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Messages - Choto

Spriting / Re: Choto's sprite blunders
October 12, 2011, 09:16:41 am
Class Concept:

Engineer                                Male Archon
Female Archon                        Male Warlock
Female Valkyrie/Lancer
Spriting / Re: Choto's sprite blunders
October 12, 2011, 09:13:51 am
Well school's been as busy as boot camp this semester, so I haven't had much time to play around, but here are 2 things: Some trials at the warlord helmet, and some very basic concept stuff for some of the other classes. They are nothing to write home about right now, I'd like to put some more uniqueness into them and go past simple swaps.

Thanks for setting this up!

question about mana burn - is there any way to alter how much MP drain/HP damage it does?
Spriting / Re: Celdia's Sprite Swaps
October 06, 2011, 08:11:18 am
I like it, the 2nd and 3rd color palette makes her look more monstery, in the first her skin tone looks a bit normal. I haven't touched portraits at all yet, but I would think making her look a little more insane in the portrait would do well. Moreover, I feel like she'd have a pretty good niche as a monster. Any vampiric monster makes blood suck actually make sense.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Equip Change question/idea
October 02, 2011, 04:37:24 pm
ah good call, didn't think of that. I wonder if you could make it disable movement once used, or make movement disable it...

Otherwise, even if it refunded somewhere between 20-50 CT as desired by the patcher it'd be at least a little more useful.
PSX FFT Hacking / Equip Change question/idea
October 02, 2011, 10:16:11 am
Would it be possible to let equip change give a set amount of CT back? My thinking is that you could set it to give 100 CT back, allowing you to not use your turn whipping out a new sword
Spam / Re: When did western animation become awesome?
September 29, 2011, 08:53:02 am
uh oh, i feel a daffy duck wizard sprite coming on!
Spriting / Re: Choto's sprite blunders
September 23, 2011, 06:04:47 pm
Thanks Kage! Do you still think the helmet looks bulky with Ramza's arms? The first frame reminds me of megaman XD
Spriting / Re: Choto's sprite blunders
September 23, 2011, 04:16:22 pm
Here is an update on some of the sprites i've been messing with. I discovered palette editor which helped a ton in getting closer to "FFT" colors.

Warlord - After trying to put in samurai arms and customize them into wrapping around his arm, I found out that Ramza's arms fit like a glove :). For now I think i'm gonna remove the helmet horns and finish it up, then maybe one day i'll tackle that monster...

Archon - He's pretty much how he was, just with some better colors. To me it still seems like the the violet is a little too radiant.

Hell Knight - This is just me messing with turning a skeleton into a "human" based character so he can equip some items and make him into a little mini-boss event. It should be noted that in making him a human and giving him innate:undead, it'll turn his whole palette a bit darker and violet-ish.
Hey pride, thanks for the existing hacks, they are awesome. I was wondering if this was a possibility - making there be a "chance to break" on the mighty swordskills instead of it being guaranteed?
Spriting / Re: Choto's sprite blunders
September 17, 2011, 01:21:56 pm
Thats a good idea twin, i didn't think about doing that. Maybe I should explain myself too, for right now i'm just kinda posting rough ideas. I wanted to get some feedback to see if what I'm doing is on the right track or get some tips from accomplished spriters. Eventually I'm gonna see all these sprites through to completion for use in my patch, but right now i'm just throwing ideas out there and seeing what people think.

With that said, anybody ever run into something like this happening? I'm thinking the lower frames might have gotten messed up in layers or something... It appears to be normal when I open it in GG, but in shishi it has that wierd blend in it.
Spriting / Re: Choto's sprite blunders
September 16, 2011, 11:25:55 pm
Where can I see those? Maybe I can make mine different than theirs... I actually have trouble seeing blues and purples, I didn't even notice the hat was different until halfway through XD
Spriting / Re: Choto's sprite blunders
September 16, 2011, 04:10:29 pm
Well they are actually taken from FFT palettes, I just keep finding myself messing with blues. At first I was thinking of making all of the player's palettes blue to make you feel like you had your own army, but it may be too uniform.
Spriting / Re: Choto's sprite blunders
September 16, 2011, 03:16:18 pm
This one's been quick and easy so far... Elidibs' hat on a priest's body. I hope to put some more customization into it as I feel it looks kinda bland as is. I really need to get away from blue/purple colors

when that's happened to me its always been an ASM thing, sometimes when I repatched a fresh ISO it took care of the problem. Otherwise you have to double check your hacks I think.
Spriting / Re: Kagebunji's sprites- Moving on...
September 14, 2011, 06:36:02 pm
Red turtle shell locks on to your target =)
Help! / Re: FFTPatcher ENTD box question
September 14, 2011, 01:03:54 pm
Excellent, thanks! It's kind of a bummer you can't control exactly what the AI knows, but thats not a half bad option either.
Help! / FFTPatcher ENTD box question
September 14, 2011, 09:37:57 am
I'm assuming this box has something to do with how many abilities the unit knows, but does anybody know exactly how it works?
Spriting / Re: Choto's sprite blunders
September 14, 2011, 09:33:11 am
Seems like we have split opinions ^_^

I'm most likely gonna use this sprite for a berserker unit, which I want to be a little more armored... Honestly I may just see them both through and see which I like better. I can definitely see both sides' arguments. The helm will take some work, if it causes too much of a problem I may scrap it, but we shall see!

I was never a big fan of the parivir arms either. I thought they were a cape or something at first, but to each his own :P
Spriting / Re: Rafa Sprite needs help
September 13, 2011, 05:00:58 pm
Thanks for the feedback guys :)

Here's the samurai with more samurai-like arms. I didn't want them to be blocky like the stock samurai armor, so I tried to round them up a little. Also tried to render something like Nobunaga's helmet that Cheetah suggested:

Question: Is it a no-no to post the whole spritesheet? just wondering