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Messages - Skip Sandwich

Old Project Ideas /
October 30, 2008, 12:27:34 am
Well, i've no intention of attempting such a task, because, as you just stated, it be either impossible or would have to be so streamlined that it would barely be recognizable. Its fun to play around with theory though. Besides, there's nothing stopping us from using stuff from FF6 as the basis for a stylized FFT patch. (say one that didint mess with the story of tactics, other then to raise the overall technology level to that of FF6, so references to things like 'the lost age of airships' would be changed to a reference to 'classic airship models' or something, and Magitek armor units would take the place of the archaic/ultima demons as common special foes)
PSX FFT Hacking /
October 30, 2008, 12:20:05 am
the throw, tip o the tounge, telekinesis, mind break, guard up, soul link and equip tome are all currently impossible.

the throw: knockback is only available from one formula, and it is hardcoded in as being knockBACK of one square at 50% chance.

Telekinesis: the only way to modify skill range is in the patcher, not in the game.

Mind break: there is no formula for MP damage, based on percentage or otherwise, only one for MP absorbtion, and one that sets MP to 0, in either case, you can't mix them with the formula to reduce MA, and nither formula will inflict a status.

Possess: actuallly might be possible, if you edit the charm status to only last a single turn if not dispelled,  but it'd still be dispelled if someone when and whacked the target before thier turn came up. The bit about making it impossible to take action while the target is charmed is impossible. If by control you mean actually being able to manually set directions and actions for the unit, then that is impossible.

Guard Up is impossible because defense does not exist in tactics, only hp and evasion, and max hp cannot be altered except by leveling up/down.

Equip Tome and soul link are impossible because there is no way to edie reaction, secondary, or movement abilities.
Old Project Ideas /
October 29, 2008, 11:40:34 pm
because of the way that the Tactics mechanics work, it can either be mountable OR have the magi-tek armor skills. Now, you have show them being mounted in event scenes by replacing one of the chocobos, but you can't have them be mountable AND have skills at the same time, so you'd have to end that scene before battle, then load special M-Tek units that have the names and portrats of your characters, but are actually monster/special monster units, to be used in those battles.
Old Project Ideas /
October 29, 2008, 11:28:16 pm
personally, i'd say that the All spells would be better represented by being NON-elemental, representing the perfect balance of all 4 component elements. In this way, you have consistant damage with the all spells, but when faced with an opponent with an elemental weakness, you can hit that weakness with an elemental spell for more damage. Basicly, the all spells would then deal more base damage, but the elemental spells would be superior when able to hit a weakness. (and of the elemental spells, the earth spells would be slightly stronger for the same mp cost, but not quite as strong as the all spells)
Old Project Ideas /
October 29, 2008, 09:18:42 pm
I see the All series of spells contain, apropriately, multiple elements, and cost more mp then regular spells. However, multiple elements makes a skill WEAKER, because the way elements stack favors defense. i.e. if the defender halves any of the incoming elements, all the damage is halved, if they absorb any of the elements, all damage is absorbed, if they are immune to any, no damage is recieved, and if they are weak against one but absorb another, they will actually absorb 50% more hp then normal. The only modifiers that cancel out are weak and half. Also, I see that the ice spells are listed as being slightly more powerful then the others, which makes little sense to me, since if anything earth should be slightly more powerful, because of the existance of the Float status that grants earth immunity to any unit.

anyway, i'm just noting this based on your writeup in the first post, I haven't actually played the patch up to this point (mostly because anything beyond using a FFTPatcher file or a .ppf file is completly beyond me)
The Lounge /
October 29, 2008, 09:04:33 pm
It was either this or a pic of cloud in the male geomancer outfit but tarted out, standing next to ramza as a geomancer, with someone saying "nice skirt ramza" or "AAAAGH! The Gay IS contaigious!" and ramza shouting back "Its a kilt!" or something to that effect. the pic would be titled "Badge of Manliness?"
Hacking/Patching Tools /
October 29, 2008, 08:50:15 pm
I'm not sure if anyone has experimented with this, but it might be possible now, but it'd require basiclly removing the entire Geomancer class. Basicly, if you replace every single elemental ability and make it so they all do the same thing, then that might change the action done by Counter Flood.

I'm currently expirimenting with trying to get Counter Magic to trigger on normal physical attacks, as well as on Counter-Magic flagged skills. If I can get it to work, i'll stick it as an innate reaction for the mime as Counter Mimic or something.
Old Project Ideas /
October 29, 2008, 04:18:51 pm
because at that point it'd be overkill, besides, there's only room for 4 innate abilities, and adding Counter Magic fills up thier slots (they also have innate Martial arts, Monster Talk, and Monster Skill, you know)
I could go ahead and overwrite say, Monster Skill and give them two swords, but they can already mime two swords attacks, so I don't really see a point, unless its to create the most broken unit ever. Keep in mind, i'm mostly seeing this as being used for a special enemy character, not something that the player would have access too. Anyway, I wouldn't even need to pull tricks with Counter Magic if we could just figure out what makes the mime tick, and therfore say...enable it to mimic enemy actions as well and/or instead of ally actions.
The Lounge /
October 29, 2008, 04:13:40 pm
Ogre Battle for the SNES, with an entirely evil army, that means no clerics, no angels, no faries, and most importantly no pincesses with thier +1 attack per skirmish per unit bonus. On the upside, I still have the mostly immortal Liches, the immortal Undead, the mortal but very kickass Demons, the all-powerful Tiamats, the nearly unkillable Zombie Dragons, and a vertiable horde of ninja, werewolves, and vampires.
Old Project Ideas /
October 29, 2008, 03:43:14 pm
yeah, it looks like that lone ubermime encounter will be bypassable by simple physical attacks (although, with the mime's innate martial arts, 100 brave, and crazy PA, the ubermime's punches will hit hard as !#@$, probablly hard enough to outright 1-shot  anyone who doesn't have bad compat with him, which gives me the idea to make him a serpentarius, on top of everything else, just for kicks)
The Lounge /
October 29, 2008, 03:34:41 pm
that would be awesome, I forgot to mention it but Aeris should definately be there as well, in the cheering section with Reis and Mel (she's the one who introduced him to crossdressing, after all)
The Lounge /
October 29, 2008, 01:18:01 pm
I missed this because I never check the general formus. but this picture amuses me greatly. when I requested the pic, I had a mental picture of a scene with him all tarted up and pracing around a tavern, with say Ramza and Mustadio looking on with WTF? looks on thier faces, and a druken Reis and Meliadol screaming "Take it off" and "Woo" and ect. while Beowulf tries vainly to calm Reis down. Meanwhile in the background Cid and Agrias have thier best "I don't know these people" look on. At the bar, Rafa looks embarrased (perhaps dancer cloud is right next to her?) while Malak is next to her just laughing his @$$ off. Rad would be the bard, and Lavian and Alicia would be his back-up dancers. So yeah, seeing this pic brought that whole mental scene back to my head, and like I said, it amuses me greatly.
Old Project Ideas /
October 29, 2008, 11:52:43 am
i've been at this for a while now, but it seems that there is no way to make the attack command both usable and counter magic-able, darn. at least every SKILL can be counter magic flagged successfully.
Old Project Ideas /
October 29, 2008, 11:03:10 am
well, I did some testing, and the attack command cannot be counter magiked (at least, when I checked the counter magic flag on the skill right above potion, it did nothing. for testing, I added a mime with 100 brave and faith to the units that join at the start of the game. counter magic worked fine for dash and throw stone, it just wouldn't trigger for the attack command. (i'm pretty sure it would trigger for monster physicals, though, so maybe changing the attack command to use a normal action menu might do it)
Old Project Ideas /
October 29, 2008, 09:23:15 am
One way of simulating the esper system in tactics is to have each job class represent a different esper, for example, the thief job would represent Stray/Cait Sith. In addition to any normal abilties a job would grant, it would also allow one to learn that esper's spells Blue Mage style (so taking the theif example, being a thief would allow you to learn confusion and vanish). the reason for blue mage style learning is to alllow for magic to not be learnable until the plot dictates that magic be available.

On the subject of magitek armor, because of the way the tactics mechanics work, magitek armor would work best as either a seperate 'monster' or as a special monster class (like the demons and worker 8)

Magitek Armor as Monster (probablly replaces bull demons)

General Traits

Innate: Defense Up, Cannot Enter Water, Counter

Status Immunity: Blind, Don't Move, Don't Act, Poison, Regen, Undead, Blood Suck, Frog, Death, Invite

Element: Weak Thunder, Half Fire, Half Ice, Half Earth, Half Wind, Immune Holy, Immune Dark

Monster Skill: Force Field, adds Protect and Shell to self and adjacent units

M-Tek Armor

Iron Claw: Physical attack

M-Tek Laser: deals unevadable light magic damage to a single target at long range

Tek-Missile: attempts to cut target's hp in half, long range

Heavy Armor

Iron Claw

W-Machine Gun: deals unevadable, but random, physical damage in a wide AoE at range

Heavy Metal: Stomp the ground, dealing physical earth damage to nearby units, may inflict Don't Move, persistent skill (unit keeps stomping at regular intervals until ordered to do otherwise)

Proto Armor

Innate: Defense Up, Cannot Enter Water, Counter, Two Swords

W-Claw: physical attack, hits twice (because of Two Swords)

W-Machine Gun


Magitek Armor as special monster class (replaces archaic/ultima demons)

Magitek Armor

Primary: M-Tek
Secondary: n/a
Reaction: Counter
Support: Defense Up
Movement: Cannot Enter Water

Elements and Status immunity: same as listed above

Fire Beam: deals magical fire damage in a line
Ice Beam: deals magical ice damage in a line
Bolt Beam: deals magical thunder damage in a line
Heal Force: heals adjacent allies, does not target self

Magitek Elite

Primary: M-Tek
Secondary: Magic
Reaction: Counter
Support: Defense Up
Movement: Cannot Enter Water

Elements and status immunity: same as listed above

Fire Beam
Ice Beam
Bolt Beam
Heal Force
Tek Missile: attempts to cut target hp in half
Bio Blaster: deals 10% hp damage and inflict poison to nearby units
Noise Blaster: deals 20% hp damage to nearby units, may inflict confusion

Old Project Ideas /
October 29, 2008, 08:51:26 am
agreed on the possibly overpowered-ness of this, but it was such a cool idea that I just had to share. Besides, the lack of equipment and other skill options on mimes would serve to mitigate any overpoweredness at least a little bit, and anything as difficult to access as mime deserves to be on the higher end of the power scale anyhow. If nothing else, if mime were made normally unaccessable (as in, requireing levels in mime to unlock), it could allow one to simulate the character Gogo, either as a special boss encounter a la FFV or as a special character as in FFVI. I think a special mime set up like above with ??? stats would be a pretty interesting fight. (the ??? stats ensure that you can't just avoid the counters by 1-shoting him with Meteor)
Old Project Ideas / crazy mime idea
October 28, 2008, 08:09:51 am
I had a crazy idea involving mimes, and the Counter Magic reaction ability, it goes like this:
1: Make counter magic an uber-counter, triggered by nearly every generic-accessible skill in the game, as well as normal physical attacks and monster skills, but excluding certain special spells and boss abilities (such as Ultima, Dark Holy, Nightmare, Loss, and other such skills).

2: Magic Counter would then ONLY be accessible as an innate reaction on Mimes.

As normal, healing and supportive skills will not trigger Magic Counter (though may still be mimed).

basicly, with this change, mimes will both copy your allies, and will fling any attack they suffer right back in the face of thier attacker. I haven't done any testing with this yet, so I don't know if they'd be able to counter physical attacks like they mime physical attacks (as in, with the same weapon), but it would be cool if they did.

PSX FFT Hacking /
October 26, 2008, 09:10:01 am
Item requires that the unit have a special type of action menu, you can set this in the Action tab of FFTPatcher. So you can't mix and match item type abilities with normal skills (the same goes for throw, charge, calculate, jump and draw out)
PSX FFT Hacking /
October 25, 2008, 11:12:46 am
@ Green Archer
There are a lot of different entries in FFTacText that refrence the job names, its probable that you just aren't changing the right entries.
PSX FFT Hacking /
October 23, 2008, 12:34:03 pm
im guessing this character is part of your party, if so, then what you're looking for is not FFTPatcher, but savestate editing or gameshark codes. If your playing on an emulator, most emulators have the ability to also emulate a gameshark/codebreaker device, or have a plug-in with that functionality.