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RP Request Thread

Started by formerdeathcorps, July 07, 2011, 10:15:13 pm


There's two purposes for this thread.

1) RPers who have an idea for an RP can post ideas here to gauge interest and pick up potential members of the RP.
2) RPers looking for a RP that fits their interests can find one to join.

Do not use this thread for any other purpose.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


I was thinking about starting an RP, a Futuristic RP likely in a Ghost in The Shell like setting.

Just to gauge interest, who would think about, or play something like that?


Will it all be technology or are we going to see magic like FFVII?
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


No magic, all technology


i am thinking of starting an rp... but i'd need at least 8 players for it.
the characters would be pre-made and the rpers would assume the role of one of those.
would anyone be interested in something like this?


What kind of Role Play is it?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


it would hold closely to fft lore and tropes.
possibly it would pertain to some sort of political play of power.


are you making a patch that features FFH characters?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


no sir.
I am thinking of starting an rp with all new characters. . . .



I'm the member of a more niche rp forum, which I'll avoid linking to in case that may violate site rules. The premise of the forum though, is to have "Duel Rp's" in which 2 members create a character and then go against each other, taking turns to post. The traditional setup is 1 intro post, 2-3 battle posts. After that is done 3 other members come in and act as judges, giving feedback and selecting a winner. Their decision is based off of quality of writing and creativity. Things are more organized than that, but those are the basics and I'd rather not get to into detail on something that may not garner interest anyway.

I think it would be cool to take this format and apply it to the FFT universe, so that the characters that are made had the skill sets of the various jobs from the game. In other words one person would make Bob the Monk and another could make Bill the Knight, and the two of them would take turns roleplaying the ensuing fight between Bob and Bill and then judges would come in and decide a winner.

Would anybody be interested in something like that?

I know this may not be the best explanation, if I could get permission to link to an example duel I think that would do a better job of explaining what I'm talking about.


you can link sites and examples.
I would love to see one


Ok then here is the main site, with this long ass post explaining its rules, but I don't think knowing everything is necessary for our purposes here.

In terms of quality I think that this may be one of the better duels done. It is rather long though, so for a quicker read I'd recommend something shorter. This is a speed duel, but it does show off what I have in mind pretty well I think. Make sure to click the character names at the top of the first post to get an idea of the characters being used, but it is not terribly important to do so. If you'd rather peruse the archive of finished duels yourself, this is where they're kept at.

One final link, here is the thread that holds all the characters that have been made. The characters in the NDL tend to be a little over the top and come from wildly different universes, I think a more grounded approach would be better used here. The FFT universe offers plenty of options for variety without letting things get ridiculous, but that is really up to the members here. No sense imposing restrictions nobody wants.

So that's all I can think of, I can answer questions about how things work if I've done a poor job of explaining so far.


Neo-Duelist League, eh? Sounds interesting. Perhaps, someday, I may consider entering this contest, though I'd have to think about what character I would use first. For now, I shall bookmark the site for future consideration.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


rather than cookie cutter, possibly each player would have to pick a side to campaign for/against . . .


now all i need to do is come up with a game . . .


If we are going to do a RP duel, let's get some things straight.

First off, I believe the duels should be a team vs team effort. FFT was not made for one on one duels, because of the way the classes are made. If I came in with a lancer with reflect mail, right off the bat, I just completely and utterly countered the entire mage tree, save for summoners and mediators. FFT is a team based game. If we want variety in our duels, we'll do this.

Secondly, Math Skill is banned in it's current state. It could be retooled, but until that happens, it's banned. Blade Grasp is also banned.


You make some good points Dokurider. From personal experience team duels never work out well, it is hard enough enough to get two committed people, finding 4 is fairly unlikely. Unless some sort of time limit was enforced the duel would likely die somewhere in the 1st or 2nd round of posts. However we could have each player control a 4 man team, though that makes things more complicated and it becomes a little more intimidating for those who are not as skilled at writing to join in.

As for things like Reflect and Math Skill, we would want to avoid letting game mechanics influence the rp's. So concepts like Knights naturally having higher HP should definitely be avoided and a more rp oriented view should be held up by participants. In the NDL judges traditionally mark duelists down if they portray their character as overpowered, and I see no reason why things would be different here. In other words ban things that only work in a pure mechanics standpoint and encourage players to focus instead on their ability to describe/write out the fight.


Quote from: iamBQB on May 22, 2012, 07:30:52 pm
You make some good points Dokurider. From personal experience team duels never work out well, it is hard enough enough to get two committed people, finding 4 is fairly unlikely. Unless some sort of time limit was enforced the duel would likely die somewhere in the 1st or 2nd round of posts. However we could have each player control a 4 man team, though that makes things more complicated and it becomes a little more intimidating for those who are not as skilled at writing to join in.

I meant one player controls a 5 man team.