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Souls of Destiny: Full 4 chapter update patch

Started by CONMAN, November 15, 2012, 10:37:44 pm


November 15, 2012, 10:37:44 pm Last Edit: February 09, 2023, 03:47:11 pm by CONMAN Reason: patch update again!

---Next Patch update February 9th 2023---
Fixed an issue with a side quest that messes up the main character if played during chapter 4- This will only be available during chapter 3.  Added an additional side quest to chapter 1 (Daravon/Darlavon).  Made a handful of text edits to a couple items and events.  Made a couple of chapter 1 battles a little easier and one slightly tougher.  Current build is 4.42

--Additional Tiny update: November 27th 2022--
Releasing a 4.41 patch update because the chance to replay the martial arts master was basically zero. (Wish I didn't have to delete each patch. I can only have one uploaded at a time.No message is associated with this attachment.
Update: October 15th 2022 the 4.4 is replacing the 4.2 version release

This is it! A full four chapter story mod!  The story itself is a few events short of vanilla length but features double the side quests. Accessed via bar rumors ala vanilla.

In this alternate universe version of Ivalice, you are one of the souls destined to hold a Zodiac stone.

Battling evil forces across the land, you are a cut above the rest.  It's fair to describe the party, the lead especially, as over-powered.  It is also accurate to describe the opposition as stacked against you.  Meaning more enemies or magically empowered super soldiers.

This mod features many new sprites, imported music and a few new maps as well.  All but a few chapter 4 randoms have been edited.  Cameos from other final fantasies, chrono trigger and marvel pop in for fun.

Additional Patch UPDATE October 15th 2022

The deep dungeon/Cave of Illusions is finished.  Also many event edits and some map changes and several other things I am probably forgetting!

Updated Patch: January 25th 2022

Credits (work in progress)


Sprite ID causes Game Over when crystallized/treasured:CHOTO
Sprite ID cannot be dismissed- CHOTO
Formula 11: Damage = MA * (WP+Y)- GLAIN
Punch Formula becomes (PA + XX)/2 * PA- PRIDE
Multi-Reaction Deluxe- EMMY
easyvent editor/attackout -RAVEN OF RAZGRIZ


I'm sure I have forgotten or messed up a few of these thanks and I will attempt to rectify this as I continue to work on this mod.  Aplogies if I have missed the names of some have helped me out.

I have recieved so much advice and pointers in the decade plus that I have worked on this mod.  While it would be absurd to try and rank all the help that I have recived, at the top must be Xifanie and Elric. Without them I don't know what the hell I would be doing!

While I hate to name people (because I'm definately missing some), I would feel terrible not to give thanks for all the advise, and inspiration I have recieved. Including: Jumza, Nyzer, Choto, Glain, Celdia, RAVEN OF RAZGRIZ, Kokojo, Pride, Angel, Valkirst, Twinees, Lijj, Kagebunji,ArmoredKori, Akashachi, Garmichael, Zozma 

Original Posting:
Firstly, let me say like the rest of you I love Final Fantasy Tactics.  I have played this game on and off since about 1998 and found new ways to enjoy it for many years.  Beaten the game a half dozen time, started an new pay through well over a hundred.  I spent forever playing around with class and skill combinations.  I was lucky enough to have used the work of many to gameshark tinker for years....And then I found this place! :wark:

All that I have tried to say in the previous paragraph is this: I have enjoyed tactics for many years and it has become a long term hobby.  It's one I can imagine enjoying for many more years to come.

Souls of Destiny...

Magic stones, dimensional portals, ... demonic hosts?

Ramza faced many strange things in his battles against the Lucavi, but he never understood them quite like his own brother and sister.  Perhaps he could have?  Imagine if this game had been played from the perspective of Weigraf...  How many people could have potentially been suitable hosts for the various Lucavi?  ...and could different, or perhaps lesser spirits have grabbed hold of other individuals in some shamanic possession through contact with the stones?

My game is like an alternate version of Tactics, in which the Lucavi set out to take the world in a different, more direct manner.  That is to say that the Lucavi/Zodiac Braves are less behind the scenes and are out in full force trying to deceptively sell their cult worship to the public. 

What's more, our hero could very well be one of them.  Not a noble, not a general, not one of the elite, just a man who wants to be left alone when the worst door-to-door evangelist imaginable comes calling.  Leaving behind a simple life, a normal man and his family must face an ancient evil that desires them.

Simply put, our commoner/everyman is a potential lucavi host.  Be hunted or be haunted, embrace power beyond reason or battle it to the end.  When a mysterious prophet desires him for a new disciple, he learns saying no isn't enough. He must leave behind the comfort of his home to face a world that can no longer be ignored.

Battle-wise, I plan to allow the main characters to be badass-ish (Not calc/Cid more like agrias/ninja level).  To balance it out fewer player characters would be allowed on most maps, along with more enemies.  Mechanically, most jobs will stay the same (with some little tweaks).

New Characters

Connor (yes, that's my name...)- (Main)-Sprite-ZOZMA.
Class-Sidhe/Sith: monk/aura style skills. 

Chelsea-sprite- Female Rogue (brown hair)
Class-Ace: similiar to weak assassin/ninja.  High movement and evade, two hands, disabling skills at weapon range (sleep, don't act, don't move)

Jenna-Sprite- 10 year old girl (brown hair)
Class-Indigo: Glass-cannon Mage. high mp/ma. Low hp/pa (duh). Some zero ct spells, and other low ct spells.  Very high mp cost for skills.

LaLa-sprite-H82 with LuLu portrait (finished btw)
Class-Outlaw: Thief/Ranger mash up.  (Crossbow) Steal, couple of musty like skills.
Favorite skill: Repeater: repeated attacks locked onto one panel.  Attacks on regular interval like sped up song/dance.

Class: Paladin: Holy knight plus healing

Esperella?- sprite-.....Esperella.....
Class: Esper: to be determined...

Magnus-(early villain)-sprite-Magneto
Class: Prophet:... to be determined....

Job Changes: (as of now...)
--->many attacks previously without mp cost now have them.  This effectively nerfs sword skills and monk etc. In this way various jobs have "trump cards" and holy explosion etc. can't be spammed.
Archer- same skills, buffed jump and speed. innate poach
Thief- lose steal gil/exp gained poison slash, and precision (pa*(wp+4)) @ 20mp
Samurai- drawout debuffed. (while actual MA multiplier increased) innate 2 hands
Calculator- now archmage... essentially Kletian (ya, I know)
Dancer- now Storm- elemental style sword skills. ma based
Bard- now feral/Blue mage 
No message is associated with this attachment.No message is associated with this attachment.
  • Modding version: PSX


Mm... I like this idea a lot. You're saying that the main character, as a proper host, would have access to the powers of the Lucavi... perhaps he is taken over by one, enjoys the power for a time, but gradually has to battle himself for re-control?

I do like the concept, though.
  • Modding version: PSX


Interesting, but I do suggest changing the title a bit. As of now, based on RPG making experience, I could consider it as a generic name. ;)
Jot5 GFX Designer :: Spriter :: Mitchi


So, we'll all get to experience FFT through Wiegraf's eyes? Neat, I've always felt he deserved a bigger role other than just as one of the Lucavi/Corpse Brigade leader.(He did have a decently large role I'll admit, though not as much as I'd have wanted for him. Maybe I'm just a Wiegraf fan, heh. :3)

Even if we don't get to play as him, this idea still does sound pretty cool, as we'll have the Lucavi hosts as allies, as well as being one, I believe? Awesome~ ^o^


I support this mod idea. Sounds like alot of fun. If you need help, you know where to ask.
  • Modding version: PSX



Yes, I am still working on this project! Yup, this project is life long (hopefully that long won't be necessary :D). 

I have nearly two chapters worth of story evented!  Some events are little more than dialogue changes, but all but about 5 are in the 95% complete stage.

New attack on Beoulve is glitchy
Chapter 1 final scene needs work
Replacement Reed whistle scene needs fix
Ruins of Zaland replacement needs 1 tweak
Araguay Woods-Hulk battle-(Summer event give away :mrgreen:
Final chapter 2 scene needs to be made

I seem to have worked the camera out well on most events, but some seem to jerk me around.  Some dialogue needs to be mildly edited, some mix ups with effect/action orders on an event, and my one scene with my own evtchr needs to be fixed.

The First chapter is a very clear parallel/(alternate history) with Vanilla-Mostly the same battle maps and the same map path.  New characters take the places of our heroes/villains, but the original characters exist as temporarily guest units (Ramza/Zalbag/Weigraf).
I actually love the fuck out of this chapters final battle as the whole chapter builds up the villain.

The second chapter also follows the map path, but occasionally leads to allies instead fighting battles elsewhere.  Agrias is replaced by similar female holy knight who is the main character's sister-in-law.  Gaff is replaced by Simon as the guest for the first half of this chapter, however Gaff does return as a nihilistic hired goon.  Mustadio/goug battles are all flipped on their head.  Draclua battles in his human form....

Finally the third and fourth chapters I should be able to actually implement my toddler understanding of map drawing/ Event conditionals.  These two chapters I imagine as one giant Anarchist/Atheist/Anti-Ajora wet dream of blood shed.   
  • Modding version: PSX


Some crazy shit going on in this events haha, if you need any help or someone to review them, lemme know.
  • Modding version: PSX


:3 so confused as well!

Feel free to use whatever I make CONMAN, have you seen my summon replacements?
  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst


Update on Souls.....

I plan to release a ppf for this patch in the next week or two.  While still in need of some cleaning up and and tweaking a 2 chapter play through is (mostly) ready to go.  While this patch is not quite shooting for the moon or as polished as it could be, it might serve as an enjoyable filler while waiting on bigger games to released. 

Random battles for chapter one have been changed up from vanilla (and will get tweaked up in the future) while those in the second are mostly the same for now.(I figured new story battles are FAR FAR more important!)

The same map path for these two chapters are  the same as vanilla.  The first chapter has many parallels with the original while the second is pretty off the wall.

The four main characters and abilities:
Spin fist
Wind Fist
Spirit fist
Dragon Punch
Chi Burst
God Hand

Leg Aim
Arm Aim
Knock out
Shadow Fist
Flame Burst
Fire Aura

Magic Ball
Force Field
Ice/Fire/Thunder Breath
Dark Flare
Thief skills
Cheer up
Barrage- (persevering attack on one panel w/ chance of don't move)

Core Job changes
Archer -thief speed, jump buff and innate poach
thieves -steal gil becomes precision (extra damage at mp cost) steal exp becomes poison blade
monk -some skill gain mp costs
Samurai- gain innate 2hands, ma multiplier buffed (draw outs inversely nerfed)
Summoner loses Salamander
Mediator- loses guns, gains books, buffed ma, mp multi (intend to become similiarly skilled druid)
Bard- feral monster blue mage skills
Dancer- magic fencer -ma powered elemental sword skills
calc- sort of to be determined- currently Archmage

Monster have been slightly tweaked....
Goblins tougher physical fighters...
Several others have been tweaked such families feature 1 fighter, 1 attack style, and 1 status magic.

Harps/cloths removed. No magic guns, now physical style. Books will gain magic attacks ability.
Removing perfumes/Hair adornments...

Over the next week or two I'll make sure the chapter 2 final battle plays the way I want it to and adjust the order and JP cost of the main characters (I've also used the mains to test out various skills for other characters- because that's easy for my purposes).  Very few other tweaks will be made as I finally got around to use and adjust the Hulk battle Jumza made for me :mrgreen:

....Finished project -NO... Still using the original game intro and some other things still exist that I simply can't do unless I buy Photoshop, but this feels like a pretty solid 2 chapter beta.  (I would put chapter 1 at ~90+% and chapter 2 at 85+% of where I want to be.  This thing simply feels like I finally have enough to actually show this site and people irl what I have sporadically been privately working on :D

I'ld like to thank Xifanie, Elric, and many other great posters on this site for their help and making this fools dreams come true! Standing on shoulders of gaints and all that stuff!

Hope to gift you guys something very soon!!!
  • Modding version: PSX




Can't wait to play it Conman :) It's great that you're keeping up work on your project!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


You rock CONMAN. I really want to see more of this. Also I have a Portable version of Photoshop if you need it?
Everything works the same, just no install.

Quote from: CONMAN on October 14, 2014, 03:18:17 pm
I'ld like to thank Xifanie, Elric, and many other great posters on this site for their help and making this fools dreams come true! Standing on shoulders of gaints and all that stuff!

  • Modding version: PSX


December 02, 2014, 06:27:56 pm #11 Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 06:52:14 pm by Elric
Wow, took me a lot longer to get this here that I thought!

.... I actually just back tracked and rewrote this post due to the file size being too big!

Anyway, 2 chapter BETA to pass a some time!  Hope, it's enjoyable

  • Modding version: PSX


December 02, 2014, 06:53:52 pm #12 Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 08:15:33 pm by Elric
Awesome CONMAN, I'll try this out tomorrow.

I edited your post after i downloaded it, and linked it from the site, it'll be easier for people to download this way.

I'd suggest also uploading it into your OP as well.

Can't wait to test this out! I'm planning to do a LP, I'll link it here when it's finished (it'll be my first, so I'm sorry if it sucks)

Also, since you've now released a demo, I'm going to go ahead and move you to Works in Progress. Well done

  • Modding version: PSX


I really like the patch, although only the beta process, I look forward to the final version. ;)


Okay so I haven't done the LP yet as there are a few concerning bugs that should probably be fixed first.
Raven and I have both played through this, I do really like what you are doing here, so everything I'm going to point out is only to help better the project.

- The sprites got messed up something horrible. I believe this might have been an issue with making the patch itself. I can help you fix this if need be.

- The main characters can crystalize and die without penalty. You can see them in other scenes after this as well, so I'd suggest using Choto's ASM that he made for Jot5 to Game Over if one of the main characters dies.

- Quite a few event issues, mostly concerning camera movements and dialogue boxes as well as scenes ending without fading out (this is another thing I can very easily help you get fixed and will improve your events quality by a lot)

- Need to find someway to make this game not able to use the name Ramza, maybe force a different name? The game talks about Ramza, so it's kinda confusing if you use Ramza as your name.

- I think Raven has some more info as well, but I'll either let him post or I'll speak with him about these.

As I mentioned already, I do like what you are doing here and I can help you straighten this stuff up a bit if you'd like. You know where to find me :P
  • Modding version: PSX


Ya, I need to update the opening post... been lazy about it (and yet i spent like 5 hours trying to sprite yesterday...)  I'll probably do this on sunday.

QuoteThe sprites got messed up something horrible. I believe this might have been an issue with making the patch itself. I can help you fix this if need be

Perhaps I screwed up creating the patch.... I might not have expanded the original bin correctly.  I need to use the formation sprite hack to redirect a couple of sprites.. I might have a couple screw up on sprites in the endt...

Quote- The main characters can crystalize and die without penalty. You can see them in other scenes after this as well, so I'd suggest using Choto's ASM that he made for Jot5 to Game Over if one of the main characters dies.

I had this on my to do list but got a little confused on it's implementation.... unfortunately, I think you can only apply that to three (the main character would count for 3 w/ the chapter changes- so total of 5?) total characters correct?

- Quite a few event issues, mostly concerning camera movements and dialogue boxes as well as scenes ending without fading out (this is another thing I can very easily help you get fixed and will improve your events quality by a lot)

- Need to find someway to make this game not able to use the name Ramza, maybe force a different name? The game talks about Ramza, so it's kinda confusing if you use Ramza as your name.

Some cameras i think I let go because it was "close enough for now" when so many other things needed to be worked on... I partially blame this on the way I created events (usually three to four at a time, and then went back to check for mistakes). I don't think I even thought about the fade out... but yes dialogue boxes are off- a habit of re-using the same variables or not changing them from the original.

The Ramza name is issue is crappy.  If he wasn't going to be in the game then I wouldn't care, but he is fun to keep around.

There are a couple of image file types i can't edit without the right software (hence the intro is the same) and I should get around to creating a new title screen... The first couple things someone sees in a hack can definitely set the tone... 

Curious how far you got (it's not a very hard game)?  I really wanted to build up the chapter one boss as a badass and I hope he sort of delivered...
  • Modding version: PSX


December 19, 2014, 06:37:52 pm #16 Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 06:52:44 pm by Elric
Quote from: CONMAN on December 19, 2014, 02:02:07 pm
Ya, I need to update the opening post... been lazy about it (and yet i spent like 5 hours trying to sprite yesterday...)  I'll probably do this on sunday.

Lemme know if you need any help.

Perhaps I screwed up creating the patch.... I might not have expanded the original bin correctly.  I need to use the formation sprite hack to redirect a couple of sprites.. I might have a couple screw up on sprites in the endt...

You never wanna expand the original bin via Shishi, Xif made a tutorial on how to make a PPF and its pretty spot on. I'll post it if you need it.

I had this on my to do list but got a little confused on it's implementation.... unfortunately, I think you can only apply that to three (the main character would count for 3 w/ the chapter changes- so total of 5?) total characters correct?

Nah, Choto extended it since there will be more than 5 chars that need it for Jot5

Some cameras i think I let go because it was "close enough for now" when so many other things needed to be worked on... I partially blame this on the way I created events (usually three to four at a time, and then went back to check for mistakes). I don't think I even thought about the fade out... but yes dialogue boxes are off- a habit of re-using the same variables or not changing them from the original.

Refering more to your camera at the beginning of the second scene, its jumpin all around
Dialogue has nothing to do with variables, only the length that you personally make each line

The Ramza name is issue is crappy.  If he wasn't going to be in the game then I wouldn't care, but he is fun to keep around.

So just change his {Ramza} name in Tactext. Easy to fix

There are a couple of image file types i can't edit without the right software (hence the intro is the same) and I should get around to creating a new title screen... The first couple things someone sees in a hack can definitely set the tone... 

The intro can be entirely edited in Graphics Gale :P

Curious how far you got (it's not a very hard game)?  I really wanted to build up the chapter one boss as a badass and I hope he sort of delivered...

I got 4-5 battles in, but i think Raven ended up beating it, I'll ask what he thought of the boss
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on December 19, 2014, 06:37:52 pm
I got 4-5 battles in, but i think Raven ended up beating it, I'll ask what he thought of the boss

I've gone all the way through if you want any opinions on anything. I did send you that PM but that was basically just about the one battle :P
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


December 20, 2014, 02:50:03 am #18 Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 02:57:08 am by RavenOfRazgriz
Okay, I played up through Sand Rat Cellar completely blind.  Haven't even read the OP, so I don't know what's actually in the Changelog or planned in future revisions.  I went in with no expectations or impressions besides "CONMAN made a story patch, tell me if you think it's good" from Elric.  Below is feedback / bugs / etc. found based on that.

* Steal Heart's text or effect is wrong.  The text says it adds Charm, yet every time I tried using it, the displayed status was Death Sentence and none of the times it actually landed a status so I don't know what it's actually meant to do.

* Characters don't save between the Intro at Thieves' Fort and Magic City Gariland and it's very disorienting, because there is no reason for them not to save between battles.

* You get no revival options in the first two battles, as well as no healing options whatsoever besides Wish, and in the second battle your characters are capable of Crystalization. 

* Your main non-hero characters can Crystalize without a Game Over and the game continues as normal.  I tested this by having Chelsea Crystalize in the second fight and was able to complete up to Sand Rat Cellar without any issues or the game caring in any way despite one of my main characters literally being dead.

* La La does not join immediately after helping you so she resets before joining your party.

* After La La joins, your Inventory is completely reset.

* La La joins at a far higher level than the rest of your party.  I believe either Level 7 or Level 8 while the rest of your party is still floating at Level 2.  It might be a bit lower than this because I didn't think to check her level until Sand Rat Cellar but by that point she was Level 10 while the rest of my Party was Level 2 and Level 3 so she had to join at least at Level 5.

* Enemies starting after La La joins seem to be far higher level than your other playable characters.  I'm guessing battles are Party Level based on this.

* Mandalia Plains restricts you to 3 Units despite you having 4 Units and there being no Sprite Limit issues. 

* Mandalia Plains has enemies up through Level 7 including a Squire with a Battle Axe that can oneshot anyone in your party.

* Other enemies tend to grossly overlevel the party.

* Zalbag uses your main character's formation sprite.

* Zalbag sucks.  Really he's completely fucking worthless.  The only useful thing he did for me was act as a high MP target for Jenna's Osmose skill.

* Zalbag's AI in the Sweegy Woods battle makes him twice as shit as he is in other battles because he hides behind your party unless the enemy moves in close.

* Sweegy Woods only allows you to deploy 3 characters despite there being no Sprite Limit issues.

* Enemies in Sweegy Woods on average are over 3x the level of your party unless you're grinding.  My units that weren't La La averaged Level 2 and the enemies averaged Level 7 on top of outnumbering you heavily despite you likely having no ability pool yet.

* Dorter Slums finally allows you to deploy all your units, too bad one of mine was dead forever.

* Units in Dorter Slums outlevel you by even more than Sweegy Woods unless you've been grinding.

* Monk can oneshot any unit in your party that's not Zalbag unless Compatibility saves you.

* Units in Sand Rat Cellar begin breaking Level 10 despite all my units that aren't La La being Level 2 or 3.  Zalbag doesn't count because he's literally more worthless than Algus because he doesn't start on the side that allows his corpse to be used to block the door.

* Enemies include a Level 11 or 12 Samurai that can twoshot your entire party including Zalbag simultaneously via Draw Out.

* Monk present still oneshots entire party that's not Zalbag, La La included.  Zalbag is still worthless despite this so him not being oneshot honestly does more harm than good.

That's where I stopped playing for now.

Other notes:

* Sprites are borked, but you know this already.

* Event Text is often broken or badly formatted.  Too many instances to document them all individually.

* Story seems rather confusing to follow.

* Story is twice as confusing to follow if you don't edit your name because you seem to have Ramza as an existent, separate character.  The default name should be changed if this is so.  This can be done via FFTacText.

* This happened during one of the scenes with Alma, forget which: http://gyazo.com/54d4a0cd974f543e457bf20dec796f74

* Unique units don't feel very unique so far since the ones I've encountered so far merely utilize generic class abilities with higher stats and innates with only one or two unique abilities.  Having a lot of abilities on a Job isn't very important.  A character like Mustadio who has 3 unique and character-defining moves is much better than a character like War of the Lion's Balthier which has 12 moves simply taken from everyone else.

* The general idea of the patch seems to be that your starting units are far more powerful than the enemy generics so you fight a larger number of higher level generics.  At this early point in the game there are two problems with this formula:
** 1. This highly disincentives me as a player from changing Jobs to get new skills.  Journey of the Five has this problem to a lesser degree, but this patch seems heavily based on the "Squire" Jobs being heavily bad-ass so its far more prevalent here.
** 2. At this early point in the game, Level is easily one of the most determining factors in how strong a character is so, at least in my playthrough so far, most enemy units are as strong or stronger than my units by virtue of raw numbers.  If I were an average player I would have been forced to either grind levels and hope levels don't scale or stop playing.

* Despite all of the above, I was able to trivialize every fight except Sand Rat's Cellar despite the difficulty brick wall that seemed to get added to them via Jenna's Magic Ball and La La's Barrage.  However, this required a lot of mechanical manipulation that novice or intermediate players would not have considered, such as abusing Zalbag as an Osmose target to keep Jenna's MP full.

* Osmose does not seem to target the player like a normal spell with a CT, but targets the panel instead.  Not sure if this is intentional given this isn't how Vanilla spells function and everything else still seems to be pretty much set up like Vanilla.


QuoteYou never wanna expand the original bin via Shishi, Xif made a tutorial on how to make a PPF and its pretty spot on. I'll post it if you need it.

I didn't expand via shishi.  I tried follow the video- but using windhex I expanded the .bin rather than adding 00's to the end of the file (i didn't see the option Xif used) I am hoping that this is the source of the sprite issues, if not some more....

QuoteNah, Choto extended it since there will be more than 5 chars that need it for Jot5

fuck ya! I'll try to get this working!

QuoteRefering more to your camera at the beginning of the second scene, its jumpin all around
Dialogue has nothing to do with variables, only the length that you personally make each line

:oops: In deed too much jumping... Dialogue length is squirrely -I meant that I had a habit of reusing the same variable for the type of dialogue box- I usually would just use 10? which should be above the character, but end up on top of them (which might be fine if I had the camera set better.)
QuoteSo just change his {Ramza} name in Tactext. Easy to fix

I'll take a look- I didn't think that was so simple. I changed it in several places, but I don't think the quick edit option in tactext hits them all.  Is it possible to change the default name in the name-selection screen at the begging of the game?- is that what you are saying?

QuoteThe intro can be entirely edited in Graphics Gale

I guess I can change the openbk images (PNG) , but opentex is a gif.  My Graphics Gale won't allow me to edit those...

QuoteSteal Heart's text or effect is wrong.  The text says it adds Charm, yet every time I tried using it, the displayed status was Death Sentence and none of the times it actually landed a status so I don't know what it's actually meant to do.

I just checked this and apparently I had another ability that I changed which shared the same inflict-status variable... should have been charm.

QuoteCharacters don't save between the Intro at Thieves' Fort and Magic City Gariland and it's very disorienting, because there is no reason for them not to save between battles.

I should add this.  I don't think there is one in the original between Orbone/ first real battle- I really didn't think about it.

QuoteYou get no revival options in the first two battles, as well as no healing options whatsoever besides Wish, and in the second battle your characters are capable of Crystalization. 

Perhaps I should add something in- That has indeed screwed me

Quote* Your main non-hero characters can Crystalize without a Game Over and the game continues as normal.  I tested this by having Chelsea Crystalize in the second fight and was able to complete up to Sand Rat Cellar without any issues or the game caring in any way despite one of my main characters literally being dead.

will change via hack

Quote* La La does not join immediately after helping you so she resets before joining your party.

* After La La joins, your Inventory is completely reset.

I think I initially had her join after the battle and then in her home accidently (double units).  I went with the second option- I should change it back. I have no idea about the inventory thing..

Quote* La La joins at a far higher level than the rest of your party.  I believe either Level 7 or Level 8 while the rest of your party is still floating at Level 2.  It might be a bit lower than this because I didn't think to check her level until Sand Rat Cellar but by that point she was Level 10 while the rest of my Party was Level 2 and Level 3 so she had to join at least at Level 5.

* Enemies starting after La La joins seem to be far higher level than your other playable characters.  I'm guessing battles are Party Level based on this.

I did this initially because LaLa kept getting wiped out in this battle (I initially wanted it to be a "Save LaLa battle" I should lower her level and make her immortal to prevent this leveling wonkiness.  That should adjust the enemy levels to a reasonable amount.

QuoteMandalia Plains restricts you to 3 Units despite you having 4 Units and there being no Sprite Limit issues.

Initially I meant to do this to create a degree of balance by having an over-powered team- I should change it back via attackout.  This is how many of the first battles are changed...

QuoteMandalia Plains has enemies up through Level 7 including a Squire with a Battle Axe that can oneshot anyone in your party.

I should adjust the level these axes are available- I removed variable damage. Those levels will be lower with the lala fix.

Quote* Zalbag uses your main character's formation sprite.

* Zalbag sucks.  Really he's completely fucking worthless.  The only useful thing he did for me was act as a high MP target for Jenna's Osmose skill.

* Zalbag's AI in the Sweegy Woods battle makes him twice as shit as he is in other battles because he hides behind your party unless the enemy moves in close.

I need to edit the uwentries.  I figure I should just add control onto his battles so he actually is worthwhile.  He is worthless with the ai.  With control he should actually be helpful.

QuoteMonk can oneshot any unit in your party that's not Zalbag unless Compatibility saves you.
Enemies include a Level 11 or 12 Samurai that can twoshot your entire party including Zalbag simultaneously via Draw Ou

LaLa fix should adjust this otherwise I'll look at the entd.  But, the monk/Samurai are meant to be a little beastly...They have the same name.  It is a reoccurring hint that pops up later.

QuoteThis happened during one of the scenes with Alma, forget which

I have tried to figure this one out over and over... I might post the script later in the event forum.  Nothing in her actual text or the dialogue spot seems off to me....

QuoteUnique units don't feel very unique so far since the ones I've encountered so far merely utilize generic class abilities with higher stats and innates with only one or two unique abilities.  Having a lot of abilities on a Job isn't very important.  A character like Mustadio who has 3 unique and character-defining moves is much better than a character like War of the Lion's Balthier which has 12 moves simply taken from everyone else.

I see what you are saying with this.  LaLa is the worst offender. She really shouldn't have thief skills.  She needs one or two more unique abilities to go with barrage (which is powerful, but I assume it tapers off with levels).  Chelsea should probably have the aim abilities removed (they seemed to fit character style pretty well, but I am adding mustadio so....).  That leaves her with 6.  Jenna should lose those breath attacks and get something else... I don't mind her having ultima if it only pops up on one to two enemy units the rest of the game.  I think the main dude has 6 unique plus dash and spin fist.  Spin fist ought to come off but I feel dash isn't hurting anything on a brawler type.

Quote* The general idea of the patch seems to be that your starting units are far more powerful than the enemy generics so you fight a larger number of higher level generics.  At this early point in the game there are two problems with this formula:
** 1. This highly disincentives me as a player from changing Jobs to get new skills.  Journey of the Five has this problem to a lesser degree, but this patch seems heavily based on the "Squire" Jobs being heavily bad-ass so its far more prevalent here.
** 2. At this early point in the game, Level is easily one of the most determining factors in how strong a character is so, at least in my playthrough so far, most enemy units are as strong or stronger than my units by virtue of raw numbers.  If I were an average player I would have been forced to either grind levels and hope levels don't scale or stop playing.

* Despite all of the above, I was able to trivialize every fight except Sand Rat's Cellar despite the difficulty brick wall that seemed to get added to them via Jenna's Magic Ball and La La's Barrage.  However, this required a lot of mechanical manipulation that novice or intermediate players would not have considered, such as abusing Zalbag as an Osmose target to keep Jenna's MP full.

* Osmose does not seem to target the player like a normal spell with a CT, but targets the panel instead.  Not sure if this is intentional given this isn't how Vanilla spells function and everything else still seems to be pretty much set up like Vanilla.

The first chapter is awkward without a healer type...  Stripping down some of their abilities should hopefully make job branching out  more of an incentive- The main should really become a monk (I think I'll put that is the character quote), LaLa should head toward archer/thief, Jenna should need to go magical, Chelsea should need to go knight(2swords)/ninja. 

I'll need to adjust the battle difficulty (levels should get largely fixed via LaLa- many battles are player level plus 1/2).  It was meant to begin on an easier path and crank up as it goes.  I didn't realize I had osmose set up that way- definately change that.
  • Modding version: PSX