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[Old] -A bit- extreme ideas worth discussing

Started by Dome, December 08, 2014, 02:53:36 am


December 08, 2014, 02:53:36 am Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 06:02:55 am by Dome
You know, Vanilla Rafa and Malak are awful
The usual way to deal with the issue is just to buff the skillset (No charge time, more damage, more hits, etc etc...)

The idea I had is to give them a different skillset (While still keeping the "ignore faith" and "Reverse faith" flavour they have)

Rafa: She would gain the old "summon" skills (Now removed, the generic summoner has been changed into FFTA2 Scholar), with a changed formula (Dunno yet, just something that doesnt use Fa)

Malak: He would gain a "necromancer" (Please, keep reading) skillset. he would be the only one able to use the "Zombie" spell, and various buff-debuffs that hit undeads (Remember that Undeads are very strong. they never die...literally). He would also gain tier 1-3 dark elemental spells and 1 or 2 spells that hit with his old "low faith-more damage" formula

In this way they are very flavour (You know, the whole "assassins with rare magic" would make sense now), and strong

Reis might be a good Blue mage. you know, being a monster and all...

What do you think?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Did Mustadio lose Seal Evil?  That and poach used to be the best ways to deal with undead.  The Necromancer idea seems like it could work, but you'd have to make a bunch of skills uniquely for him if you're planning to keep his faith low, by seriously screwing with their damage/success formulas.  Clearly he can't be TOO focused on the undead, because they're relatively rare and you don't want to just make him a new flavor of useless.  Personally I've never found Zombie to be that useful; using a turn to take a % chance at making a unit harder to heal, then having to kill them (where they can now come back to life) doesn't seem better than just killing that unit outright instead.  If you just want to stop healing, most healing classes can also cure the undead status, so "eh."

I kinda like changes that make him more of a physical-based attacker- change his equipment selection and stats to make him more physically assassiny, while leaving his skills as a middling distance attack/low Faith killer.

Reis as a Blue Mage sounds awesome, though.  I've always wanted a FFT Blue Mage.  Of course, I understand the tricky part is finding enough skills that don't rely on monsters' huge PA/MA stats, since giving Reis stats like that would break every other skillset.


First of all, thanks for taking the time to post :-)

- Yep, Mustadio lost Seal Evil. There are mainly 2 reasons: An "Engineer" with a skill like that makes no sense (Flavour) and removing it and giving him the "Break" skills makes him way more viable/useful (Power). Now he has a reason to be deployed even against powerful bosses that are immune to Don't move - Don't act...something you couldn't say before

- About Malak: Well, trust me when I say that he can do some crazy stuff with the Zombie status. "Zombie" itself and all his "undead" spells are instant (MBarrier to a Zombie / Petrify Zombie. Nasty, right?)
He has access to Dark 1/2/3 (They work as Wizard spells, dark element), Deep Night (Charged spell that hits all the units except himself with "Sleep", 50% hit) and a spell called "Corruption" (Instant spell that deals damage with his old formula, reverse faith)
Also remember that the "Cursed Ring" exists (+2 PA/MA, +1 Speed, permanent Undead), and there's no limit to how many cursed rings you can get;
An undead party doesn't look so weak now, right?

- I also loved the idea of a Blue Mage Reis, but an easier way to make her useful is to asm her skill to hit all monsters and not just Dragons. She becomes the ultimate monster buffer/recruiter this way, which is good. Monsters need more love (I might put Blue mage as a pseudo-special unit somewhere, but don't quote me on this yet)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Well that seems pretty cool, then, assuming the Dark spells are modified to not do laughable damage with his Faith.  I don't suppose there's a way to make a skill both Cancel: Dead and add status(es) as well, is there?  It'd be pretty neat to be able to revive enemy units while adding the Charm (and undead) status.


December 11, 2014, 02:58:37 am #4 Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 03:36:58 am by Dome
Quote from: LordMagus on December 11, 2014, 12:06:00 am
Well that seems pretty cool, then, assuming the Dark spells are modified to not do laughable damage with his Faith. 

Good point about the faith...of course the damage formula of the spell doesn't use it :p
Quote from: LordMagus on December 11, 2014, 12:06:00 am
I don't suppose there's a way to make a skill both Cancel: Dead and add status(es) as well, is there?  It'd be pretty neat to be able to revive enemy units while adding the Charm (and undead) status.

Yep, it isn't possible as far as I know...too bad, because "reviving" as an undead would be epic :-(
But a skill that "Charms" an enemy undead looks good...I can call it "Rebuke Undead" (D&D reference op)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"