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Messages - blaide

FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: FFTA: Doublecast 0.50 Beta
April 20, 2024, 09:20:59 am
Thanks for the great response :)

I find with FFTA it can take a long time to complete with all the missions so you can find yourself getting to max level quite quickly, if you were unable to get the level cap up, maybe just reduce all EXP by 50% or maybe even disabling exp rewards on clan war battles.

Would it be possible to remove support and reaction abilities from monsters so you can make more room for action abilities, e.g. replacing Reveal from the Panther and replacing it with Fira, I feel that the monster skills could do with a big switch up to make it feel more fresh and also make it a little tricky as Skills like "Blaster" make it a little too easy, also I found the ability "Resonate" very rarely targetted anyone on the map.

Instead of having recruitable monsters would it be possible for changing some of the Nu Mou Jobs for example to a monster, e.g. Beastmaster turns into a Malboro, unsure if this would counter the problem of max monster skills for a spin on the Morpher job, just a silly idea.

As for Some more feedback.

*Use of items*- I loved that jobs had free access to the item command, a brilliant idea, and extending the range of potion was genious, I very rarely used items in the OG game, I didn't use the drop and draw weapons command unfortunately so can't comment on that.

*Performance of Human Jobs*- If I''m honest I wasn't a big fan on the human jobs, I felt they was a little underwhelming, the only job I loved was the Hunter, that's what I used for most of my playthrough with a few blue mage skills thrown in.

*Thieves- I didn't really use thieves in my playthrough, I wasn't a fan of theft abilities in this game, I thought you could easily manipulate the game with stealing everything and there wasn't many exclusive items that could only be stolen, I would have much prefered a job like "Speed Demon" rather than thief, a job with incredible fast speed and move and has abilities which enables him to teleport anywhere on the map and skills that make the enemies skip their turns.

*Prism Mage- I didn't experiment with the Prism Mage but I thought it was a great idea to have a red mage like job for humans but I thought the big requirement of "all blue mage skills" was a little extreme, unsure if it's possible but it would be amazing if all races had 1 or 2 super special jobs that were unlocked at a certain part of the game or when you obtained a certain item, like getting the item "Bangaa Tears" unlocks "Dragon Warrior"

I know with the current resources out there for FFTA there is only so much modding you can do, but I don't think we will ever recieve an official remake of this amazing game, tactical RPGs are my fave genre of game and FFTA is my favourite tactics game, the more mods out there the better.
I'm so happy that you will be continuing to work on this mod, I really can't wait for further updates.

Kindest Regards
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: FFTA: Doublecast 0.50 Beta
April 11, 2024, 07:43:38 am
Thank you so much for the response!

I really enjoyed my firsy playthrough of DoubleCast, I would love to see some tweaks made if possible.

I don't know whether or not it was just me but I got to Level 50 realy quickly, theres something about this game that takes a lot of the fun out of it when I can no longer level up, it would be great if you could somehow increase the level cap to 99 or heavily reduce the EXP given.

I Love that you can get monster recruits but I never seemed to get non monster recruits other than using the "certain race wanted" missions, it would be great if it was 50% monster and 50% non monster recruits requesting to join

I dont know if it would be possible but it would be great if you could add a few more skills to the monsters like FloatEye being able to learn Aero or something random like that, to try to make every Monster viable, as I found no reason to keep the monster I had and just recruit the highest level version.

In the vanilla game the Gadgeteer class was probably my favourite and I didn't really use it much at all in this mod, I completely understand why changes had to me made as the vanilla version was way too OP, but it would be great if something new was brought to the Gadgeteer, like perhaps having Metronome style attacks where it picks a completly random move from the whole player pool to use, unsure if thats even possible but that would be cool, I found at times that there wasn't much point picking a different class as there was a lot of moves that did similar status effects it would be great if there was only 1 race that could immobilize an enemy, 1 race that could stop an enemy, and so on, it was sometimes a little too easy when numerous classes had similar status effects they could inflict, this may have been an issue with the vanilla game also.

I found later on in the game it seemed to get a bit easier, early on it truly was a challenge, but later on, clan battles and other missions the enemies only had a few moves they could use and early on a lot of the battles the enemies had sooo many attacks, unsure if this is due to the mod not being fully complete, however on the flip side of this I feel at times too many enemies had revive abilities and it did get quite tedious when everyone could just revive themselves and I was pulling my hair out with all the angel rings enemies had equipped.

I was really excited to try the new class "Dark knight" unsure if I was using it wrong but I couldn't get on with it and I was doing hardly any damage, I didn't see the need to turn into a zombie lol.

I'm unsure if you are able to make it so you can't repeat missions as this made the game a little easy, but still make it so no missions can be missed.

I feel like I've rambled on a little too much here, if I think of anything else I'll let you know, I really hope you continue work on this mod as I think it's amazing and definately the best mod I've played for FFTA, it was challenging but not completely unfair.

Kind Regards
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: FFTA: Doublecast 0.50 Beta
March 18, 2024, 03:26:09 pm
Thank you for this, I am having so much fun with it, it is now my favourite FFTA mod.

One problem I've come across early on is the gunners HealShot does not do damage to zombies instead it heals them, I'm unsure if this is the case for all healing spells on zombies.

I can't wait to see further updates and I'll advise if I come across any other issues 😊
Thank you so much for the brilliant response, you summarized a lot better than i could have  :lol:

Difficulty ramps up more evenly- Great suggestion, perhaps have options like "Easy" "Medium" and "Hard", Easy being very unlikely that enemies will have extremly powerful weapons early on and Hard being very likely for enemies to have strong weapons early on.

Abilities from the non-playable jobs are added to the randomized pool- I dont think anything more needs to be said about this :)

Add special units to the recruitment pool- With how difficult the game can get with certain options having the special units added without having a list of requirements to meet could prove helpful :)

Maybe special units can be selected from the randomizer?- That could be quite cool if when Randomizing the party there was a special option for things like "Ritz" and "Shara" however I assume with this there levels would automatically be ajusted to the level they are recurited which could cause issues with balancing.

Randomize monsters in missions for other monsters- I would love it, if this could be an option and could be randommized into anything for example going into the bomb mission and the bombs have all been turned into Fighters, would make the game a lot less predicatable.

Thank you for your suggestions, luckily I've found a pretty decent seed currently and the difficult seems to be just right!

I will let you know if I think of anything else.

Thanks Again

Hi FGKeiji :)

Just wanted to say what an amazing job you did on this Randomizer with TojiKitten, it's brilliant. FFTA has been one of my all time favourite games for a long time and always wanted something to switch it up a little and I am really enjoying my current playthrough with it, I just had a few questions if that was okay.

Would more customization be available in the future for the enemy's abilities learned and the enemy job randomizer, it would be great to have more options for this, everytime I have tried using the "Randomize Enemy Jobs" the enemies have ended up with the most OP weapons, making the early stages almost impossible, so I have had to play without using this feature which is a shame as I find it amazing to see all default enemies with different jobs and completely changes the game.

Would it be possible to include every skill from the game in the randomized skill pool, skills like judge sword, omega, rend and Blaster that would be super interesting.

I'm unsure if the clan recruitment has been randomized but that could be interesting if the special sets like Cid, Babus, Shara and Ritz were all in the pool and no special requirements had to be met and could potentially appear on recruitment request whenever.

Unsure if this would be possible but would you be able to have an option to randomize the monsters for example a bomb being replaced by an icedrake or a fairy being replaced by a Malboro, this would be so much fun and a different challenge especially if they all had different skills also.

Also having used the "Randomize Enemy Jobs" function a few times, all the monsters seemed to have lost all their skills strangely, unsure if this is just a bug for me or a known issue.

Sorry I have rambled on there :), sending a BIG thank you to you both for creating something amazing for one of the best games ever!

Kindest Regards