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CCP 2nd - Beta Version Available for download!

Started by Celdia, December 25, 2012, 07:08:20 am

dis astranagant

Mostly that the class seems to be built around switching back and forth between the mostly situational skills and can't really afford to.  Quite a lot of the other classes can pick up the bulk of their actives by level 6 and while Sorcerer may have a lot of skills, many of them are redundant.  There's also a distinct lack of gained jp up, so leveling a class clear to 8 takes forever.


Mechanically speaking, there is no reason to ever level a job past JL4 intentionally. Nothing unlocks at job levels higher than that. Obviously if you want more JP for skills you may get up there eventually, but actually being JL5 or higher has no effect on the game whatsoever.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

December 27, 2012, 01:12:55 am #22 Last Edit: December 27, 2012, 01:56:16 am by dis astranagant
Just noticed that Pearly Wights don't absorb FADE.

e: And immunity doesn't work.  Just tagged my immune dude with blind trying to blind the skeleton next to him.  Looks like it works on preexisting conditions but is not an effective preventive treatment.

Throw Silverware probably isn't the name you wanted on the yell at people to dispel their bullshit skill but maybe that's just me.  E: oh, the names of Rebuke and Throw Silverware are switched.

Checking the descriptions of the bottom 4 Butler skills doesn't work and breaks all strings until I get to the world map.


The Immunity problem was enough to warrant an update. Fixed the reported text errors and also removed the hack that was disabling the Fitting Room so that should be working now as well. I'll have to look into a hack that might be affecting the Pearly Wight's not absorbing Holy spells. I think I know what's causing it but I need to talk to the person that made the hack for me to be certain and get it fixed. Grab the up-to-date version in the first post.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

I am liking that you can tell people are immune at a glance now.  Weapons no longer being crazy weak is pretty nice as well.  I've been using spears a lot when I can, even if I keep forgetting that the javelin is not an ordinary spear.  In the morning I'm going to have to see how Ramza cosplaying as a Belmont with my ill-gotten axe and magic blade works out.  I'm just kinda spinning my wheels at the end of chapter 2 unlocking all the classes to see what's up with them at this point.


Orbonne: I kind of wish that every mod of FFT just made this battle against 1 naked Squire because nothing carries over from this battle. That's just me though so moving on.

Gariland: I had some pretty bad luck where Ramza started with nothing learned and I keep whiffing 5% miss rates on the enemy. I actually had one of my units crystallize in this battle. I don't think even FFT 1.3 did that to me.

Charge seems SUPER powerful on this mission which kind of makes Delita and Ramza look like chumps.

Mandalia Plains: I actually lost by Ramza crystallization on this map. Ow.

"Random" weapons are kind of annoying early game because Phoenix Downs now cost 4000 (!). One shotting units seem rather common with Charge now that it's so cheap that most units get Charge +3/4 autolearnt and combined with the lack of revival, makes the early game kind of swingy.


Just played up through Gariland, so a few comments.

  • I really like Agrias's new coat. Not really a comment on the patch proper, but it's nice. Seal Evil being on her skill list was cool, too. Is there a reason her damage is meh and Gafgarion's is out of this world? He does absolutely ridiculous damage.

  • The animation for gun use appears to be broken, at least with the bandit in the Orbonne battle; he fired and his sprite glitched out.

  • I took one look at the Chef skills Agrias starts with and instantly decided to never use the class, because the error message when you try to use them greyed out makes it sound like it kills monsters in your roster with each use. This isn't the case, right? Otherwise the class would be kinda bad.

  • I'm really liking the new start with br/fa 65 generics, that removes the randomness factor. I still argue that Charge is a completely worthless skillset and could easily be condensed into two, maybe three skills (Quick charge, Mid charge, and Strong charge maybe?) without losing anything, allowing the warrior some of the flexibility from squire back.

  • Weapons do a whole LOT more damage! I really like it, it cures the problem a lot of FFT hacks have of slow, slow battles. I had to phoenix down several times in Gariland, and as someone else said, Ramza and Delita even feel a little weak compared to the generics when they don't have their skills yet, which is cool; I can see putting them in more of a supporting role, with the skills you've given them.

  • Phoenix downs are crazy expensive, which I get is an intentional design decision, and I understand the logic completely (chemists are OP, even in 1.3). However, there's no real other way to access revival super early (like mandalia/sweegy early) and with enemies doing so much damage, that can be dangerous. I'll look around the other classes as I play for revival alternatives, because phoenix downs are really not sustainable at all this early.

More later as I play more. My biggest gripe right now is that you redid a lot of bothersome things with this patch, chief among them that PA classes were less useful than MA ones, but you didn't change the Warrior's terrible skillset, which is 80-90% useless once you have charge+2, charge+6, and charge+20. Other than that, you seem to have done a great job with the new stuff! Not having to deal with a butler this early is really nice.

dis astranagant

Chef replaces lapidiary, burning items to do stuff.  Expensive as all hell if you try to rely on the skillset (their first damaging effect costs something like 1500 a shot)


Charge is far from worthless, it's essentially 0-Area Swordskills on your Generics.  You also cannot put Charge and non-Charge skills into the same skillset.  Charge skills have a custom formula, hardcoding, and their own Action Menu format that will cause silly bugs and just plain not work if you try to mix and match.


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on December 27, 2012, 07:07:43 pm
Charge is far from worthless, it's essentially 0-Area Swordskills on your Generics.

0-Area Swordskills, really?

Swordskills add range to a rangeless weapon (Charge only have range if you use them with certain weapons) and has status effects... Charge doesn't.


Red Goblin spells are all free and insta-cast apparently which is probably my main source of resurrection now considering it's kind of lacking in most early jobs.

I would probably make my army out of Red Goblins now if it wasn't for the JP system in FFT. Man this game really doesn't support monster gameplay.

Also, what's up with Evasion? The numbers don't seem to add up from the back/sides. Is this a mod change?


If you mean human evasion, Weapon Guard is innate to all units. If you mean monster evasion, their C.EV. should apply to all sides. If you're getting odd numbers beyond that then something probably broke. >_>
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

December 28, 2012, 06:53:41 am #32 Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 08:30:41 am by dis astranagant
Bulls all seem to have innate blade grasp or something going on.  They have way more than just C-EV and evade even with concentrate on.

E: Add fire elementals not absorbing turtle soup to the element oddities.  Oh, and either my thunderbuss isn't lightning elemental or something's wrong with the squid dudes.

Something strange is going on with stat changing skill and it's making stats reset to normal randomly.


Minotaur units do get a modified Blade Grasp reaction. Bring magic or a Butler to deal with them.

I checked all the elemental flags and they're all set correctly so I'm not entirely sure why those aren't working right.

The stat abilities technically work fine but I'm told there's an error in a hack I use [the one the pretty much controls all the really big changes to the patch] that causes a unit's stats to reset when it levels up - presumably to what they would be without the boost skills but after a level up. I'd try to get that fixed but the person that developed the hack isn't around anymore. >_>
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


December 28, 2012, 04:27:52 pm #34 Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 08:13:51 pm by Celdia
New fix up. Elemental absorb is working now and Musty's skills should properly persist.

Edit: Also looks like I broke Blink when I unbroke something else. That should be working properly now.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

December 28, 2012, 07:57:19 pm #35 Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 11:40:25 pm by dis astranagant
Looks like tactician is more or less a requirement for everyone since that's where move+2 is hiding.

E:  The death sentence requirement on spike pit trap might just make it better than ever for lucavi hunting.  The AI tends to ignore units with that status and now they can kick back and spam every turn til they die instead of taking a turn to set up.

Butler and homemaker list the prereqs for mime rather than their own. 

The Damned

(Celdia, you might want to label what version of the Beta you have up given how many times you've updated it.)

That said, I think I'll try to give this a whirl since I'm recording as it is, it's "only" up to the end of Chapter 2 and you're one of the few people who can get their shit together, consistently even, to make patches as it is.

Not that I promise to record all or even any of it, actually. I'm just saying that I might as well try now that I know that I can use the emulator again.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Another random fix. Musty wasn't fixed because I'm a derp and for some reason Agrias' HP Multiplier was set to 3. When unequipped this left her with 1 HP in Holy Knight. Also her base job was set to Dragoon. That wasn't intentional. Sadly this doesn't fix any of the other currently reported issues.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Celdia about game difficulty is this much harder than the original game.. can you rate it?

the class job were completely re-worked. i still miss  the ninja class but the dragoon class still there..
i like to see some assassin class..

now for monster class tortoise were added, do you plan to add additional monster class namely tomberry,cactuar,flan and others. it's more fun to play fighting new monster..

do you plan to add extra characters...

for future reference do you plan apply it in FFTWOTL..

tnx.. nice work


Rate the difficulty? I'm not sure how you would have me rate it really. Some people find it to be harder than Vanilla, other people less so. I'd rate it a cheeseburger out of 10 harder.

Don't get Dragoon confused with vanilla's Lancer. Just because they can both jump doesn't make them the same class. My Dragoon can do a bit more than just jump. The chances of a playable assassin class are roughly 0%, but I'd allow for a 10% margin of error there.

Tonberry, cactaur and flan are not planned for entry into this patch at this current time. Of those three the only one I would even consider using is the flan and I really don't have a spot for it. As for new monsters, while the other monsters may be familiar looking, they won't function quite the same as you're used to from the original game. Hopefully that will add enough variety without actually needing to change the pictures you look at on the screen to make it feel like you're fighting something new.

The only 'extra' character that will appear is Cyan. He was in CCP1 and will return for CCP2. He replaced Cloud because Cloud is completely worthless.

No, no version of CCP released by me will ever be compatible with FFT:WotL. Even if someone were to break down WotL enough to make that a possibility, there is no way I'm ever going to bother with it.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0