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Roleplay 1--Day at the Bar

Started by formerdeathcorps, January 11, 2011, 03:46:04 am


January 16, 2011, 04:54:22 pm #20 Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 05:16:56 pm by formerdeathcorps
"Syd, come 'ere.  That girl just shot the boss!"
"Free...we're finally free."
"From what?  Case you didn't hear, there's hunters after us, right here on our turf!"
"For what?  For offing those Shrine Knights on the last assignment?  They were easy; it's not like these guys are any tougher."
"Yeah, but we gotta clean up these guests too.  They all look like fighters, probably some deserters too, I bet."
"The boss is dead...we don't gotta to his dirty work anymore.  We're done chasing deserters...the rumor's that even Goltana's been offed by one of his knights."
"Yeah, but our jobs were the only reason why we were off the blacklist."

A female voice piped up, "Ash, you worry too much, you know?  We've lived on the road for half our lives anyways, and the war's about over anyways.  Hokuten and Nanten have nothing left to throw."
"The Chur..."
"As long as we've got useful idiots in this bar, we don't got to fear their thugs."
"Let Callie handle it.  She's better at this than me, you know."

A female voice filled the room, seemingly emanating from the table where the dark knight was sitting.

"Nera, this isn't right.  The wanted poster..."
"Can be damned for all I care.  If these idiots want a fight, we'll give it!"  Removing a shuriken, she threw the spinning dirk straight at the dark knight's eyes.

From behind the counter, the foursome sniggered.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


The dark knight rose quickly and broke the dirk in two with a powerful sweep. Her dark eyes shone with vehemence. "I will kill you all." she stated, ready for battle. Her darkened blade Valhalla glowed with a purple aura, ready to unleash its first outrageously deadly attack.


Laughing as she ran in circles, her face was contorted into an evil smile that would bring the evilest of clowns to shame. "Finally, the man that killed me is dead, and all the blame shall go to our flesh and blood," she thought. Suddenly, as she turned a corner, a burst of light came into her view. She ran full speed into what looked like a dark knight, and was knocked unconscious by the force of the impact against raw armor, her face looking as peaceful as ever as if she were a newborn baby.

Skip Sandwich

Quill threw himself at the ground reflexively, only belatedly noticing the blade wasn't aimed at him. Meanwhile, Argyle was flying around the room, shrieking with delight at the sudden outbreak of violence while Beato continued her advances towards her recalcitrant paramour, all as Casielle darted about nervously, wringing her transparent hands together and imploring for everyone to stop in a shaking voice.

From his position on the floor, Quill could see and hear the fight beginning to break out, he would have liked nothing better then to jump on his chocobo and ride away, but the (bounty hunters? assassins?) stood between him and the door. Thinking quickly, he started crawling towards the kitchen.
"Dave?  Are you there?"
"Yeah.  I can't get you through the cell now."
"You have to talk through the bratwurst from now on. I'm sorry. I didn't know it would do that."


Balek watched as a fight broke out between the dark knight and the bounty hunters. He smirked to himself, delighted the fight did not involve him. 'Now all I have to do is keep a low profile and enjoy the show.' He thought.

He reached over the counter to get a free drink - the bartender was certainly incapable of stopping him - and he could've sworn that he heard laughter coming from under the counter.

"....had too much to drink I guess..." He muttered as he spun back around to "enjoy the show."

Full credit to Mayhem over at RPGuild for my sig

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."  

-Abraham Lincoln

Quote from: Dome on February 19, 2011, 04:36:46 am
Sorry Eternal, I don't have balls....


As the youngling ran at her, she grabbed her by the head (and thanks for assuming I had armor, which I don't) and threw her aside, then pointed the sword at the ninja as though to stab, a blue laser shot through the ninja (unavoidable) and a large bursting force surrounds her, ready to decimate her. (Crushing Blow)


January 19, 2011, 10:42:51 pm #26 Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 09:56:45 pm by st4rw4k3r
A female monk walks into the bar.
Upon seeing the fighting that is happening. She jumps into a Defensive Stance. Readying for anything.

She then spots a Man reaching over the bar stealing drinks.
Realizing that, thats the man the killed her best friend Agaith the Chocobo.
She stands in an Offensive Position, running at the man who killed Agaith.

"Balek! Time to die!"
She screamed as she was readying a punch, aimed at his face


...so much powerplaying, this is getting upsetting. Organization REQUIRED. >.>


January 20, 2011, 06:46:57 pm #28 Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 06:48:18 pm by st4rw4k3r
I could care less if its power gaming or such.
As long as there are no numbers.


No as in, people are controlling eachother's characters, it's retarded.
"Upon seeing the insides of the ninja spread out across the bar." ~It did no such thing. Crushing Blow compresses the enemy, not make it explode.
"Landing a nice firm fist across his face." ~You're not supposed to assume you hit unless given good reason.


January 20, 2011, 09:54:15 pm #30 Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 09:58:11 pm by st4rw4k3r
ah. I see what you mean.
Sorry. bad place for me to jump in.

He was drunk. I also never said that I killed or hurt him very badly.

I shall edit that ninja thing. I am sorry for that.

I edited my entire post.

Its now me seeing the fighting. instead of ninja guts.

and getting ready to punch.


January 20, 2011, 11:15:00 pm #31 Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 11:17:47 pm by formerdeathcorps
OOC: I warned st4rw4k3r about it.
Typically, as a matter of courtesy, you don't assume the actions, words, or thoughts of other players, much less control their actions.  Only exceptions are in cases of extreme player inactivity, when both players agreed to the "control" and its extent beforehand, or when the action is trivial enough to the person being "controlled" that they don't mind (or is what their character would have done anyways).

The blue light enveloped Nera, contorting her body as she screamed.  Ducking under a table to avoid the horrible light, the archer fired his crossbow at the Dark Knight's exposed head.
The screams ended as the harsh light faded.  Now standing on quaking knees, Nera could only point at the wizard's satchel as she gasped for air.  The wizard uncorked a blue bottle and stuffed the contents down the wounded ninja's throat.
"Mir, that Dark Knight's got ghost friends after the boss."
"Way ahead of you, Serin."  Pointing her staff at Beato, the summoner shuffled away from the doorway, while furiously muttering under her breath.  As she took her position behind a worn barrel, a white orb of light materialized above the ghost's head.

As the fight ensued, the foursome behind the counter beamed at each other while they alternated watch.
"She's...ha...a dark knight...those guys are...you really outdid yourself this time, Callie!"
"...oooh, that must have been nasty...did you see that beam?"
"...ha...ha...quiet down...we've got company!"

The foursome ducked their heads as Balek seated himself on a scratched maple rotating stool and grabbed the nearest open bottle of ale.
"He's blocking...."
"SHH!  We've got to come up with a..."

A monk suddenly burst through the backdoor.  Fists raised, she paused to survey her new environment.  As her gaze fell upon the seated man, she screamed through gritted teeth and lunged.
"All right, we keep waiting."
"What if they come back here?"
"Not our problem, yet.  Only if they attack."
"The pantry's got lots of drinks...I'm sure that's a better spot."
"You still got the key, Ash?"
"Course; as long as you still got the lock, Syd."
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.

Skip Sandwich

Quill had almost reached the back door when the monk burst in and launched herself into the fray. Reinforcements? Whose? Does it matter? Shit! What do I do now? Lost in panicked thought, Quill didn't notice Casielle trying to get his attention until she appeared right in front of his face.

"Bwaaaa!" cried Quill

"S-s-sorry Mr. Quill, b-but you weren't p-paying attention to me. I was t-trying to say that I think you can hide out in the p-p-p-pantry, I just s-saw some other people go d-down there, this way!"

Meanwhile, as Quill followed Casielle down into the pantry, Beato cried out in pain as the summoner completed her spell of revival. Argyle whirled around just in time to see her sister vanish, temporally discorporated. Enraged, she let out an unearthly scream as she swooped down on the summoner, her life-draining claws outstretched...
"Dave?  Are you there?"
"Yeah.  I can't get you through the cell now."
"You have to talk through the bratwurst from now on. I'm sorry. I didn't know it would do that."


Leaping up from where he had crouched, Gareth slashed at the archer with his sword, attempting to smash the crossbow with one good strike.  His companions, meanwhile, snuck up behind the mages.  The thief, Kyle, stabbed the wizard with his Mage Masher, in the hopes of silencing the caster.  Winter, with his spear in hand, made a sweeping strike at the summoner's feet, hoping to both knock him off his feet and interrupt his spell.
Oh come now. That doesn't even make sense. How can flimsy paper possibly beat the raw density of stone?


January 21, 2011, 03:14:40 pm #34 Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 03:18:40 pm by Kill_Bones
Balek turned from the ongoing fight just in time to see a fist rocketing towards his face. The fist connected with his flesh, and the force of the hit knocked him off the barstool.

He got back up onto his feet, cursing himself for not being more aware. He located the source of the attack, a female monk. 'Haven't I seen her before?' He thought, 'Wait.....wasn't she there when that blasted chocobo tried to maul me? She can't honestly blame me for killing the damned bird, it got in my way!'

Balek grimly withdrew his Murasame and pulled it into a defensive position. He quickly surveyed his surroundings. The archer had fired a shot at the dark knight, and three people were combating the mages and archer. The ninja was still disoriented. He caught the sight of one ghost from the annoying trio leading a man into the pantry.

'The pantry....' He thought, 'I suppose I could run into there and elude this woman; I'm not going to count on my fighting skills when I'm this drunk!'

Balek quickly reached back over the counter, grabbing a bottle of ale. He then threw it at the monk, and sprinted towards the pantry

Full credit to Mayhem over at RPGuild for my sig

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."  

-Abraham Lincoln

Quote from: Dome on February 19, 2011, 04:36:46 am
Sorry Eternal, I don't have balls....


January 21, 2011, 05:24:22 pm #35 Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 11:23:09 pm by st4rw4k3r
A bottle of ale hit Nautia, and smashed against her, making her lose sight of where Balek was.

As she quickly recovered from the hit she took, She began to observe her surroundings more to see what is going on here. As she was scanning the room, she heard a noise from behind the counter.
Eyle rolled over behind the counter, to find a group of people.

They didn't look like they were in the fight.
So Nautia choose to talk to the four people.

In a hushed tone she asked. "Whats going on?"


The dark knight deftly avoided the arrow and stood there, preparing something, but not seemingly charging.


Quote from: MysticKnightFF5 on January 20, 2011, 09:50:08 pm
Quote from: MysticKnightFF5 on January 19, 2011, 08:29:18 pm
then pointed the sword at the ninja as though to stab, a blue laser shot through the ninja (unavoidable) and a large bursting force surrounds her, ready to decimate her. (Crushing Blow)
" ~You're not supposed to assume you hit unless given good reason.

15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


When the fuck was crushing blow avoidable? Follow FFT lore yo.


February 02, 2011, 07:20:26 pm #39 Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 07:39:33 pm by st4rw4k3r
So I'm guessing this is dead now.

AH! So I have been told differently, that it is not dead!
Tis' a good thing.