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Bug Reports

Started by 3lric, March 25, 2013, 08:11:54 pm


Just curious if any update patches (with link) have been released in the last week or so?  I noticed some posts about a few bugs that makes me save every 5min just in case they happen to me.  Thanks


Get the newest version here, which is v.1952.

There were 2 yesterday, and the second was a temporary fix to a bug in the first.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Quote from: iostream on June 07, 2013, 06:51:19 pm
Just curious if any update patches (with link) have been released in the last week or so?  I noticed some posts about a few bugs that makes me save every 5min just in case they happen to me.  Thanks

If you need to know when the newest patch was released, just look at the Last Edit line in the download OP or my most recent post in the same thread. 

There is always a post whenever the new version is released that details whatever changes are in it.


There is nothing really pressing but I figured I might as well throw in some things I noticed.

1. On the Learn Ability screen for Summoner, Fairy and Sylph both list 16 MP. Descriptions show 28 and 34 respectively.

2. Geomancer's description for Demon's Fire has "Effec:t2"

3. When Paralyzed or Oil'd (as far as I've seen) Move HP Up doesn't work. I don't know if this is intentional or not, just thought I'd ask.

Also I don't know if this is a bug or not but... I fought a lone Beastmaster and it absolutely would not attack me when I was riding a chocobo.


1. Fixed.

2. Fixed

3. Anything that stops Reactions stops Move-HP/MP/EXP/JP UP along with a couple other Support/Movement abilities.  Basically, things like Paralyze, Oil, Stop, etc. will suppress anything with an activated effect.

As for the Beastmaster, sometimes the AI is herp and Beastmasters don't particularly Attack Gud anyway.  I would have to know which Battle you were in to diagnose the issue further though.


Not sure if this has already been addressed, but right when you gain access to the world map, all I see is a black screen.  I can still see Ramza's small sprite and the available locations to go to, but am unable to see anything else.  Is there a way to fix this problem?  Again I apologize if this was already addressed.  I am using the latest ePSXe emulator. 


Quote from: Fortexfiend on June 09, 2013, 08:38:14 pm
Not sure if this has already been addressed, but right when you gain access to the world map, all I see is a black screen.  I can still see Ramza's small sprite and the available locations to go to, but am unable to see anything else.  Is there a way to fix this problem?  Again I apologize if this was already addressed.  I am using the latest ePSXe emulator.

ePSXe is notoriously difficult to configure properly for FFTactics. It can be done, but honestly, you are better off just using a more stable emulator.


This link will allow you to download pSXfin. This is the most stable emulator and requires no plugins. The only big drawback is you don't get to enhance the graphics and sound very much, but that isn't really needed unless you can't live without the luxury.

If, after using pSXfin, you still have graphical issues, then you have another problem altogether;

a) You could have a bad ISO. Re-rip your disk, or whatever, and see if that fixes it.

b) You aren't using the latest version of PPFomatic. Find the latest version on this site and use it.

c) One or more of your files were corrupted during the download process. Re-download the patch, try again.

Looking forward to you enjoying this wonderful expansion to FFTactics!


Quote from: Fortexfiend on June 09, 2013, 08:38:14 pm
Not sure if this has already been addressed, but right when you gain access to the world map, all I see is a black screen.  I can still see Ramza's small sprite and the available locations to go to, but am unable to see anything else.  Is there a way to fix this problem?  Again I apologize if this was already addressed.  I am using the latest ePSXe emulator.

  Use P.E.O.P.S Soft Driver 1.17 - video plugin.. This is the only driver I could get perfect video settings with.. gl


Word to your mother, I just finished chaper uno mas without any super bugs detonating (except Snakes name which almost triggered my ocd to edit the problem myself, but ended up just ignoring it in the end.  Some of the fights were a super bitch, and probably would of kicked my dog if it wasn't for load state, ya that's right I cheated (want to fight about it?)  Anyway, thanks and good job guys.. But where the eff is chapter 2 already? 


I noticed after checking the AT list before every turn Ganon would sometimes cut in line.. What gives?  P.S. His arms looked super kewweeuuull.. good work.


Hey, I've been a long time lurker on this web site, and a total newb at actually doing anything...

The game was going smoothly (and amazingly) until after the five characters introduce themselves to each other at the beginning of the game, inside the castle.  After Cloud started telling his story and the screen was fading out, I got stuck at an eternal loading screen. 

I'm using the most recent updated patch.  I'm using PCSX (i have a mac  :cry: ) idk if that might be the problem...  I doubt this is a bug in the patch, and I REALLY need to play this game!!  Any suggestions?


Quote from: headlesscabbage on June 10, 2013, 06:57:14 pm
Hey, I've been a long time lurker on this web site, and a total newb at actually doing anything...

The game was going smoothly (and amazingly) until after the five characters introduce themselves to each other at the beginning of the game, inside the castle.  After Cloud started telling his story and the screen was fading out, I got stuck at an eternal loading screen. 

I'm using the most recent updated patch.  I'm using PCSX (i have a mac  :cry: ) idk if that might be the problem...  I doubt this is a bug in the patch, and I REALLY need to play this game!!  Any suggestions?

Are you using basic PCSX, or are you using PCSX-Reloaded? From what I understand, PCSX SVN-R works flawlessly. I don't know if the SVN version is for Mac or not though.

Here is SVN-R


Here is PCSX-R Mac OSX, if SVN-R doesn't work


If you still have problems, then most likely your ISO is bad. This is very common. Probably 80 % of problems come from a bad ISO. Re-rip your disk, or whatever, and use a fresh ISO.

If all else fails, re-download the latest version of PPF-omatic and re-download the latest patch, because you may have an outdated ppf-omatic, or the files may simply have been corrupted in the download process. This happens.

Let me know buddy and good luck.


Also I might note, that it doesn't HAVE to be an ISO. I've seen people mess up an image by trying to convert it TO an ISO.
ISO/BIN/IMG are all the same thing.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: brittmarv on June 10, 2013, 07:43:32 pm
Are you using basic PCSX, or are you using PCSX-Reloaded? From what I understand, PCSX SVN-R works flawlessly. I don't know if the SVN version is for Mac or not though.

Here is SVN-R


Here is PCSX-R Mac OSX, if SVN-R doesn't work


If you still have problems, then most likely your ISO is bad. This is very common. Probably 80 % of problems come from a bad ISO. Re-rip your disk, or whatever, and use a fresh ISO.

If all else fails, re-download the latest version of PPF-omatic and re-download the latest patch, because you may have an outdated ppf-omatic, or the files may simply have been corrupted in the download process. This happens.

Let me know buddy and good luck.

Hey guys, thanks for the help--

I used PCSX-R Mac OSX, since SVN-R didn't work

Rather than re-ripping my disc (i never trust it working anyway) I followed the directions from an old post on ffhacktics that explained how to get a reliable ISO of the game

I kept it in .BIN form

I downloaded fresh copies of the patch, and the ppf-omatic, and patched the .BIN

I started a new game

Same problem-- I get stuck at the loading screen right after the dialect within the castle.  It doesn't freeze; the music keeps going and the now loading keeps flashing infinitely. 

Maybe I'm just not meant to play this game lol


June 11, 2013, 10:54:47 pm #175 Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 02:07:51 am by Elric
bug in bandit fort shes just sitting there the entire battle and her health and mp are just wacked out high

What is this...signature that you speak of?


Quote from: headlesscabbage on June 11, 2013, 09:51:54 pm
Maybe I'm just not meant to play this game lol

I used to feel that way. For some reason, with every previous computer I have owned, I haven't been able to get FFT running properly with any plugins or emulators or settings.

Fear not

Check out this thread..


I know basically nothing about Mac, but I have heard of "Wine" and I guess it is an application that lets you run windows programs. Many people seem to have gotten pSXfin working on mac. Just type "psxfin wine" in google and you get a lot of hits.

Look into this, and let us know



You modified your save game data, didn't you?

That bug is a result of the game not finding valid data for Leesha in your party and loading whatever garbage data it could find instead.


I tried modding the game but this isnt that save? nobody would help me use the memtool so i kept going without it
What is this...signature that you speak of?

The Damned

(Blegh. I finally got my Internet back after a week. I really need to change my provider.)

Anyway, the first thing I shall do upon my return is kvetch so as to verify my authenticity. Well, that and I idiotically didn't record all of these in writing while I beat the game during this week, but off the top of my head, here's what I've noticed (that alkarl didn't point out):

1. Bladebiter's Munch still isn't working. It can target a unit like it's going to break the weapon and even give a percentage, but if you actually try to use it, the Bladebiter's sprite will just spaz & glitch a bit and...nothing (visible) happens. Something is going on, though, since it can trigger Reactions and there's a bit of audio, but nothing actually happens to the weapon and not even "Missed!" or "Guarded!" comes up, much less the target dodging. It could possibly break something and just be my freaking horrible luck, but considering that Munch can also target monsters and units without weapons....

2. Clarification about the Chapter End boss's "rejection of reality" aside when it comes to the AT, someone might want to check to make sure that Slow (the status) is actually only lowering the AT of the target to 75% because it seems like a LOT more than that. Granted, I'm pretty horrible at eye-balling Slow and Haste's returns given how little I actually use them, but...yeah, I don't think double-checking Slow or Haste would do any harm.

3. Circle is vulnerable to Silence while, at present, the rest of the Blue Magick I have--Chocobos', Turtles', Skeletons' and Malboros'--are not. I'm unsure what's intentional, but if I had to guess, I'm guessing Blue Magick as a whole isn't supposed to be subject to Silence ala FFV and other FFs, so this just seems like an an accident as with Dante's Dash previously.

4. Redguard's Mist's description doesn't say what it does in terms of actual action. Thankfully, considering my research for Embargo and such, I knew the name referenced to MP healing and restoration almost right away. I doubt, however, that this is at all clear to more casual players or even other people here who just haven't played FFXII or other FFs much (if at all).

5. Redguard's Bane seems to be working as intended, but its targeting is a bit...weird. It will Poison anything it actually hits, but it wouldn't show that when using it on anything save for the chapter end boss, who it showed was vulnerable to Poison (in the first form)...even though Bane had a 00% chance of hitting. Again, not terribly problematic, but yeah....

6. Not sure if this is intentional, but Samurai is missing Koutetsu as an ability. At present, its ability list skips from Asura to Osafune.

I have footage of everything but the third issue, so I can get up a screen-shot if needed. A mere screen-shot won't help in the case of the first issue; video is needed to show how screwed Bladebiter currently is.

I'm pretty sure there were other weird things I noticed in finishing up Chapter 1--well, unintentionally weird things since otherwise I'd have to count both of those Marks. (*shakes fist at Durbs*) I'll have to check my notes and look over the videos I'm editing even more though, even though there's a lot of stuff I didn't show on camera on my way to and from Mark 2's location.

There's also other things I merely "suspect", but those need further testing.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"