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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


May frowns at Vie as she gets into Merrygate, saying "Find a corner, sit in it and by God - Don't. Touch. Anything." She then proceeds to pointedly ignore the doctor as she acknowledges the captain's orders, advancing to where her allies are (1-2), changing over from her Mazella to her bazooka as she does so. (3-4) She scans the treelines as she moves, head vulcans and bazooka ready to fire on enemy units.

1-2. Get up from kneeling and advance between the trees to at least E10, following Lyra and Buliwyf if they advance further North than that.
3-4. Remove her bazooka from her back clamp and place the Mazellla on that clamp while in motion, double-handing the bazooka for a while.
5. Have head vulcan ready to discharge 20 rounds into any active enemy unit stupid enough to get within 3 panels. May also use bazooka at close range if its in-hand by then.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Lyra eyed her the situation at hand, first the other mobile suits, then the mech in her hands. Lyra's brain finally "clicked", a plan set in motion. She 1) tossed her 120mm ahead towards setch "Be a dear and hold that for me, my hands are full", as she then began 2-3) charging at the now-blinded zaku II, using both hands to keep her zaku I up as a shield, pushing her mech as hard as she could to build proper momentum. (move to D5, prioritize speed and keeping zaku I infront of her.) slamming the zaku I into the blinded zaku II, releasing the zaku I right after impact, and 4-5) used her remaining momentum, now free of her burden, to tackle/grapple the hybrid located at D2.

1) toss gun to setch.
2-3) Charge the zaku II(blinded one at d4), using the zaku I corpse as a battering shield, dropping it on impact.
4-5) charge/tackle the hybrid MS at d2
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Buliwyf sticks close to Lyra as she advances, his shotgun swinging around to pump a round into Zaku II 2 before Lyra buries him under his friend.  With that out of the way he quickly pumps two more rounds into Zaku 2.

1) Advance to C6
2) Pop off a shot into Zaku II 2
3) advance to C3
4-5) Pointblank shotgun blasts to Zaku I 2


Vie nods at May's instructions. Vie then looks around the mech, afterward, directing her attention at May, and the radar

1-5) Watches May and Radar


Rellia charges her boosters to full gear, flying straight through the trees to E4, and laughing as she maniacally cuts them down with her dual heat hawks, landing right on the hybrid and putting both axes to the head visuals (blinding it) and the cockpit.
A comm opens to the party and the hybrid enemy. "Stand down or face immediate execution! This is your only warning, leave the cockpit, or leave the life you once had" In the background of the comm is the replayed screaming of the EFF pilot and that horrible, horrible laughter...
*shivers* horror........

1) Move to E4
2) Threaten Hybrid
3-5a) Disable hybrid without damaging weapons should it disobey
3-5b) Should it be a minor resistance, slash the hybrid across the cock pit and knock it down (without cutting through the cock pit)
3-5c) Should Rellia be damaged, attempt to defend and slash the legs before kicking them to knock it down
3-5d) Should resistance become damaging or deadly to Rellia or a party member, cut the power on it



((Sorry for the delay, but I had too many good ideas for moves.))

Catching the thrown rifle (1), Setch smiled as the weight sensor now displayed a heavier weight than his mech's right arm (1).  "Fully loaded too?  Heck yes!  All righ', I'm fixin' to shoot up that mix-n-match.
The wind howled as flurries scattered from the trees in front of him.  Gingerly pressing his drive shaft forward, Setch drove his mech out from his cover as Lyra's mech, holding the remains of her last assailant, rammed into the nearest enemy mech.  "Lyra, if yer rushin' on up, I got yer back!"
Entering another stand of trees (2), Setch stretched apart Steel Freedom's arms between three spruces.  Three fingers on two hands pressed against the trigger, as Setch opened fire upon both enemy mechs (3-5)

1) Catch Lyra's thrown rifle.  Weapon distribution is LH (99 round 120mm Machine Gun) and RH (27 round 120mm Machine Gun)
2) Move diagonally to C4 (F6-E6-D5-C4); always making sure Lyra is in front of him while crossing D5 (to reduce the chance he's seen)
The following actions are near simultaneous.
3) Fire 27 120mm rounds into the shoulder of Hybrid Zaku, aiming to tear off his right shoulder's cannon while not hitting Lyra.
4) Fire 27 120mm rounds into the shoulder of Zaku I, aiming to tear off his cannon.
5) Fire 20 70mm rounds into the head of Zaku I, aiming to tear off his head.

Used Rounds:
LH 120mm Gun: 27 Rounds
RH 120mm Gun: 27 Rounds
Head Vulcan 70mm: 20 Rounds

((I presume we can reload en route to the next map?))
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


(Yes, I'll reload you in between battles and stuff your half-expended clips onto your clamps instead unless I forget to, in which case you can remind me and ask me to do it.  Also, FDC, I think you need to go look at what the target looks like again.)

---------Battle Pane Resolution----------

"Find a corner, sit in it and by God - Don't. Touch. Anything." May commands Vie sternly before trying to forget she exists, rotating her weapons and coming out of her kneeling position, getting ready to advance to her allies.  "Be a dear and hold that for me, my hands are full." Lyra says, tossing her machine gun to Setch before charging forward, holding the downed Zaku I in her grasp as a shield as she advanced, Buliwyf hot on her heels. "Fully loaded too?  Heck yes!  All righ', I'm fixin' to shoot up that mix-n-match." Setch says, catching the tossed gun as Buliwyf puts a cap in the blinded enemy near him and Lyra rams it with a corpse.  "Lyra, if yer rushin' on up, I got yer back!" Setch sneaks out from his cover, going behind the charging units as Rellia comes bursting through his once-hiding place and out the other end.  Both cannon-holding units are caught off-guard long enough for Lyra to charge, tackling her target hybrid to the ground as both Setch and Buliwyf disappear into some trees to her southwest.  Rellia rests one of her axes near the hybrid's visor, sending the bright-yellow glow through its main cameras as Lyra holds it down.  "Stand down or face immediate execution! This is your only warning, leave the cockpit, or leave the life you once had."  Setch aims for the downed enemy as well, but he's unable to get a clear shot with the Zaku pile going on, turning his sights to the last enemy instead.

Meanwhile, Atrius keeps his eyes glued to the northern area from his cover, his thermal sensors showing small heat blips - leftover tanks.  He lines one up in his sights as they move towards the northwestern area the rest of his team is fighting in, pulling the trigger and seeing the small explosion through the storm.  "One." he says calmly, moving his sights before pulling the trigger again.  "Two."  He pulls the trigger again, the rifle's somewhat-silenced fire sounding as a third explosion appears in the distance.  "Three." he mouths, seeing the last unit stopping in confusion.  He debates for a moment as it begins to turn around to head north instead, before pulling the trigger. "Four."  He then quickly moves from his cover, running across the path and into a different set of trees dangerously close to the ones Rellia hacked down. 

"S... shit!  Carl?!  Al?!  Fuck this, I'm out of here!" the scared shitless and young-sounding Zaku I pilot staggers back as it watches its allies get decimated in the unexpected rush of enemy Zakus, its left arm missing.  Setch blasts its remaining arm from through the trees, causing it to stagger again and toss its now-fragged cannon-weapon to the ground.  It moves to retreat, but a Shotgun blast cuts it off as Buliwyf appears from the woods, immediately followed by a blast of vulcans that frag the head as a second shotgun blast tears the front of the core right off, likely killing the pilot outright.  Seeing the carnage, the pilot of the unknown Mobile Suit pops the cockpit open, leaving it as he stumbles out in a panic, running back north as fast as his legs can take him.  The Zaku II that Lyra tossed her metal corpse at squirms slightly before ceasing action, its final movement being to hold its machine gun upward and fire the entire clip into the sky as the pilot squirms out and books it.

"Their remaining Mobile Suits likely retreated northward."  Atrius says, scanning for more hostiles and seeing none either visually or through thermal.  "Let's finish up whatever you're doing with that Mobile Suit over there and move out, we're still in good enough condition to continue the mission.  They'll definitely know we're coming now though, so get yourselves ready for some more fire-fights."

Objective: Escape North without being seen.
Bonus Objective: Destroy all Enemies.
Weather: Nighttime, Snowstorm.
Terrain: Surface - Snowplains.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

(Tip!: Make sure you're reloaded and your weapons are set how you want them to be!  There's no element of surprise to help you after this debacle of all things Solid Snake-worthy!)

(Note: You can shoot through the trees and you can move through them, but shots fired through trees are less accurate, and moving through them causes a large amount of noise that will alert nearby enemies to your position almost immediately.  This Battle Pane closes at 11:59pm on Thursday.)

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schiliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 7.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.

Lyra Leylande
MS-05B Zaku I
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 17.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: None.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo 2.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Pilot HP: 7.
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Front Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo 4.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: None.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane - Currently Jettisoned.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].


--Medium damage to Right Leg.  Could become further damaged with heavy strain.

Florance Vie Silette
Pilot HP: 7.
[Mobile Suit destroyed. Currently sitting in May's cockpit.]

Rellia Lunar
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type [E.F.F. Colors]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Cloak Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Head: Head Vulcan - Ammo: 40.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 0.
Left Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 99.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


1) Lyra gleefully leans her zaku back and off the hybrid, 2) opens her cockpit, and slides down into her shiny new MS and acquaints herself with it, not bothering to buy it dinner or introduce herself as she hops in, clearing whatever clutter the previous pilot may have left. She tests out its new comm, making a mental note of its initial channel setting, then making sure she syncs it up on her allied frequency. She radios Atrius the previous settings so he can make use of them however he sees fit, then calls out to May and Vie. " Vie, you can have my old mech, should be something for you to use til we get out of this mess. Just be a bit more careful with it will ya?" she then checks the controls, testing out the new mechs capabilities, making sure she can steer it properly. "Setch, mind handing me my 120 back? lets see if it fits in my new hands." 3) She held her hand out to the Steel Freedom, open to accept her gun, 4-5) then tested out the movement controls, searching the nearby zaku I for more ammo for her new best friend, giggling happily as she does.

1) Move zaku off the hybrid
2) Carefully move into new MS
3) prepare to recieve 120mm from setch and attempt to hold it in off-hand
4-5) Get up and move to the nearby downed zaku I, searching it for more cannon ammo, then following the rest of the squad north.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"I take it I ain't the only one here who gets a kick outta stealin'?"  Steel Freedom tossed Lyra's fully loaded gun (1) into the outstretched hand of the new Zaku.  "Gun's still fresh, though if I'm goin' suit hunting, I'd kinda like a spare."  Producing a full clip from his left clamp, Setch reloaded his own mech's gun (2) before pulling the drive shaft forward (3-5).  "Let's beat it, 'fore they send backup."

1) Toss 120mm Machine Gun with 99 rounds to Lyra (returns to double-handing 1 120mm Machine Gun)
2) Reload 120mm Machine Gun with 0 rounds by using the left hip clamp.
3-5) Exit the map via C1.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


The zaku's hand quickly snatched the pilot, and her Zaku's speaker's glare, "You are now Zeon's prisoner, cooperate and you will live."
With that, the arm connects with the cockpit as the cockpit lowers and Rellia immediately puts a pistol to his face, a brodsword/rapier hybrid in her left hand. "We pilots must be careful, now turn around."
1) Grab the piloit without killing
2) Tell him to turn around
3a) if he complies, handcuff him and lead him inside, where she then puts him in a straight jacket and handcuffs his legs
3ba) if he does not comply, slash him across the stomach, then follow through with 3a
3bb) if he still does not compy, kill him
3c) if he pulls a gun or weapon or attempt to attack, kill on sight
4) close cockpit and turn the goddamn heat back on
5) stick the prisoner in a corner


Buliwyf reloads his shotgun, leaving the partly-empty clip on one of his clamps as he begins hunting through the snow, grumbling under his breath.  Eventually he retrieves his wench and cable, cleaning them off and loading them back into his arm.  "Shame about your mech, Vie.  My leg could use some work.  Guess it'll have to wait, I dont have the gear to fix it out in the field."  He pumps his shotgun, loading a round into the chamber. "Alright Squad Leader, ready to move out on your order..." and then a quiet "Hopefully into less of a clusterfuck.  God, I need a beer."


Vie takes note of Lyra's words. She turns to face May and says, "Thank you for your help. Can you open the cockpit so I might part?" Vie waits for May to open her cockpit. She then hops out and walks in the snow to her "new" mech. She enters the mech and checks it out before taking  full control of it. She then says over the speakers. "Not as much healing tibbits as I would prefer. I recommend carrying more first aid packs." 1-5)

1-5) Leave May's mech, walk to "new" mech, take control of "new" mech.


May opens the hatch to her MS without a word and shuts it just as silently once Vie is out of the way. She waits, bazooka in hand until Vie has the other Zaku up on its feet before changing over weapons back to the Mazella and clamping her bazooka onto the back of Merrygate again. "Just a thought for when we get within sight of this compound we're looking for - assuming its small enough - maybe we should try and come at it from more than one side. I can put down some heavy fire from a lot further back as a distraction while the rest of you try to sneak in a bit closer. I likely have greater range than anything but their biggest cannons and with all this snow they're not going to be able to see me all that well to return fire. I just need to get my shots in the ballpark to cause some chaos though." May muses as she and Vie catch up to the rest of the squad.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

"You are now Zeon's prisoner, cooperate and you will live." Rellia says, snatching up the enemy Zanny pilot has he attempts to retreat.  He surrenders easily, thoughts of fighting long from his mind as Rellia secures him and tosses him in the small open space in the back of her cockpit.  Meanwhile, Lyra gleefully pulls her Zaku off the enemy hybrid mech, bounding from her old cockpit and into her new one like a six year old girl running to see if she got the fancy new dress she wanted for Christmas.  She checks through the system, writing down the enemy's radio frequency and passing it through the commander as she sifts through the files on the Suit.  Recorded is it's name "RRF-06 Zanny", and a nearby screen displays her weapon "120mm Low-Recoil Cannon", with the system anticipating 5 of 6 shots are remaining.   "Vie, you can have my old mech, should be something for you to use til we get out of this mess. Just be a bit more careful with it will ya?" she radios in, getting her mech upright and checking over the controls. "Setch, mind handing me my 120 back? lets see if it fits in my new hands."

"I take it I ain't the only one here who gets a kick outta stealin'?"  Setch says with a laugh as he tosses Lyra back her machine gun and reloads his own.  "Gun's still fresh, though if I'm goin' suit hunting, I'd kinda like a spare.  Let's beat it, 'fore they send backup."  Meanwhile, Vie shifts in response to Lyra's offer of her mech as May reaches the others.  "Thank you for your help. Can you open the cockpit so I might part?"  She asks, and May opens her cockpit without a word, quickly closing it as soon as Vie parts.  Vie climbs into her "new" mech, quickly looking things over and drawing her weapon.  "Not as much healing tibbits as I would prefer. I recommend carrying more first aid packs."

Buliwyf rotates his Shotgun clips around, beginning to look for his discarded crane in the snow and hoping it isn't destroyed.   "Shame about your mech, Vie.  My leg could use some work.  Guess it'll have to wait, I dont have the gear to fix it out in the field."  He eventually finds the crane, luckily still in a usable condition, and re-attaches it to his forearm before pumping his shotgun to prime it for the next encounter.  "Alright Squad Leader, ready to move out on your order..." he says, before a quiet "Hopefully into less of a clusterfuck.  God, I need a beer."

May rotates her weapons back to her Mazella Top Cannon, getting ready to become the long-range support again as everyone primes themselves to move forward.  "Just a thought for when we get within sight of this compound we're looking for - assuming its small enough - maybe we should try and come at it from more than one side. I can put down some heavy fire from a lot further back as a distraction while the rest of you try to sneak in a bit closer. I likely have greater range than anything but their biggest cannons and with all this snow they're not going to be able to see me all that well to return fire. I just need to get my shots in the ballpark to cause some chaos though."

"It can't be that large if it's out here..." Atrius muses as he leaves his sniping position, moving up to the rest of the squadron.  "Here... Lyra was able to get the enemy's radio frequency off the mech she commandeered, so we'll possibly be able to use it to eavesdrop on them during battle.  Hopefully it'll make up for our... loss of a surprise element." he says his last few words with a venomous-sounding pause, narrowing his eyes slightly as he sends the frequency Lyra gave him to the others.  "Vie... from now on, stay near May and give her covering fire.  Leave the frontline to Buliwyf and Rellia.  Let's move north before we waste more time, they know we're coming, so all we can do is hope to catch them before their defenses are readied."

This battle is complete! ...Sort of!  Bonus Objective: Failed!

Stat bonuses:

Atrius Schiend: Long Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Lyra Leylande: Close Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
May Greenfield: Long Range Skill +2.
Buliwyf Herger: Close Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Florance Vie Silette: Reflex Speed +2.
Rellia Lunar: Close Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Seth "Setch" Harrow: Medium Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.



----------Scenario Intro----------

The squadron moves further north, the driving snow slowly subsiding into a light drizzle of snowflakes.  The forest eventually ends, their Zakus hiding in the trees at the border of it and a snow plane as they look forward.  Seeing is easy despite the nightfall and remaining light snowfall due to how flat things are - what they find is a small village built along a frozen lake, the road still continuing north around its eastern side before turning and going into the mouth of a small outcropping behind it.  Federation occupation here was rather high, with at least thirteen Type-61 Tanks and a pair of their slightly newer anti-personnel Type-71 Hover Truck standing guard in addition to a pair of commandeered Zaku Is and a Zaku II.  A quick eye to the right of the team shows what appears to be the remainder of the forces that caught Vie off guard in the previous skirmish travelling the road, just beginning to link up with the allied guard.  Despite their head start, the Type-61 Tank in the returning trio had slowed them down enough to cause them to arrive at roughly the same time the Cobras had.

"This is going to get ugly..." Atrius muses.  "Low cover and civilians... Vie, stick to what I said before, and stay back here with May.  Buliwyf, Rellia, don't charge too far ahead, we're going to want to draw them to us unless we want to get the people here involved in the fighting too.  Setch, you and Lyra pick off the weak ones that crawl up and I'll try to snipe the Mobile Suits as they come up.  May, be careful with that Mazella Top Cannon... if you miss, you could really wreck up these houses... May?"  Atrius' order-session is cut off by a small pained grunt from May, whose holding her head for a moment.

"Sorry, just a headache, Captain... but something's telling me... the Zaku II in the back, near the cave, we need to be especially cautious against it."  May winces a moment before shaking the headache off.

"Right..." Atrius trails for a moment.  "We'll need to deal with it though either way.  It looks like the Federation hid the base by building it underground.  That cave is most likely man-made, since the mouth is large enough for a Mobile Suit to walk through.  Let's get rid of these guys without getting too messed up so we can go in without risking back attacks."

Objective: Defeat All Enemies!
Bonus Objective: Don't Destroy Any Houses!
Weather: Nighttime, Mild Snowstorm.
Terrain: Surface - Snowplains.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

NOTE: "Zaku II [E.F.F.] 2" has triggered May's Hypersensitive skill!  Be careful!

(Tip!: Don't try to go mech-ice-skating!  You'll fall in and your Mobile Suit's controls might freeze!)

(Note: You can shoot through the trees and you can move through them, but shots fired through trees are less accurate, and moving through them causes a large amount of noise that will alert nearby enemies to your position almost immediately.  The houses a bit less than waist high.  This Battle Pane closes at 11:59pm on Friday.)

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schiliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 7.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.

Lyra Leylande
RRF-06 Zanny
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 36.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Head: 60mm Dual Head Vulcan - Ammo: 200.
Right Hand: 120mm Low Recoil Cannon - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 99.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Low Recoil Cannon.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Pilot HP: 7.
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Right Hand: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo: 4.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Front Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka- Ammo 4.


--Hypersensitive active: Triggered by "Zaku II [E.F.F.] 2"

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: None.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].


--Medium damage to Right Leg.  Could become further damaged with heavy strain.

Florance Vie Silette
MS-05B Zaku I
Pilot HP: 7.
Core HP: 17.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo 4.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Rellia Lunar
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type [E.F.F. Colors]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Cloak Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 40.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 99.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


"No worries, Captain. I can keep my shots high." May confirms as she falls back a bit and takes a knee to steady her Mazella.(1) "Vie, cover my two if you would." She says and transmits a point on her radar map to Vie's console. [Panel E21] "Just can't shake the feeling about that Zaku back there and I don't think I want to see what it can do." May sets her targeting data into the computer and arcs her shot over the tree cover and the houses at the threatening Zaku II. (2-3) She delays a bit, watching her target before deciding to take a second shot. (4-5)

1. Fall back to C22 and take a knee.
2-3. Fire on the Zaku II @ K6. (Rounds Remaining: 3)
4-5. If that Zaku II is still standing at at long range and not using a house as cover, fire on him again.  (Rounds Remaining: 2)
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Vie sees a blinking point on her radar at E21 and moves to it 1). Vie says in the com. "May continue sending what you want me to do on my radar." With that, Vie then turns off every connection to the outside off (except a port for May to send commands through to the radar), and sits the calmly for a second. She then grabs her radio and tunes it into the enemy frequency that The Viper gave them. Vie sits there without making a sound watching her radar, and listening in.

1) Move to E21
2-5) Protect May, and fire at an enemy that get too close and threaten May.
2b-5b) move out of the way if needed.


Buliwyf clicks over to the EFF comm frequency they were given, hopefully listening to them plan as he waits for them to come closer.

1-5) Hold position, ready to dodge incoming fire, and use what I hear on the EFF channel to help plan my next round.


June 23, 2011, 05:54:15 am #337 Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 06:03:05 am by formerdeathcorps
"I got the tanks if someone takes the Earthie with the shotgun."  Stepping his mech into a lonely strand of pines (1), Setch's stomach grumbled as he poked his gun through a Ponderosa.  Shots pierced the sky (2) through the faint whistling of the dying storm.  "Shit!  They can really hear us now!"  Pointing his rifle to his ten (3), Setch grimaced as the rounds repeatedly pounded into fresh snow.  The lakebed ahead, despite its wintry beauty, contained only foes to be avoided (4).  As Setch settled into a safe spot, he set his receiving frequency to that of the enemy, hoping to pick up some clues (5).

1) Move to G19
2) Fire 9 120mm rounds at Tank 4.
3) Fire 9 120mm rounds at Tank 6.
4) If fired upon, retreat to F21.  If not, find the best cover.
5) Set receiving channel to that of the EFF.

Rounds Used: 18
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Lyra looks about, fairly unhappy with their lack of cover, and notes Setch heading to clear some tanks, deciding to back him up, hoping to thin the herd a little. 1-2) She eases her mech a few steps east(I20), hoping the noise of Setch breaking through the trees distracts her foes from her own exposure, setting down her 120mm before she moves.(120mm left at G20) 3) She then lined up a shot the zaku I straight ahead of her. Trying to catch it off guard, she blasted off a quick round from her cannon.(4 rounds left) She then 4) lined up another shot square on its torso, hoping to have knocked it off balance with the previous shot, aiming to knock it backwards into the frozen lake.(3 rounds left). 5) Finally she moved back to H20, taking what cover she can behind the trees.

1)drop 120mm in G20.
2) Move two squares east (I20)
3)fire on zaku I 1 aiming for its upper torso(4 rounds remain)
If its still functioning (if not just skip to 5 and reclaim 120mm)
4a) Fire on zaku I 1 aiming to hit it in the upper torso again, waiting slightly between the shots to see if it moves, guiding it if necessary. (3 rounds remain)
5) Move one square west (H20)
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


17:23   MysticKnightFF5   Rellia

turns to the captor, "So, what's

your name, kid?"
17:25   RavenOfRazgriz   "Carl." he

replies with a sigh as he gets

himself into a proper sitting

position, finally getting himself

calmed down.
17:25   MysticKnightFF5   She turns

to him and shakes her head, "New?"
17:25   MysticKnightFF5   "They

really shouldn't throw newbies in

the most dangerous position..."
17:27   MysticKnightFF5   She stares

at him awhile before speaking

again, "So, Carl, your EFF

username and password, please."
17:31   RavenOfRazgriz   "Sure..."

he says, relaying a username and

password to her.  "Not that it'll

help much, they're in the middle

of getting the fuck out and my

clearance was shit to begin with.  

I was only piloting because the

original guy got sick and they

said there wouldn't be anythin'

happening up here."
17:32   MysticKnightFF5   She

chuckled slightly at the irony,

'Wow, sucks to be you, doesn't it?

All the same, any clearance at all

is just as good. So, what can you

tell me about the base you

patroled for? Any information may

well save your life, you know."
17:33   MysticKnightFF5   Rellia

glowers back at him wickedly, with

a psychopathic grin reaching cheek

to cheek.
17:34   RavenOfRazgriz   "If you

want to come get out one of my

cigs from my back pocket from me,

sure.  Talkin's much easier when

my nerves aren't shot to hell."
17:35   RavenOfRazgriz   He looks

at her and gives her a stupid

grin, either ignoring her glower

or being completely oblivious to

17:36   MysticKnightFF5   "That's

quite an offer, one that may kill

me. I'm afraid obliging is

impossible." her response is about

as cold as the rest of her

statements, but as she does so,

she lifts a cig out of a

compartment in her Zaku.
17:36   MysticKnightFF5   She shoves

it in his mouth, "have fun sucking

on it."
17:39   MysticKnightFF5   She logs

onto the EFF mainframe, staring at

it casually.
17:39   RavenOfRazgriz   "You could

at least light it..." he groans.  

"You Zeon chicks are way too

17:39   MysticKnightFF5   She looks

back at him, "starting a fire in a

zaku is so intelligent..."
17:40   MysticKnightFF5   "so,

information on the base, now."
17:43   RavenOfRazgriz   "What

would I possibly do with it?  You

think I want to get *myself*

killed?"  He asks, sucking on the

unlit cigarette with an annoyed

look.  "It's underground, these

bastards have a fetish for

underground bases I tell you.  

Shitty little mouse-maze of caves,

I end up lost in at least once a

week because everything looks the

fucking same."
17:45   MysticKnightFF5   "And the

people inside of it, anything

worth noting?"
17:47   RavenOfRazgriz   "The base

commander's a prick, the

lieutenant's a prick, Sherry the

secretary's a bitch, and you guys

killed little Jimmy, so not not

17:49   MysticKnightFF5   She turns

the air conditioning down to 55.
17:49   MysticKnightFF5   "I like it

cold, sorry." she pulls out a

lighter and lights his cig
17:50   MysticKnightFF5   "So, tell

me more about this lietenant"
17:53   RavenOfRazgriz   He takes a

drag and exhales the best he can

given his situation.  "No problem.

You should try one of my cigs

sometime if you smoke, though, I

get the good stuff, not the

typical exchange stock garbage."  

He sits for a moment.  "Guy's

name's Rolfe.  No idea what his

first name is, don't normally talk

to him."
17:53   RavenOfRazgriz   " Like I

said, every time I speak to him,

he's a prick and we're never

assigned to the same things."
18:00   MysticKnightFF5   Rellia

checks whatever info there is to

be had on Rolfe.
18:00   MysticKnightFF5   "About how

many are at your base?" she asks,

her eyes half closed.
20:25   RavenOfRazgriz   "Not many,

bunch of pilots, some of those

machines like I was in, pile of

Zaku Is and a couple Zaku IIs.  

Those machines aren't even

supposed to be used for combat,

which is why they let me ride it."

He takes another drag of his

cigarette, pausing as he does so.
20:25   RavenOfRazgriz   

"Something about wanting to see

how the engines performed in heavy

weather before abandoning the

20:26   MysticKnightFF5   She

glances at her monitor.

Unfortunately, they were about

halfway there. She'd need answers

20:27   MysticKnightFF5   "Is that

right?" she inquires, "and were

there any well-known pilots there?

You know, at a test site, they

usually like to have a few

professionals riding along to test

max abilities."
20:29   RavenOfRazgriz   "That's

what lieutenant Rolfe was there

for, apparently.  He called those

Zannys slow shitbuckets because

the mechanics usually end up

taking off some of the leg

thrusters while restoring them and

demanded a proper Zaku for the

retreat in case we got attacked.  

Guess he had good sense."
20:31   MysticKnightFF5   "So tell

me, how much have you said is a

lie thus far? After all, you may

well lose your head if you don't

answer correctly." she shrugs and

draws her longsword.
20:32   RavenOfRazgriz   "Hey,

lady!  Less with the sword and

more with the driving of the giant

robot.  I don't want to end up

crashing into the tree with a lit

cig in my mouth."
20:33   RavenOfRazgriz   He draws a

deeper drag than usual and lets it

out slowly, looking a bit

20:33   MysticKnightFF5   She

giggles, "I'll probably stick the

wrong end of that cigarette in

your mouth soon"
20:35   MysticKnightFF5   She taps

the sword on the ground, "So,

somebody was sick and you started

piloting a hybrid mobile suit?

That seems unlikely."
20:35   mibbit   RavenOfRazgriz: No

such nickname online.
20:36   MysticKnightFF5   20:33   

MysticKnightFF5   She giggles, "I'll

probably stick the wrong end of

that cigarette in your mouth soon"

20:35   MysticKnightFF5   She taps

the sword on the ground, "So,

somebody was sick and you started

piloting a hybrid mobile suit?

That seems unlikely."
20:38   RavenOfRazgriz   He spits

the cigarette out and stomps on it

with a sign.  "That wouldn't be

any fun if you did that.  What

reason do I have to lie?  Like I

said, they just wanted some

information on the engine

performance and there wasn't

supposed to be anyone around.  Any

pilot who can make the thing walk

is good enough for that."
20:39   RavenOfRazgriz   "You can

even look up the original pilot,

his name's Cameron James, buddy of

mine, he'll be listed as being in

the sick bay if you can hack the

mainframe from here and they've

not torn it all down yet."
20:41   MysticKnightFF5   She lets

out a half giggle, half "hmm hmm

hmm" (if you get what that

means...I sure as shit dunno what

it's called), "I'm not interested

in what the mainframe says" she

presses a button and rises into a

crouching position, laying the

sword next to his crotch. "I care

what you say, darling."
20:41   MysticKnightFF5   (that

single button being auto pilot)
20:43   RavenOfRazgriz   He

shimmies away from you what little

he can.  "Then you'll be happy to

know I've not lied to you then,

20:45   MysticKnightFF5   She plucks

the cig from his mouth and smiles.

"You look like you'd make a good

kisser, it's a shame you haven't

done anything to be

awarded...well, there's always the

20:52   RavenOfRazgriz   He smirks,

looking up at her.  "I'm an idiot

and a coward, not stupid, babe.  

Even I'm skeptical of that offer."
20:53   MysticKnightFF5   She kisses

him on the cheek, and whispers

seductively, "weeell...there's

also the option where you still

play hard to get and die."
20:56   RavenOfRazgriz   "I thought

I was being a rather submissive

little captive, telling you all my

info without a fight and all."
20:58   MysticKnightFF5   She lets

out a short laugh, "Look at you

all tied up...who wouldn't be

"submissive" like this? hehe"
21:00   RavenOfRazgriz   "Rolfe."

he replies with a short laugh to

himself, before realizing the joke

would obviously be lost on someone

not from the base, let alone a

21:01   MysticKnightFF5   She tilts

her head, slightly curious, her

eyes bright like a child's.
21:02   RavenOfRazgriz   "He'd be

all 'Stupid Zeek scum I'm not

telling you anything no matter

what you do rawr rawr rawr.', me,

I could care less, I just want a

goddamn cig and to go home

21:03   MysticKnightFF5   She pushes

him down and crawls over him, "Oh?

Well, tell me more about this

Rolfe guy."
21:04   MysticKnightFF5   [EARNED

TITLE: Temptress]
21:04   MysticKnightFF5   She winks,

"you might get rewarded, who

21:07   RavenOfRazgriz   He laughs

to himself, not exactly

resisting... not that he could

anyway.  "Like I told you,

lieutenant Rolfe is a dick.  

Sometimes I think he's a Zeon in

disguise with how well he pilots

those Zakus... I don't talk to

him, but someone at the base told

me the first time he entered

combat, he jacked a Zaku with a

21:08   RavenOfRazgriz   "Sometimes

I feel like he's the second coming

of Chuck Norris.  Hah.  That's my

love of old media coming through."
21:08   MysticKnightFF5   She

smiled. "Why thank you. Good to

know he's what I thought he was."
21:09   RavenOfRazgriz   He laughs

lowly, nervous.  "Do me a favor

and don't fight him while I'm on

board, I do prefer not dying as

you've noticed."  
21:10   MysticKnightFF5   She

giggles and shakes her head,

"We'll decimate him."
21:10   MysticKnightFF5   Rellia

juts her sword down right next to

his head and lifts herself up
21:11   MysticKnightFF5   She walks

back to her pilot seat.
21:11   RavenOfRazgriz   "I hope I

get to see his face when he

loses."  He laughs hard, realizing

his remarks sound rather

traitorous but knowing it's long

past the point of caring about

that.  "I've always hated that

smug bastard."
21:12   MysticKnightFF5   She

glances over at him, "I'll

probably steal his suit. I like

stealing suits."
21:13   RavenOfRazgriz   "And what

about me?  I can't exactly crawl

out of this thing by myself with

this jacket on..."  He says,

before grumbling "You damn

tease..." under his breath.
21:14   MysticKnightFF5   She laughs

aloud this time, "No worries

dearie, we're almost to the base,

and by steal his suit, I mean drag

it off the battlefield."
21:14   MysticKnightFF5   With that,

she begins hacking the EFF

mainframe using his account.
21:16   RavenOfRazgriz   "You mind

lighting me up with one of my cigs

this time, babe?"  He asks,

looking at the cig on the floor he

only got to half-smoke.  "If we're

fighting soon, I need to get my

nerves sorted and these ones

you've got just don't do it for

me.  Jamal gave me the best stuff,

I'll even let you grab some if you

21:17   MysticKnightFF5   "What kind

of smokes are they?" she asks

without taking her eyes from the

screen, glued to the computer

screen as she continues hacking.
21:20   RavenOfRazgriz   "They're a

special blend."  He replies.  

"Jamal has his family sneak home-

grown tobacco through the mail to

him, then rolls it himself.  He's

not gotten any in a while being at

this frigid hellhole, so this was

the last pack he said he could

make for me.  Kinda sucks,

21:21   MysticKnightFF5   She laughs

inwardly, "Wow, so you're a

21:21   MysticKnightFF5   She gets

to a point where time isn't of

importance and grabs one from his

pocket, then analyzes it for any

poisons, etc
21:21   MysticKnightFF5   before

sliding it in his mouth and

lighting it
21:25   RavenOfRazgriz   There's no

traces of poisons on it, a single

piece of rolled paper with some

tobacco visible.  As Rellia lights

it, the smell of quality tobacco

fills the air and he takes a drag.
21:25   RavenOfRazgriz   "Thanks,

21:25   MysticKnightFF5   She then

presses a button and the vents

open, cleaning the air.
21:26   MysticKnightFF5   She

glances over to him, "I'd rather

you not rust my mobile suit. Or

start screaming at the top of your

lungs when we get shot."
21:27   RavenOfRazgriz   "Trust me,

I think I'll be fine when the guns

begin blazing."  He says with a

pleased sigh as he exhales again,

the scent of the tobacco becoming

mingled with that of equally

quality marijuana.
21:28   MysticKnightFF5   "So ready

to die?" she asks, still not

looking from the screen.
21:31   RavenOfRazgriz   

"Absolutely not, so I'm hoping

with confidence you'll be taking

out that douchebag of a

21:34   MysticKnightFF5   She

giggles, "we're professionals, as

I'm sure your friends know now."
21:34   MysticKnightFF5   She stares

at the screen, having finished

21:35   RavenOfRazgriz   "I'm quite

sure.  I think Chloe and Frederick

got out alive, so they're probably

flipping shit.  I'm surprised you

guys are even bothering going on."

He muses a moment, before asking.

"You sure you don't need one of

these for yourself in this

21:36   MysticKnightFF5   She stares

back, "I'm always calm. As an

assassin must be." she lets out a

sigh and leans back, her eyes

closed, sheathes her sword, and

taps the boosters gear three

times, before opening her eyes

21:36   MysticKnightFF5   She turns

on the comm.
21:36   MysticKnightFF5   end of

21:36   MysticKnightFF5   Title

Earned: Interrogator

Rellia flips on the comm, Men, we stand here today ready to die. Our lives this snowy night are entirely and purely in the hands of luck. And our weapons. Well, and our tactics...and our--you get the picture." she blushes behind the mic, turns it off for a few seconds to let out a sigh and turns it back on. "If we die here, we died to save the universe. And our deaths will not be in vain, remember that if nothing else!"
She flips the comm on again, remembering something, "Also, somebody attack the mouth of the cave so they can't send out anything else."

1-2) Rellia assumes a defensive stance, ready to defend with either shield or deflect with heat hawk should an attack be aimed towards a RANGED ally.
3-5) Charge boosters as much as possible.