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Messages - Ryqoshay

   The tiny, golden haired pixie woman has yet to take a seat at the table. (1, 2, 3) Instead, she flutters around the general area, occasionally alighting upon random surfaces only to take flight again mere seconds later. A shimmering trail follows her every move as though her gossamer wings were shedding crystalline fragments, though no physical evidence remains.

   At a glance, she appears not to have heard a word the gnome said as her attentions seem scattered at best. However, "Good night, sleep tight, don' let the pyrebugs bite!" she calls in a sing-song voice after her apparent client leaves. (4) She now lands on the back of the chair Berus just vacated. "Hello!" she calls, holding up a hand in greeting to the assembled caravan guards. "Yvonne Scintillae Incendam's the name an' fire's the game. Pleased ta mee'cha!" Her eyebrows knit as she cocks her head to the side like a bird. "Say, who let the critter in here?" Upon hearing the barbarian's bellows, she corrects herself. "Uhm, *critters,* it would seem."

1: Flies around the table and lands on the edge to pause for a moment.
2. Flies under the table, out the other side and up behind a male Human of Corinthonian decent.
3. Flies around the table again.
4. Flies over to the chair Berus vacated and perches on its back.
Already had:
Bracers of Armor (+1 Defense) (.5 lb.)
Cloak of Resistance (+1 E/RS/MD) (.5 lb.)
Spell Component Pouch
Backpack  (1 lb.)
Everlasting Ration Kit (.5 lb.)

Mirror (I feel pretty) (.5 lb.)
Vial (to keep soap in) (.01 lb.)
1/5 lb. of Soap (a lady has to keep clean) (.2 lb.)
Cold weather outfit (1.75 lb.)
Blanket, winter (.75 lb)
Case, Scroll (.125 lb.)
Scroll of Shield x4
Scroll of Alarm x2
Scroll of Endure Elements x2
Scroll of Orb of Fire, lesser x4
Jewelry consisting of gold choker, brass earrings with red quartz, pyrite druzy bracelets, and a flame signet ring

Total weight: 6.175 lb. (including coins)
Cash left: 5p, 3g, 9s
The "Ribbons for Rhyhorn" charity even is now open.
For each yard of ribbon donated, I shall match.*
1 yard costs but a mere silver coin and comes in a wide variety of colors.**

Each yard weighs about .05 pounds, so don't worry too much about overloading our dear Rhyhorn.

I shall track the donations here in this post.

*up to 100 yards
**the ribbon I provide will be red
There's no way that weighs more than a pound! And I'll have you know I can carry 13. Roll it up tight and it will fit in my pack...

Of course I don't plan on carrying it for long...
I am buying things, I'm buying a dozen yards of ribbon. ^_^
But I'll finally have a pet rock that *does* stuff! How can I pass up this opportunity?
How much would a dozen yards of 2 inch wide silk ribbon be? I wanna make a bow for the critter and make it cute!
Pretty Pretty Rhyhorn.
It's a work in progress...
The Lounge / Re: Fallout 3 Build Ideas
November 04, 2011, 10:01:36 pm
Speaking of perks, the dlc's provide some fun new ones to take a look at. To say nothing of the fact that Broken Steel raises the level cap. ^_^
The distance between genius and insanity is measured only by success.

Do you want to know how I came to be in Sephyr? I'll have you know I was born here. Yes, indeed, I am the daughter of a native Sephyrian sprite and an aspect of Hiran. I simply call myself a Lirai since it is easier for people to accept. But this plane has long since lost its appeal, so several centuries ago, I hitched a ride with a peculiar being known to many as the Berry Mama. Oh what fun we had, porting from place to place, and the stories we heard. I often would tag along with groups of adventurers for a while for fun, until we would encounter the Berry Mama again. Unfortunately, she had a particular attachment to Sephyr while I wanted out. So after a few decades, I left her to her own devices and sought out other means of extra-planar travel. At one point I found myself captured by a passive aggressive monstrosity that bestowed upon me a wand that cast portals with severe distance limitations. She forced me to traverse various labyrinths she had devised, but quickly grew frustrated as I was able to regularly fly to my objective instead of relying on the stupid wand. She teleported me out of her domain and into the infinite layers of the abyss where I became enslaved by a balor known as.... oh what was his name... ah yes, Lord Xyniixy, that's right. Ughn, the memories of the physical labor they forced me to do still sends shivers through my wings. Thankfully, some foolish mortals tried to invade his sanctum and I was able to escape through the portal they had used. Unfortunately, this lead me right back to Sephyr... yay... So here I am, stuck once again. I haven't seen Berry Mama in a while and I haven't heard any good rumors about other caster types capable of leaving this deity forsaken place. However, I did come across a few of Xyniixy's henchmen out looking to recapture me. I told them I wasn't the fey they were looking for, as I am perfectly fluent in Abyssal... and they believed me. I swear to Karla, the only way those lesser demons can raise their intelligence is to fly strait up... uhm... where was I going with this?
Spam / Re: Who wears short shorts?
November 03, 2011, 07:53:36 pm
I congratulate the man for his heroic efforts in the ever raging war on pants.
Why so serious, Kalas?

Wanna know how I came to be on Sephyr? Well, you see, my father was hooked on thistletorch. Do you know what thistletorch does to a creature of the Plane of Fire? ... Of course you don't, you're not from the Plane of Fire, are you. You pro'ly don't even know what thistletorch is, much less how easily it can tear apart a happy family! ... Alright, fine, we were't all that happy. My mother was never home, she was always off selling herself to feed my father's thistletorch habits, so she couldn't stop what he did to me. By the burning depths of the ninth level, how I longed to escape from the horrors he bestowed upon me. Words fail to describe so I shall not try. Perhaps were I fluent in Abyssal, I could give it a go, but I digress. But as time wore on, I came to enjoy the suffering, even crave it at times. I'm crazy aren't I, go on say it! Say "You're crazy!" Say it or I'll... I'll... actually I'm not sure what I would do, but it would certainly be crazy... Alright, I'm bored now... I'm going to go find some pretty rocks for the critter.
Name: Yvonne Scintillae Incendam
Gender: Female
Race: Lirai (fire)
Age: Forgotten (appears to be human equivalent of mid-twenties)
Birthplace: Plane of Fire

There once was a sprite of the flame
Whose moxie no plane could contain
She went off a flying
So desperately trying
To procure her fortune and fame

Adventures await she is sure
But nothing that is too demure
Her candle is burning
With both ends a churning
Of Sephyr she'll make her grand tour

Personality: Prideful, boastful, arrogant, and sometimes ignorant, Yvonne lives day to day with a robust lust for life and the adventures it can hold.

Appearance: About eight inches tall and something like this...

Combat Style: Yvonne is practically useless in melee combat, and she know it, therefore she abhors physical fighting. She prefers to stay at a safe distance and flits around the battlefield, flinging her spells at her foes and laughing.

Religious Affiliations: Yvonne does not worship any deity, per se, but she does feel a certain affinity towards Hiran, the fire deity.
No reason? I beg to differ. "Because it's fun" is always a good enough reason for me. ^_^
I have a full cast of characters I can pull from, and would be happy playing any of them. The ability to play them gives me the ability to flesh them out.
So we have a brick-like door-kicker, a heal-bot and a... scaredy cat? ... heh... I'm not sure it's a good idea to leave the stealthy trapper to me...
Out of curiosity, what rolls in the party are the interested individuals looking to fill? Doorkicker? Caster? Traps? Heals? Support? Jack-of-all-trades?
Spam / Re: Kaijyuu is a furry
November 01, 2011, 05:31:16 pm
Apples Apples Apples Apples Apples Apples Apples Apples Apples Apples!

I love apples!

SweeTango are the very best
They reign supreme o'er all the rest
Let your tastebuds dance
And put you in a trance
To find these apples is my quest

They're born of Honeycrips's sweet seed
Pollinated by Zestar's breed
Tartness from father
Sweetness from mother
And crispiness on which I feed

(and yes, I'll share ^_^ )
(corrected for biological mistake)
Spam / Re: Novembeard!
November 01, 2011, 03:42:46 pm
For those females wondering how to grow a beard, look into a paid race change! Go for dwarf!
No, wait, Blizzard's female dwarves don't grow beards.... hrm....
Is it Eberron or Forgotten Realms that have their ladies of stouter stature? Well, join the one that does and reroll dwarf. ^_^
It lets the Berry Mama in
Or else the dice roll 1's again