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Messages - Ulric

Yup! First row is the "main" colors, with the other rows being alternate (Hokuten, Lionel, etc.). Very simplified explanation I think, but I get it.

I'll definitely be playing around with the colors and actually looking at some of the different tools you guys have made available for pretty much everything.

Next goal is to get the head swapped onto all the frames, then fix the colors to be trimmed down to 16, then make sure everything is lined up and (hopefully) fix anything that might be out of place. Following those, I'm going to then adjust the colors to my preference and by then probably start thinking about the portrait. I feel like that last part will be the hardest, but I'll worry about that when I get to that point.
Sorry for going quiet, there! To start, yes, I'm editing 8bpp.

I'm going to upload the spritesheet in its entirety here to show what I've got done so far, I haven't finished or made as much progress as I'd have liked for the time that has passed, but other obligations and hobbies pull me away fairly often. You will notice that I haven't fixed the colors yet, the reason for that is I figure it will be easier to fix after I get the head copied over on all the different animation because I should be able to just change it all at once.

So, I know it's not a lot of progress, but the things you guys have told me are very helpful to me in understanding how to go about my colors and how they work in GraphicsGale. I really appreciate you guys taking the time out to help me learn!
I'm not sure.
So, that's actually really helpful. I know Xif had mentioned the palettes before, but I didn't put together that the rows were... Well, rows. Let me get a little work put into this and see if it's made better.
Sorry, I didn't realize that's what was meant until I re-read it. Thanks for pointing that out, as well as the tool.

Edit: What I've done a bit below. This is just trying to put Ramza's head on the Wizard body. I feel like the darker color directly under his face might be a bit too much, since that was there with the Wizard's hat. Maybe I'm looking too closely at it, though? I don't know.
I've been using ShiShi to get the spritesheets. A question about that, how would one export one of the alternate colors for generic units?

Are you wanting to see what I'm working on or what I'm using? Both? I'll be able to throw up some of it tomorrow or Tuesday
I'll give GraphicsGale a look and see if it feels better. Was giving SAI a try because it's what my wife uses for her art stuff and recommended.

I definitely appreciate the palette info! I was having some trouble finding out how many colors could be used for each sprite.

Also, to give an idea of what I can do at the moment... Anything original, I am about on par with a five year old. I'm really wanting to try to use this to improve, as I'm interested both in sprite art and the style that FFT uses. Making useable sprites here is also a fun thought because I just love the game so much and I know there aren't many spriters here.
Starting off, I think Frankensprite would be easier to do and I'm hoping that could lead into making original sprites. The end goal though is to make original sprites. I am using PaintTool Sai at the moment.

I've seen that link but I'm having trouble grasping the concepts that it shows. Definitely a shame the video links don't work, anymore.

Thanks for taking the time to reply, by the way!
Howdy, folks! Pretty much as the title. I want to start making sprites and I'm not too sure how to get started and make it look decent. I've never really done anything "artsy", most of what I've tried looks a bit off, but I'm wanting to try to actually get to a point that I can make things that look nice.

The thing I was wanting to do to start off, was take Ramza's Chapter 1 head and put it onto the Wizard sprite. The problem I'm running into is that I feel like the shading looks a bit odd, since the hat would be gone.

So, as a complete beginner with no knowledge and honestly pretty crap skills, what would the recommendation be as far as getting started here? It could be with the sprite I mentioned wanting to do above, or if there's something else that would be better suited to learning, I can try that. I do want to do it myself though, not just have someone do it for me.
Woo! I feel helpful. Glad you were able to quickly find the problem!  :D
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Bug Reports
June 24, 2013, 10:13:21 pm
I do believe I did but I'll do it again, for thoroughness' sake.

EDIT:So far, no guest monster, no boss monster, although I think the boss thing happened mid-battle.

EDIT 2:The icon before a character's name when they level up is still there for me.

If it's just me, I'll look more into anything I may have done.

EDIT 3: Nevermind, both of the other bugs just happened. I wasn't recording this time, though.

It happened after using Link's Fire Arrow. I just looked at the previous video as well, and I notice the changes occur after using it there as well. I've only done this particular story battle since patching, so I don't know if it is exclusive to it.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Bug Reports
June 24, 2013, 09:07:36 pm

Possible bugs listed in the spoiler, which contains a video also showing these. There -will- be game spoilers in the video, so if you don't want to see that, you've been warned.

About 7 minutes into the video, you'll see everything I have to report. I'd recommend just skipping to it.

1)When a character levels up, they have an odd symbol in front of their name.

2)One of the skeletons appears as a Guest, which I hadn't noticed until reviewing the video.

3)The other skeleton was given boss status and a large amount of HP, I didn't find anything else about it though.

This was using an unedited (You'll see that File 2 was edited) save from the memory card, on version 1.96. I updated from the previous version and continued from this save to find these three things were all different. I'm not sure how much of it would be intended, but that's all I've found.