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September 20, 2024, 06:18:39 pm


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Philosophy Stuff

Started by Reks, December 30, 2012, 12:15:55 am


Figured I'd throw this out, since I'm curious to see.

What kinds of philosophy do those in FFH follow? How do you think and function in a world that keeps changing?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


And since this is sorta vague and broad, peeps'd be going 'wut do I talk about'?

So let's start with.... Your views on life. The fact we exist, and just what you think about being alive.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


23:17:45 <@Etna> that's kind of a vague question
23:17:48 <@Etna> how do you mean?
23:18:59 < Nuadiah> It's hard to be clear with something as vague as philosphy can be, but I suppose I mean...
23:19:21 < Nuadiah> What drives you? What do you think about some things, like life, love friends, ect?

By that definition...

What drives me?
I live mainly to see tomorrow. I'm fond of spontaneity, and for the most part, I never really know what the new day will bring. The not knowing is actually what keeps me interested, and holds my interest when even optimism runs out. What will happen tomorrow? Who knows! If I did know, I'd just be bored.

In regards to love... all said and done, I love people. I love being around people. My views are much less romantic than they once were, to the point that they may even seem grim, but friends are wonderful to have. If anything, I place more value in friendship than romance, at this point. Friends tend to share a more unconditional love than significant others do, and (at least for me, telling as it may be) last substantially longer.

I'm also not the slightest bit introverted. I don't know what to do with myself when I'm alone, which is a very big part of why I keep IRC so close by all the time. I shirk it when I'm out in the real world, but knowing I'm mere keystrokes away from a human response keeps me from going insane. This is a big part of why I was a serial girlfriend when I was younger, and why at the age of 14 I was routinely coming home after 2am.

Nothing very deep from me here, but it's enough to go by if you're just wanting to understand more about who I am, and who we all are.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Quote from: Toshiko on December 30, 2012, 12:38:29 am
Nothing very deep from me here, but it's enough to go by if you're just wanting to understand more about who I am, and who we all are.

Of course. I like to see how other people think, so that understanding them is easier.

As for myself..... Well....

For life.... Life is difficult to put words to. You can do so much in it, and get so much back from it. Not all of it good, but not all of it bad. I do suppose that circumstance plays a huge part in influencing whether it's bad or good, but that's also up to how it's seen.

Now, I love life because of all it offers, but I also hate it from the pain it brings to people. What I feel about it doesn't matter in the least to everyone, but I just don't find it fair or in any way moral to spread pain when it's already in such abundance... Sure, nothing in life is ever fair.... Only when you make it so.

Love? I didn't know what love was, until I began to have feelings for a certain someone. Those feelings grew, to the point that they are what drive me. Given my morals, I don't really view love as a multi-personal thing. Sure, I love all of my friends and family, but I would never consider any other person aside from VireBlaze (or Zeal) as my partner in life. That includes everything that goes in with a relationship. I won't ever go out with anyone else, have sex with anyone else, nor even consider loving another person in the same way. It's just the way I am.

To brag on him a bit.... Well, I have a tendancy to make myself horribly depressed. Before I realized my feelings for him, I was on a downward emotional spiral, and that would have gone into some very bad areas. I likely would have commited suicide, actually. But Zeal showed me how wonderful both love and life are. He reminds me of such every time I feel down, and I'm incredibly thankful and lucky to have such a caring person with me.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Be a good person. Do stuff. Have fun. Learn stuff. Be happy. Be glad, be thankful. Enjoy life. Challenge yourself, grow. Stick to your principles/values. Look at the bright side/be positive/be optimistic. Be myself, understand myself, accept myself.

Stuff like that. =P
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


I guess I can weigh in.  As one of our top geriatrics my views are a bit different.

What I look for in life is watching my children grow and live their lives.  Watching them learn, have fun, and just be themselves is my major motivating factor in life and is what makes me happiest.  I see them less than 10 times a year on average, but we always have a blast and they know I love them and I know they love me. 

As far as love, I carry a bonfire of a torch for my Ex, and hopefully it rekindles permanently because I know she still loves me but extenuating circumstances blah blah blah, I won't bore you.  I've done what I can she needs to take the next step and we both know she wants to, we talk about it at least weekly and talk nightly regardless.  I am not really opposed to finding it elsewhere but I am not looking either, so it would take some kind of serendipitous miracle to even go that route.     

Friends are largely central to my existence, and they have been there for me in times of trail more than family or anyone, though family is a close second.  They're who I turn to in rough times, and one thing I am glad for several members of FFH who lent an ear when needed.  My RL friends more so but at 4am all I generally have is IRC and you few have been there for me so thanks.  I try to spend a lot of time with my IRL friends now that I moved home, and am not working 80-100 hours every week so I cannot do anything or even talk to anyone not from work or living with me.  My social life if heavily nerdy and not exciting, but for someone as generally introverted as I am its definitely quite active. 

Alright youngins, enough waxing melancholic.  Get the &^%$ off my lawn.  :Waves cane:
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.