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June 03, 2024, 07:08:42 pm


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FFTactext doesn't change Memory card text & I can't find some specific text

Started by messiahgov, May 20, 2013, 11:36:05 am


Hello again,

after the help from Xifanie I managed to insert the special German letters and could start translating. So far I have translated all "names" files, the battle menu (which is a bit bugged inside FFTactext, you have to copy out the text for editing), unexplored land & treasures, tutorial menus and almost! all other menus (bar etc.). Inside the WORLD.LZW > "24: Tavern text" is more than just the tavern text (menu for Brave story, map menu names for shop, bar etc.). All good by now, I can patch the ISO and it works in-game. Really great! ^^ I'm using the FFTPatcher_0.482v2 version and patch the PSX version.

But I stumbled on four translations problems. I have searched the forums and read a couple of threads, but no luck.

1.) I can't find the following soldier office & shop text with FFTactext:

000B-5002 Try it on Best fit Quit fitting Sell Fitting over
000B-5034 Sell equip Stock
000B-5045 Yes No
000B-504C O K N O
000B-5054 Buy Sell Leave store
000B-5069 Male fighter Female fighter Change name Leave store
000B-509D Hire Quit Check status
000B-50B4 Yes No Ask name again
000B-50CA Num
000B-50CE Quit No

This part can be found at the end of this list here.

2.) Directly after that, the letters for the naming screen can be found!

000B-5AF1 WXYZ
000B-5AF6 abcdefghijk
000B-5B02 lmnopqrstuv
000B-5B0E wxyz
000B-5B13 0123456789
000B-5B1E !?+/:!()"'

I can't seem to find those as well, but they would be very useful! I could add the special German umlauts at those spaces or rearrange the letters.

3.) The text for the Memory card screen won't change at all after editing. It stays at vanilla at the opening or after loading on the worldmap. I have edited the "CARD.OUT 1" and "Save Screen Text" via Quickedit.

4.) The main start menu text "New Game", "Continue", "Tutorial" & "Sound". They look like bitmap text, but the Shishi Editor and FFTactext doesn't show them. See 2nd post.

I know that there is many text left for translation, not to mention the Events and the bitmap texts. But first I want to translate all selectable menu options and on screen gui stuff.

Maybe someone knows where I have to look and can help me out here again. Any help is welcome! =)

BTW, is there any file which is used as a base by FFTactext, where I can add missing stuff or something like that? All those XML and INI files seem to be for FFTPatcher and FFTorgASM.


I was able to solve 4.), the main start menu text. It's found in the "OPNTEX.BIN" as a TIM file with 16 palettes (the last two are just black).

Some tools I used so far:
- FFTPatcher (THE package for editing, but can't translate everything, some parts are not supported)
--v0.352 (FFTPatcher.exe, still has the "Font" tab to edit any available letter/symbol of the main font directly, makes it possible to add German umlauts or any other special letter - will change the FONT.BIN, you have to manually copy the FONT.BIN content into BATTLE.BIN & WORLD.BIN)
--v0.466 (ShishiSpriteEditor.exe, for some specific graphics, which only this version can edit)
--v0.482 (FFTactext.exe [Text], FFTorgASM.exe [ASM-Hacks] & ShishiSpriteEditor.exe [Bitmaps])
- CDmage v1.02.1 B5 (to export and import any file error free from the ISO)
- EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.91 (Event Text, just had a look into it)
- TimView+ v0.62 RC5 or since 2013 Tim2View v2.0 r33 (to Export and Import embedded TIM files, like the start menu text [New Game, Continue etc.])
- GIMP v2.8.4 (incl. Plugin for my direct TIM editing, you just edit the first palette and save as TIM again, it will have the exact same size etc.)

My beta start menu:

I had to use the letters from the worldmap locations font, because the German words are longer. The screenshot is made with a couple of filters (ePSXe), so don't worry. ^^

All letters and symbols from the main font:

I use the red framed symbols for my translation so far. I might need to use other symbols to translate the not supported text, because you can fit 2 latin letters in one Kanji symbol (a cheap DTE^^ ... but the hex length of those symbols is 4, not 2 like all the other latin letters). FFTactext doesn't support the missing text (see 1st post).

The German umlauts and the ß:
Kanji / DE / FFTPatcher ID / Hexcode / old width / new width
用 / ö / 1B2 / D212 / 10 / 4
田 / Ö / 1B3 / D213 / 10 / 6
甲 / ä / 1B4 / D214 / 10 / 4
申 / Ä / 1B5 / D215 / 10 / 6
由 / ü / 1B6 / D216 / 10 / 4
白 / Ü / 1B7 / D217 / 10 / 6
皮 / ß / 1B8 / D218 / 10 / 4

To use any custom special letter, just use FFTactext (get your copy of the hacked Kanji symbol from "Help > Allowed symbols") and paste the it directly while writing/translating. Or the same via HexEdit and the right Hexcode.

Some other comparisons (clean):

The 2nd comparison is the start menu, but palette 5&6, because it is more readable. If you edit this TIM in GIMP, you edit palette 1. Was some work to get those German words into it correctly. You have to stay strictly at the given palette colors or as an example, an "S" will look like garbage etc. I made me some "this color 2 that color" charts after some trouble to finally fix it. I wrote/build the new text in CorelPaint (my collection of single letters used in FFT) and inserted it into GIMP. I had to change the color pixel by pixel, because the 1st palette use some golden hue. For the warning text I just used a matching font and wrote it with CorelPaint (it will become transparent bitmap text after editing) and used a color replacing filter to match the golden palette. After that just copy and paste to GIMP.

The 1st comparison shows my German location names. Some are too long and get cropped in-game, but I don't want to shorten them for now.

So my new 4.) would be:

4.) Where are the width values located for the vanilla English worldmap location names? Like the width for a single letter from the main font, Xifanie mentioned those offsets. So my hope is, that there are some offsets for the worldmap location names aswell? =)