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Messages - TidesofMercy

Spriting / Re: Yuna WIP
April 07, 2021, 09:17:55 pm
Good Evening Everyone,

My apologies for double posting on this, but I wanted to post the updated sprite. I have now run it through GraphicsGale and made a couple of adjustments for colors that were slightly off. This is the 16-color Yuna sprite. I am going to call this the finished product unless something else needs changing! As far as creating a sheet for Yuna, well... I have never done that before. It is one thing to create the original pose and image, but to turn it different directions and manipulate it into all of the positions necessary for a FFT sheet will likely take a significant amount of time. If I am able to do that at all... I will give it a shot, but as I have stated many times, I am no expert at spriting by any means. I just happen to love Yuna :)

So here she is, I hope that you like her! I am very proud of how she turned out! Please keep in mind that she is basically my first FFT sprite! The version that I am attaching is going to be quite large so you can see the detail in the sprite, but I can also send the attach the appropriate sized one too if anyone is interested.

Thanks for all of the feedback everyone!
Spriting / Yuna WIP
April 06, 2021, 09:53:42 pm
Good Evening Everyone,

As I have stated in pretty much every thread that I have posted in to up to this point, I am no expert when it comes to spriting or modding FFT. I did, however, want to share something that I have been working on for quite some time today! I created a basic standing sprite of Yuna from FFX. Initially, I was hoping that I would be able to find the FFX Tactics mod that exists in Japan so that I could use their Yuna (and others) as a base. Since it is improbable that any of us will ever be able to play that mod, I decided to give it my best shot at creating a Yuna sprite myself.

She isn't perfect, especially since I am not great at this, but I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you to everyone who was giving me feedback and encouragement in the discord channel today! I appreciate it!

Eventually, I would like to create a full sheet for Yuna so that she can be a downloadable mod. I have no idea how long that will take since I have never created more than a single sprite or done simple recolors before. Once again, please go easy on me, as I can be easily discouraged, and this was kind of a first for me!

Edit: I also decided to work on Yuna in her wedding dress. I am not in love with her arms, and the dress is still in the beginning stages. Just really sleepy :)
Spriting / Louveria Sprite?
April 06, 2021, 02:39:49 pm
Good Afternoon everyone,

I noticed earlier in the sprite request section that there was a request for a Louveria sprite. I decided to play around with it just a little bit even though I am just a novice when it comes to sprite editing. I didn't make anything super serious or anything, but did a simple edit and recolor of Reis. If I decided to continue working on a sprite like this, I would definitely make more edits to the outfit and pay more attention to the palette >_<

I was just playing around, and thought it might be interesting to see how the Queen might look. Please go easy on me, I am definitely a beginner haha.  :D  (I posted my first edit several years ago [It was a ch 4 idea for Alma] and yikes >_<) I don't even think that post is still in existence lol. Edit: I found it... lol. To be fair, it did look quite bad.

In Louveria's portrait, her tiara is actually sort of golden. I decided that it would be more pronounced if the tiara were silver instead, but that could also easily be changed :)
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Interesting Mod
April 06, 2021, 02:03:53 pm
According to the Romhacking forum post that I linked, people had inquired about getting the mod and they were given a website. Unfortunately, that website requires an authentic Japanese IP in order for people to access it. Not to mention, surely all of the contents of the site are in Japanese. I think it would be relatively easy for this forum to get their hands on the mod if we could ask someone with some knowledge of reading Japanese. We would also require either a forum member from Japan to access the file, or a VPN. Unfortunately, I have neither of these :S.

I would specifically love to get my hands on the Yuna, Rikku, and Aeon sprites to see if I could edit them down with a little bit more shading. The Wedding Dress Yuna would also be fantastic! Again, I am a novice spriter too, but I enjoy playing around with them!
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Interesting Mod
April 06, 2021, 10:47:30 am
Yes, the sprites are not perfect, but they would allow for a decent starting point I think! I am unsure as to how they would be able to add sprites to the game if they have too many colors though!  :shock:  (I am still a novice though!)

I think the sprites look much better than the portraits, but again, those could be modified to be higher quality :)
I also really like that they added the Aeons as party members!

It would be really cool to dissect the mod and figure out how they got everything to work! One of the best scenes that I have seen in it so far actually had a character jumping off of the map.


FFX is my favorite game in the series, so if this were available, I would love to play it! Perhaps even help to translate the text to English!
Spriting / Re: Jenna Golden Sun
April 06, 2021, 01:16:23 am
Thank you for your help again! I appreciate it! Honestly, I hadn't thought to try that... lol.  :shock:
When the game is crashing do you mean that the blue screen pops up? This was happening to me earlier today, as well as a really strange bug with Ramza's sprites. It happened when I added Tietra's sprite into the formation screen area of ShiShi Sprite Editor. I also had placed a sprite over the never used Celia - 3A slot. I could play for a while but then it would crash at random during battle. I ended up having to start over with a clean file. I didn't patch the formation screen sprite again.

My suggestion would be to test with a clean iso. Then test with just your FFTPatcher changes so that you can isolate the issue! FFT WoTL has been really difficult for me as far as modding goes so far, but I am definitely a novice. The PS1 version is much more forgiving for me so far.
PSX FFT Hacking / Interesting Mod
April 06, 2021, 12:20:49 am
Good evening once again everyone!

My apologies for the influx of posts as of late. I was curious about a FFT mod that I have seen some pictures and some gameplay of online. The mod actually turns FFT into a Final Fantasy X tactics game. The game's story and events are created within the Tactics engine. While it would be great to be able to play the mod by itself, I am actually equally interested in the sprites that are used in the mod. It would be really cool to add them to my collection and perhaps even modify and clean them up a little bit if time permits.

Here are some links and screenshots that may help to identify the mod. The mod seems to be entirely in Japanese.

Once again, thank you all for your assistance!

Spriting / Jenna Golden Sun
April 05, 2021, 11:05:51 pm
Good Evening everyone,

I noticed that in the FFHacktics Custom sprites section there is a sprite created for Jenna from Golden Sun by Zozma. I also noticed that there are currently no download links for this sprite. Does anyone happen to have them? I really like the sprite, and have used it in the past, but no longer have access to it.

Any info would be appreciated!

War of the Lions Hacking / Re: Names in FFTPatcher
April 05, 2021, 10:11:02 pm
I am currently using .492, but I will download .493 and see if that helps me! Every time I try to add Aerith to the zip file (I use 7z by the way) FFTPatcher fails to open >_<

Edit: After downloading the beta of .493 creating a resource.zip through that is working well! I will have to compare it to the one that I edited and see what I did to mess it up. The job and skillset now appear appropriately in FFTPatcher, but for whatever reason the added name does not appear in the patcher even with the new zip. I am editing name slot 3A if that matters.

Thank you all!
Help! / Resource.zip Issue
April 05, 2021, 10:06:23 pm
I am working with the resource.zip file for the first time with FFTPatcher. I create the file in the FFTPatcher folder that I have created along with all of the FFTPatcher files. After I make the edits to the text files and rezip the file, FFTPatcher doesn't open.

Any idea as to what I have done to mess it up? When I delete the resource.zip file it opens fine.
I think I am just bad at this >_<

Thank you for your assistance!
War of the Lions Hacking / Re: Names in FFTPatcher
April 05, 2021, 08:29:53 am
It seems that you are correct! Thank you! Now for some reason when I add Aerith to the resources zip file, FFTPatcher doesn't open... lol

I will have to keep playing with it I guess!
War of the Lions Hacking / Re: Names in FFTPatcher
April 04, 2021, 11:34:58 pm
Okay, I am going to share what I found!

I finally found another post on the forums that was concerning itself with a similar issue. Personally, I was hoping to add the name specifically to FFTPatcher so that I could select the name from the directory and add Aerith into a map via ENTD. I learned that there is a way to add this name to the game, but it does not add it to the list in FFTPatcher.

For anyone that is curious, War of the Lions Text can be edited for sure using Version 457 of the FFTPatcher suite.
In order for your text modifications to work, however, you have to load a clean copy of the game into FFTacText. You can then make your modifications and then patch the game over your edited/patched version of the game. So load from a clean game, patch over whichever copy of the game that you wish to change. I did have to remove a couple of names from the list. These names were never selectable in FFTPatcher anyway, and were just empty nodes with a width of 20 characters.

If anyone knows how to edit the directory of FFTPatcher in order to make the modifications show up, I would still be very interested in this! War of the Lions seems to be quite finnicky. Now hopefully I will be able to add her to the team around the time when Cloud joins! I attached my test. :) No message is associated with this attachment.
War of the Lions Hacking / Re: Names in FFTPatcher
April 04, 2021, 02:27:37 am
So adding unit names into FFTacText allows for them to appear on FFTPatcher, or is it just used to alter the character directly? My apologies for the confusion! I have tried changing text using FFTacText a few times, but it always fails complete the alterations. Any suggestions for using FFTacText with War of the Lions?

Thanks again  :)
War of the Lions Hacking / Names in FFTPatcher
April 01, 2021, 10:43:59 am
Good morning everyone!
I'm very new here, but have been playing around with Final Fantasy Tactics and War of the Lions for quite a while. Sadly, I can't say that I am adept by any means. I was curious, is there a way to add custom names to FFTPatcher's name list? For example, I am trying to add Aerith into the game as a party member. I have placed her sprite over Celia or Lede's unused job, can't remember which one off the top of my head. Whichever is 58.

Anyway, for my relatively simple addition, I wasn't planning on changing jobs or anything like that, I just planned on a simple sprite and name swap. Unfortunately, for Aerith to work and be named properly (using FFTPatcher) I would need a way to name her for the battle where she would join up. Is there a way to do this? I have been digging through the forum, but I haven't really found anything yet. I figured that while I continue digging, I could also ask and see if anyone would be able to assist me.

Thank you so much in advance!