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June 15, 2024, 11:21:02 pm


Please use .png instead of .bmp when uploading unfinished sprites to the forum!

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Messages - Evrin

Taking a break from arm editing to work on a generic knight. I disliked how the knights didn't appear to be wearing armor, I might remove the spikes, I am definitely going to change the hair style and the portrait.

Edit: Stuff I have been working on :D Mostly recolors but I started practicing portraits (none here because they were BAD but oh well!)
Oh wow thank you Lijj! This should help quite a bit! Now I just need to find my copy of fft lol Its here somewhere :D
I understand :) I am just glad to have some feedback!
I know editing the arms is going to be painful I thought about finishing a Garland sprite I found on here because I would have liked to use him, but I just couldn't figure out the arms! I am still learning but I am hoping with a little guidance I can make at least 1 sprite that people will like :D

edit- Woops forgot to add this on here
Spriting / Re: Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 28, 2015, 07:16:36 am
Ok :) sleep well and thank you for all of your help!
Spriting / Re: Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 28, 2015, 06:38:45 am
Oh ok thank you lijj! Everything looks much nicer now! :D
I started working on a dark knight idea I had earlier, so do you think I could impose on yall a little bit more? Its still in the beginning stages but I am hoping that you can kinda see what I am trying to do. :)  (Idek what I am really doing at this point, but I think it looks kinda cool. :D )
Spriting / Re: Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 28, 2015, 05:03:48 am
Ok I found the problem. I didn't realize it but when I switched the two colors in GG it changed the hair so I just went back and filled the bottom part of the legs with the darker grey so that it was using the darkest color :D
Spriting / Re: Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 27, 2015, 08:21:09 pm
Oh alright thank you lijj :D I didn't realize that! Is this better? or do you think I should try changing the hair colors?
Spriting / Re: Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 25, 2015, 09:41:44 pm
Well I am still not sure about the hair but i got the front stripe done (after slacking off on doing it for a while lol!) now I just need to decide on the hair so I know if its time to work on the portrait!
Any suggestions or opinions on changing the hair?

edit:I realized that I never fixed the other pallets so that is updated now.
Spriting / Re: Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 24, 2015, 10:56:14 pm
Update on the mage. I simplified the whites so I could use the extra shades to change the hair color. Still unsure if I want to change the hair or how I would change it to look.

edit: I just need a couple more before I can face the elite four now!
Spriting / Re: Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 20, 2015, 02:02:30 pm
Thank you Elric for letting me know but I knew that :) thats what I fixed in the paladin sprite. Also here is my progress on a mage I am making for practice. I am going to change the hair and finish editing the sprites. I might also add more design or change whats there :)
Spriting / Re: Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 19, 2015, 10:56:24 pm
Thank you Red Fox! I think with the white mage I am going to try to redo the hair. I think the problem with it was that the skin and hair tones were the same on the pallet. I normally use Gimp to edit them because I am used to it (I used it for school and messing with FE portraits and stuff). I started using GG because I noticed it was popular on here.
Thank you for working on the paladin sprite I didnt think about the extra space! I can redo the portrait since I was going to work on it!
Edit: I worked on it a bit and figured out the problem for the paladin portrait. It was using colors from the battle sprite in addition to the portrait colors. Here is what I got so far for it.
Spriting / Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 19, 2015, 03:47:26 am
Ok so both of these sprites look fine until I put them into ShiShi.
The white mage I replaced the hair and now I cannot open it in Graphics Gale. When loaded into ShiShi The pallet bugs out. Is there a way to fix that?
With the second one I was using two sprites that worked fine until I fused them and now shishi will not load it correctly. It distorts the image.
If anyone is still here could you try to help me?
p.s. They show up after I downloaded them but how can I post them so that they show up?