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Messages - Dynablade

even on maps where you're really far away from the enemy initially?
if so that's weird, but i'm pretty sure that if they can take an action that could kill an enemy on the first turn they'll do that over buffing/restoring a petrify (as that recent battle with mucus' team showed)
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
April 19, 2012, 09:21:02 am
Weapon Break is dumb, axed. Mage can't do shit, think that Faith Rod is coming off since it just makes her a lightning rod for spells. Quint NEEDS a way to revive people, flat out. Chemist is..okay? She can't do damage, but she really isn't supposed to. A better movement ability for her and the archer incoming, Move MP/HP Up respectively will probably do the trick.

But this is a good thing, every battle I'm having to change less and less to make the AI do what I want. Here it's equipment and a few abilities that shouldn't be too hard to find the JP room for.
I know it can be a little crazy, Quint is really really hard to take down so that makes matches drag on much longer than they should, to that I say I'm gonna fix him to the point where he's either going to die quicker or be able to actually do stuff when he's the last guy left.

As always, thanks for the upload.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
April 16, 2012, 09:03:15 am
Thanks time and again, these videos have helped me a ton!

The Wall remains, now and always. So much put into defense now my party has trouble doing damage. That or Gatz was getting really unlucky. I might, MIGHT take Holy off, since 151 damage isn't really worth 30MP. Everything else though works out, Gatz has items so he can heal himself and revive others now, which takes weight off the rest of the group, allowing them to go on offense instead.

With that said I kinda feel bad, thought it would be cool to make a party that had attacks just bounce off like tissues, but I guess it is a bit boring...But Gatz does a crapton of damage, so when he gets close enough he goes nuts, hitting people for what was that, over 225? Still, that took way too long, guess I'll try to give them some more damage, somehow..

and another side note, just call me Dyna, much shorter when saying it out loud.
April 15, 2012, 12:51:37 pm
The leader goblin knows -some- human tongue.

A little more info? Okay, editing now.
RP Forum / Re: Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs
April 15, 2012, 12:02:59 pm
Footsteps that start at a brisk walk, then get faster and heavier as Quint started into a run. Opposite of him on Mandalia Plains was a small group of goblins, they smirking and yelling at each other, thinking that the lone monk would be an easy win. An eager goblin would sprint up to meet Quint half way, rearing back his arm for a punch. Blows were exchanged, Quint taking a solid shot to the nose, but returning the favor three-fold to the goblin's ribs, it doubling over in pain. The other goblins raged at their friend's defeat and rushed ahead, but they also wound up having a meet and greet with the soft grass. But they were able to get their own licks in before falling, Quint now panting, his head dizzy from the strikes. Their leader, a Black Goblin fumed from his position in the back, angry at his group for being this bad. He spat and cursed in their language, finally rising himself to face off against Quint.

What the regular goblins lacked in intelligence he made up for, his blows calculated and meeting their marks more often than not. After eating yet another blow that nearly had him drop to his knee, Quint was able to grab the black goblin's arm, both wrestling to the ground. A scuffle ensued, scratches and bites from the goblin, but a solid heatbutt would end the goblin's struggle. Picking it up by the shirt, Quint slammed it into a large rock that protruded from the ground, catching his breath for a moment before he yelled out:
"Where is it?! Some of your other friends told me you're the one he saw, so TALK."
To make sure it understood Quint hit with another powerful strike to the midsection, causing a little blood to come from the leader's lips and onto Quint's shoes. The Goblin gasped for air that wouldn't come, the human words barely audible. 
"He....was going t-to...Temple.."
Nevelska Temple, home to seemingly nothing, an abandoned building on an island off the North eastern coast. But maybe that's what the king of dragons, Bahamut, wanted, so that no adventurers accidentally found his base. But with this information, there was one person headed straight there, and he was pissed. That only left the problem in front of him.
"I'm gonna let you go now.." Quint looked dead in the creature's eyes, "And if you try anything crazy.." His grip tightened, choking the goblin a little.
"You won..just leggo!" A single final glare and Quint released his hold, the goblin dropping hard onto stone, on hands and knees in a coughing fit. Quint would walk towards his gear in preparation to travel, but just as his hand touched a bag, the leader goblin drew a knife from his belt, charging towards the monk! He sighed, able to hear every heavy and desperate step towards him. In a flash he would retaliate with a swift turn kick, knocking the goblin dead in the chin, his knife flying from his hand. A couple feet later its body would slide to a stop and not make another twitch, and Quint would sigh, knowing now not to trust a goblin.

With his bag hanging from his back, trying to soothe the throbbing pains in his chest and head, Quint would head east towards Gariland Trade City, the goblins behind him silent in defeat.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
April 15, 2012, 10:42:21 am
Quote from: SoySauceMaster on April 15, 2012, 10:25:25 am
Thanks for the vids Dol and Barren.
Looks like I could've used more speed and MA. Probably should've dropped lightning absorbtion for that purpose. Oh well, I've already submitted my team, so I can't edit it until after the tourny. GG, FDC.

What? Yes you can, I've been editing my team for the past week now. Pretty sure you can just keep upgrading your team until the 28th when it HAS to be submitted.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
April 15, 2012, 10:03:45 am
What do I say other than jesus christ I need another Item user/more MP restoration. After three Holys, Dandra is just whacking people with her staff (when it isn't broken). Think I'm gonna switch out either that archer (who doesn't do much) or the already Item using Thief (who usually gets put on his face during the first full turn). Quint does what he's supposed to, Support with Draw Out and keeping people on both feet with Transfusion. A little lacking in pure damage, but I like how this team can keep going in the face of Weapon/Armor Break. Even without MP this team somehow made it to the finish line.
When I saw the time on that video, it made me happy because I knew that my team was a little tankier than the opponent's. I try not to rely on magic completely, as these battles have shown, eventually that MP will run out and eventually the people who restore the MP will die. Phoenix Down + Transfusion is a bit cheaper than a Raise (..i think), and Transfusion, when the party is together, heals everyone for around 50%. Slower, yes, but that's what the Haste is for. Hopefully Quint gets a turn before the enemy so he can heal his party.

While I'll still appreciate any videos put out of my party, I'd like to get the 'glue' of the party straightened out. That thief, fast as he is, isn't enough to keep the party out of sandbagging, a huge problem. Just saying it now, I am totally stealing that hyper speed chemist from...Leif's team? She had fucking TWENTY speed by the time they were able to take Quint down, much faster than my thief could ever hope to be.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
April 13, 2012, 11:00:01 pm

Changes have been made to the paladin with the Jp error, wizard lost 108 (or will after i finish this), but i wanna keep using the platina dagger. if i'm looking correctly, a proc of it on a unit at below 50% dies. And because I think since its such a weak dagger, the AI goes 'i can do something better' and uses the skills like Spellbreaker and Bad Luck (which clutched hardcore). That's the idea, Quint and Gatz get them down, Rob executes, but maybe Quint needs more move so he can get to the front, or slow the thief down so that he doesn't run off and do crazy stuff. Quint's got a new weapon, that was another part just looking for a sleep proc which would be amazing at any moment, but he can't get in close with only 3 move.. Dandra is, as always, awesome. New gun for Gatz, his only problem. Arm Aim came through a couple times, maybe something i did changed his AI to favor it more often?
Awesome awesome awesome.

Still did what I wanted? Small maps this team rapes because the enemy can't go anywhere, and they are close by so Quint doesn't take a fucking year to get to the front. First battle was over the second my holy happened first, thanks to Short Charge. Still had a couple highlights, another clutch Arm Aim. The team's movement (Namely Rob's) is out of whack, he gets way out there, then that reraise is only once and from there i'm praying on Dragon Spirit to keep the team moving. He goes down for good, and there's only one way to revive, with a character that's gotta charge it. Short Charge yes, but she gets sneezed on and Dandra eats dirt. More methods of revival for sure. Or just another solid one (Raise, 2) that gives someone a fighting shot to at least have a fucking turn. Quint probably is the obvious candidate, switch draw out to someone else..

im like 1-3 or 4 but that first win feels amazing. Still got a long way to go, but feels like it's coming together.

and wait also, i thought unit 1 would be the closest to the enemy? Do I have to flip it around? Because that's probably a part of it too, the damn formation is wrong
April 13, 2012, 03:25:39 pm
Lets see if I have this correct..

Name: Quint
Age: ~24
Personality: A brutally honest person, his mouth gets him in trouble a lot. He's generally happy, since he feels fighting brings out the best in him, but talking about the pendant he wears changes that demeanor in a flash, suddenly becoming distant.
Appearance: Black hair, cut very short. Black shoes, forest green pants. Usually doesn't wear a shirt unless the weather says otherwise, then he's wearing a black jacket that covers his arms, but keeps the front open.
History: A boy born to a poor family, Quint has always tried to work hard for his parents and sister Sierra. He would have a girl in his early adult years, and  their love was seemingly unbreakable, until she and their love were destroyed by a creature most thought was a fairy tale, and others who knew the truth feared. Finding a job as a monk that mirrored his way of going about life (In your face and physical), Quint travels the world to find the one creature that brought his world literally crashing down around him, Bahamut.

A skinny person, but don't let his lack of massive muscles fool you. From the solid black shoes to the deep green pants and a shirt that would get mention, if he ever wore it, Quint is a person who's a little too serious most times. His body is solid while still being lithe, able to stop on a dime and stop a man in his stride with a single well executed strike.

A fighter of hand and foot, blood and bone, Quint has always enjoyed using just his body, working manual labor jobs throughout his teen years. Though most of his friends growing up became knights or marksmen, his passion was with the fist. Over the years he would hone his skills, finally graduating and becoming a monk. Though here he's only just starting out, he is eager, angry, and the type of brave most people call stupid. He trains for one reason, to hunt monsters, testing himself and the world. Fighting people, even those who might say they'd kill you can be reserved, there are some things a person just wouldn't do. An animal is a whole different beast, able and willing to claw an eye out or kick you in the teeth. They have no remorse, they don't think about you as a person. You are a threat to an animal if they are willing to fight, combat wouldn't end at the first knockout like with most fights with people.

He'll never tell anyone about why he's trying to kill the king of dragons, Bahamut, but a small black necklace with a bat shaped centerpiece is pulled out every time he thinks he's a step closer to that battle.. Bahamut is an immensely powerful dragon, filled with an ancient strength that would be lost by Ramza's time, but was that thanks to Quint?
Just a question about Damage Split, is anything being done to it? I know I'm a scrub, but 33% feels too low. Maybe it's supposed to be an anti-sandbagging tool, unit with low health from across the screen hits with lore, you DS, they die? I dunno, but at 33% it felt more prudent to go after pure defense in Defense UP and somewhat risky high evade Abandon than it did to use Damage Split and die because you weren't able to reflect enough damage back.

Again, I'm a scrub, but I love Damage Split. Tanks are easy to make and work well with this crazy ass AI running shit.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
April 11, 2012, 01:50:35 pm
Okay, that AGAIN was free.
Um, that Paladin needs either Draw Out or something, because his initial turns are filled with NOTHING.
This party is so goddamn all over the place its crazy. Need some method of getting Regen/Haste on everyone, like Draw Out. Honestly thought the M Att. UP, Faith Rod high speed Scholar would be able to do more than a single Lore cast per battle, she needs more MP, but that'd make her slower..

Back to the drawing board..
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
April 08, 2012, 07:15:41 pm
wow, that was embarassing..
um, geomancy i thought i'd be lucky, but no. ninja item bot worked, but think i need to make the healer a bit faster so she can haste first. archer sorta worked, but wait, oohhh stone gun is WP*WP. and hold up, damage split sucks now, might as well have used auto potion. dont think i got a split over 80.. hell the priest just fell in a single blow, no need for Dragon spirit..

so many things wrong with this team, but this really opened my eyes to how things worked..and how much damage is easily tossed around.. :(
and without attack UP my paladin did shit damage.
maybe it's im trying to do too much, the team must flow in a straight line? right now i got the ninja going first even though no one's hurt, the paladin can't really help the party or hurt the enemy, archer's got a shot and by the time the priest's turn comes around she's already died once.
its a lot to take in.
Let's rock.

31) Dynablade
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
January 11, 2012, 12:10:11 pm
Quote from: Dome on January 10, 2012, 10:31:13 am
Those battles are not meant to be hard xD

then which ones are (other than DD, which is supposed to be attempted at 99)? Only thing that was tough was the one with Tiamats right next to where you start in one map, and that's only hard because they have like 12 speed and use that dark breath shit instantly.
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
January 10, 2012, 10:27:16 am
maybe it's the rare fight?
fought a team called DOracle3 i think, had two thieves and two knights.
Petrify > Reraise
Jump > Yin Yang Magic
easy peesy
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
January 09, 2012, 11:58:09 pm
Quote from: shoruke on January 09, 2012, 01:36:08 am
So I figured I'd just do some grinding, teach Orlandu and Meliadoul the skills they need to not be NPCs, bring Agrias' level back up to par, and then this one fight... everyone is named dchrist2. Took me a second to figure out what was going on  :o. Anyway, your supremely high-power spells can suck my instantaneous sword skills. And also the fact that Worker 8 got VERY lucky with that Last Song. >.>

So I go back to that place again,

where was that? wanna try throwing my team up against it
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
January 08, 2012, 09:28:55 am
Nevermind, just had to play it a bit more safely, become faster than they were.
Haste gave me the CT advantage, then putting Attack UP on everyone save the ninja thief and healer time mage was the right way to go.
Zombie Zalbag fight was easy too, keeping attack up meant he went down in three actions.

Also got Cloud! Think you have to beat that stage (holy place) in order for the battle to trigger maybe, since before it I wasn't able to, dunno. But yay, AND he starts off at character level, instead of at 1, thank god.

Deep Dungeon time. Hopefully I don't get derped.
ill post party composition when not so lazy

Yep, got derped. I dont even know how many ramzas that was, don't care. Non-Charge and Teleport 2 meant they wrecked me before I even got off the first level, what the hell. Sure I'm just gonna cast first Sancta then Meteor and there's not shit you can do about it. Think this means it's worker 8's chance to shine.
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
January 06, 2012, 09:36:30 pm
lol nope.

shrine knight battle, and wow this is kinda gay. Maintenance on two, a chaos blade so that's nice, but the three are quite powerful.
Damage split + ~560 HP AND innate Wall is hilarious. Before this was easily a single turn battle, you just blitz the boss and pray he falls. Now it's almost guaranteed that there will be multiple turns, and the longer it goes on, the worse it gets. Why does one of them have MBarrier? Why can the Sorcerer heal for 300+?
This is really crazy. I want that Chaos blade, but it's really tough keeping my stealing chick alive long enough to pilfer it.
Either I'll get mad and just win the battle through brute force, or...
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
January 05, 2012, 04:47:57 pm

Fuck you adramelk okay?
had to take a team that doesn't do physical damage, all of the knights, worker 8 and Ramza made quick work of this bastard. Think next up is the undead fight, ugh..
FFT+ / Re: AI Battles topic!
January 05, 2012, 11:58:06 am
okay that's it im done. the ai is dumb as shit, sure ill try to throw something instead of likely winning with two physical strikes