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Messages - SydneySoul

Archives /
February 12, 2009, 05:55:47 pm
Any ideas for the sprite? Yea, my soul manipulator. Where, aside from the hair, can I improve on the portrait? It looked much better before I constrained myself to an abysmal 16 colors. x.x
Archives /
February 12, 2009, 10:17:50 am
waka waka waka waka

But seriously, no. It's my first spriting project in ages. :p
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February 12, 2009, 07:13:51 am
Updated avatar... I suck at hair. :c
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February 11, 2009, 05:51:20 pm
Hehe, Sydney is actually my birth name and I love it because it carries tons of AWESOME! Koko, where can I find teamviewer? :3
Archives /
February 11, 2009, 10:15:04 am
Zalge, that sounds hot. ;3
Archives / Hello!
February 11, 2009, 09:22:15 am
Been here a few days now. I'm not new to game editing but I also never got too deep into it (Shining Force 2). I'm currently trying to balance and create spells+classes for my own FFT project, as an opener in getting used to working around with FFT. When event editing becomes cleaner, I want to be able to make my 4 main character projects into "storyline" characters along the lines of Beowolf, Reis, and Cloud. If at all possible, add more Zodiac monsters. I've got a lot of ambitions but little experience and knowledge here.

I'd also like to create my own items and spells but we don't seem to be able to do this yet (i may be wrong, I've only been into this for a few days).

I've been playing FFT since it came out in the US and I've been using custom characters on it ever since I discovered you could around the year 2000 (I think).

I used to sprite back in my youth. I'm getting back into it now for my FFT projects.

Ok, hi! :p
The Lounge /
February 11, 2009, 09:16:42 am
That was a very interesting read. I feel inspired to add Yvalician(Yvalish, Yvalicese? XD) to my drawings!
PSX FFT Hacking /
February 10, 2009, 06:07:40 pm
Cool, thank you. :3
PSX FFT Hacking /
February 10, 2009, 10:28:53 am
Oh the AOE and vertical increase work. What I've been trying to do is get a decent heal formula while also getting regen. That wasn't working so I found the forumla I now know as Phoenix Down. This enabled me to get a heal of 2 HP, insta-kill undead, and gain regen. I wasn't happy with the heal, so I decided "maybe it'd be good as a ressurect and regen spell instead". This worked somewhat... but then it killed ANY enemy, undead or not, within the AoE. It also killed previously revived allies for some reason... I don't get how that works. The ally I tested it on was a custom character, though, so that may effect it somewhat (he's using the Izlude sprite and Job I created within it but has a female scream so something is wrong with him anyway... need to change his gender byte).

My aim is to have a spell that will heal a decent amount and add regen (because I don't want white mages on my 4-man [well.. 5 when I need to use Ramza :s] playthrough) with the drawback of being able to heal enemies, so I'd have to carefully choose my placement when casting, possibly missing certain allies.
PSX FFT Hacking /
February 10, 2009, 10:11:20 am
CWcheat has a pops version that emulates gemshark. That's what I'm using.

Spirit of Life's target effect wasn't altered in either program so I don't know why you're bringing that up. Checking the lifeboxes in GS helper make it effect one or the other. It works the flags differently from FFTpatcher but the resulting code is the same, meaning the effect is exactly the same thus no difference.

GS helper is much older than this site and thus the flags are unknown. It hasn't been updated with the new information discovered here.  Heck, it's a vintage thing I've been using since I first discovered custom classes could be made in FFT many years back.

I'll try out img burn! I really dislike using the Eboot's ISO because I don't know if the original Eboot compiler took it upon themselves to alter it in any way, so having a fresh iso (or img) on my disc would ease my mind. Thanks to your earlier link, I can make my own eboot (that's how I got the iso).
PSX FFT Hacking /
February 10, 2009, 09:44:44 am
It's not 1.3 I'm applying. It's the extension and sprite re-ordering Zodiac made.

And yes, it does the same thing. The only difference is that I can choose to make it permanent. The code it produces is the same as GS helper. And I tried that same formula with no Regen placed on - it's cure.

Here are screenshots of the two programs:



As you can see, the only difference here is that FFTpatcher  combines the codes for inflict status and the "Y" value (which is the Q value in GS helper) into one using an 8006 (multi-address altering code). I've not tested the multi-address code yet, as these tend to crash my game for some reason, even though they didn't playing on the PSX. That made my custom characters quite a chore to create since  I was forced to use the long 3006 version of custom characters rather than the sweet and simple 8006 I use on my home console.

Also, the extension is .iso but it was ripped from my eboot... which I don't like. I can't find any torrents or other sources of a pure FFT iso and the programs I've downloaded to rip the iso from my PSX game CD don't seem to offer the ability to rip as ISO. I've tried CD Clone, so don't suggest that one. It is a trial, so I may be limited in what I can do with it.
PSX FFT Hacking /
February 10, 2009, 09:10:56 am
I've gotten myself the ISO from my eboot. CDmage can open it but PPF-O-Matic cannot read it so I can't patch onto it.  I don't get how this works at all.

Anyway, looking at FFT patcher, it does the SAME work as NeoKamek's GS helper. That's especially visible looking at the GS codes tab for codes it produces. I'm still unable to give this spell both healing properties and the ability to add regen. The best this can do is kill the undead along with a tiny heal of 2 HP and add regen. It doesn't even revive because you don't seem to be able to stack "add regen" with "cancel dead".

Using the formula for the Cure spells makes Regen not appear.

Also, new problem. I revived an ally with Raise 2 then used my Spirit of Life spell on him... and it killed that unit... instantly. No HP loss, just instant death. As if it somehow canceled that I raised him.
PSX FFT Hacking /
February 09, 2009, 07:56:15 am
Yes, it was probably changed to Life Spirit. Same spell. The ID is 13E. The formula line 30060D5C 00??. The subsequent code needed is 30060D5F 0022 to add the effect of Regen. I also added 3005F5E4 0091 which turns on the 'Helpful, Add Status, and Alters HP' flags. I added that one to make sure Regen would take. Otherwise the spell is normally 'Helpful, Alters HP'.
PSX FFT Hacking /
February 09, 2009, 07:41:42 am
Ohh, thanks for that info. Been wanting to see what the big deal about 1.3 is besides the deep dungeon. A bullet list of what is changed would be nice, really. XD

And yes, I want a heal that effects both enemies and allies. My AoE is rather big, so I don't want the heal to be massive but I want it to be used carefully (as in, make sure you don't heal an opponent you don't want healed). The regen is nice at a 100% chance but not necessary(at that accuracy, I mean).
PSX FFT Hacking /
February 09, 2009, 07:33:18 am
So then how do I get my desired effect? I'm happy with a basic heal so long as I can add regen at the same time.

I copied that formula straight from the neokamek helper, so it's not a typo on my part. But yes, it's 4B.

I'm not playing from an ISO or bin so there will be no patching. That is, unless Eboots are just renamed ISOs.
PSX FFT Hacking /
February 09, 2009, 07:19:36 am
It's CWcheat/a gameshark code. Needs to be in hex.

Everything I'm doing comes from the old GameFAQs codes and NeoKamek's FFT Gameshark Helper. I'm playing the PSX FFT on my PSP as an Eboot.
PSX FFT Hacking / Formula question.
February 09, 2009, 06:09:59 am
I've altered Spirit of Life to heal an AoE that effects both allies and enemies along with adding a Regen. I've come across a problem, though. It now heals virtually no HP and seems to always instakill the undead.

I want to heal from 1 to 186.

The formula is strange, though:
Recovers (1..Q-1) HP and adds a status effect, 00% if target already has it.

I have my Q value as BB, for 187... but I seem to always heal for 2 and kill any undead rather than just hurt them.