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Started by 3lric, September 21, 2019, 06:26:07 pm


All bugs will be added to this post for easy tracking for fixes


Current Bugs
- Zalera does not float in his battle, even though he has the float status.
  - (Cause currently unknown, suspected to be the event slot itself. Not Related to ASM, Event or lack of Setup event.)
- M. Portrait function may be compromised for custom mods. Needs further testing


- Bug that caused game to freeze on certain emulators when switching skills or abilities on female characters has been fixed
- Derp in Ashley Riots recruitment event where it said 'Im' instead of 'I'm' has been fixed.

- Mednafen should no longer freeze when switching a female units job.
- Dark Knight should properly appear in the job wheel as a preview for units that havent gotten it, when a unit of the same-sex unlocks it
- Dark Knight Ports will now show on their generic unit quotes.
- Dark Knight JP no longer goes solely to Squire when doing propositions.
- Lancers Jump move is no longer derped out.
- Ninjas Throwing Ball moves are no longer derped out.
- Secondary skillsets on Dark Knights should be fixed.
- Fixes/Edits to the Balthier event.
- Fixes to the Dark Knight ability descriptions
- Fixes to the Dark Knight ability effect areas and animations
- Fixes to some of Ashley Riot's abilities
- Agrias Birthday Event now adds a free Setiemson to your inventory after completion

- Fixes to Balthier Event
- Fixes Balk II Mid-Battle Dialogue Event
- Fixes Altima's Teleport Animations
- Fixes Deep Dungeon Formation issues
- Fixes to Dark Knight Animations
- Fixes to Dark Knight Spell Descriptions
- Adds Dark Knight Spell Quotes
- Can now use 4 Units in Bremondt battle instead of 3

- Fixes to the Agrias Birthday Day Event Script
- Agrias birthday now properly adds 1 Setiemson, rather than setting your count to 1
- Dark Knight should have proper descriptions in all places now

- Fixes units not being able to learn new abilities.


- Fixes game crash when release female units or monsters.
- Fixed issue with a vanilla save that could cause a derp on load.
- Updated 3 'DEFEAT' screens with the proper font.
- Fixed Simon's biography image in the bravestory.
- Fix to Sluice event (Retrotypes)
- Fix to Cloud event, wasn't unlocking Cloud's biography (Retrotypes)
- Swapped Simon and Bremondt in the Bravestory.
- Fixed issue with Miluda's portrait in her post battle scene.
- Added special snowflakes to help consolidation
- Fixed tutorial
- Consolidated Jobs, Skillsets & Sprites
- Consolidated Item Attributes & Inflict Status (Celdia)
  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX

Whale Slippers

Had a strange bug happen using Mednafen in a fresh save and using a clean ISO as per usual. The issue didn't appear while using pSX, though, so I'm not quite sure what the problem is.

  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Whale Slippers on May 24, 2020, 05:23:46 pmHad a strange bug happen using Mednafen in a fresh save and using a clean ISO as per usual. The issue didn't appear while using pSX, though, so I'm not quite sure what the problem is.

That would have to either be an issue with your image file or the emulator itself, ive never seen that happen in a battle before and no one else ever reported an error like that
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Whale Slippers on May 24, 2020, 05:23:46 pmHad a strange bug happen using Mednafen in a fresh save and using a clean ISO as per usual. The issue didn't appear while using pSX, though, so I'm not quite sure what the problem is.

If this bug is specific to Algus, and that fight, I wonder if it's related to his job class.  Was tinkering with Delita's in that fight earlier, tried to set him as a Chemist but ended up as actually somehow removing his class and preventing him from being able to fight, he just ran away and nothing else.  Swapped to a different Chemist, ID i would guess you call it?, and he went back to expected behavior.  Can't say with any certainty that this is Algus' problem, but doubt it hurts to mention it.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tonkatunk

Whale Slippers

May 24, 2020, 08:37:40 pm #5 Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 09:01:35 pm by Whale Slippers
Oh, I guess for clarification, that's Delita. Algus was fine. I was thinking it could be a job issue as well, but I haven't looked into it myself.

It was user error. Mednafen requires using a .cue file, and I forgot to edit it to point to the patched ISO. Oops.
  • Modding version: PSX



I am playing this mod using emulator lr-pcsxrearmed on retropie and I get the following bug where I can't see the world map unless I am moving the cursor. Does anyone know what could this be?

Thank you in advance

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: nisennenmondai on June 14, 2020, 07:48:36 amHello,

I am playing this mod using emulator lr-pcsxrearmed on retropie and I get the following bug where I can't see the world map unless I am moving the cursor. Does anyone know what could this be?

Thank you in advance

This has to do with your emulator settings. Not the mod itself.
  • Modding version: PSX


You are right. By setting to off option "Enhanced Resolution (Speed Hack) in retroarch pcsxrearmed, I can see the world map again. So if anyone encounter this bug then this is what you have to do. By the way I didn't know there was a community around FFT and I am glad I can play FFT on psx with psp content (Seriously what kind of person confirm with a cross button -_-). You found yourself a new member.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I've been tinkering with fftpatcher
Algus not leaving after ramza banish him.
Even at Chapter 2.
how to fix this?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Quote from: kontolgede on July 27, 2020, 11:35:31 amI've been tinkering with fftpatcher
Algus not leaving after ramza banish him.
Even at Chapter 2.
how to fix this?

Algus isnt even in formation in TLW. You broke something
  • Modding version: PSX


beg your pardon,how to fix this?
truly i don't have any idea,what flag did i check,so the result become like this.
sorry for the problem.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


You flagged him as Join After Battle at some point, I guess.

Whatever changes you made, you need to start undoing them and testing it again to determine where the problem is.

Algus in TLW is *not* supposed to be in the Roster at any point, and the fact that he is after you tinkered with FFTP means that you did something.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


hi. idk if this has been reported yet
but i found some bugs with the Dark Knight in this mod
1: if you set your Dark Knight to Auto Battle, there is a very (VERY) slim chance it will use skills you have not unlocked yet. (my dark knight used unholy sacrifice one time when i had only learned the first skill)
2: Abyss Blade does not light up red Squares yellow when you have selected the target
  • Modding version: PSX


January 25, 2021, 03:02:09 am #14 Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 05:26:53 pm by Squaresoft
EDIT: It was a local bug with pSX v1.13.
  • Modding version: PSX


February 01, 2021, 01:25:50 pm #15 Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 10:14:01 pm by xxxsdpsn
A few bugs:

----->D.Knight skill Abyssal Blade has a range of 1 and an effect of 1.

----->Game goes black screen when going to quest string 1 side quest 2a.

From patch notes "2a.  At the start of Chapter 4, if you have Mustadio, you can immediately go to Goug to discover the Steel Ball."

I have Mustadio in party, my next battle is Dogoula Pass. After going to Goug I get the now loading in the bottom right, after a moment of loading the screen remains black. Music should begin playing but it does not.

To progress my side quest further I loaded a base fft went to goug -> got cutscene -> saved -> back to 1.06

-----> Game goes black screen when going to quest string 1 side quest 3a

From patches notes "3a.  Any time after completing 2a and 2b, if you have Mustadio, you can immediately go to Goug to revive Worker 8."

Again used a base fft iso to progress quest, went to goug -> got cutscene -> saved -> back to 1.06, then save after

-----> Cannot enter a battle with Steel Worker

Load screen freezes any time I try and use Steel Worker in a battle. It freezes on the load screen between unit selection and the battlefield. I first noticed this when using my normal group + Steel Worker. Then I tried again with just Steel Worker. Both times froze in the same location on different maps.

Seems something is broken with the Steel Worker sprite? that would likely fix the other 2 events with steel worker.

----->Nelveska Temple Battle Freezes during unit selection
likely tied with worker 7 and 8 sprites.

-----> Sky Pirate skill Barrage is bugged
When using magic guns with Barrage the first attack will execute properly but attacks 2,3, and 4 will be just copies of the spell of the first attack. If I attack with glacial gun and get ice 3, the next 3 attacks will be ice 3 and use the magic ice 3 damage formula, and use the magic cast animation.

I will continue to progress, I should be finished with a completed playthrough in the next week. I will keep editing this post if I find additional bugs.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: xxxsdpsn on February 01, 2021, 01:25:50 pmA few bugs:
----->Game goes black screen when going to quest string 1 side quest 2a.

From patch notes "2a.  At the start of Chapter 4, if you have Mustadio, you can immediately go to Goug to discover the Steel Ball."

I have Mustadio in party, my next battle is Dogoula Pass. After going to Goug I get the now loading in the bottom right, after a moment of loading the screen remains black. Music should begin playing but it does not.

To progress my side quest further I loaded a base fft went to goug -> got cutscene -> saved -> back to 1.06

-----> Game goes black screen when going to quest string 1 side quest 3a

From patches notes "3a.  Any time after completing 2a and 2b, if you have Mustadio, you can immediately go to Goug to revive Worker 8."

Again used a base fft iso to progress quest, went to goug -> got cutscene -> saved -> back to 1.06, then save after

-----> Cannot enter a battle with Steel Worker

Load screen freezes any time I try and use Steel Worker in a battle. It freezes on the load screen between unit selection and the battlefield. I first noticed this when using my normal group + Steel Worker. Then I tried again with just Steel Worker. Both times froze in the same location on different maps.

Seems something is broken with the Steel Worker sprite? that would likely fix the other 2 events with steel worker.

----->Nelveska Temple Battle Freezes during unit selection
likely tied with worker 7 and 8 sprites.
My guess is that there is something off with your setup, or perhaps you've modified the iso further after installing the patch.  I've both beta tested TLW and am finishing up my own patch that uses TLW as a base, and I've never encountered this type of issue.  A fresh install on a clean iso would be good to confirm if this is really a problem.  AFAIK bad sprites can't cause this type of issue, more likely something to do with Eventing, ASMs, or an Iso that got corrupted.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Ansehelm on February 03, 2021, 02:16:47 amMy guess is that there is something off with your setup, or perhaps you've modified the iso further after installing the patch.  I've both beta tested TLW and am finishing up my own patch that uses TLW as a base, and I've never encountered this type of issue.  A fresh install on a clean iso would be good to confirm if this is really a problem.  AFAIK bad sprites can't cause this type of issue, more likely something to do with Eventing, ASMs, or an Iso that got corrupted.

I have since downloaded 2 fresh ISO's from different locations and patched each with 1.06 using ppf-o-matic. I had even run the game through another emulator setup. I am still freezing anytime I have interaction with Worker 7 or Worker 8 via battle or event.

Also, the bugs with Barrage and Abyssal Blade are still present on a fresh ISO with 1.06.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Found 2 minor things:
•Typo: All Ashley's Ability Descriptions have double ":".
(Requires::Knife, Ninja Sword or Bag)

•The 'Artificially Undead' Wizard and Time Mage at Yuguo Woods (1AE) doesn't have innate Monster Skill. Ghouls will only cast secret abilities if those Wi/TM gets 'Monster Skill' by luck in their 'Random Support Ability' slot (LOW LOW LOW chances).
If it's not possible to inject an Innate Skill with codes, consider those Wi/TM will mostly get Defend (if anything) in their Support Skill slot, setting 'Monster Skill' instead of 'Random' is an option.

I'm finishing Chapter 3, will keep on testing minutely (with my lack of advanced knowledge)
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Squaresoft on February 07, 2021, 01:07:58 amFound 2 minor things:
•Typo: All Ashley's Ability Descriptions have double ":".
(Requires::Knife, Ninja Sword or Bag)

•The 'Artificially Undead' Wizard and Time Mage at Yuguo Woods (1AE) doesn't have innate Monster Skill. Ghouls will only cast secret abilities if those Wi/TM gets 'Monster Skill' by luck in their 'Random Support Ability' slot (LOW LOW LOW chances).
If it's not possible to inject an Innate Skill with codes, consider those Wi/TM will mostly get Defend (if anything) in their Support Skill slot, setting 'Monster Skill' instead of 'Random' is an option.

I'm finishing Chapter 3, will keep on testing minutely (with my lack of advanced knowledge)

Im working on a update to be out in a few days, ill add these fixes. Thanks
  • Modding version: PSX