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Messages - adouchebag

Hey been a long time member here and I'm about to try out your new patch, but before I do I wanted to ask a question about Ramza and Gaffgarion--mainly why you chose not to give Ramza Dark and Night sword.

I know it's supposed to be the 'vanilla' version of the game and all that, but I've always believed Ramza should've gotten Gaffy's abilities; based on Gaffy had taken Ramza under his wing, and was teaching him how to survive as a sellsword.  Also considering Ramza's abilities are only really good for support (nice job with the changes there, btw), AND Ramza defeats Gaffy in single combat, --AND-- there are no other Dark Knights in the game, so his abilities don't ever show up again, it seems to me to be a good fit.

I know I'm not the first person to suggest this, or talk about it, and I did search before asking (although only since the latest patch, I didn't search the whole section ^^) but I figure you probably had a reason for not doing it.  I'm going to do it myself and see if it makes him way too overpowered.
PSX FFT Hacking /
January 29, 2009, 01:29:36 pm
Yeah that and renaming all characters is what made me think of it :D
PSX FFT Hacking /
January 29, 2009, 12:13:10 pm
I have a small request (maybe, it might be ridiculously complicated, what do I know?).  Would it be possible to allow special characters, like Agrias, and maybe even Ramza himself, be able to participate in Bar Propositions?
PSX FFT Hacking /
January 27, 2009, 01:56:30 pm
Actually, no I'm not yet, I haven't gotten a chance to actually test it on an Undead.  If it doesn't apply the status effect on them, even better.  I just wish I could use those code hacks to make Phoenix Downs and Raise spells do less damage to them...stupid Mustadio in the swamp just ran around using PDs on everything, and Seal Evil on the ones out of range....
PSX FFT Hacking /
January 25, 2009, 01:07:43 pm
No there are still undead, but I kind of like the idea that the spells will heal them instead of harm them--it balances it out a little bit, since if the spell hits it's going to apply the effect, it will make them more of a challenge....

...if I don't use a Raise spell or Phoenix Down on them, that is.
PSX FFT Hacking /
January 25, 2009, 01:50:36 am
Ah wonderful, thank you.  I guess I was misunderstanding exactly what 'All or Nothing' meant--either it applies all of the selected status effects, or none at all.

So I'm stuck with a 25% chance to apply status if I want to add damage to a status effect spell?  Maybe I'll see what 0E will do, I could make the Damage % low like 15 or 20%, but I'm not sure what Hide Status means, I'll have to test it and see what happens.

EDIT: Ah, it works great.  As I kind of thought, Hide Status just means it doesn't tell you what status it's going to apply, or that it DID apply when the spell goes off.  Kinda silly, but since it's fairly obvious what status effect 'Blind' is going to apply, and if the spell hits it's guaranteed to be applied, it shouldn't be a problem.  Unless the target is immune, don't know what's going to happen there.  But at least now I know what was going on with the stupid spells not applying the status.  Just a matter of tweaking the to hit percentages so they're not too low or too high.
PSX FFT Hacking /
January 25, 2009, 01:08:41 am
Ok, so I've tried this out with mixed results.  I changed all negative status effect spells (Slow, Stop, Sleep, Blind, etc) to formula 08, and added a damage component.  But for some reason the status effects aren't being applied.  The status effects are all All or Nothing, so I don't understand why when the spell hits the status effect doesn't get applied.

I did something Similar with Beowulf's Magic Sword--I changed the formulas to 2D--the same formula as Holy Sword.  They all work flawlessly.  Either on All or Nothing or Separate, the status gets applied the way it should.

So does anyone know what I could be doing wrong with my spells?  I'll give the rundown for one of them that I've checked out--Yin Yang Blind:


08 Dmg_F(MA*Y)
X: 0
Y: 12

Inflict Status: 30 All or Nothing Darkness

Target Self, Hit Enemies and Allies, Follow Target, Hit Caster, Reflect, Mimic, Quote, Counter Flood and Magic, Evadeable, Targeting.

Learn with JP, Action?, and the First 'Unknown' are all checked.

As far as I can tell this SHOULD work.  Am I missing something?

EDIT: And to confuse me even more, I just tried using Bio (second on the list, damage plus All or Nothing poison) and it also didn't add the status effect.  Did I screw my game up somehow?
PSX FFT Hacking /
January 15, 2009, 12:01:48 pm
Ugh yeah I figured it would be something crazy like that, but I thought I'd ask.  I'm not going to bother them with something so trivial as what I'm thinking of doing.  Hopefully, the Bio formula will work without being ridiculous--but I won't be able to use it if it has a 100% success rate.

I'll just have to mess around with them.

What if I used the Fire formula and added the status to it?  Something else I'll look into I suppose, if Bio doesn't work.
PSX FFT Hacking /
January 15, 2009, 11:42:01 am
Ok I'll have to play around with it.

I didn't realize it was possible to add custom formulas, any idea how that process works?
I'm considering adding a damage component to Oracle and Time Mage spells to make them more viable, but I'm not exactly sure which formula I should use to accomplish this.  I haven't started testing yet but it looks like 08 would work: Dmg_F(MA*Y)--the formula 0D4 Bio uses, which if I remember correctly causes damage and adds a status effect.

I don't want it to be overpowered, I'd like the status to be higher than the set 25% chance to hit, but I don't want it to be 100% either.  Kind of stumped on which formula to use, since I don't fully understand all of them.  But I'd like stuff like Blind and Slow to do damage comparable to a Fire 1 spell, and probably have the stronger status effect spells do no more damage than a Fire 2.  Those I think I can figure out pretty easily just tweaking the X and Y variables.

If anyone knows of a good formula that would work for what I'm trying to do here, please let me know.  And if I have to, I'll use the 25% chance to hit on them, if there's no other choice.
Hacking/Patching Tools /
October 06, 2008, 04:08:51 pm
Loading from a save file on your emu's memory card will apply any changes made since the last time you played.  Loading from a save state won't.  So just keep a saved game file after the intro battle and you can start from there.
PSX FFT Hacking /
October 05, 2008, 06:18:54 pm
No problem, sorry to be such a bother, I'm actually a really nice guy despite my name :D.  I'm not here trying to stir up trouble, just love Tactics and want to improve it any way I can.

Anyway on topic, going back to what darthpaul said, what would that mean exactly?  Isn't the psp version of Tactics a lot different than the psx version?  I don't know much of anything about the psp versions, really all I've heard is the translation is better and something about a playable Gafgarion (but I don't even know if that's true).  I don't own a psp and hence, don't own any of the psp Tactics' so I'd be interested in seeing a port of it, I'll look around and see what I can find.
PSX FFT Hacking /
October 05, 2008, 05:15:43 pm
Thanks for trying, I will also make every effort to not be rude.

For one thing, I DID look.  I found ONE post in the hacking/patching section that mentioned a retranslation, and it hasn't been posted in since June.  No link to a website, no information about how it's coming along.

Secondly, the other post you're referring to that you moderated (and then put back) was on topic and in the right section--it's not my fault that you made a mistake.  I was asking specifically about 1.3 in the 1.3 section--it turns out it was something I must have done to my own game, because they didn't know anything about it--so my fault.  But the only way I could know for sure was to ask--next time I'll send a PM.

Since there are so many posts answering my question, perhaps you'd be so kind as to provide a link to a few of them?  Because I sure couldn't find any.  There are a lot talking about making new stories, new story lines, total conversions, all that, but I didn't see anything about patching up the grammatical mistakes in the original version, which is what I was curious about.  I want to know because I would be willing to help with such a project, if it was needed.  If you'll kindly point me in the right direction I can post there and you can delete this one.
I recently downloaded and played through the Chrono Trigger updated translation and really enjoyed it, and it got me thinking about Tactics--a game that could CERTAINLY use maybe not a complete re-translation, but at least some work done to the grammar and certain poorly translated lines (Wiegraf, don't open that!!).

Just curious if anyone is working on this or something like it.
PSX FFT Hacking /
May 08, 2008, 06:19:06 pm
:evil: Fujin: RAGE!!

.iso is saving now, here's hoping....

All that work for nothing.

Event folder was read only....  Trying again.

Well, it worked.  But I have to start a whole new game for the changes to take effect....

Wow that was sooo funny.  Agrias had Blue magic in the Orbonne fight--ALL of it.  She used two giga flares and a dark whisper--it was awesome lol.
PSX FFT Hacking /
May 08, 2008, 05:59:58 pm
So whatever changes I made that would've fallen under world.bin aren't going to show up?  I can live with that.

Well I didn't do something right, nothing has changed.

Oh wait...do I need to do this for every LINE i change?

Like if I change the description for Battle Skill, do I need to do this while battle skill is selected under atchelp?  And then again under helpmenu?  Etc?
PSX FFT Hacking /
May 08, 2008, 05:39:31 pm
So I should patch the .iso like normal, save a new cd image file, and then selected the files in THAT new image file?

Does it save automatically or what?
PSX FFT Hacking /
May 08, 2008, 05:29:34 pm
Umm, have a question.

How to I apply the text changes I've made?  I've got the .ffttext file all ready to go, but the readme nor any of the guides I've looked at mention how to apply the changes.  Do I need to save each one, and if so, what name should I use?  Does it matter?  I'm confused....
PSX FFT Hacking /
May 08, 2008, 04:56:03 pm
Maybe I'll add Chakra in as a Summoner ability.

So far the Blue Mage is working out fine, but I haven't used him too much.  I changed the formula on Choco Cure, to make it sort of a cure 2.5 spell, so it should be much stronger.

I'm still torn on what to do with the damage magic however.  It's going to be weak, but since none of it has an MP cost that will almost make up for it.  I was looking for a good forumula to replace monster magic with, but came up empty--MA*Y is going to have to stay.  He's got an MA multiplyer of 200 I think, plus innate Magic attack up, so I really won't know how useful it's going to be until later--but he works like a charm.  His PA isn't terrible powerful, and I only allow him to wear helmets and armor, so he can't boost his MP any, but can use rods and staves so that when he's got more magic he can rely on it more, rather than physical attacks.  At present, my Blue Mage has 3 mp so there's no chance of cheesing him by giving him black magic too.  Draw Out is still a problem, I might just change the formula to holy sword skills, and tone the Y down.  But I like him, he's gonna be cool.

Oh, and I changed the monster skill sets on a lot of higher end monster, to make the more powerful spells easier to get.
PSX FFT Hacking /
May 08, 2008, 04:20:28 pm
Well, I just finished changing a bunch of text, Time Mages are now Red Mages, Calculators are now Blue Mages, etc.  Still at work but I doubt I missed anything.  Changed their skillsets too, and even the descriptions.

I finished the first chapter without much trouble.  And it's a good thing I gave Ramza Dark Sword, or I think I'd still be fighting some of those fights with a bunch of Knights.  I'm still not sure if the games actually hard enough, however.  The fights have been pretty easy, but I'm still only level 12 or so--it will be interesting to see how much trouble some fights are a little later, when NPCs start getting better gear.

Thieves are a pain now.  Two swords, high speed, the ability to charm or steal--it's rough.  And I'm really excited to see a Lancer in action, but that's not going to be till chapter 3.  I might go through the ENTD again and replace some Knights with Lancers, since they've kinda taken the Knights jobs.

I might tone down Ramza a bit too.  Or lightning stab.  Such an OP ability, it makes some of the fights easy.  But like I said, I think if I didn't have LS, Night and Dark sword, these fights would be a lot harder--maybe too hard.  I'll need to do some harder fights to see if he needs a nerf or not though.  Right now it's still pretty early, I'm hoping later I won't be one shoting wizards and preists with him.  But if he still proves to be too uber later, I'll probably lower is PA multiplyer, or lower the damage on Holy Sword skills themselves.  I'm hoping that taking all the Brave boosting spells out of the game will make it more challenging too.

I raised the level reqs again on jobs, which will hopefully make the NPCs stronger.  I've got summoners coming up soon too, very interested to see what they're like.  I decided to give them Fire, Ice, and Bolt 4 in addition to their other abilities.  They should be devestating (if they have enough MP for more than one spell.  Even with innate half MP, they'll need a lot).

But I'm having fun.  I'm running into one problem however--now that I've got all these new classes, I don't want to play the old ones :D.