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Started by Ilmauriciano, March 02, 2014, 10:48:37 am


Quote from: RJ Cid on September 30, 2015, 10:07:01 pm
Since his whereabouts are unknown, he could've gone all Guts about things and learned to fight from travelling marauders, making him the most bad-ass 8 year old around. As for the lack of motivation to dethrone a good king... "Only a fool searches for logic in the chambers of the human heart" -Ulysses Everett McGill

I'm curious if any Game of Thrones characters could be put on the table? Maybe a little John Snow/Hound/Kaleesi action? They can't really perform crazy sword abilities in the show (or the novels), but it leaves some creative freedom to surprise us if they make it into the game.

I've never seen it, so it's not likely :P

Quote from: RJ Cid on September 30, 2015, 10:07:01 pm
I'm also curious about Magic Pots. Any hope for them later on in the game?

You mean those lil fuckers who always want me elixirs? They are too rare in FFT for that :P

  • Modding version: PSX


Eh, whoever Elric and co add I'm sure the game will still be good.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Bonesy#9386


Quote from: RayKamiya on September 30, 2015, 09:13:02 pm
Yeah Izlude and Zalbag really got shafted.

Yeah. Those are a couple of things about Final Fantasy Tactics that I think about "what could have been?" when I look back on them.


For the 433rd time, all cameos are from characters who are in video games originally, with a very small portion of characters who appeared in a video game after being in other media. No Samuel L Jackson, no Game of Thrones, no, no no. The world doesn't work that way.

Magic Pots, however...
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


And the cloaked stranger is.... The original Big Boss (AKA Snake's mentor from MGS3). Prolly not but since we're all just guessing that would be a cool one, and we have not seen other characters from that world yet soooooo....

Bounty Hunter Lani

The cloaked individual is CLEARLY Ultros...  :mrgreen:

Quote from: Elric on September 30, 2015, 07:33:15 pm


Quote from: Toshiko on October 01, 2015, 07:44:47 am
Magic Pots, however...

Magic Pots confirmed?  :wark: :wark: :wark:


  • Modding version: PSX


QuoteMagic Pots confirmed?

I think the only Magic Pot involved in Jot5 so far is what Elric takes in preparation to do some eventing.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


You all can continue to guess if you like, but it's really for your own fun and imagination. None of the like, 5 people who even know who the CS is will end up telling you if you are right or wrong (not that any guess has even been remotely close).

Fact of the matter is, it's the -Cloaked- stranger for a reason... You aren't -SUPPOSED- to know who it is yet :P and it was written in such a way that any guess is less than futile.

I'd honestly rather see other kinds of posts, however if speculation on characters is how you show how interested you are in Jot5, then by all means. Just know that we aren't going to tell you either way. :P
  • Modding version: PSX


QuoteNone of the like, 5 people who even know who the CS is will end up telling you if you are right or wrong

I would, but then I'm an evil liar and so I'd only say so to a guess that's obviously so far off base as to be impossible. No, no, yeah, it totally is Queklain/Cuchulainn. Definitely. Or Raiden. In fact everyone is Raiden, just because Elric loves him so much.  :P

If you guys wanna continue the speculation, though, you might wanna continue it in a new topic specifically about that. It's getting slightly out of hand in this one, heh.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


December 07, 2015, 02:19:55 pm #90 Last Edit: December 07, 2015, 02:45:08 pm by Guru
I have a couple suggestions to make but I just wanted to say how amazing chapter 1 came out!
I'm not gonna post everything about the game I liked because everything has already been said and you guys are busy working on progressing towards the future. I just found this mod last week and I couldn't believe how great it was. The sprites are beautifully done, the dialog is great, the battles are great and even challenging at times! I know you are tweaking the system a bit and when you release chapter 2 I will post a much more detailed response but I am going to list a few things I want to note and some things I think could be improved. But my list of suggestions is short and that is a great thing!

First ramza swearing... I'm not sure exactly how far after the lions war this is, but Ramza seems more mature in this game and hell after fighting that manipulative war I'd be swearing more too. I don't see a need to change it at all. I thought ramza's character was pretty close to his original and like I i was saying he's not that same naive academy student any more. At the least I don't see a need to go back and change the content you have already done as that would be a lot of work that would halt real progression.

Second I would like to see dante be able to use equip change. Dante, Snake, and Link are all able to switch their equipment in their original games and I think it would make more sense. Plus it would make it very useful for Dante and as of right now with links skills I don't see much point in him being able to switch weapons.

Which leads me to my next comment. I feel like besides light arrow( which seemed really powerful against ganondorf but he was probably weak to it ) Link seems to be the underachiever of the bunch. When I first got agrais I trained a bit and i left link out for quite a few battles. Yet Link was still the first to master all his skills. Why only the one sword skill for link? I'd like to see a couple more in there at least. He has charge attacks, jump attacks and etc. Maybe he learns some new songs while in this new world. That would be kind of neat as well he catches ramza playing a tune with his blade of grass and he plays it on his ocarina and it turns out to be some new useful song.

Also I second the notion to give some small game hints at least. If I would have killed a certain someone last I might have missed out on a certain skill for the time being anyways. It also be nice to put some hints in there if you plan on doing any hidden move find items. Just because the original had hidden stuff with no hints doesn't mean its right. Matter a fact from what I've seen so far I think this has the potential to surpass the original.

Alma....My how you've grown and become a badass. Love it!

If you gave me a choice on only having one extra character it would 100% be Agrias so glad you included that sexy holy knight =]

Mustadio and his new invention....Nice!

Sephiroth and ganondorf...Great job!

The new delita scene looks awesome I can't wait! I always liked when the two teamed up so this was a great idea!

*edit* I read the previous suggestions and it was very interesting to say the least =p. Glad you guys stick to your beliefs and not try to please everyone. Geno would have been a cool addition btw but I think your choices so far have been the best possible and I have no doubt I will be pleased with all future characters! I am still surprised to hear that most people found Link to be the most op. I still stick to my above suggestions with dante and link but they are simply my thoughts on the matter. After playing CH1 I can't imagine being disappointed with whatever direction you decide to go. Like you said you are not bound to their initial class but I always liked having the skill sets from the unique classes.


The reason Dante doesn't have Equip Change is simple: he can only switch weapons between levels in the series he comes from; it's being faithful to the source material. Not to mention that if he had Equip Change, he'd have quite an unfair advantage over the others.

In my playthroughs, Link has been second only to Snake for MVP, so it's probably a playstyle thing. Cloud's the one who's taking up the rear in my experience, but your mileage may vary. I'd definitely like to see Link get a bit more variety, and we've thrown some ideas around, ourselves, but we also still want to keep each of the five on a fairly even ground however we can, so it can be a tough trade off.

And hey, the original game didn't have any hints! Of course, the original game had a purchasable player's guide with all the secrets revealed, but that wasn't exactly free, now, was it? :p
(There was an unofficial wiki being kept up with new info as it was discovered by fans, including bits of officially confirmed data, but it'll need a fair bit of updating once the re-release is out...)
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


AH! I forgot in DMC3 you could only switch styles at the start of a mission! DMC4 he could switch at any time...It would be nice to be able to do that but I gotta admit it would make dante incredibly op. My main suggestion was because based on originality but I had forgotten about DMC3.

Yeah its gotta be different play styles for link. Cloud was one of my MVP. I would still like to see Link get some more skills IF its possible. I noticed the post saying it was a problem with space but it was being considered. I hope its possible in the future but if not at least there is many other class options to make him useful.


Cloud was definitely someone I had to put some extra effort into to figure out. And as I said before I like Link as an Archer/Mage but I would also like to see him get a sword skill or two just to make me want to use equip change more, maybe have that full life beam attack even if you cant make it look just right.

Something I would really like to see is the 5 getting new skills as chapters progress like the way Ramza got new abilities in the original game.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


Quote from: Toshiko on December 07, 2015, 03:44:08 pm
And hey, the original game didn't have any hints! Of course, the original game had a purchasable player's guide with all the secrets revealed, but that wasn't exactly free, now, was it? :p
(There was an unofficial wiki being kept up with new info as it was discovered by fans, including bits of officially confirmed data, but it'll need a fair bit of updating once the re-release is out...)

You better believe that it'll get updated right quick. I really enjoyed playing the death out of Ch 1 to help fill it out, not to mention excuses to play the game even more.

Davi o Rei

It's Luigi under that GREEN hood.
That'd be a twist to everyones guesses :D


I was reading some older posts because I was looking for a certain 2 somethings you can learn. ANYWAYS....

Playable zelda.... YES!!! even if just for a mark or something that would be badass. Maybe someone kidnaps her or something.

and I read something about the judge system in ffta. Yeah It was pretty stupid imo. It added a bit of a strategy twist and not that it hurt the gameplay or anything just....stupid lol. But the judges on the other hand were pretty awesome. The ones from ff12 were even better. They would make an awesome mark battle. I played ff12 but never played the international version. There is an option battle against all the judges and I've have seen many people rate it the hardest final fantasy battle. I was pretty pissed when I found out it never made it to the US because the option battles of ff were always my favorite part because some of them were down right insanely challenging(there is an unofficial translation to the iso but I just couldn't get back into the game again)

I know elric said something about not introducing more characters from the same game...but I would love to see tifa as a guest in a mark battle ( here is elric right now lol  :roll: ) But of course its your game/art but just throwing ideas out there. If you don't like tifa ( :cry: ) this idea could be used as anything really vergil as a mark battle or something along those lines.

And comon guys its obvious the CS is cap'n crunch  :mrgreen:


Man i would love to see Tifa too, the point is , that to add tifa in a mark or whatever, they would need to work on ALL her sprites, i think its a load of work , not worth for a single mark..


What do you mean all her sprites? Her sprites already exist. But no I doubt she will appear. It was originally scripted for her to be part of the later portion of the story but that was rewritten a looong time ago .
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm sure a lot of work goes into most of then mark battles. Specially the new ones that are coming up. The two teasers i saw both had unique sprites (well not really but there was an empty space for a sprite). To me some of my favorite parts of the ff series games was the side quest stuff.

Shit if her sprite is done and no story perfect for a mark battle then! It'd be like some weird spirit thing goes into clouds mind and makes a whole apparition team of clouds friends and cloud goes into battle all alone or with ramza if there is sprite room. Cloud kicks everyone's ass except for tifa who is just too strong and owns everyone. Then the real battle begins and now that there is sprite room you assemble your team and fight tifa but she just destroys everything. Then sephiroth comes out of no where and stabs her in the back. Game over lol. Sorry I may have smoked too much  :P