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Messages - Hyraldelita

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
January 02, 2016, 11:44:14 pm
that Conversation of Delita with Romar, is not about distrust of loyalty, but more a distrust of failing the task he give them, or at least this is what i remember.

Still Delita has never been a fake hero, so he doesn't really need to hide much, he killed many of the nobles, stopped a war and brought back peace to Ivalice, i don't see why he need to send thieves and assassins around, plus from the plot it look like before, sending romar to deal with Ramza Delita already used them.

Mine it doesn't want to be a complain, but i really think a character like Delita would never use those kind of people to do things.
I don't want to think that Delita at the end become like the nobles himself killed for revenge, and to bring back peace.

At least this in the way i see Delita, of course after my point of view , there can be lot more XD
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 29, 2015, 08:39:07 am
Agree on that line about jot5, but i also think Delita would not use people like romar and brother, dunno why that always looked like he is the boss of a gang more then the king of a kingdom with these 2 XD

I do like them and the story, but i would rather see them not related to Delita, since usually, even as king Delita always take care of his own buiness since he trust no one, except Ramza in my eyes.

i really REALLY hope there will be lot of interaction between Delita and Ramza in jot5 and that i can use King Delita and the game end :_:
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 26, 2015, 01:45:33 pm
Well even if i agree with most part of this post, i still can't see Ovelia like you do, She fought in the battle, simply because they were surrounded. its not like had a choice..

Even if it's true that she didn't live in a castle with warrior, that doesn't excuse her passive behaviour, at least in my opinion.

living in a good family doesn't make you a saint, and living in a bad one doesn't make you a killer.

Anyway i tried to say that when i write "Deserve" it's that i wanted her dead, but looking at the situation she really took a decision based on the black or white thing you said, she didn't really reasoned much...

Of course she was a victim of everything that happened, but Delita never really explain his action to her, and this is his fault too.

But Delita also , have no trust in people , this story its lot more complicated then people think it is.

like 90% of people blame everything on Delita and think he is evil. And that really upset me XD
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
December 26, 2015, 01:22:56 am
got it... mine was just a hopeless hope XD
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 26, 2015, 01:21:45 am
merry x mas XD
And nyzer i LOVED your whole comment and i do agree 100% to what you wrote man! absolutely 100%.

When i said Ovelia deserved it, its from the point of view of how much stupid a noble wanna be can beshe just run and get defended from the start to the end, without taking a SINGLE usefull action for the whole game.

It's not that i wanted her dead, but after what she did , she deserved it in some ways.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
December 23, 2015, 08:37:17 pm
but it would be impossible , to just change the sprite in any way?

I mean you keep the skill set of the normal classes, not even special , but you can change sprite i mean..

i dunno if in the jot5 story you used up all the sprites and replaced them, that would be incredible, because FFT has a lot of different sprite between good and evil + monsters.

I would be very cool, if it was possible to hire a normal squire post game, and be able to choose like a dress room, between different sprite that already exist.

but off course if you replaced ALL the sprites already, then its impossible :*(

I remeber when i was very your i used to modify gameshark codes to find the most weird things in FFT, and there was a easy way to get a specific sprite in a specific slot, so if you get a squire in that stop he will automatically get that sprite when you hire him/her.

But i dunno how could that be done and if its possible to do it with hacking.
I guess you could do everything if it wasnt for the game limit itself. :/
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 23, 2015, 12:48:10 pm
i do agree with wiegraf and miluda, but i didnt like that a idealist like wiegraf end up being super corrupted for revenge.

That is why i like more miluda then wiegraf story talking.

And no i REALLY think Delita would have never killed Ovelia, he became king so he have the main power, Queen is never as strong as a king in terms of power, and even if she was , Ovelia is no Evil, she is just dumb.

Delita except for the Orlandu clone , never kill anyone who is not evil or currupted.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
December 23, 2015, 12:43:15 pm
hahahahahaha , well then , if all the sprites are there, there is one reason more to add character as post game content u_u

Kinda like Disgaea if you guys know the game.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
December 22, 2015, 10:51:55 pm
Man i would love to see Tifa too, the point is , that to add tifa in a mark or whatever, they would need to work on ALL her sprites, i think its a load of work , not worth for a single mark..
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 22, 2015, 10:49:32 pm
If someone point a gun at me, and you shoot to save me, shooting is a evil action, but the intention behind it is good.

Delita was sick of being used , and for the sake of revenge he killed all the nobility he could.

And take advantage out of it.

As urameshi said, Delita has no honor, but he does have moral , since he never killed Olan and Balmafula, even if he could easily do it, and balmafula even tried to kill him.. this says a lot about Delita.

For me is like if he suppress his good side, knowing that being good only bring misfortune and injustice to the weak people.

It,s true the baron grim die , but also the game NEVER mention even from far, that Delita have killed him, even if story wise, it could really be possible.

When Delita kill Orlandu fake, i think that guy is a volontary from the church , pretty sure about it, still dunno he if got deceived or not, but with that action Delita mean to help Ramza making orlandu "Dead" and able to escape.

Plus if you guys remeber, Delita use Ramza but he is definitely not willing to, Balmafula at the church tells him , he is using his friend, and he get mad at her, i think because Delita feel like being Ramza friend untill the end, and im pretty sure about it.

Since Delita last words before the game end, are pointed at Ramza.
To me it looks like "After all i've done , i saved everyone except myself".

Go at 1:33 if you don't remeber.. do you think someone would think about someone else birthday if he was the evil guy people says? After he become king he has no meaning to be nice with Ovelia but still his reaction doesn't looks fake to me.

he definitely knows at the end, he saved Ivalice, but was left with Nothing for himself. Probably the most sad character in every games i played. I could REALLY feel Delita's loneliness at the end.

Plus i think Ovelia Deserved to die so much, as she is probably the most stupid character in the game.
WHY does she thing Delita killed Ramza? He had no reason to do so.. she didn't even asked,and even if he used and deceived a lot of people, it always ended in Ovelia/Ivalice/Ramza favour, if not for Delita Ovelia would have been long dead, plus the war would have continued making lot more people suffer, plus Orlandu would have died also... i will never understand..
Plus if she cared about ramza like that, and alma was her only friend as she said , WHY wasn't she at the funeral like olan and balmafula O_o
Delita seems to order Ovelia around during the game, but only because she is dumb, the game never let you think, he treat her in a bad way.
And probably , even if this is only my supposition, Delita decide to stab ovelia back since he knew, she would have never trusted him, even if he said the truth, because he had to lie a lot to gain what he gained.

and can i be damned if im not right, the game says that after ALL delita passed, and ending up with nothing, he was still able to reign and keep ivalice in peace.
If that is not the best char ever i dunno who can be.

well!! FFT mechanich does allow you to reach lvl 99 with nearly no problem in the first map without even reaching eagrose castle if are persistent, i did it a couple of time MANY ears ago xD

But as i said it take a lot of time, and you have to be carefull with what class you choose, but after you unlock some "Key" skills you become pretty much hard to kill for monsters and human enemies.

I think in jot5 is lot harder to do this , since monsters are totally stronger then vanilla.

But the mechanich and AI is mostly the same, so yea if you get the hang of it, you can do it ^^ it only need lots of patience XD

Still got my respect for lvl 70 hhaha
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 22, 2015, 05:41:57 am
Well i do completely Agree that Delita is no Saint at all, and i would not even say a hero.

What i love about Delita, is the fact that in all FF series character, he is the one Which most represent a real human behavior in that kind of situation, he could have been destroyed by despair, or act the way he did.

That is why i see no evil in his action but more like a real and understandable behavior from the point of view of how humans are, more then heroes or saints that you can find in most games.

And if you come out from the Game point of view, when someone stabs you , knowing or not that stab wont kill you , you will retaliate in most cases.


Delita do says that he would have given up his life for her, but that doesnt mean that if she tried to kill him he would not react at all.. it really is a different situation don't you think?

I played FFT for 19 years XD and i still play it from time to time, since is my favourite game.
And this is Delita's quote in war of the lion:

To save her life, i would gladly give my own.

it doesn't mean, if she try to kill me i will stand and die xD

I do agree with Elric that says Delita become kinda grey , but he never cross the line, the only "Innocent" guy he does kill in the whole game is the orlandu fake, and as Elric also said, he did it for the greater good, and to save orlandu too.

It might me been see as a way to use people, and maybe it is, but it does benefit everyone in the end.

I dont know, i see in Delita a lot of "Deceiving people" and use them , but everytime is to gain one step closer to solve bigger problems, and i think that's the way a man with real guts would act is a arsh and real world.

I see this message when i see Delita actions:

If you want to obtain something BIG , you can't do it with words and nice behaviour, and that is HOW thing really are in my point of view.
And this is the reason why he is NO HERO and no saint, cause that kind of people usually reach the same things Delita did but with only good actions, and lots of nice words, which is nice and cool but pretty much unreal!!

I hope i have made my point of view clear, English is not my main language XD
me too lol thats some patience XD
I would be able when i was 16 , but now its kinda impossible for me to have that kind of patience ^^
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 22, 2015, 12:50:56 am
haha well that was my intention , i wanted to show all the people working on the project that even if the forum is silent , many are still waiting this more then ff7 remake ahahha

Aniway, i see absolutely no evil in Delitas doing, and as you say you do, can you please tell ONE evil thing Delita did?

and just to say about the end, is someone i saved from the shirne knights stab me in the end, i would stab her back too.. so i see no evil there also, more like retaliation.

Delita Never did a single evil thing, all he did was killing garbage people , while doing so becoming king to change the kingdom.
The game itself says that after Delita became king Ivalice have peace for a long time.

You can say if Ramza is the true hero.. Delita is the hero who got his hand dirty in Ramza stead, which get much more respect from my point of view  :)
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 20, 2015, 10:35:07 pm
how did we ended up talking about Agrias, in a post i made to talk about Delita?
Make one for Agrias!! Sob my Delita get ignored so easily :(

FFT have a load of build you can do to have fun , and a few which would be OP with all character, talking about it nowdays, sound a bit lol to me... specially talking about vanilla build, here in the jot5 i think, it will be pretty different.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 13, 2015, 05:04:12 pm
hei what about Delita!?!? :evil:

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
December 07, 2015, 10:49:12 am
Hei guys wtf?XD

I only wanted to liven up the forum, i never asked for anyone apology, i just wanted to tell you I and most likely lot other people are waiting for the second part, thats all! I never give fault to any one here ^^

Life is not something you decide how it goes when you dont talk about you, so its normal that "Things" can happen , i dont think anyone with a brain would ever blame any of you guys slowing down for life problems..

That's why i shifted my post on Delita , to talk about something else ^^

Aniway...  im very glad someone think the same way i do about Delita, that makes me feel less lonely about taste of character story and development.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Can't wait :_:
December 04, 2015, 05:33:45 pm
My gosh i can't wait to play the second part and the first with new changes:_: Delitaaaaaa

I just wanted to make a new thread because i didnt see any activity in the forum ^^

Whoever read this, if you agree with me, just write a comment ahahha

I take the chance to explain why i love Delita char so much.

In all FF untill now, Delita in my favorite character because in my point of view, he is the one that MOST OF ALL have human reaction to what happen around him a real human reaction, plus he NEVER do anything evil in the whole game, i think many people don't really understand Delita reaction position and everything related to that char, when they say Delita become a bad guy.

Ovelia even stab him in the end of the game, Yea Delita kinda used her too, but he never mistreated her never locked her somewhere or any bad thing, if i was Delita i would have done Exactly what he did, you stab me i stab you.

Plus It's true that Ramza is the hero in the shadow since he fight the Lucavi but Politically talking stopping the war and everything has been done by Delita.
So actually Ivalice have peace thanks to him not only thanks to Ramza.
He risk his life more then one time to protect Ovelia, and that bit** stab him because she felt used -.- are you stupid of what? Didn't she used Delita to get free from the people who wanted to kill her? did Delita said something about it?

He just wanted REVENGE over all the people who was responsible for Teta's death.. if while getting revenge he become the king.. why no?

I hope i didnt posted this in the wrong section, i just wanted to liven up the forum xD

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: flowoftime feedback thread
November 10, 2015, 01:32:22 am
I know this is a necro post, but i really wonder, i read the first page and the last of this post...

People really are never happy hu?

I mean...

You got a patch from a game you like.

You got it for free.

you got a completely new story, new sprites, new skills..

you basically got a new game to play and none of the people who are working of it get paid.

i think a normal person wouldn't even think about asking for a relase date, have you tried to mod something before even thinking to ask a thing like that?

how much time it takes to do things? even changing sprites create new sprites looks, colors that fit the game etc..

there is so much work done in this patch that only god knows.

Another thing is... you like the game?

Cool! but no one force you to stay in the forum be active everyday, create a huge comunity or things like that.

these guys asked NOTHING i never read a single post from them asking for something.

i am an artist, if i decide to do a paint or to draw something for you, and it's for free, i wuold even get pissed if you ask me to hurry up.

And since i think the people who are working on this patch are artist as well, i think you should just say THANKS and wait.

If there are any problem about balance or anithing else, after the relase and after you played it, there is plenty of post and people to talk with, and there are post on the forum with thousend of views as proof.

you are asking to the guys who are already doing somehting for YOU/US  for free, to give you even more, and always for free!

and as someone said, the guide spoil the game and the fun, since the gap between one relase and the other is so wyde, it just mean you have to play it more time, and find things yourself, which i find lot more interesting then just following up a guide.

About the fact that the difficulty is hard, YES IT IS and as far as i asked that is how is meant to be, you got a quick save option, and im 100% they knew people would use it, that is why is so hard.

And if you want to play it on your psp or playstation, then sorry for you , but it will be very hard and sometimes frustrating, but again, that's how is supposed to be... otherwise they would have put orlandu in the party..

And again.. Jp do suks i agree, but it does make 100% sense that they did it in the way you don't unlock all classes in the first chapter, i hated this at the start, but then i thought about it, and i got to agree with this line of thinking.

well that is what i wanted to say. Sorry for the long post XD

I already know im going to cry... now the only thing i dont know if it will be out joy or sadness xD