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Revision as of 17:16, 16 July 2023 by Nyzer (talk | contribs)
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7/16/23 - Using these commands:

 SetTextVal(x05,x71EC)//Ignore Height
 SetTextVal(x09,x01F2)//Teleport (forgot to add x7000)
 SetTextVal(x0B,x01F3)//Teleport 2 (forgot to add x7000)

caused the Text Variable bytes to become EC FF, FB FF, F2 FF, and F3 FF respectively. However, these commands:

 SetTextVal(x01,x305F)//Black Chocobo

worked perfectly fine.

Some testing seemed to show that the issue was with the lower byte, not the higher one - changing 305F to 715F worked fine, but changing 71EC to 30EC did not, nor did 00EC. No idea how that works.

Setting that value to a variable and using SetTextVar worked fine, however.