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February 14, 2025, 09:00:07 am


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We need someone to do the ENTDs

Started by R999, June 15, 2010, 05:37:18 am


You may change your vote.

This person need to plan out which Map(s) to use, figure out where to position the units, and setup the actual teams, as well as doing light testing on each of the battles. A very simple job but time consuming.

Candidates (thus far):

1. Voldemort
> No need introduction. He's busy with job.

2. TheDamned
> According to LD he has been very creative in the past. Not very active.

3. Philsov
> Awesome fellow. But never joins Chat.

Note: You may change your vote. Post a comment below if you know someone else who is capable.


Arch made 1.3, so he would know how to do it, but Philsov is as fitting for this job as Arch is. I never saw Damned in action, so cannot say a word. Since Arch is busy, I vote for Philsov.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Voldemort is extremely busy, so he is likely not the best choice. Philsov has his only project, it would seem sort of wrong to try and rope him in when he is worried over his own project. I see give The Damned a chance on this one, if he's not receptive to the idea, then we rethink our battle plan.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


the problem with that is the inactivity tho or that would be my vote as well...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Well, we still need someone to do Map Planning, ENTD placements, and testing. LD suggested Eternal for the help, though, what do you guys think? I don't think Voldemort would have the time to do it himself... Ideally, I would like someone to take over this aspect of the project so I could focus more time on the graphics side. As simple as ENTDs maybe, they can be time consuming and it does require a fair bit of creativity. And ideally, I would like this person to be someone LastinG_Dawn's comfortable working with because LD's in charge of the story elements related stuff. Eternal isn't a bad candidate, he certainly has spends a great deal of time in the chat, I at least know that much.

I didn't get to message TheDamned because Voldemort had contacted me sooner... But without doubt I am sure there's no better person than Voldemort when it comes to straight gameplay, marketing, and testing. Of all things, 1.3 videos were what bought me to this forum.


I can do the ENTD's, dude

but it will only happen in spare time, so they won't be finished as fast as I did the 1.3 ones


I am not saying you can't do them Voldemort, but do you honestly have the time to? I mean, you barely even have time for the chat (oh, you can use the colloquy's app to connect on your iPhone). And more importantly, do you want to do them? I am not forcing you to do anything, I am just asking because we do need help.

Besides, I am sure IA will benefit a lot from your help in the promotional side...So no matter how I look at it, I am glad to have you on the team.


yeah you have a point

whoever does ENTD will need alot of time on their hands

needs to be someone anal too

attention to detail, meticulous, with alot of time, which I don't have

The Damned

I have time to do this. I have nothing but time without a job (still).

I just need to get some practice doing these and learn all the ins & outs since I've barely had a reason to touch ENTD yet. If there's like a guide for these things outside of the Wiki, that would make things so much easier to learn.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


This topic is outdated now... though we still need to design the Map, the spawn locations, and the setups for the teams for all the battles. The reason why it is outdated is because well, the project has grown to the point where it is no longer a simple game anymore.

The actual work in inputting the ENTDs is very straightforward as with most of other stuff in the FFTPatcher. There's only a few things to be aware of like for example, starting locations, making sure each unit has a unique ID, etc. It is really simple.


I could help with this of you need any
<JoZ> I'm not Wiz. Even if I were, I wouldn't be narcissistic enough to go under an alt and comment on my own team.

PGF: "You are ignoring this user. Click to see their post."


Oh? That would be great Samurai! I'll give you the info. on IRC tomorrow if I see you.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


I'll be working most of tomorrow but I'll try to get on in the evening.
<JoZ> I'm not Wiz. Even if I were, I wouldn't be narcissistic enough to go under an alt and comment on my own team.

PGF: "You are ignoring this user. Click to see their post."