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Messages - LastingDawn

Old Project Ideas / Re: FFT Returns
August 10, 2012, 02:28:47 pm
If you're going to have all random battles until Chapter 4 be Monsters you should really add a few more monsters then. As the monsters in normal FFT are good, but to fight them every single random battle would be too much. There's so many unused classes and nifty sprites to use, to increase the bestiary would be great!
I really like your Accessories, you seem to have the same design concepts as me in that nearly every advantage should have a disadvantage and you played that wonderfully. I guess I can see why you'd want Commoner to stay as such, alright then.

Yet how common of a status is "Stop" if it's less Rare now, then maybe getting rid of Protect/Shell for it may be worth it. That's the only Accessory I'm a little leery on.
Why not have the Commoner class be a weak class that uses neutral skills? I believe there's an ASM hack around here which prevents an ability from being listed as a Secondary so more powerful units couldn't take advantage of them. Allow them to equip all weapon types and why not call them Freelancers?

Allow their skillset to be filled with weak status buffs, 2/3 neutral magic, 2/3 neutral physical skills. Something like...

Defy Gravity - Self Float
Lunar Veil - Self Shell
Rushing Wind - Self Haste
Sun's Shield - Self Protect
Roped Weapon - Normal strike, unlimited vertical.
Tainted Point - Normal strike, 25% Berserk
Mini-Flare - 1 Target, 3 Range, Lvl 1.5 spell power.
Meteorite - 1 Target, 5 Range Lvl 1 spell power, 25% Confusion.

All in all I love this idea of everything being corresponded to elements.

And speaking of that, is Armor finalized? You have several shields which sound like they'd resist Earth, but none of the armors have anything special about them.
Why hasn't anyone replied to this yet? This is some very impressive work RfH!
That is difficult to say. In the PSX version there's nothing special about Lavian and Alicia, they're normal units. Somehow though in the PSP version they seem to have been given unique ID's or something to make them activate certain sidequests.
I for one never bought the "history of abuse" line that is often heralded in Izlude/Meliadoul's backstory postulated by fans for several good reasons. First is that through Meliadoul and Izlude we can see how Vormav once was. He was stern, but he instilled within his children the same goals that the Church gave to its higher members. He taught them that the world must burn for the world to be renewed and both sought towards this goal in their own manner. We see one thing that he does to "abuse" his children and that's slapping Izlude minutes before killing him as Hashmalum/Vormav.

I don't think that's fair to say that there's a history of abuse in the family. Both Izlude and Meliadoul look up to their father, they don't fear him in any way. What makes him act in that manner is clearly the stone's possession which is most likely a recent matter. The stones only seem to activate when a person goes through a heavy ordeal that they cry out for help, in which the stone responds.

I surmise that for Vormav it was the death of his unmentioned wife, just as it was for Cardinal Draclau, since it mentions in his Brave Story that after his wife was killed by a fanatic he became a changed man.
I'm confused? Why is there any discussion on Celia's name? Celia is a Real name that's fallen out of favor in recent years but it has its roots in the real world. Meaning "Heaven", "Musical" or "Blind".


Lede is a Lot more complicated with nearly every European language using it in some fashion or another and never as a name. The only one that possibly fits is another name for Satan, (in the same vein as the meaning of Lucavi (Rukavi) being Deceiver in Russian) which kind of makes sense as they are Ultima Demons.


"den lede c
the evil one, the loathsome or disgusting one; the devil, Satan"

I never liked the name Lettie, it just did not sound right to me.

The problem with the Isolde/Izlude relation is that Isolde is a woman. Isolde and Tristam. In reality it's a name that would have better fit Meliadoul. Since it's a very famous story I would almost be certain that Isolde has her own method of pronunciation in Japanese that differs from Izlude or else such a cultured translator like Joseph Reeder would have picked up on it.

However there was one place where he Really screwed up. The name Golagros relates back to Arthurian legend and had no business being changed to Gragoroth, who bears no relation to his FFT Counterpart, but the fact remains that Golagros was not an incorrect name.

Sounds like good work. I'd suggest to making a thread in the FFT Hacking forums with all of this information. That's where information dumps ordinarily are placed.

Though what you've said with truncation and padded zero's is one of the larger issues when it comes to using CD Mage but there's really little that can be done about it.
Quote from: makennedy on August 01, 2012, 08:32:17 pm
...you're totally off topic. if you don't know the answer stop posting. i'm asking a pretty to the point question, how do you recognize each in ganesha. i don't care about anything you're saying, we all know the situations are random but that doesn't change that i need to alter a specific situation in order to not do lots of un-needed work. do you know which situation is which? if so tell me, if not then let some1 who does answer. i think you got way too caught up with bad examples and forgot the base question: how can you tell which situation is which. i can flip through them but what they actually are is unclear

Sorry about that accidentally sent this to you as a PM because I forgot how these forums worked (thought the speech bubble was quote, not PM...)

I am afraid that your question was in regards to know if there was a way to tell what each situation corresponded to. I should have been clearer, we do not know, to my knowledge, what each links to. But that it likely follows matters laid out in Attack.out which would be a good starting place to mapping out yet another part of the game for easy editing and access.

Once you have the basics (for instance 01 may refer to Situation 2 in Gariland, or what have you.) then you can start looking for the answer with a concrete base. I'm only offering the way to possibly see what these are in game, not the direct answers.
Yes, each map has variations, but the way those variations are loaded are through Events themselves. (Aside from random battles, I'm not sure how that works). There is a Weather command in Events, which changes, well the weather, but that all depends on the map, as noted in the instruction.


Also there is the Attack.out portions that control day/night and the like. Map situation may also draw these different states, I never really explored that deep into it.
Rebirth is a solid mod. There's no issues with its stability. What sounds like the issue is that you've chosen EpsxE when your computer might not be able to handle it. I suggest getting PSXfin, it runs FFT perfectly with nary a hiccup in graphics and it's much more compatible with several patches (or was that vice-versa?)
I'm relatively sure that maps don't have weather conditions but that is considered through events. There may be some conditions though, since I've never seen the ability to use Snow outside of Zeakden, Goland maps.
It's been a while since I looked at the tool, but there's some older tool that allows you to view the graphics of the game, but modifying it is a bit trickier than using the modern tools obviously.
Help! / Re: abilities reaction has asm hack?
August 01, 2012, 06:39:27 pm
You can't do that. The only skill in the game that calls a "new" unit to the field is Morbol Virus which turns generics into Malboros. The sprite limit of 9 and the ENTD limit of 16 would make sure of that. The only way to call new units into battle is through events. You can get a bit creative. To my knowledge there may be a relatively unused piece of Battle Event coding that looks for a specific status to call an event other than just "Dead" or "Critical" but I could be completely wrong on that.
Help! / Re: Breaking the limit of 999 HP and MP?
July 31, 2012, 01:12:54 pm
Even if you could do this the game was not programmed for four digits in any area but money and the like. You would have to reallocate all of that to look correct. I believe we did break the 999 limit before and that was the issue that appeared. This is the reason the game masks the "???" HP.
Help! / Re: how to summon a unit in battle?
July 31, 2012, 01:10:52 pm
Step 1: Have the said unit you wish to summon in the ENTD, give it a Unit ID (but if it is a new unit or a generic assure that it uses something other than an already given special ID)

Step 2: Use Command 44 Draw to draw that Unit ID. For smoother transition look for examples in the game, Elidibs' Apanda's for instance appear in a smooth manner.
Help! / Re: these lesser-known events
July 31, 2012, 01:04:30 pm
As memory serves me right they're mainly used in story progression capacity. I can't say when multiplying or dividing comes into play, but I know that the game makes ample use of the Add/Sub commands when it comes to entries in the Brave Story, giving a Treasure (Zodiac Stone for instance) , adding the new storyline point, removing Treasure, etc.
New Project Ideas / Re: Community Mod
July 26, 2012, 01:37:10 am
I'm about as unreliable as they come, but this idea looks like it may possibly work. The idea to have a story that bases itself within the Fifty Years War and ties into the Death Corps and Elidibs looks like it could work really well.

Of course it all comes down to does the fellow in charge have the time and drive to create this absolutely new game? Something of this scope would require a whole new set of sprites and events. Even after Eternal and I wrote out the entirety of Mercenaries script and having the battle system (nearly) complete I came to a wall when it came to events and various setbacks (losing my work not twice, but thrice).

Recall that Mercenaries also started out as a community project and I am still very thankful for the amount of feedback and assistance I was given, but eventually there will come the time that the leader will have to get his hands dirty and add everything in. Are you certain that you are willing to go that far?

Please be absolutely certain of your commitment, lest you end up disappointing the people that depended on you.

That said, I wish you the best of luck, I consider myself very well versed in Ivalician lore (and am a slight bit disappointed that St. Ajora's story was never brought up as a possibility, hehe) so if you'd like to send me the storyboards let me know.

An aside but in following this path you are directly following on Matsuno's footsteps. He has said that if he was allowed to make a sequel to FFT it would have taken place during the Fifty Years War.
Some are thinking that it may properly be announced at E3 and this was a leak. However there's a really easy way to settle this. The style of translation is clearly using Kajiya Productions own manner of doing things. So why not ask Joseph Reeder if he's heard anything about this project. If he says "no", then it's likely a hoax. If he says "I can't say" then there's a good possibility there's something here.
Feast your eyes on this my friends!


Now before some of you start saying. "Final Fantasy XII? Eh... I didn't care much for it." Look at the promotional storyline.

"Ten years after Final Fantasy XII, in the Lea Monde region of Nabradia. A fanatical cult leader has taken up residence in the eldritch Fortress of Faram, above which has suddenly appeared a mysterious floating artifact called the Gate of Lucav. The cult leader believes it to be the gateway to paradise, but an emissary from the northern Holy Ydoran Empires claims it to be an ancient weapon with the power to destroy all of Ivalice. The Queen of Dalmasca, figurehead of the delicate New Alliance, must petition a lone mercenary to infiltrate the Fortress and prevent the cult from harnessing the forbidden magicks housed within the Gate."

There is So Much to love in this little description alone. Let's start from the beginning...

First sentence mentions Lea Monde and as many of us thought it is in Nabradia. The land devestated by the Nethicite before FFXII takes place.

Second sentence mentions a fanatical cult leader, could this be Ajora? St. Iocus? Mullenkamp? My bets are slightly on Ajora. Now continuing in that vein it mentions the Fortress of Faram. This is very likely what became of "FFXII: Fortress" we had heard about several years back. Finally there is a mention of the "Gate of Lucav" It will definitely have some relation to the Lucavi, without doubt.

Third sentence, mention of the Holy Ydoran Empire. These people did their homework to an incredible extent! The name only comes up twice or so in FFT, so this is proof that they aren't going to make this half-heartedly. And the most intriguing part "claims it to be an ancient weapon with the power to destroy all of Ivalice." The official timeline released in the FFXII ultimania shows that the Cataclysm takes place very shortly after the end of FFXII but what we had gotten from the previews of Fortress didn't help us with that at all, but this seems pretty definite.

We're dealing with the Cataclysm here folks.

Fourth sentence, I like how they mention that Ashe is only a figurehead, this proves they aren't abandoning the political intrigue of the setting for something more bombastic. And finally a lone mercenary will be infiltrating the Fortress. Some have suggested that this may be as close to a Vagrant Story sequel as we will get, and if such is the case, I would be fine with that if this promo teaser plays out in this detail.

However if it turns out to be a hoax, can't blame me for getting excited, eh?