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Survive! A Simple Zombie RPG.

Started by Rufio, September 25, 2014, 12:44:51 pm


September 28, 2014, 09:20:13 am #40 Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 09:43:56 am by Jumza
Jordan shivers at Father Superbia's words; "My children... Either these fiends can fly... or the beast that did this is still among the shadows, waiting to strike!", what a terrible but unfortunately entirely possible thought. Father Superbia politely asks Jordan for help in examining a corpse, and though his weak stomach protested, it was probably a good idea. Jordan stood next to the priest some distance away from a corpse that was slightly removed from the pile, he could feel the bile rising in his throat as he examined the body.

>Help Father Superbia examine the nearby corpse for cause of death.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


September 28, 2014, 11:51:39 am #41 Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 08:17:30 pm by Ryqoshay
"Brilliant conclusion, Father, but why do you think I sought this," Ron indicates the makeshift club he found, "and let the little lady stand guard?" His eyes never leave the corpse still wedged in the vent as his troubled mind tries to determine the best method to remove it. "Thanks, by the way," he says in a quieter tone to Rachael, "it's nice to know some still listen to a fool like me." Now if only we had something like a big meat hook or some rope or... God, anything more useful than wood...

>[Perform as in depth inspection as possible to determine the extent of the jam, i.e. width of the vent, depth of the jam, position of the body, approximate weight of the body, extent of decay, possibility of it being an active zombie, etc.]
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Jessie looked upon the group. The priest and the green haired guy were having some problems. He decided to do something for himself, rather than intervene. He looked around, hopeful to find something of use.

>Search for a good bow, and hopefully some arrows.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Rufio(a roll of 1 here would have made my day)
OOC: I gotta admit, I'd have laughed my ass off.

"Well, you do seem like you've been around a bit. My parents did raise me with the idea of listening to my elders." Rachael replies in a clipped tone that belies her nervous state.

> Keep watch for anything or anyone else that might be moving about up here.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


September 28, 2014, 07:12:14 pm #44 Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 08:01:34 pm by Vaan
While concerned that he is not well equipped for any encounters with zombies, Nacht searches the enviroment for useful weapons/ammo for his nerf gun

> Search enviroment for useful weapons/ammo for nerf gun
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


September 28, 2014, 07:56:27 pm #45 Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 02:00:20 pm by Ryqoshay
OOC: Nacht is a telepath?
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


September 28, 2014, 10:44:57 pm #47 Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 11:22:12 pm by Rufio

Location: Roof (Top of compound)
Party: Rachael, Ronald Farwell, Jordan Kamps, Father Superbia, Jessie, Nacht
Upon clearing the corpse debris from the vent system the party is faced with yet another problem.  A darned corpse has gone and clogged itself in the works real good.  With the party tenuously accepting the presence of the newcomers, they figure out how to best procede.

Quote from: Father Superbia>Cautiously examine a nearby corpse for cause of death.

Roll = 1    Total=9
As you attempt to cautiously approach a corpse, you trip over your own feet and faceplant into one of the piles.  As you struggle about attempting to free yourself your screams of terror echo throughout the neighborhood.  It feels as though the arms are holding you in place as you flail around.  In your panic, you lose your Necklace and First Aid Kit into the pile.

Quote from: Jordan Kamps>Help Father Superbia examine the nearby corpse for cause of death.

Roll = 8    Total=12
You watch Father Superbia fall into the pile but are too stunned to stop it from happening.  Once you regain your composure you are able to help the old man free himself from the corpses.  While doing so you notice that none of the corpses are actually zombies.  In fact, you are pretty sure they never were.  There are no bite or claw marks to be seen.  You do, however noticed some strange wounds on some of the corpses' torsos and backs. If you had to guess, you would almost think they looked like bullet holes.

Quote from: Ronald Farwell>[Perform as in depth inspection as possible to determine the extent of the jam, i.e. width of the vent, depth of the jam, position of the body, approximate weight of the body, extent of decay, possibility of it being an active zombie, etc.]

Roll = 9    Total=13
You examine the corpse jamming the works and are fairly certain it is not a zombie (although it has been so long since you have actually seen a zombie, you are uncertain.) It is not very far down, just seems to be caught on something.  You realize you could indeed easily remove it by tying rope around it and hauling it up.  You think the body will hold together while being hauled up as it does not appear very rotten.

Quote from: Jessie>Search for a good bow, and hopefully some arrows.

Roll = 4    Total=12
You find no leftover weapons lying about the corpse piles.  You realize you might have better luck at a sporting goods shop, an archery club, a school gymnasium, a Walmart, or somewhere there aren't a ton of burnt corpses.

Quote from: Rachael> Keep watch for anything or anyone else that might be moving about up here.

Roll = 3    Total=6
You attempt to keep watch for danger but are distracted by an old man screaming like a girl in a pile of bodies.  The scene makes you chuckle and you are unable to look away from the trainwreck.

Quote from: Nacht> Search enviroment for useful weapons/ammo for nerf gun

Roll = 4    Total=9
You find a bunch of corpses.  Like, a whole bunch of them.  None of them appear to be carrying NERF munitions.

Quote from: Round Report
SCENE:  Father Superbia falls into a pile of bodies, screaming and flailing wildly.  If there was anything on the roof with the party, it definitely heard that.  Jordan helps him out while making a discovery about the corpses.  Rachael finds the scene hilarious.  Ronald inspects the broken system and comes up with a solution to their dilemma, while the two newcomers wander about the corpse piles looking for loot.

TASK:  Investigate the ventilation system.

- The vents have stopped working.  55 rounds remain until survivors start suffocating.

Character Sheets

TableTop Adventures Demo is out.
Try it out and let me know how to make it better.


September 28, 2014, 11:24:50 pm #48 Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 02:32:33 am by Eternal
"Oh God, oh God, oh God!" Father Superbia screams after falling onto the corpses. "Help! HELLLLLLP!"

The priest flails about wildly, panicked, until Jordan offers his hand to help him up. Superbia quickly takes his hand and is lifted out of the pile of corpses.

"By God's grace, I thought I was finished for. Thank you, Lord, for your divine mercy." Superbia looks over at Jordan. "Thank you, my son."

Superbia takes a deep breath and looks towards the pile he just climbed out of. "Phew... well, at least we know they're not among the living. Unliving. However you wish to look at it..." Superbia looks back at Jordan. "My child, do you have any thoughts on how these... things... died? They don't seem to be like the zombies I read about in other lore."

>Stand up and move quickly- but cautiously- next to Jordan.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


September 28, 2014, 11:49:44 pm #49 Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 01:09:24 am by Jumza
Jordan scrambles to pull Superbia out of the corpse, "I hope you aren't opening your mouth very much..." he warns, though the priests screaming would indicate that he was. While pulling Father Superbia from the corpse, Jordan gets an up close and personal look at the body, but what he finds isn't exactly what he expected. The preacher, seeing Jordan's worried look inquired as to what he knew.

Raising his voice so everyone could hear him Jordan shares this new-found information with the group, "Guys, I don't think that these bodies, er-, people, were ever zombies. They don't have any kind of marks that would indicate a bite or scratch from someone that was infected, but they do seem to have holes in them." then, thinking on it for a few moments Jordan added "They are all very much burnt, the roof is clearly scorched in some places, but there are no traces of a gunfight. Maybe some people thought they were zombies and shot, then set fire to them, then decided it was best to block the doorway, just in case they came back to life and tried to escape the rooftop... Or maybe they were thought to be diseased and were executed, then burned in some strange ceremony...".

Jordan continues his stream of thinking out loud, "But that doesn't exactly explain why someone would jam one of the bodies into the air vent. Maybe Father Superbia is right and there is a beast, could they have been trying to escape something?"

Jordan stoops down to pick up Father Superbia's lost items, then turns around, realizing he may have talked for a good minute or two there, get's a little nervous and stops, wanting to hear the others thoughts and interpretations on the matter.

>Collect Father Superbia's lost items (necklace and first aid kit) and return them to him.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


addendum:  I probably should have made it more clear that the corpses were definitely burnt while on the roof. although damage to the roof itself is minimal, there are scorch marks around the crisper bodies.

TableTop Adventures Demo is out.
Try it out and let me know how to make it better.


OOC: I will adjust my post accordingly then :P
... which actually makes me think that they were burned for different reasons! agh, so much editing to do.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Seeing the priest fall into the body pile and fail madly about just pushes Rachael over the edge from her nervous state and sends her into a complete giggle-fit that ends with much effort to breathe normally and regain her composure. Errant snickers of laugher continue to punctuate her words, "I...ah...I'm sorry, Father. But...your face...when you fell..." While this seems to have relaxed her mood, she still seems about to buckle under another laughing fit.

> Try to get control over herself.

OOC: I thought I hit Post for this like almost 2 hours ago and somehow I didn't. Obviously this reaction comes before Jordan's examination.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


September 29, 2014, 01:31:27 am #53 Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 01:59:11 pm by Ryqoshay
Ron hears the older priest cry for help and his mind immediately switches gears. However, before he can even take a step, he notices Jordan already stooping to assist Superbia. The priest seems to calm quickly upon returning to a standing position.

"Better check him for bites and scratches just in case." He tells Jordan after the kid finishes his speculations on the origins of the corpse piles. "Not that I don't trust your theory or anything, I just don't want to take any chances." He returns his attention to the vent. "Did any of you guys happen to bring a rope? I'm fairly certain we can tug this bastard out." He glances over at the two newcomers. "The hell are you two doing lolly gagging around? We need rope and I'm going to need help pulling. Don't make me go Hartman on you maggots."

OOC: Awww... Va~an... I need that rope you kinda sorta offered earlier! I'm holding Ron's action 'till he gets it so he can tie a pretty bow strong military grade knot on the corpse. It's been like 12 whole hours! I wanna play! I wanna play! I wanna play! Don't make me beg with my sad puppy dog face...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


OOC: I kinda want to see you sad puppy dawg face. But imma cooperate cuz you re to kawaii desu ne. Also Ron would totes look Moe

Nacht stops searching since it was useless as looking for a needle in a hay stack. Noticing the priest's fall made him feel worried, but then relieved because Superbia was ok, even after his previous rudeness, after all Nacht wasnt evil.

Hearing Ron's funny manner of talking called his attention out. "I'm not "Lollygagging", I'm looking for weapons, because a nerf gun isnt the most useful kind of gun when you only have nerf darts, i need some pellets, pills, pebbles, phalanges or anything that small or perhaps some physical weapon. But here, you can have it" he says, as he hands his rope to Ronald McDonald.

[Trade Item]Give Rope to Ronald.

Rachael's sudden beautiful laughter distracts Nacht and makes him blush as he never noticed how pretty she was.

>Tries to focus on the mission instead of focusing on Rachael
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


OOC: Sorry, Ron is not moe. This is moe. Ron is, or rather was, more like this before he fell from grace and turned to drinking.

"Thanks, kid." Ron grunts as Nacht produces a length of rope and hands it to him. "Stick around a second, I'll be needin' your help soon." As he begins to secure the rope to the corpse he speaks to the young lady near by who seems to be struggling to maintain self control after her giggling fit. "Get a hold of yourself, girl. You've been doing a fine job so far standin' guard. Just hold it together for a little longer."

>[Tie a strong knot to secure the rope to the jammed body and if possible find the least abrasive point over which to draw the rope.]
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Jessie examines his newly obtained ventilation manual, quickly skimming the pages for important info. He decided he'd let someone else deal with it.
>Announce possession of manual and ask if anyone would like to use it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


September 30, 2014, 01:26:23 am #57 Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 03:37:22 am by Rufio

Location: Roof (Top of compound)
Party: Rachael, Ronald Farwell, Jordan Kamps, Father Superbia, Jessie, Nacht
Distracted by Father Superbia's misfortune, some of the party takes time to regain their composure.  The rest of the party begins to enact their repairs to the ventilation system.  The logical first step would be to remove the corpse that is jamming everything up.

Quote from: Father Superbia>Stand up and move quickly- but cautiously- next to Jordan.

Roll = 8    Total=10
You regain yourself and hold on to Jordan for support, careful not to fall into any more corpse piles.

Quote from: Jordan Kamps>Collect Father Superbia's lost items (necklace and first aid kit) and return them to him.

Roll = 7    Total=15
You expertly extract the Father's belongings from the depths of the corpse pile as if you were retrieving something dropped inside a grand piano.  (+1 First Aid Kit, +1 Wooden Necklace.  Given to Superbia)

Quote from: Rachael> Try to get control over herself.

Roll = 7    Total=10
Your fit of laughter subsides and you return to your previous task of standing guard.  All of the commotion caused by the Father hasn't seemed to attract the attention from anything else on the roof.  Your group appears to be the only ones up here with functioning ears.

Quote from: Nacht>Tries to focus on the mission instead of focusing on Rachael

Roll = 10    Total=15
You become so focused on the mission it almost hurts your brain.  Every fiber of you being begins to want this mission to go successfully.  Rachael simply becomes another piece of the mission to you.  Your supremely intense focus bores a hole through space and time and everything becomes suddenly clear to you.

Quote from: Ronald>[Tie a strong knot to secure the rope to the jammed body and if possible find the least abrasive point over which to draw the rope.]

Roll = 9    Total=16
You tie an amazing knot around the corpse.  It looks like more of a harness than a knot by the time you are done.  That thing is hella secure.  You get the idea to place a loose piece of dirty clothing under the rope where it would be in contact with the metal while hauling the body up, preventing any abrasion to the rope.

Quote from: Jessie>Announce possession of manual and ask if anyone would like to use it.

Roll = 7    Total=11
You peruse your new-found manual but are unable to make heads or tails of it.  Giving up on trying to decipher its meaning, you alert the group to your possession of it.

Quote from: Round Report
SCENE:  The group regains composure after the mishap of one of its members.  They begin extracting a corpse from the vent system and Jessie announces that he has a manual for the system itself.  A rope is secured around the jammed corpse, but it still needs to be hauled out.

TASK:  Investigate the ventilation system.

- The vents have stopped working.  54 rounds remain until survivors start suffocating.

Character Sheets

TableTop Adventures Demo is out.
Try it out and let me know how to make it better.


Rachael gives Jessie a blank look for a moment at the generally-offered manual before shaking her head. "Pass. Mechanical things aren't exactly my area of expertise. I'll stick with what I know." As if to emphasize that thought, she shakes her trusty bat a bit.

> Remain vigilant.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


September 30, 2014, 05:14:38 am #59 Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 05:35:54 am by Ryqoshay
"Alright, boys," Ron calls, "grab the line and let's get this God forsaken corpse out of the vent! We're gonna have to go slow though, we don't wanna rip the bastard in half and risk dropping the rest in deeper."

>[Grab rope and begin corpse extraction once other join in to help.]
Hurry down the chimney tonight.