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Sprite help wanted if anyones still here

Started by Evrin, February 19, 2015, 03:47:26 am


Ok so both of these sprites look fine until I put them into ShiShi.
The white mage I replaced the hair and now I cannot open it in Graphics Gale. When loaded into ShiShi The pallet bugs out. Is there a way to fix that?
With the second one I was using two sprites that worked fine until I fused them and now shishi will not load it correctly. It distorts the image.
If anyone is still here could you try to help me?
p.s. They show up after I downloaded them but how can I post them so that they show up?

A Blood Red Fox

February 19, 2015, 06:14:12 pm #1 Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 06:30:02 pm by A Blood Red Fox
I'm looking to see if I can figure out what the problem is. I don't really use Graphics Gale very much, so I can't help much there, but I'm looking to see what I can figure out. I have noticed one thing though...

I do notice that there is a white line on the left side of your image... which when it has happened to me is a result of accidentally moving the entire image a bit so that some of it is off of the canvas and lost, while on the opposite side you've got empty space. When that happens it can end up being glitchy and all messed up when you try to import it into Shishi.

EDIT 1: I just noticed that you also have two extra colors on the palette. I removed them and now it doesn't look all glitchy when I import it into Shishi. It messes up the picture a bit though, with the extra colors now being gone. You'll have replace those extra colors with something else.

EDIT 2: I'm not really sure why it's showing up normal looking though now... If I made a mistake with the one I just put up, then I apologize. I'm not exactly an expert... Actually I'm not sure what's going on...

Edit 3: Yeah, didn't know what I was talking about. There did look to be two extra colors, but I don't think that was the cause of the issues. I think your portrait may be using the wrong palette though. Do you notice how the white mage's portrait is all weird looking when not in Shishi? That' because it uses a different palette, a different row of your colors. When you import the image into shishi it displays how it'll actually look in game. I suspect that maybe part of what's going on. Let me know if any of this solves the problem for you.


February 19, 2015, 10:56:24 pm #2 Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 02:47:08 am by Evrin
Thank you Red Fox! I think with the white mage I am going to try to redo the hair. I think the problem with it was that the skin and hair tones were the same on the pallet. I normally use Gimp to edit them because I am used to it (I used it for school and messing with FE portraits and stuff). I started using GG because I noticed it was popular on here.
Thank you for working on the paladin sprite I didnt think about the extra space! I can redo the portrait since I was going to work on it!
Edit: I worked on it a bit and figured out the problem for the paladin portrait. It was using colors from the battle sprite in addition to the portrait colors. Here is what I got so far for it.


You must have 16 different colors in the palette for the sprite and another 16 for the portrait. They must not share any colors.
  • Modding version: PSX


Thank you Elric for letting me know but I knew that :) thats what I fixed in the paladin sprite. Also here is my progress on a mage I am making for practice. I am going to change the hair and finish editing the sprites. I might also add more design or change whats there :)


These designs are nice, remember the more you practice, the better it gets. Looking forward to some more art from you :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


February 24, 2015, 10:56:14 pm #6 Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 03:48:41 am by Evrin
Update on the mage. I simplified the whites so I could use the extra shades to change the hair color. Still unsure if I want to change the hair or how I would change it to look.

edit: I just need a couple more before I can face the elite four now!


Looking good so far. Way to keep the sprite section alive.

Here, have a badge:
  • Modding version: PSX


February 25, 2015, 09:41:44 pm #8 Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 09:50:18 pm by Evrin
Well I am still not sure about the hair but i got the front stripe done (after slacking off on doing it for a while lol!) now I just need to decide on the hair so I know if its time to work on the portrait!
Any suggestions or opinions on changing the hair?

edit:I realized that I never fixed the other pallets so that is updated now.


Nice.. the odd thing about it is the grey on the robe... that should be the darkest value on the sprite.
  • Modding version: PSX


Oh alright thank you lijj :D I didn't realize that! Is this better? or do you think I should try changing the hair colors?


February 28, 2015, 04:16:40 am #11 Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 04:22:54 am by Lijj
The robe looks better now yeah :P. but the hair.. One of the colors for the hair isn't being used in the sheet so it maybe got blended or lost when you were changing the colors.
(here's what i mean, the isolated one isn't being used; I also adjusted the greys a bit there)
  • Modding version: PSX


Ok I found the problem. I didn't realize it but when I switched the two colors in GG it changed the hair so I just went back and filled the bottom part of the legs with the darker grey so that it was using the darkest color :D


Here's just a repalette of the original based on yours, cause if you see in the example there was some loss in the face and eyes etc.
it's 15 colors now you'll just have to re apply/ or copy and paste the robe edit you had going:

Although it'd probably be better to use the brown like you had for the shoes, gloves and tie. the one I posted has 15 colors so adding in the brown would be no problem.
  • Modding version: PSX


Oh ok thank you lijj! Everything looks much nicer now! :D
I started working on a dark knight idea I had earlier, so do you think I could impose on yall a little bit more? Its still in the beginning stages but I am hoping that you can kinda see what I am trying to do. :)  (Idek what I am really doing at this point, but I think it looks kinda cool. :D )


cool! I can't look at it now, but I will tomorrow (goibg to bed). Also, on the priest, since you don't have loss elsewhere, you may just copy and paste the head instead... either way.
  • Modding version: PSX


Ok :) sleep well and thank you for all of your help!


Sorry it took so long.. had a long day at work and didn't get a chance before hand to get on my PC.
It looks good though. I like the arms and especially the shoulders with spikes, but I must warn you; making edits to arms is a lot of work.
  • Modding version: PSX


March 01, 2015, 02:28:53 am #18 Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 02:49:52 am by Evrin
I understand :) I am just glad to have some feedback!
I know editing the arms is going to be painful I thought about finishing a Garland sprite I found on here because I would have liked to use him, but I just couldn't figure out the arms! I am still learning but I am hoping with a little guidance I can make at least 1 sprite that people will like :D

edit- Woops forgot to add this on here


Evrin, this would surely benefit you for making arm edits to sprites:
It's an updated shishi which refreshes the file as you save it in whatever program you pixel in.
  • Modding version: PSX