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CCP 2nd - Beta Version Available for download!

Started by Celdia, December 25, 2012, 07:08:20 am

dis astranagant

Espers at Bariaus Valley are fucking terrifying, btw.


January 01, 2013, 02:38:32 am #41 Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 02:45:08 am by DarkxFatal
So. Uh. Not braggin', but I beat CCP 2nd. The whole thing. Yeah. Altima? Pff. Weaksauce. :u

On a more serious, just as truthful note: Awesome. The whole thing. Difficulty was there, but it never really felt -impossible-. I..had some rough patches, probably due to me not really thinking strategically and thinking more 'enemies, kill. rawr.'

Espers hurt. ~100 damage spells without elemental advantage or compat (probably)? Ow. Thankfully they're weak in terms of HP.
Goblins (of the Cherry and Mint variety) can be a bit annoying, as Cherry Goblins can hit decently hard early on with spells (~45 in Ch.1) and can revive, while Mint Goblins can disable your team, though they tend to not think of the charge time too often.
Can't say too much on the other monsters, since I didn't really encounter them often enough. (but that battle with the three turtles sure was funny, huh.)

Bosses: Wiegraf was..uh...a lot easier than Miluda. Thieve's Fort, as expected, was rough and a bit of a Wake Up Call fight. Lenalia Plateau saw a bit of a difficulty rise with the Sorcerer there, but Shout can make short work.

Algus. Good Omega, Algus. Almost felt bad for renaming him Meatshield, seeing the damage he was doing. Until he went into a corner and...ended up surviving for about thirty turns after that.

Gafgarian wasn't too bad, he hit pretty hard in Golgorand (but he didn't show in Lionel 1 as you saw. ^^; )

Queklain...Quakeland..I was..uh...pleasantly surprised. But he still kinda went down sort of quickly. After my team had been disabled for a turn or three. p:

Jobs: Warrior is nice, Charge laid waste to me and my foes semi-evenly.
Never really used, or saw, Alchemy..But Auto Hi-Potion..... :I
Green Mage was neat. Debuffing foes and buffing friends left and right. And the AI seemed semi-effective with it as well, though I never saw too much use outside of Mint Goblins..
Bandits are pretty vital, I'd say, as they have decent means of disabling foes and stealing items.
Demagogues are decent, their skills are nice, but centered around statuses. (Shout was purdy useful though.)
Red Mage was vital. Their Resurrection skill came in handy several times and who could hate on some decent magic.
Chef seemed neat, but I never got around to using them due to ingredient cost and the amount of money I had at the time.
Enchanters are, like CCP1, good for dealing status effects or even just boosting damage for a small MP cost.
Champions. Now, I like Champions. Not only for their good PA and HP, but for Healing Touch (which also heals MP, a great support to Red Mages/Sorcs)
Hawknights.. Can't say anything bad about them. The one Hawknight I had was dealing ~110 on -average-. And with Aim for 100% hit (i...ignore Concentrate..)..
Mageknights. Enjoyed Mystic Knights in CCP1. Enjoyed them here, especially with the Rainbow Blade from Wiegraf 1.
Sorcerers. While I didn't really use their other weapon skills, I did like the Armor of...Light(?) and Lifeline spells that come from books.
Brawlers. I was worried at first, as my Brawler was doing about 20-30 damage even with his 70 Brave and 6 PA (at the time). Then I remembered about claws. And then I learned that they got Dual Wield. All in all, I like Brawlers for just the raw damage they can bring.
Oh, nearly forgot about Gunslinger. Didn't really use their skills too much, but..uh...Concentrate? :D

Specials: Agrias is as Agrias be. She's decent, not weak, not overpowering. A good unit for many battles.
Mustadio is actually sort of useful now. Especially after the fix...Despite me not using Dispenser or Turret after the fix..But uh..Guns, yay?
Gafgarian is Gaf. Semi-tanky slashy dark knight. Nothing too new, but not in a bad way. p:
Delita. The other one. P: He was decent. Good for distracting, at least. But then there's..
Algus. Aim is a nice ability early on, seeing as how you get a Longbow early as well. (Sweegy, I believe.)
Delita v2 is good. His Holy Sword skills hurt, and status effects are fun when they proc.

That's about it from me, and a pretty long-winded post at that. CCP 2nd was fun, and I can't wait for Ch.3 and 4 to be released. Tanto will not stop until he has ALL THE DRAGON...uh...ZODIAC STONES.

Edit:: Oh, I guess I forgot. Maybe I should list some issues I might've had?..Or something?

You already know of the issue with Gaf. So..
Waterflying Cloak on Agrias is /nice/, but probably not intended so..it's technically a problem P:
Uh..Halberd user at Mandalia, I guess?
And...ugh...Hi-Potions that early on. Please. Granted, I'm far enough now where that won't affect me if you change it. But hopefully it'll be a little while before I see X-Potions.......right?

Can't really think of much else...Any main problems, you already saw and fixed, or are going to fix. Um..Undead chests are cool.. Yeah. CCP 2nd. Pretty..Pretty good. Maybe I'll do just a hacked run to test out skills, see if there are any problems or something..*shrugs*?
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


If you want to FFTastic up some maxed characters and give all the different skills a try, go for it. I could use any feedback I can get. Thanks again for streaming your run, Dark. It was enlightening. ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Reports tiem::

Tactician's skills can be used without status effects.
-Empty Fort Decoy isn't Auto.
Dragon Form doesn't recoil.
Pierce appeared to strangely zoom in the camera, maybe the mix of bow + animation?
Two of the Butler's skills allowed you to target yourself (but not affect yourself), I can't recall because I didn't type it down. :I
Homemaker's Feather Duster lets you target yourself (but doesn't do anything)

That was all that I could see, other than the dummy skills in Homemaker.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


A new trailer would complement this beta nicely. >;]


Up to Barias Hill now. Random thoughts as usual.

I like that you reduced JP costs for quite a lot of the early classes, but I think the early class tree progression is problematic.

Warrior: Rather problematic early game with revival being hard to get. The very first Garland City battle where most of the enemy units are Warriors and the low JP cost for Charges means a lot of OHKOs with you being unable to interrupt (due to how charge abilities and Speed works).

Of course the later you go, the worse Charge as a skillset becomes, so I dunno. I guess you could re-up the JP costs so that the CPU can't buy it that early but then we're back to the original problem of the CCP1 where Charge REALLY isn't worth that much JP. I really don't think Charge works as a tier 1 class skillset.

Alchemist: Usable, I guess? The Phoenix Down cost really hurts them early game though.

Also I hate it when the CPU uses X-Potions and Phoenix Downs way before I can.

Bandit: Tranq Dart and Gunk Bomb are actually pretty handy. I never actually spent time long enough in Bandit to use the steals though, maybe because Chapter 1 has a lot of Assassination missions. I slightly regret it because enemies have a lot of good stuff to steal in story missions.

Demagogue: I used to love this guys because they're a tanky class with non-fail MA and ignore their class skillset completely, but you actually added some pretty useful linear skills now (Shout especially, is one of the best early game buys).

Rally is broken good due to using the Bard song coding though. It levels and gains you JP REALLY fast and pays off it's 200 JP costs REALLY quick. I imagine it gets worse later but it's pretty much the first skill I would buy. Works great for "beat on each other" JP grinding sessions too.

The Bard song coding is problematic for other skills like Power Word: Stun though. I find it rather hard to control and I rather not have to set-up my entire team just to get use out of it.

Can deal solid damage with spears.

Green Mage: Not a fan of this class, though mostly in design rather than power level. Seems way too overloaded, and Oracles were cool because they had sticks to beat on the enemy when Statuses weren't useful while Green mages has the standard terrible mage type weapons. If they had equip options like Reds I might like them better, I dunno.

Also another class that I think is problematic early game due to speed. Since status duration lasts by clockticks, unless you use "permanent" status effects like Silence, that kind of means you're getting a lot less bang for your buck early game.

Chef: Urgh. This class is really hard to grind due to using the Draw Out coding making it really prohibitive. You get only 2 items for a really long time too.

Red Mage: Well, they're a source of resurrection so that kind of makes them good by default. Not that much of a slouch for attack magic either.

The fact that RM is the first MA-attack class makes it really tough to be a woman in CCP though. You got to go through Chef (hard to grind, as I said), then Green Mage which is not that easy to grind (you only get JP if you successfully land a status) and doesn't care about MA before you reach this one.

Sorcerer: Nuke is such a great spell for Assassination mission and I used it to one-hit Miluda, Wiegraf and Algus. Otherwise I'm not really fond of this installment of the class. I really preferred the old one where it didn't cost any JP at all and there was a "solid" base skillset which you could add to with certain books.

Also, Parrying Sticks are bugged. You can attack with them at all. Don't know if it applies to the entire Pole class of weapons.

Gunslinger: You unlock them way before you get guns, which kind of bothers me in a design sense. I know technically Chemist in vanilla could use Guns too but they aren't sold on the whole gun image.

Breaks are kind of buggy. If you drop their MaxHP by breaking equipment, their HP actually stays the same for some reason whereas in Vanilla it would drop to their new MaxHP.

Also I'm not really sure if I buy that the Death Sentence skill should cost 50 more JP then Stop.

I feel like this class lost a lot of its flavour without Gun-Kata as a built-in ability.

Champion: I like that they can actually use their abilities now in their own class. Healing Touch is nice now that it doesn't heal for neglible amounts and that MP heal means they can babysit your casters!

Hawknight: Technically better than Nomads power-wise. I don't particularly feel their "flavour" though.

I'm missing some classes, but that's because I haven't unlocked/really tested them yet

Goblins: I would basically suggest any player to recruit a Red Goblin ASAP because holy crap, free resurrection.

As you proceed through the game, their 3 movement/3 jump kind of phrases them out though.

Black Goblins seems really luck based. Low Brave and low PA spawn? Not a threat! Opposite happens? Ow.

Agrias: Is it just me or does Holy Knight have terrible PA (outside of the fact that Agrias is a woman)? Stasis Sword range is kinda low too... She seems okay otherwise.

Mustadio: I like how this guy constantly gets revamped over and over. I might use him seeing as how I never did train my 4th generic. Or maybe I'll go for Agrias this time. Incidentally he comes with a really good coat which makes him super tanky for the time, which I feel is kind of weird.

A bunch of reaction abilities that counter with abilties suck up your mana like crazy. "Bane" sucks up like 20 MP every time it triggers, which I think makes it unusable. I don't think I've ever seen the Updraft reaction ability trigger although that could be because I was spending MP quickly.

Randoms: Goblins, Goblins, and more goblins in Chapter 1. Randoms feel extra boring, really. Maybe add some gimpy humans to mix things up or something

I wonder if you could add some cooking or alchemical items as War Trophies to randoms just to spice up those two classes a little early game.

Overall, I think the early game plays a little better but I felt a couple of classes lost their flavour from the original. Nomads were kind of terrible for player use back then but they were really cool conceptually and I don't feel that "Hawk Knights" really captured me the same way. Same with Gunslingers without Gun Kata.


I am without a shadow of a doubt the most electrifying final fantasy tactics player in the world today if ya smmmelllllll what the chuck is cookin' (does peoples eyebrow)


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Celdia, I will never let that l i t t l e m o n e y move any faster than it wants to. I know you've been gone(a whole month apparently!...after a couple years) so you won't see this personally but I made my whole account just to throw bugs and text issues at your facehole. I didn't even have the courtesy to reply right back at you...I think? That goodbye post made me watch that stupid MASH ending, and with your sad story and everyone being all sad I got really sad like watching some sort of...bad romantic drama. I liked the way you typed(actually a few people in this forum specific wrote very vividly and it feels real authentic) so I bet you were pretty cool. Your work made me start posting, and it'll probably have my last post too.

A toast to this great mod you made that a stranger like me could enjoy it. Time to pick up the liquor, this beta, and my notepad. Gotta find those bugs after all...  :c


omg IT LIVES. ccp1 is my fav version of tactics (even like it more than the original). was bummed after your farewell thread. just came back here to redownload part 1 and i find an update!? so glad you picked this back up ;_;


Glad to hear it, frogles. Post in the battle logs thread about your run on the new version and give me some feedback. The more I get, the more likely I am to work on the project more. :D
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


will do.  :o

side note: what happened to poach? couldn't find it on any of the ability lists.


Poach is missing currently. It might come back later. Haven't decided.

Also, newer version with a less-broken Orlandu is up.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


So this beta version goes all the way through to the end?  If so, then I may make it my next hack game to go through. I thoroughly enjoyed CCP 1, so if you're still working on this then I can give it a go go.


Quote from: FlyingPoodle on December 11, 2015, 02:27:48 am
So this beta version goes all the way through to the end?  If so, then I may make it my next hack game to go through. I thoroughly enjoyed CCP 1, so if you're still working on this then I can give it a go go.
It currently goes all the way to Limberry and Elmdor/Zalera.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Hi, is there updated job stat info for this version anywhere? Pretty sure that the ones on the first version thread is inaccurate now since the job tree has changed. Really enjoying this mod btw, super appreciative of the level of time and effort you put into it.

Cheers, AJ


December 30, 2015, 04:29:13 am #56 Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 07:36:44 pm by Ridiclued
Just saw your update and have been playing for a little over five hours now!

Found something a little off:
Similar to the Warrior "Charge" ability, some abilities from the Homemaker that have a charge time (haven't tested Butler yet so unsure if the same) fire at the originally targeted tile if you select them then move during the charge time.  Mostly comes into play when targeting yourself with something then moving.  Just took some getting used to, but still I feel like it isn't intended.

Also I feel like adding that the journey so far is a very fun one.... aside from the high-brave turtles.
Still unsure the best way to deal with them aside from just pray Second Wind doesn't proc an absurd amount of times.
Had one proc five times, great EXP/JP but God they're annoying.

I'll report back with anything else I find~
"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure."


Quote from: Ridiclued on December 30, 2015, 04:29:13 am
Just saw your update and have been playing for a little over five hours now!

Found something a little off:
Similar to the Warrior "Charge" ability, the abilities from the Homemaker that have a charge time (haven't tested Butler yet so unsure if the same) fire at the originally targeted tile if you select them then move during the charge time.  Mostly comes into play when targeting yourself with something then moving.  Just took some getting used to, but still I feel like it isn't intended.

Also I feel like adding that the journey so far is a very fun one.... aside from the high-brave turtles.
Still unsure the best way to deal with them aside from just pray Second Wind doesn't proc an absurd amount of times.
Had one proc five times, great EXP/JP but God they're annoying.

I'll report back with anything else I find~

If you have a Gunslinger by that point, then having Aim: Arms is better. The Don't Act will keep the reaction from occurring, and they should be easy to kill otherwise, despite their tankiness.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Yeah, there are a few abilities that don't track their target and aren't supposed to/should really cancel if you move but I haven't got that working as intended.

As for the Turtles, there are a lot of ways to disable reaction abilities. Or just lower their Brave. ;)
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Looks like I picked a good time to look for a new FFT hack to try! Enjoying it so far.

Haven't run into any bugs other than graphical yet, only to Zaland Fort City so far though. My favorite graphical bug was using Dolphin Kick then not coming down afterward. :lol:

Question though: Does Blue Mage work like I think it's supposed to (invite monster, have monster use skills on Blue Mage)? Am I just not catching the right stuff, or is it not implemented yet? If it's the former, any hints on what I should be looking for? I'm really excited at the idea of a Blue Mage in FFT. (FFTA never happened la la la I can't hear you)

The first battle of chapter 2 was kinda rough, they all have high jump and bows and hide in the corners of the roofs, thus if you don't also have +jump you can't reach them, and there's no shop available to get boots or battles to grind out the skills if necessary. I had to keep reloading til Bane petrified enough of them and they all stopped getting Item secondary  :( I was also quite a bit underleveled which probably didn't help.
