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Messages - Skip Sandwich

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
September 04, 2011, 12:18:21 am
A winner is me! Though I was surprised I managed to turn the second match around, with FFMaster throwing around so many high% charms
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
September 03, 2011, 07:24:51 pm
the new rods deal some quite respectable damage, but my team lacked the mobility and resilience to take advantage of it against barren's heavy hitters. Hopefully my Skip Skirmishers team will fare a little better
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 13, 2011, 11:36:50 pm
Quote from: Barren on August 11, 2011, 04:21:38 pm
Dol (Procs) vs THE RETURNING Skip Sandwich (My Happy Pills)

Ah Odin, my old nemesis returns, lol. Ah well, I'll just have to make sure my next team has some anti-death equipment, just in case :)

Anyway, for those curious, all my units are named after types of anti-depressants (and no, I'm not taking ALL of those, just the citlalopram).
here's a pair of really well made rpg maker games

Alter Aila Genesis, it's a side-scrolling sci-fi RPG with an interesting battle system and engaging characters. The plot follows the main character as he is dumped into a lord of the flies style prison, where the prisoners are left to themselves to fight and kill each other for the entertainment of the masses.

EpiQuest is a old-school RPG in the same vein as Dragon Quest. It features a customizable party, multiple jobs/classes, additional recuitable members (some of which have jobs you cannot otherwise obtain, such as farmer, teenager, creepy girl, vampire or visitor), a vast array of equipment, and multiple storyline paths.

FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Item Discussion Thread
February 25, 2011, 06:33:26 pm
I mostly like the new proposed weapon formulas (except for any formula that deals straight Speed * WP), so taking whats already been proposed as a starting point, and adding my own crazy ideas, a more complete list might look like this;

Knives: (SP + Move + Jump)/2 * WP
Ninja Swords/Longbows: (PA + SP)/2 * WP
Swords: PA * WP
Knight Swords/Katana: (PA * 2 * Brave)/100 * WP
Axe: (PA + (rnd 1..(PA-1)) * WP
Flails: (MA + (rnd 1..(MA-1)) * WP
Rods: MA * WP
Staves (MA * 2 * Faith)/100 * WP
Poles: (MA + Move + Jump)/2 * WP
Books: (MA * 2 * CurMP)/MaxMP * WP
Cloth: (PA * 2 * CurHP)/MaxHP * WP
Spears: (PA + Move + Jump)/2 * WP
Crosbow/Guns: (SP + (rnd 1..(SP-1)) * WP
Handbag: (PA + MA + SP)/3 * WP
I was not even aware that we had something like that, how does it work? Does it just cap raw stats (as displayed in the status screen) or does it cap adjusted stats as well?
A point has been raised that perhaps song mimicking is too powerful, at least in regards to Battle Song, ESPECIALLY with Martial Arts still running around. So, do we nerf it's % hit rate as we did Cheer Song? Or do we give it some other unique function, such as a field-wide Berserk?
FFT Arena / Re: AI team building guide
February 02, 2011, 04:26:15 pm
Something of note regarding the "Gambler Method" outlined in my above post, initial testing seems to indicate that the paladin calculates evasion against his own grand cross using only the rear evasion value (presumably because it's calculated as originating from the same panel), as even with stacked Main Gauche/Escutcheon II/Vanish Mantle, almost every grand cross cast hit himself, I do not know for sure if Awareness would increase evasion rates accordingly, independent testing to verify this one way or the other would be helpful.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Item Discussion Thread
February 02, 2011, 04:20:30 pm
does anyone else think that maybe Earth Clothes should cancel or halve earth rather then absorb it? Also, what do people think about water and wind elemental equivalents to Earth Clothes? It would give people more of a reason to actually use Equip Clothes, since it would give some nice synergy with Paladins (Coral Sword, Heaven's Cloud and Kikuchimoji, with both sword attacks and grand cross) and Samurai (Heaven's Cloud and Kiku, both the swords and the draw outs).

I also feel that maybe Robes could use some Auto-Protect and Auto-Shell compliments to the Auto-Regen Light Robe, also balanced by a weakness to dark element. And maybe a pair of robes, lets call them the Red Robe and Blue robe, that function as the Black and White robes, but in respect to Water/Wind/Earth elements (Red robe strengthens Water/Wind/Earth, Blue robe halves Water/Wind/Earth)

The Lounge / Conspiracy!
January 28, 2011, 12:32:42 pm
Because I'm a fan of conspiracy theories

you can give the unarmed "weapon" WP and W-ev in FFTPatcher, it's the blank spot right at the top of the weapon list
Also, i've been thinking, maybe the solution for the Demi/Lich disparity is to turn Lich into something more like Hades/Doomtrain, a mass negative status inflictor, like a ranged Doku no Kyoukai. Of course, this would marginalize oracle spells even more, but those probably need to be overhauled anyway.
FFT Arena / Re: AI team building guide
January 27, 2011, 04:27:08 pm
a guide for grand cross paladins

the Grand Cross skill can be tricky to use, since it also hits the caster and inflicts darkness status at a 100% rate, both of these are a very bad thing since Grand Cross is P-evadable and darkness status is much harsher in Arena. There are basically two ways to get around this problem

1) the first, and most common way is to equip something that absorbs the element of your equipped weapon, as well as something that cancels Darkness status (such as an angel ring or ribbon). This allows you to attack and heal at the same time, but limits the number of viable equipment setups.

Example Setups for each element

Excalibur + Ribbon/Diamond Armor/Angel Ring

Kotetsu + Ribbon/Diamond Armor + Cursed Ring

Ice Brand + Ice Shield/Santa Outfit + Ribbon/Diamond Armor/Angel Ring

Asura Knife/Blaze Gun + Flame Shield/Black Costume + Ribbon/Diamond Armor/Angel Ring

Blast Gun + Gold Shield/Rubber Costume + Ribbon/Diamond Armor/Angel Ring

Heaven's Cloud/Windslash Bow + Platina Helmet/Cachusha/Magic Ring + Ribbon/Diamond Armor/Angel Ring

Kikuchimonji + Mithril Shield + Ribbon/Diamond Armor/Angel Ring

Whale Whisker + Cachusha/Leather Mantle + Ribbon/Diamond Armor/Angel Ring

2) the second, and entirely unused until I noticed it during testing method, is to simply equip something that CANCELS the element of your equipped weapon. The way that elemental immunity works is that it counts as not being hit at all, thus being more like 100% evasion against attacks of that element then resistance. As such, by say, equipping a Whale Whisker (water element) with a Vanish Mantle (cancels Water and Wind element), you avoid the need to also protect yourself against darkness status.

Example setups for each element other then Dark, Fire and Ice, as no equipment cancels those elements

Excalibur + Diamond Shield/Small Mantle

Blast Gun + Rubber Shoes

Kikuchimonji + Diamond Shield/Small Mantle

Heaven's Cloud/Windslash Bow + Platina Shield/Vanish Mantle

Whale Whisker + Platina Shield/Vanish Mantle

a possible third method would be something I call "The Gambler Method", where you use a Platinum Sword/Defender/Main Gauche + Crystal Shield/Escutcheon II + Vanish Mantle + Abandon setup. This method would have the advantage of being useful against any possible enemy equipment setup, but comes at the downside of turning your unit into a potential suicide bomber. Myself, and others like me who have for some reason offended the Random Number Gods should stay well clear of this setup.

oh, and one more fun but most likely useless fact before I go. Squires are the only class capable of absorbing all 8 elements at once via only their innate equip options

Mace of Zeus (Thunder) + Flame Shield (Fire) + Cachusha (Wind/Water/Holy/Earth) + Santa Outfit (Ice) + Cursed Ring (Dark)

obviously, you could swap the Flame Shield/Santa Outfit with an Ice Shield/Black Costume, depending on if you'd rather have protection from Sleep or Stop status.

:EDIT: just for fun I though i'd list the other 7 classes that can pull this off. Archer and Geomancer can pull it off with Equip Magegear, while the Priest, Time Mage, Oracle, Sumoner and Scholar can do it with Equip Shield
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Item Discussion Thread
January 27, 2011, 03:49:57 pm
Knives are pretty underwhelming, I mean, other then the Main Gauche and Oricalcum, they're pretty much worthless. What about something like the following?

Platina Dagger - WP 6, W-ev 15, Holy Element, +1 Move, 25% chance to cast Dia

Main Gauche - WP 8, W-ev 30, +1 Move

Orichalcum - WP 8, W-ev 15, +1 Move, +1 MA

Mage Masher - WP 8, W-ev 15, +1 Move, 25% chance to cast Reflect

Assassin Dagger - WP 8, W-ev 15, +1 Move, 25% chance to cast Demi

Air Knife - WP 8, W-ev 15, Wind element, +1 Move, Always: Float

Rather then giving monks more HP, we could give the unarmed "weapon" a W-ev rating of 10 or so (not too high since even without Two Swords most monks will technically still have two unarmed "weapons" "equipped".
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 27, 2011, 02:03:35 am
@The Damned
actually I have two different SaGa Frontier theme teams in the works right now

the first would be Emila and the Gradius members (Roufas, Annie and Liza)

the second is composed of Blue, Dr. Nukasan, Gen and Mesarthim, and would be much more magic heavy.
The Lounge / Re: The girls of FFH
January 26, 2011, 09:58:16 pm
Quote from: Xifanie on January 26, 2011, 12:10:05 pm

sidestepping this thread derailment to say "looking good Xif!"
In what ways are the Ghaele and Warlock significantly different from the Priest and Wizard respectively? There is no list of any significant changes on the OP so are they mostly just a reflavor? Also I wanted to ask, seeing as you've changed every other class so far, do you have plans in mind to replace the Oracle and Summoner?
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 26, 2011, 04:15:06 pm
thanks Otabo!

Talk Skill for the win! Seriously though, was that a crit on CT5's Asura paladin or was he weak to dark or something? 450 damage, ouch.

I'll have to re-watch it, but I think Shade's team only managed to land 1 or 2 attacks total the entire match, the rest of the time was just him frantically sandbagging to no avail. EDIT: it was 3, only 3 attacks landed, none of them dealing serious damage

In this battle betweeen Sleep (me) and Don't Act (The Damned), Don't Act won. GG Damned!
There has been a lot of dissatisfaction floating around lately for how strong Monks in general are and Martial Arts in specific is. So I ask, just why can't we just remove Martial Arts entirely? It'd be really easy to just give monks Two Swords innate, or Poles or Rods or something, or to just make the unarmed "weapon" itself stronger, while removing the ridiculous PA scaling that Martial Arts causes.