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September 20, 2024, 08:18:49 pm


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How to make a Story Mod (WIP Tutorial)

Started by 3lric, December 28, 2011, 05:20:12 am


October 18, 2013, 03:28:08 pm #60 Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 03:34:09 pm by MasterGrand
//Remove the previous line if you wish not to override the offset in CONFIG.INI.
//Remove the previous line if you wish text to compile directly after instructions.


//Message x01
{font:00}What's this? Just a bunch{br}
of kids! What luck!{br}
OK, all we have to do{br}
is kill these kids!{br}
Then, we can escape!{br}
Don't you worry!{br}
We'll kill every one of you!{end}

//Message x02
{font:00}How dare you slave bitch{br}
You think you can defeat me!{br}
I will show you no mercy!{end}

//Message x03

I add new message, but not start battle (freeze game)

Please where is error !?
Let's be together !!


October 18, 2013, 08:39:29 pm #61 Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 11:09:11 pm by Elric
Where does it freeze?

Does it freeze before the new message or after?

Remove the Text(x000000D3) and try to compile again, you need to remove the previous text offset when you edit an
event, especially if you are adding commands.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on October 18, 2013, 08:39:29 pm
Where does it freeze?

Does it freeze before the new message or after?

Remove the Text(x000000D3) and try to compile again, you need to remove the previous text offset when you edit an
event, especially if you are adding commands.

Please Elric give me code for new message in events .
Let's be together !!


You need to answer my question first...

Does it freeze BEFORE or AFTER the Message???
  • Modding version: PSX


Let's be together !!


Huh? You said the event was freezing though, how can you finish the event if it is freezing??
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on October 22, 2013, 08:07:34 pm
Huh? You said the event was freezing though, how can you finish the event if it is freezing??

Please Elric copy event and see what is really problem .
Let's be together !!


Okay, I will try it out either tonight or tomorrow after work and I'll let you know.

However, I need to know what MAP you are using? Is it Gariland?

You could just make me a .ppf of your fft iso that has the error? I could test it much faster that way
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on October 23, 2013, 07:22:38 pm
Okay, I will try it out either tonight or tomorrow after work and I'll let you know.

However, I need to know what MAP you are using? Is it Gariland?

You could just make me a .ppf of your fft iso that has the error? I could test it much faster that way

Yes that is right Gariland.

Sorry I don't know how use ppf :(
Let's be together !!


  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks Elric

I want Elric one favor,  can you give me all digits Inflict Statues

00 Revive HP by 1
01 Crystal
02 Poison
03 ????
Let's be together !!


Unfortunately, those are all there is :/

There is no way to do things like Transparent in an event.
  • Modding version: PSX


October 25, 2013, 07:20:52 am #72 Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 12:57:38 pm by MasterGrand
OK, how let enemy to join allies by event, i mean how change (Red to Blue) ?

How let boss the target is end battle ?

I need digits All effect

Thanks advance Elric
Let's be together !!


Quote from: Elric on October 24, 2013, 09:23:04 pm
Unfortunately, those are all there is :/

There is no way to do things like Transparent in an event.

Let me preface this query by saying that I know absolutely nothing about eventing I mostly just have some related questions. Why do event based characters like Malak and Alma have innate/starting statuses like Dead? Will flagging & unflagging these cause hiccups during the events they are used?

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


Nope, a unit that looks like it's dead in an event is made so by using a command. Removing or adding things such as Innate or Start: Dead won't effect it at all.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Thanks Jumza. I've been real curious about this for awhile.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo

Grand Angel

Hello!  I am editing my first events today, I've been changing the dialogue in the first scene at Orbonne to match this script I found over at GameFAQS ( http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197339-final-fantasy-tactics/faqs/48627 ).

Everything was going pretty good, until I hit a little snag.  There's one point in the script where Gafgarion's dialogue is completely skipped.  Here's the scene:

Agrias: So there are rude knaves even among the Hokuten?

Gafgarion: I'm being more than kind to the guard captains here.  Besides, we're mercenaries hired by the Hokuten.  I'm not obliged to show respect to you.

Agrias: What?  How dare you!

(My rewrite, exactly how it is in EasyEvent)

//Message x09
{font:00}It's a pity that the Aquilors do not{br}
screen for manners in their men.{end}

//Message x0A
{font:00}I rather think that I'm showing more{br}
than enough respect for some backwater{br}
guard-captain.  Perhaps I should remind you{br}
that we are but mercenaries hired by the Knights.{br}
Believe it or not, my lady, our contract doesn't{br}
demand good manners in your presence.{end}

//Message x0B
{font:00}What do you mean, you impertinent...!{end}

Now, during my rewrite, after Agrias' line, Gafgarion's line is completely skipped (although he looks up from his "bow"), and it goes straight to Agrias saying her "What do you mean, you impertinent...!" line.  What did I do wrong?  Did I make Gaf's text too long?  (Please be easy on me, I'm a newbie at all this.)


Glad you are getting the hang of this, here is the problem:

that we are but mercenaries hired by the Knights.{br}

^^This line is too long, shorten it a bit and you should'nt have anymore issues.
  • Modding version: PSX

Grand Angel

Alrighty, I've shortened it, but I'm still having the problem.

Here's the newly written script:

//Message x0A
{font:00}I rather think that I'm showing more{br}
than enough respect for some backwater{br}
guard-captain. Perhaps I should remind you{br}
that we are but mercenaries hired by{br}
the Knights. Believe it or not, my lady,{br}
our contract doesn't demand good{br}
manners in your presence.{end}

Did I accidentally make another line too long?  Or does this have something to do with the ChangeDialog option (still a little confused about that one though)?


Courtesy of Raven, try this, if it's length related this'll fix it.
If it's not, then post your event here in a spoiler so I can
see the dialogue instructions.

//Message x0A
I think I'm showing more than enough{br}
respect for a backwater captain.{br}
Perhaps I should remind you that{br}
that we are but mercenaries hired{br}
by the Knights{br}
Believe it or not, my lady, our{br}
contract doesn't demand good{br}
manners in your presence.{end}

  • Modding version: PSX