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Messages - Lucifer_zero

Helloow, im back from abyss !!!

Im just really help to see Kokojo back on this project, i remember playing it couple years before i need to focus on college, dowloaded it yesterday and played a lil, BUT... this thing anoyed me to, it the same with me,

Quote from: DeJ on January 06, 2016, 11:45:19 am

I must admit that I too have experienced the inventory bug. I stole a variety of items (in the jail break scenario where you get generic heroes to join, I believe in Chp 1) and was excited to equip them only to find them no longer in my inventory. I believe some other items were missing too.

For Figthing Dome... i´ve done ^^, and must say, it can be very hard or very easy ^^

For the winners ^^ i´ve used they a little for Grinding ^^

and... who was Xif ?
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
December 17, 2011, 05:59:59 am
Quote from: Dome on December 17, 2011, 03:03:01 am
The DD features MANY rematches with buffed up zodiac monsters...and other funny stuff
Remember, the DD is not for the faint of heart, and throws the concept of "keeping the game accessible to everyone" out of the window

I must say... Mlapan is one of the best floor on DD ^^ and they are really not impossible, at max you all will need some strategy...

Also, i must repeat, Dome can be a breeze or a uber storm
Quote from: Elric42 on December 15, 2011, 04:22:31 pm
Lol he wasnt saying anything bad Lucifer_zero, just that the skillsets have already been chosen, most of which were YOUR ideas and MD's ideas. So no worries,

Oh, sry about that, i didnt mean that way, i´m always bad at chosing words and get in confusions for it ^^

Anyway, i reeeeaaaaallly wish to have something more next week, this weekend going to be busy for me, got some job to do all day from tomorrow until monday...

Also, i´m sooo curious, what cameos you guys can tell that will be on guest time on this hack ?
Quote from: Durbs on December 14, 2011, 09:29:28 pm
Sorry L_Z, we've already pretty much worked all of this out. We already have skillsets to match their respective roles, except perhaps the Rouge, but you have the same general idea I had.

Relax, i´m hre only to throw up some ideias hping they benefict you guys on some way ^^
Guys, only to you know, i´m going to get back somewhere next week, for now some notes from me

First Off, on the generics, taking a quote from Durbs

QuoteLancer (Offensive): Physical Offences, Fast
Brawler (Well-rounded): Physical Offences, High Phys Defense
Guardian (Support / Defensive): High Phys Defense, High Mag Defense
WMage (Support / Defensive): High Mag Defense, (Defensive / Support) Magic
RMage (Well-rounded): (Support / Defensive) Magic, (Offensive) Magic
BMage (Offensive): (Offensive) Magic, Low Defenses
Elementist (Well-Rounded): Low Defenses, Fast

What i have in mind with it, not the whole skill set, but the thing that each one would shine and be likely exclusive for they, and note that i exchange Lancer and Brawler roles

Lancer (Well-rounded): good balance in stats physical skills that goes from close to a good range, also good defense, as he is one that carries armors

Brawler (Offensive): A full atk oriented, that have really low MP and MA, but in exchange have the most PA of generics + more damage unnarmed and more close range atks, all his skills use the grand power of its PA, and one of the two generics class that have acess to Dont Act and Don Move ( and the only one with both on same skill, still didnt think on a name ), also he can activate Inner Chakra to restore MP to one close friend.

Guardian (Support / Defensive): They focus on giving more survival to party, being the only class with groups Protect, Shell, Esuna and Regen,, also hav some minor cure skills to help futher more on survival, and two Attack skill, one that function to debuff barriers ( Shell / Protect ) and another that cause some recoil on user ( Diablo 2 Sacrifice... )

WMage (Support / Defensive): Strong cures, long range Raise and Raise 2, and acess to a more accurate Reraise, that would define the role of White Mage, with Wall as complementar that gives Protect + Shell to one char, and a Single target Esuna, and acess to Holy Grail, that lift stats that esuna dont ( like vamp / Undead / Death setence ) and, of course, Holy as a single strike.

RMage (Well-rounded): Better Multipliers on MA and PA, not so good with HP/MP, having some ice / Fire / Ligthing skill, Heal and Hi-Heal instead of cure and cura, Heal being single target cure 2, and Hi-Heal being full map party Heal, also acess to Haste / Slow

BMage (Offensive): Take Brawler, and put on inverse, low PA and HP, reaaalllly high MP / MA, instead of having 3 elemetal + neutral skills, IMHO the Black Mage need, considering that we have elementist, 4 tier of neutral magic ( Like, Energy strike, Pulse, Comet, Meteor ), 3 Bio skills ( Bio 1 = Damage + poison, cross AOE, Bio2 = single target damage + one random stats, Bio 3 = single target % damage + Death ), Frog, Flare, and Mana Focus, an auto %recover MP skill, being % combined with some High MP cost, you end not abusing from this class without having it all MP focused.

Elementist (Well-Rounded): another good balance job, a little more Magic oriented, that have at least one skill for each element, each one having one peculiarity coming from the element, like: FIRE - strong attack; ICE - AOE attack that can put dont move, LIGTHING - Fast and with more range that can numb ( dont act ), WATER - long range that remove every efect on target ( be buff or debuff ), WIND - a instant attack that can hit line independet ot heigh ( like a vaccum blade ) can cast silence, EARTH - Hit everyone on 2 range from caster ( Mimic Titan... ) HOLY - holy attack that bllind and put on DEFEND ( you know, like whe the room is too bright and you protect your eyes.... yeah... that suck... -_- ) DARK - Gravity like attack. Ohert skills would end being some element combination and a neutral Attack

Rogue ( Fast ): Steal and fast... simple as that... also, Steal Heart i think that is a must ( as i as always says, Charm is one os most broken stats on this game ), but ill talk better when i have time...

Well... for now is that...

Also, on some notes

I didnt like on Cloud having 16 enemy skills ( or more if even that would be possible ) cuz  having one skill set that have to many skills tend it to be more usefull than expected, and having 16 skill would make you have Cloud as his Enemy skill job for to much time, as you never know where you can find one skill, and there would be too many one time battle where you want to get the skill.

And for Agrias, i think that IF, and only IF, Orlandou get some shine spot on the game at your side, then Agrias doent need Lighting skills,

Well, see ya latter ^^
ARgh... work, and college getting a little on my way, but some thing

1- For the White mage, i liked except for the costs ( that i think need some more on last ones, mainly on the close range Raise 2 )

2- For black, maybe use some diferences on elements, the low tiers i like bieng equals, but the higher one could have some more shine on they own ( like the usual Fire = Huge 1hit, Ice = AOE and Litghing = Fast Cast )

3- For the Enemy skills, i dont think that you need 16 skills, at most i think 10 is a good number, and from those 10, 6 could be from monsters and another 4 from the uniques that you shall cross on one time battles ( the side quests could be more linked to Cloud Main Job skills )

When i have time ill put my brain to work better here -_-
FFT+ / Re: Red mage & Onion knight
December 05, 2011, 06:39:37 pm
For OK, give then some multipliers to compensate the fact that they have only one skillset, instead of turning they into uber squire,


HP 140
MP 120
PA 172 ( females have less PA )
MA 137

That way they end with 20 pure PA and MA on lvl 99

and for speed

102, that way you ARE forced to chose between they being god Tanks or have some more speed

Hm... maybe 172 and 137 be too OP for PA and MA... maybe something like 124 for MA ( lvl 99 = 18 ) and 155 for PA ( lvl 99 = 18 )... i dunno... but sacrifing one skill stet is rally a huge drawback, even with raving acess to all equips..., on the end is your call dome, but two thing that i think that the OK could have

1- good HP and MP multipliers, or you end with someone that can use every equip, but tend to use some ones because needs more MP/ HP to fill one spot ( note that the issue with Speed is something that NEED to exist, or OK can easyly became to much OP )

2- MA and PA multipliers differents to compensate the natural difference between they ( in other word, they will have almost ever the same values )
Quote from: Elric42 on December 01, 2011, 06:26:29 am
I like the Mako warrior, not so sure about Advent Children besides the fact that it is to long and won't fit

I´ve already said, i´m really bad with names hahahaha, but i like myself one class to Cloud based on Advent Children, as i didnt could get a hint of anything else that could be from his universe, to tell true, when i was thinking on this i putted myself under two rules

1st - Each job need to have relationship with characters universe
2nd - Each job must be unique on some way

Then the original ideia for cloud would be a job with limits, a job with materia and a job using Advent Children Universe.

Another ideia i had was a job with limit, one that merge two types of materia, and another that merge the other two types of materia ( the types that i mean are Green, Red, Yellow and purple )

The most common set in this case would be, one job that merge green and red ( a magical class ) and another that uses Yellow and Purple
With Yellow being either this set of Yellow materia:
- steal ( all steals here )
- DeathBlow ( double damage low %hit )
- Throw ( Ball and Shuriken)
- Manipulate ( give charm to one enemy )

Or could be used only one Yellow materia: Enemy skill ( and Cloud becomes a Blue Mage )

For purple materia i was thinking on innates for class + some supports and reaction, like HP+ ( 20% more HP ), Pre-Emptive ( Hamedo ), Speed Plus ( Speed Save ).

Actually, i did think on Cloud having Enemy Skill only just now, and i love Blue Mages... so i would go with along all the way, but i dont think that the purple materias are that good for Cloud, and i still couldn´t think on anything better...


Also when i use the rules for thinking about Dante and Snake, something like this pop in my head

Snake - a job for spy/stealh skills, second is for martial arts and the third is weaponry.

Dante - a job for gun skills, another for the swords and itens, lastly the third we have Demons power

Thats only ideias that may be usefull ( or not ) for you guys ^^
Great ^^ each one of the specials will have more jobs, this will open for more combnations.

Liked most of link ideias, but as as ever, as the annoying guy i am, there some points that i need to comment 2 things:

- Warrior class command, as the way it is, could be called "Ancient Tools" instead of "Ancient Skills", more for the fact that they are more like tools than skills.

- Bombos, Ether and Quake could be on Seeker instead of Musician, and remove the potions from Seeker (maybe put in the Warrior ), that way you will have 3 skillsets with each one having one utility, like Warrior have some heal+buff+little atack (like some Jack of all trades), Musician will have his songs, that buff / debuff on area, and Seeker will be a ofensive skillset

For Cloud i did think on Job Names, but not yet the skillset

EX-SOLDIER;      Limit Break ( i always missed the "break" on skillset name, its Limit as we know )
Mako warrior;     Master Materia ( some magical skills, like thunder ones and summons )
Advent Children; Fusion Sword ( Skills based on each part of his Fusion sword, a little like Sword spirit from samurai, and would have his ultimate skill OmniSlash version 6 )

The difference on Limit Break and Fusion Sword is that Fusion could use more auto buff, and skills that workwith a diferent range than Limit BReak, like Limits could have more range and some AOE, wherever Fusions are more porwerfull / fast but only single target or Line target., with OmniSlash Version 6 ( that´s it name, not that i´m fond of this ) ending up being a close range multi hit attack
Tonberries ^^
*all Tonberries skills ignores evasion

Tier 1 - Tonberry
"Small and deadly, their knife can cut one person lifes as it was butter."

Chief´s Knife     - Close Range, High physical damage, i mean, REALLY HIGH
Death Light       - 3 range add dead with low~mid chance [25% + MA]
Karma              - 3 Range damage = TargetMaxHP - TargetCurrentHP

Innate: Move on water, Move on Lava, Split Damage, Ignore Height (nothing can stop they to coming you)
Immune: ALL

Tier 2 - Pug
"Small and deadly, their lantern shines with the soul from the deads."

Lore Traveler     - Close Range, High Magical damage, i mean, REALLY HIGH
Death Light       - 3 range add dead with low~mid chance [25% + MA]
Karma              - 3 Range damage = TargetMaxHP - TargetCurrentHP

Innate: Move on water, Move on Lava, Split Damage, Ignore Height
Immune: ALL

Tier 3 - Master Tonberry
"Small and deadly, it can end life of anything it touch."

Everyone´s Grudge - Close Range, 999 damage, no reduction
Death Light           - 3 range add dead with low~mid chance [25% + MA]
Karma                  - 3 Range damage = TargetMaxHP - TargetCurrentHP

Innate: Move on water, Move on Lava, Split Damage, Ignore Height
Immune: ALL

Tier 4 - King Tonberry
"Small and deadly, the most scary Tonberry, it´s glance can stop you until he stabs you."

Everyone´s Grudge - Close Range, 999 damage, no reduction
Death Light           - 3 range add dead with low~mid chance [25% + MA]
Karma                  - 3 Range damage = TargetMaxHP - TargetCurrentHP
King´s Presence    - All on map except caster, chance to add separetly: Dont move, Dont Act, Stop, Slow, CT00

Innate: Move on water, Move on Lava, Split Damage, Ignore Height
Immune: ALL
Strong: all elements
Always: Protect, Shell

Tonberry is one of my favorites enemies on FF-series, i do have more ideias for they, but i dont know if they are really possible, and i tend to make their skills more or less as they are on other games, but for others ideias i have is on the point notes bellow


- IMHO, Tonberries are: Low mov creatures that don´t stop coming for you, with absurd damage potential when they get to you, and counter with some powerfull skills, they can take easily one person at time, but that their weakness, only hitting one, even it is almost sure death, with that ideia in mind i did make for each tier a powerfull atack,

- It would be more FF-like if there was some formula that use some information on game, like number of enemy slain, hours played, Battles doned, elc.

- Give him a exclusive counter, listed as Karma, as the same skill it have, triggered by any form of damage so every damage you give it will make it make you lose all HP already lost, for a more powerfull aproach, if Karma can be done as a counter, then i would surely put it on Innate bellow Damage Split, so theres a chance to it hurt you before he makes you lose more HP

- If possible, i would put every Tomberry with 100 Brave + Damage Split + Karma as counter, that means if you attack a tonberry without killing it, then he could recover half that damage and give you the Damage you gave him + all that you lost before, he IS the king of counters after all...

- Anothers "Death Light" ideas are:

Death Light      -  affects all in range of 3, very high currentlyHP reduction (70~90%) that cancel every positive buff, but can only affect characters that have at least one positive buff.

Death Light      - 3 Range, affect only character with positive buff, cancel all positives buff ( that mean no reraise for you ) and give lethal damage (100%)

- It was hard to think on a exclusive attack for King Tonberry, from the other 3 you already got powerfull strikes, one that is physical ( Chef knife ) one Magical ( Lore Traveler ) and one that is a pure bastard damage ( Everyone´s Grudge ), so what is in the end for him ? there no more type of close damage skill, not of pure damage, and giving him a ranged would make him not so Tonberry at all, so i gave him one skill that make a chance to come closer to enemies, but stilli dont know if CT00 could be putted as a stats with the others...

- Another Idea for King Presence is removing golem from game ( if it isnt already ) and make King Presence Golem.
New Project Ideas / Re: FFT: ReTouched (version 0.7)
November 27, 2011, 06:19:39 am
I´m starting to play this one right now, but one thing i noticed looking through FFTPacher (when i was looking to growth and job requeriments ):

- Mime needs almost all jobs lvl 3, but that make some things not to show up when someone join you with mime open, like geomancer, that need lvl 4 in monk
FFT+ / Re: Design your own Deep Dungeon battle!
November 26, 2011, 09:42:16 am
New ideias ^^

"Apandemoniun" - Map: Mlapan or Horror

Battle consist on 4 Byblos + 7 apandas that start around you characters, all immortal, one of apanda on one of Byblos is ??? boss like ( 10 times more HP and MP )

The Boss Byblos have Ribbon + maintenance + Robe of Lord + Maximilian + Start Reraise

The boss Apanda have Ribbon + maintenance + Robe of Lord + Maximilian + no charge + Mov MPUP + Start Reraise 

They both are the most away units from party

"BeastMaster" - Map: Delta or Voyage

3 Dragoners 2 King Behemot 2 Tiamat 2 Yellow Chocobo 2 Dragon, all immortal

One of dragoners is the boss ???

Dragoner Boss

70Brave 50Faith

White mage
Dragon Spirit

Robe of Lords
Red Boot

The other two dragoners would be

60 Brave 60 Faith
Damage Split
Throw Item
Move HP UP

H Bag
Rubber Costume

I was thinking on something, can you make accesory, only for the enemy like CCP hav, that have innate maintenance ? This coud give liberty to make some battle using jobs that you can own

Also i´ll put the set i imagined on the character from my first post...
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
November 26, 2011, 09:04:43 am
One hint to make the battles more hard: Finger guard, Also Robe of Lords could show up early ^^, before bridge battle


Was looking on FFTpacher, and noticed that Elibids still have Zodiac, but he wont cast it even once ( and he has fixed lvl instead of party lvl / 99 ), maybe if you take of midgar swarm from him hell cast it ?
For now, what i can think is ( dont pay attention to the names )

Tier 1 - WereBeast - Innate: Ignore Height, speed save / Immune: confusion, slow, dont move / Weak: Holy Strong: Dark
"Creatures of darkness, born from humans infected by others werewolves"

*Rabies Claw ( "It´s claw carry disease that can make even a Tortoise sick" )
2 range attack that can inflict poison

*Howling Moon
Auto haste  

Close Range random Damage atack

Tier 2 - SilverWolf - Innate: MP switch, Ignore Height / Immune: confusion, slow, dont move / Weak: Dark Strong: Holy
"They said that a hunter tried to kill one Werewolf with silver, instead of dying it absorved it magical destroing properties"

*Silver Claw
2 range attack that can inflict silence

*Howling Moon
Auto haste  

*Soul steal
4 range  Absorb 66%MP from target

Tier 1 - WereWolf - Innate Ignore Height, speed save/ Immune: confusion, slow, dont move / Weak: Holy Strong: Dark
"A fast and vicious beast that can easyly rip bodys apart."

*Death Claw
2 range attack that can inflict dead

*Howling Moon
Auto haste  

Close Range random Damage atack

Tier 4 - Lone Wolf: innate: move MP UP, MP switch, ignore Height, Speed Save / Always: Innocent / Immune: all / Strong all minus Holy
"A legendary Werewolf that can control even vampires, some say that all werewolves origin from him."

*Rabies Claw
*Silver Claw
*Death Claw
*Howling Moon
*Soul Steal

*Blood Claw
2 range that inflict BloodSuck

For now i need to think on better than brutalizer, maybe some HP drain tech instead, also was thinking of instead makinf Lone Wolf a different Job class as did with Lamia and Tortoise, i was thinking on him havin being a normal monster, one attack being  a Claw that can inflict "poison, silence, dead, blood suck" (separetely), the second Howling moon and the third Brutalizer / whetever else i think instead of brutalizer ( as it would have MOVE mp + mp switch for defense, and make Silver Wolf more a MageSlayer than anyone )
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
November 26, 2011, 08:01:33 am
I just finished DD ^^

Voyage: the knights shouln´t be immortal,that way they would come back as any undead, for the first 5 min this one was a little hard, then after killed all knight it was easy

Horror: i´ve got to reset only for one thing, that damn sorcerer getting maximillian !

End 1st: WOW all apandas casting shiva on me ! To bad i was going to get Zodiac and they was doing like... 40~80 to my character... also, Elibids didnt use Zodiac... he hasn´t it or i can find zodiac elsewhere ? ( by the way, my Ramza Summoner got 26 speed with the speed save on those apandas... and Summons cant be counter magic ? )

End: Too hard or to easy... all depends on you... hehehe

Your DD battles are hard, but i think that one of most hard still Mlapan, as Bridge Voyage and Horror  you just need less strategy to win

And... Byblos is great on this patch, hes a real reward for completing DD
Hum... yeah, i do remember that what i´m doing is a separete class as 4th tier, i know that there is a limit on job that can be created, but for now, correct me if i´m wrong, Byblos, worker 8 and Divine Dragon ( or whareter it was called ) wont be in this game, right ? That make at least 3 jobs that can be changed into 4th tier jobs, also also on worst case you could trash some other monsters that wont be using...

And not every monster should have a 4th tier, i´m giving the ideias for 4th, as they could end being side quest bosses
Time for Lamia

Tier 1 - Siren - Innate Move on water / Immune: Silence, Charm, Dont Act /
"A creature with a beautiful voice that put anyone to sleep and not awake"

*Calm voice  ("A tender voice that makes enemies calm and more slowly" )
3 Range atack, small chance to slow

5 range around self, mid chance (30%+MA) to put everyone on sleep

*Perish song
Only around, inflict Death Sentence

Tier 2 - Lamia - Innate Move on Water / Immune: Silence, Charm, Dont Act
"The ones who hear it´s song end up losing all the sanity"

*Voice of Fury
3 Range Attack, small chance to  Berseker

*Mental Noise
5 range around self, mid chance (30%+MA) to put everyone on confuse

*Perish song
Only around, inflict Death Sentence

Tier 3 - Valkyre - innate Fly / Immune: Silence, Charm, Dont Act
"The voice of an angel with the spirit of a demon, countless were deceveid by it voice"

*Angel voice ("A voice from heavens, that can even make you belive that 1+1=0") [pun intend with my college, i do math]
3 Range Attack, small chance to Charm

*Heaven Choir
4 range around self, low~mid heal on every ally on range ( not reversal on undead )

*Perish song
Only around, inflict Death Sentence

Tier 4 - Lilith - Innate MOV-HP UP/ Always: Regen / Immune: all except confusion and dont move
"The mother of all lamiae, they say it songs can even change a human itself"

*Perish song
*Calm voice
*Voice of Fury
*Mental Noise
*Angel voice
*Heaven Choir
*Poison Frog
4 Range 2 AOE, inflict poison + frog with mid~high chance ( 45%+MA )

For this setup Lamiae are basically Debuffer with not so much atack power, also dont mind the names, i dont have a good imagination for they, talking about it, this is what i thought when doing the tiers

Tier 1 is kinda classical lullaby, making they lose time, making they acting late than foreseen, thats way i put slow together

Tier 2 is to try to waste turns, berseker and confusion goes well with that ideia.

Tier 3 is something more diferent, if something have angel voice, it voice should heal, not only that, a voice from heaven can make you belive and follow thing you never would do before, so charm ( and, again, never get tired of saying, its so much powerfull debuff )

Poison Frog is kinda old on FF serie, if some monster use music as wapon, then one should have this skill, nothing better than putting it on the BOSS tier.

Well, Perish song is meh, but i didnt thought on anything better yet, ill still keep thinking on something on lamiae
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
November 24, 2011, 10:16:09 pm
Now i´m at DD, my team right now is

Ramza, the Heretic Priest ( heretic + white magic = great suport ) this one if fixed !

Reis, the Dragonner Sword Master ( Draw out for heal + some damage ), can be what i need

Cloud, the Soldier Dream, Limit + short charge = great offensive, secondary white magic for revive

Orlandu, TG CID, just Orlandu, even throught Mustadio fit better than him on my team

Beowulf, the Holy Temple, move mp UP, half MP and white magic, my second suport + debuff + SHOCK! + + + fixed

So far only first floor and Maplan were hard ( still didnt pass Maplan ), the clones on lvl 96 were still hard, but not as much it was with lvl 46~47

Maplan is givin me a little headache for i was trying not to change my team soo much, but its look that ill need some help from Mustadio and Worker 8... ( more grinding coming )
Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am
Ok, so here was my thought process with most of those:

Your 6-7: I think you might have misunderstood where I was going with this; that's basically what those two are.

Oh, i just putted those two to know make sure it was something like that ^^

Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am
Your 8-10: It did with three what I did with one (and, to a lesser extent, two); I just like the balance the way I have it more (the majority of statii healed from one, or less to a group)

Hum... when i had read your description it looked as one esuna for one and a nerfed esuna for a group, so thats basically why i´ve thought on this, especially on 10, something that cure Undead/Blood Suck is really welcome, but having it on something that remove almost other thing is strong ( that would make a skill that takes strenght from moves that, for instance, gives Undead + Poison one someone ) mine concern isnt the only the strenght of the skill alone, but what it-ll reflect on others skills -_-

Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am
Your 14: This one I like, but I don't know where we'd fit it in unless we combined Mantra and Aura, which I'd rather not do for balance purposes (rejuvenate wouldn't have a second staii attached to it, though I suppose we could add haste).

IMHO, Regen + Haste is too powerfull, on true Haste alone is something kinda broken in this game when used with high speed characters / too much strong,

Maybe if my 14 worked, it could be Wishga ? What you think ?

Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am
Your 16: It doesn't fit in the set (and while it might be an homage to the original game that's what Ultima Sword is for).

YEah, i know what you mean, but i didnt mean to have exactly throw stone, but something like what i proposed, maybe something like "Vacuum Blade", and add Wind elemental to the skill.

About 11, 12, 13, i´ve trhought on something that would make me use this skillset, without removing some possibility of the secondary, if you have skillset to much like one from priest, you end rarely using white magic cuz you can do almost everything you need with your main skillset, so i tried to focus on having skills alike priest one, but that dont make all priest could do ( this remind me of Tactics Ogre, where Cleric have Area Heal and Priest have Revive and Heal All, they are two jobs that are too much alike, but each one does what the other dont so you end up using both instead of only one of they )


For Tortoise, Big ____ i think its better than having low %HIT, having a huge MP cost, so enemy can cast they only two times at max on begining ( i dont remeber if someone did get MP costs work for monsters ) and this ONLY if you couldn´t invite monster, as tortoise could have immune charm ( i think charm is one of most breaking status in game... )

If you could invite enemy, then i agree that they hit should be something like 50%+MA ( also Tortoise are mean to be slow Tank, so they will need something a little more strong to compensate that )

[ at least Big Guard+ should stay 100%, as it would be one "Boss" skills, boss are mean to be more hard ]


The ideia of everyone of the 5 having 3~4 jobs is great ! If this could be make itll be better than having generics, and... what about making ( if its possible, of course ) they have all 2 main jobs, and the other one or two being one "generic" job, that you could find on battles, but its exclusive for they, for instance, lets say Ramza have Duke and Defender as mais jobs, and Mediator as a third job, no one from other five will have mediator as possible class, but you can find enemies as mediator

And more, instead of having one recruit ofice, you can only get generic through certain random battle wher they join you, with the job locked
This way they end up worse than the 5 stars, as they´ll be not so versatile, but generics needs that drawback, as the game want you to play with the 5 stars; at same time, having Ramza and one Mediator could prove more usefull than having Dante on team, for instance, or even will be better than giving the mediator´command to Ramza when you need his Duke AND Defender skills.

Also some jobs should be generic only.

And another thing, the 5 star having 3~4 class will make less needy of 16 skills per skillset!, so one jog Snake have his Spy skills, and on another he have his weapons.