  I'll probably remove them if/when I do a 1.7 or if I need to update the Help files for some reason.

EDIT:  Updated download.  Also includes a fix to a couple logic errors in the SpriteMove Generator.


Find/Replace is SOO key, I can't believe I didn't recommend this before. This is awesome stuff, you are updating so fast I don't even have time to comment in between updates! I still want my color coding haha
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