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FFT the Durai Records (Working title) VanillaMod

Started by Aiolon, July 23, 2015, 03:53:10 am


Thanks and i know about it but after all, like i said i made this for fun and i rather have a patch with constant updates than one that will probably never be completed. i dont mind if only 5 peeps play it i will keep working on this even if no one is interested because i hate to leave things unfinished. then maybe one day i sign up for a story mod.
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


I'm not suggesting that you ever give up on it or change what you are doing.

I think you misunderstood. You have the right idea, you are doing something that you can manage. A lot of people want to do huge things that they cannot accomplish alone (myself included), unfortunately, most of these fail. What you are doing can never actually "fail" at this point, because you've already released something playable.

Just keep doing what you are doing, you are keeping with it, and that's the most important thing, as it's more than I can say for most patches/ideas on the site :P
  • Modding version: PSX


Awesome. And thanks for the Avatar notice. (I was having extreme fits of laziness.) This is on my to do list for my first off day! I'll try to keep track of anything, mispelled, misplaced ectra.

If you would like any assistance beyond this, I'm a PM away.

A side note. How fine tuned is the difficulty? Is it, exactly what you want or a rough estimate?
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


@Elric i did get the right message dont worry xD again thank you very much for all the support and for moving this to works in progress im doing my best to move on to the last stage "completed patches"

@Gate like i said in the op the difficulty is 0.5 higher than vanilla so its not a huge diference but to give yourself a small idea just go check out the monster hunting guide. Main bosses have been strenghtened but i dont feel the difficulty level MAXIMUM RAGE TROLL
its in fact very close to vanilla well that if you grind random battles if you dont then well. good luck

ok need to sleep now / o/
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


First of all nice work in getting the patch to Progressing Patches!

So I downloaded the file. And I'm having trouble extracting the .7z it said "Unsupported compression method". All I get is a 0 bytes PPF. Am I missing something? My 7zip is working perfectly but why couldn't it extract the file? Man I really wanted to give this patch a go :(
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
I evolved... into a stick figure. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj-yTyoVpYIdcdIPw8SP5rw
Pokemon Fantasy Tactics - A treat for FFT fans! http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10984.msg207542


I opened and extracted it just fine with Winrar

Opens fine for me in 7z as well.
  • Modding version: PSX


@skip I'm the same as Elric, 7zip worked fine.

Feedback: played through Obornne last night. BTW huge fan of controllable guests. (Because stupid AI should only kill itself, not the player.)

First observations. Alice, Lavian and Rad had lvl 1 Squire, then access to higher tier jobs, without (I assume) the proper squire levels. Is this as intended?

Statii Magic. Really has some punch, with Rad disabling half the enemy party.

With your health levels what they are, basic magic felt... Weak. Maybe it's because it's coming from non-casters. My current work does the same thing.

Ramza's skillset has a lot of overlap with Wizard. Because I need Wizard to unlock other jobs, I probably won't be leveling Ramza in his. I did see a few unique spells, I may let Alucard level Ramza via spill over.

Note:Alucard, nice looking sprite! I will be looking forward to seeing how his Skillset plays out.

I like the weapon tiers concept, very tight, controlled growth.

I'll keep giving you feedback, this was just a first impression on twenty minutes gameplay. I'll wait til I have chapter 1 done to give more. Might record Dortor and Ziekden.
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


August 01, 2015, 11:41:55 am #47 Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 12:08:40 pm by Aiolon
@Skip  thanks skip and are you using winrar? im 99% sure that winrar can extract .7z i compressed it with 7zip but extracted the files with Winrar try it out.

QuoteFirst observations. Alice, Lavian and Rad had lvl 1 Squire, then access to higher tier jobs, without (I assume) the proper squire levels. Is this as intended?

Nice find about Alicia and Lavian i didnt notice, i will fix that.
QuoteStatii Magic. Really has some punch, with Rad disabling half the enemy party.

Statii magic ? Also the skills the units get at orbonne are completely random in my case Rad got silence that proved to be completely useless but Paralyze/Dont act has a low succes rate maybe you got lucky
QuoteWith your health levels what they are, basic magic felt... Weak. Maybe it's because it's coming from non-casters. My current work does the same thing.
Magic is intended to work that way because of the Elemental + Area of effect also remember non charge overnerfed magic power but dont forget there are 3 important factors related to magic = Caster MA + Caster Faith + Target Faith = the result.
to be clear units with faith lower than 60 will suck as magicians.
QuoteRamza's skillset has a lot of overlap with Wizard. Because I need Wizard to unlock other jobs, I probably won't be leveling Ramza in his. I did see a few unique spells, I may let Alucard level Ramza via spill over.

Ramza is a mix of every magic class and you unlock new spells in later chapters and JP spillover wont help you that much
QuoteI like the weapon tiers concept, very tight, controlled growth.

haha wait to see tier 3 those are some nice weapons but getting them in your hands its just FUUU!
QuoteI'll keep giving you feedback, this was just a first impression on twenty minutes gameplay. I'll wait til I have chapter 1 done to give more. Might record Dortor and Ziekden.

zeakden is actually challenging (its actually super  challenging if you try to kill all enemies)
QuoteNote:Alucard, nice looking sprite! I will be looking forward to seeing how his Skillset plays out.

I know right? but like i said im not a spriter and i didnt make that one have fun with Alucard badass skills

okay thanks tell me if you find interesting bugs.
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Quick reply @ work. Statii = Status Effects. I got paralyze, so it was a breeze. I figured Gaf was a bad magic user.

I'll have to see how that Witch spell set works out, especially the Desert...
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


im testing the whole game again and i noticed the last changes i made didnt save... so with this in mind here are the things that shouldnt be here but they made it in

Knights can use Sword magic(Drain, Aspel and Faith) when they were supposed to use Buff skills

Hunter still uses "Seal evil" it was supposed to be Silencing shot

Mime is available from the start when it was supposed to be the final unlockable job well its not a big deal cant say a mime is overpowered

if im not mistaken.. Meliadoul mighty thunder wont work as intended.

so far im at thieves fort and i havent found any weird buggs only unintended mistakes.

  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


August 03, 2015, 01:25:29 pm #50 Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 02:27:25 pm by Aiolon

For those that are still interested in my work i have updated the current beta version and the new one can be found in the OP
here are the changes.

BETA 1.2

- Fixed the Flan sprite (it was set as MON/TYPE1 + flying for some strange reason) Fixed now
- Alice, Lavian and Rad now corrected unlocked Jobs
- Meliadoul mighty thunder now works as intended
- Hunters Seal evil now works as Silencing shot

-Warrior has been Nerfed: HP and PA multiplier have been decreased (it was too broken with high PA+ 2 Hands)
-Lancer has been Nerfed: PA multiplier reduced once again.. (Lances are way to OP)
+Hunter has been buffed: Hunters MP multiplier has been increased
+Yellow Chocobo has been buffed: Chocobo HP multiplier has been increased

- Chocobos are now Weak to Dark and half Wind
- Squids now half wind
- Minotaurs half Earth

Its important that you apply this patch or you are going to have a super glitchy flan sprite :l

NOTE: i forgot to insert the Title screen image with the Beta version 1.2
UPDATED: Hunters guide with the changes made to monsters
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


So, I'm through Dortor. Some thoughts.

(Some are critiques, most are comments.)

1) TacText stuff. I could point out things but in general, spell quotes are hold overs, discriptions are grammatically messy, ect. That's totally fine as a beta, I just needed to say it.

2) Equipment. Your choices of elemental equips early on, and things like tying bows to wind, then giving us wind immune gear... That a free arrow guard. I don't know. HP balance is, well. Wonky. Your MP balance is about right for what I think your going for. The Mage weapons are neat and different. I applaud what you did there.

I think your head chest and accessory designs will level out later, but early on, battles can take 30 minutes. Not a problem if it wasn't for just trading sword blows. Items feel way overcosted for consumables. Will never use Phoenix down when raise is 18 MP...

3) Abilities. The overlap and Squire set... Ugh. This is killing me. JP costs are HIGH! And JP Up is not a Fix for it. This particular issue is just. I don't know. I don't see me getting near mastering Alucard before Velius, or even after. Some of the other skill sets hit me that way too. Your spellcasting, I'll give it til chapter 3. I still see status magic as being superior to everything else. Also, and this is personal, why the 100% hit rate on sword skills?

Anyway, there is my current impression. Monsters need scaled, and I'll let you know my opinion of synthing when I get there. (Mine's still not implemented.)
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


1) mmm yeah i think i forgot to edit the quotes and i have a reason for that but yup should be fixed and im working on typos right now

2) Anti Elemental gear is 100% intended but there is more than 1 element im aware about all bows being wind and i had that in mind at the moment of giving them wind elemental but i really dont think you have all of your units as archers. you will see elemental gear quite often and that is part of the tactics its not just getting to a unit and attack it and monsters (at high levels of course) will be total bitches in that aspect.  as for equipment... you have only made it to dorter/dortor of course everything will be getting better and my patch is diferent in the aspect that not every job is similar in terms of stats.

of course equipment gets stronger but you will never see a Warrior with more MP than a wizard or a wizard with higher HP its wonky because you are just starting and my small projoect ITS NOT the same as vanilla. the story remains intact yes but most mechanics and battle gameplay was modified to make something different maybe not more challenging but i didnt want super short battles.

Combat = Knights, Warriors, Lancers, geomances = High PA, Low MA, High HP, Low MP, Low speed
Swiftness = Archers, hunters, ninjas, other= Decent PA, Decent MA, Decent HP, usualy low MP, High speed
Magic = you know = Low PA, High MA, Low HP, High MP, decent speed.

battles taking more than 30 minutes  :P glad to hear that, it means its working as intended and trust me the game will get considerable faster once you unlock some nice skills.

Items overpriced mmm yes 100% intended i even mentioned that in a previous post but if you grind that will never be a problem as for p.down yeah its like one of those 100% chance of revival options but they are optional since units no longer crystallize.

3) JP costs high? more skills means more jp but i really dont know whats the problem with JP, many skills kept the original JP costs maybe its diferent in WOTL and then again as stated by me

If you dont grind game will be harder~ Aiolon

and considering the duration of fights and the amount of swoosh strike slash poofs it takes to take down a unit of course you will get a lot of JP and remember the higher the job level the more the JP you get.
as for squires.. they had slow.. the spam.. god knows why slow was removed of basic skill.
and wait to see Ramza's last job... that JP

Arcane/status magic its super useful and once you learn sleep 2 you will never want to switch jobs but trust me the rates are very Low and if i reduce them even more the  result will be: your status magic sux they never hit! i was thinking on making them Single target instead of AOE but need to see how the things works.

sword skills 100%???? fk noo i hate to get my stuff destroyed im 100% sure its not 100% hit rate i dont know what are you talking about but i would never do such thing its plain annoying and not even Drain,Aspel or faith are 100%

try getting to chapter 2 or 3 (or are you in 2?) and then tell me what do you think. if you believe something its really broken such as (status magic) then it means i did something wrong.
also if you dont mind and if you can, try recording a battle because the way i play the game its not the same for other people and i would like to see the how the game goes for the others and that will help me improve.

its like people say:if you like red that's okay but that doesn't mean everyone else has to like the red too.

PS. about elemental gear you will see the AI usually wearing Mantles resistant to the elements your units use more often. i don't know if this is how the Random equipment option selects the AI stuff but yeah even i facepalmed whan i had a very powerful Fire sword and 3/5 enemies had Red mantles and it happens quite often but the game is not a free win. there must always be an obstacle for the player.

  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Quote from: Aiolon on August 06, 2015, 08:30:01 pm

PS. about elemental gear you will see the AI usually wearing Mantles resistant to the elements your units use more often. i don't know if this is how the Random equipment option selects the AI stuff but yeah even i facepalmed whan i had a very powerful Fire sword and 3/5 enemies had Red mantles and it happens quite often but the game is not a free win. there must always be an obstacle for the player.

Unless you used Glains hack for item randomization AND either rearranged all the items in your FFTP to account for how randomization works, or did the same thing with item levels (depending on if you used his hack base on either shop progression or item level) then the AI will always have the highest shop progression items by default when set to random.

Also, don't just so quickly when he says things like Sword Skills being 100% or whatever. You may have a conflicting hack causing something like that. Always take all crits into consideration. He is doing you a service by offering these.
  • Modding version: PSX


no i did not use the hack but its kinda funny how the AI gets into the fight always wearing the accesories to resist my attacks. personaly testing the 100% sword skills and they work just fine to me they miss alot and the rate is usually 40% maybe he was talking about Warriors skillset and yes i did find some funny things i missed there...

oh sorry if i was rude its only i had a really bad day :s so im a bit frustrated but i did take the critics and the moment i read his post i opened my game and my patcher and tested EVERYTHING. he is my only tester so im forever grateful

sorry if i was rude Gate :<
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


You weren't rude, your working on something that's very close to you. (Like an artist, this is your project it's important.)

I'm being critical, and a bit of it is personal preference. (Agrias and company having 100% hit rates, things like that.) I'll let you know more when I get to Chapters 2 and 3.

Though with his JP requirements, I'd make sure Alucard comes into the game before Dortor 1. He'll take a while to learn everything.

I'll probably get through the Thieves Fort today.
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


oh okay but holy sword, mighty sword have always been 100% hit rate i didnt change that in fact you could say i nerfed it because  those skills were free to cast in vanilla but now they require MP.

im setting things for Alucard events and he will join in chapter 2. yes it takes a while for him to learn everything but you shouldnt hurry with him, after all he is a very poerful character.
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


  • Modding version: PSX


I second the cute kitten. I had one issue, (though I believe it to be my fault.) My save kept being overwritten. Now I was still on ePSXe at the time, so that is most likely the issue, but, I'd get to Dortor and it's a foot slog. Then save, and shut down my machine. Next day, the save wa all wonky. Again, probably my emulators fault or user error, but it happened three times. Now I am about to move everything and use a clean location for modding and a seperate folder for playing, with a seperate emulator, so nothing gets jumbled. I'll let you know when I get to Ziekden.

(Also, Aiolon, what is your first Language, because, your TacText is jumbled. I have no problem if it isn't English. Just curious.)
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


August 31, 2015, 10:50:53 pm #59 Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 10:57:55 pm by Aiolon
and then im using "this" to make "that" and "that" is something with a totally diferent story than "this" just not making a public announcement because vacation is over and  free time is gone as well and eventing is not something that can be done in a couple of minutes if you know what i mean.

also after the infernal hours spent into "this" i took a small break of FFT.

Im not gone :P im still here and im still doing what i like but eventing gets tedious and i dont want to randomly pop up and say HEY GUYS IM MAKING A STORY MOD! \ o/ im still learning and i rather have things ready before talking about something that will probably never come and send another spam to the archives.

and my language is spanish and the loooots of typos and nazi grammars are gone! i used some help but im guilty for rushing the tactext just so the patch could be done ASAP, this also fixed the very large texts that made the information pop up look broken or sliced.

EDIT: I can actually say the complete version will be done just not anytime soon because real life... im keeping the mechanics, items and monster intact but it will be a new story that i believe its actually pretty good but need to event it and that will take a long time. AND NO the story its nothing like vanilla but right now i cannot say Coming soon but Coming in a distant future.

  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.