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Started by FFMaster, September 03, 2010, 10:46:16 pm



- Darkness now reduces accuracy by 50%
- Move +1 is on Thief for 600JP

- Move-MP Up now 500 JP
- Yell gains a 5 MP cost.
- Cure Y buffed to 16(from 14)
- Cure 2 Y buffed to 22(from 20)
- Level 1 Black Magic Y buffed to 16(from 14)
- Level 2 Black Magic Y buffed to 20(from 18)
- Level 4 Black Magic JP cost decreased to 400(from 550)
- Level 4 Black Magic MP cost decreased to 45(from 48)
- Flare JP cost decreased to 450(from 650)
- Flare MP cost decreased to 45(from 60)
- Haste/Slow MP cost increased to 12(from 8)
- Haste 2/Slow 2 MP cost decreased to 22(from 30)
- Reflect reworked to cancel charging and deal damage
- Time Mage gains Meteor
- Summoner gains Cyclops (damage + petrify)
- Carbunkle now adds Transparent
- Threaten Y nerfed to 35(from 40)
- Mimic Daravon Y nerfed to 30(from 35)
- Paralyze MP cost increased to 20(from 10)
- Paralyze X nerfed to 160(from 175)
- Sleep X nerfed to 145(from 160)
- Lore reverted back to old form (halved damage, halved MP cost, Persevere)
- Mad Science now adds Float, Reraise, Regen(All or nothing)
- Bio Y buffed to 16(from 13)
- Bio 2 Y buffed to 20(from 16)
- Bio 3 Y buffed to 24(from 21)
- Tornado/Quake Y nerfed to 20(from 23)

- Murasame loses Water element(didn't work)
- Excaliber and Chaos Blade added
- Ribbons added and can be equipped by any unit
- Mantles reworked
- All Robes gained 20 HP

If anything should be added/changed/removed, tell me here.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Skip Sandwich

everything proposed looks pretty good, except for one thing. Your proposed meteor spell sort of obviates bahamut, in that they deal the same damage with the same mp cost, but meteor has a larger AoE and a faster CT. Here is what I propose

Bahamut- the standard, faith-based non-elemental damage in a large AoE, unevadable, unreflectable

Ultima - faith-ignoring damage in a small AoE, unevadable, reflectable

Comet (formerly Meteor) - faith-ignoring damage to 6 random panels in a large AoE, evadable, unreflectable

alright, so now bahamut cannot be evaded or reflected, but can be resisted by low faith

Ultima ignores faith and cannot be evaded, but can be reflected

Comet ignores faith and cannot be reflected, but can be evaded

I think this is a fairly good set of niches for these three spells
"Dave?  Are you there?"
"Yeah.  I can't get you through the cell now."
"You have to talk through the bratwurst from now on. I'm sorry. I didn't know it would do that."


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


2 new Supports

Support 1 - Increases all damage/healing done by the unit by 20%
Support 2 - Decreases all damage/healing done to the unit by 20%

I need names for these and ideas on where to put it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Support 1 to geomancer, Support 2 to Samurai.


The Damned

Eh, the names seem largely dependent on what class they would end up under.

(I disagree that Support 1 should go to Geomancer. Geomancer already has [more than] enough. IMO, they should both go to Mediator. Or at least Support 2 should.)

Anyway, since you're (rightly) increasing the MP on Slow and Haste, IMO it's about time that Yell either gets an MP cost or can no longer follow its target. It probably needs both restrictions considering how frequently 100% free Haste is just begging to spammed and is. (It could also stand to not target its user too.)

I mean, at the moment (even though I pretty much never use Haste anyway), there's very little reason to use Haste over Yell given how wonky the AI's starting movements are. Haste almost never hits more than two people, so having two people with Yell basically obviates it anyway.

As for the other changes, I'm currently fine with them, though I'll give them more thought. I must admit that Cyclops has me weary despite my having done the same thing. The difference was that my Cyclops is single-target, while yours is still going to be multi-target, correct?
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


September 05, 2010, 02:58:19 am #6 Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 03:08:36 am by Shade
Geomancer attack up sucks on the geomancer, it doesn't give more power to it's elemental by my knowledge. Also I would like to know support 1 affect elemental how(like if pa and ma get both 20% boost, or just ma).

Yell is pretty badass skill. combined with speed save it's a beast. I mean when it get to 14 speed, it's like it had 21 speed, because of haste making half faster.

This combination is best on archers with long bows.

Lol cyclops is very deadly if it get''s this change, you know the reason why odin with instant death AOE wasn't liked, cyclops has good damage(maybe) and 25% status that can one shot them without immunity againts petrify. and AI loves damage so it will spam this more then odin(maybe).

Chaos blade looks devastating since we have people using berserk status and we have heal for stop. Without attack up this thing is really good anyway. So they might like give defense up, what would make them really hard kill.

Robes still don't really seem to fair with other stuff.

Excalibur is awsome btw. It can give knights 19 PA and you combine this with attack up or concentrate. Old record was 18 PA.



Holy fuck at Excalibur. Nonononono. Unless you removed the Holy elemental, then we're cool.


I would not like that you removed holy elemental(best thing about excalibur) remove strengthen or something if you want.



Forgot to list the Yell change
-Yell gains a 5 MP cost
Updated the first post with this change.

We also still need a fix for Murasame(weapon). Right now, it heals for maybe 60 HP on hit... which is quite terrible.

As for supports, I like the idea of Support 1 on Geomancer and Support 2 on Mediator. We can always move Attack UP to a different class. Also, what do you guys think of Support 2 being called "Unyielding"? =p
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


