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Messages - Hyraldelita

Ok... What happened without me realizing?! Why people talk about Synth? is the re relase out and i didn't know it?
There wasn't Any synth when i player Jot5 O_o...

Well taking that apart...

My favourite things about jot5 is that it look so professional, that if you take the whole game and give it to some fan who have no idea about jot5, and let them play thinking this is called FFt2  they would believe it without even asking. i'm 100% sure of it, since the lvl of perfection behind things it's so high that , it would be the least you expect.
I personally am VERY demanding about FFT because it's my favourite game of all times. So if there was something that was off or whatever i wouldn't have gave this this much credit.

Characterization is unbilievable, if you tell someone that people put together in the same game, link snake, dante, and cloud, they would laugh at you , pretty sure about it. But here the char personality is kept so well, and ALL the speech and things they say , it's so much into THAT character , that they incredibly fit well together !

So this is definitely the part i like more about jot5 if jot5 was a cake, this would have been the cherry on top of it.
Soon after that, i love all the new sprites and the care which they doesn't seems to be off even of 1 pixel, and the way the FFT style was kept intact even if it's not the sme developer.
This is what i prefer about this ^^ i will add other things after i play the re relase, and hopefully chapter 2.

But this thing is bugging me... why i know nothing about this synth thing? I know it was in program , but do actually people played it?!O_o
well Nyzer , you misurunderstood, my sentence.

that it will feel like playing FFT as when i was 13 <---- when i wrote this i mean the exitment to play a game you know you will like , but that you know nothing about, kind of when you are too young to even appreciate the game for real in it's deept , pros and cons.

Don't get me wrong, even in the first relase of Jot5 the game mechanich was better then FFT vanilla , and much harder, which make things lot more insteresting, reason why i said, like when i was 13. even if i not that naive anymore ^^ i will enjoy the re relase and chapter 2 as much as that, this is what i meant  : ) 
like the first time i player Xenogears, castlevania sotn, legend of dragoon, tales of destiny, valkyrie profile etc etc... XD
Even if the do a remake which is 10 times better of those games now, i have a different mind as a grown up adult, so hard to have the same feelings, but with jot5 , i kinda know i will feel like a child again while playng ^^
I agree that Delita' would have killed him , if he was going to be a treath for the kingdom he wanted to create, but Olan knew Delita would have not been a bad king, in fact he just despice Delita's way of doing things, but Oland and balmafula get spared by Delita and he know that, even if he didn't like him, he knew he wasn't a bad person.

FFT says that Delita's kingdom brought peace back and that it lasted long after he became king.  So i love the fact that you guys continued the story and it fit pretty well too , but i think to be completely ok with the story, it should have been like 10 years after Delita's kingdom or so.  Just to be loyal to what the story say.
I might be wrong but i recall this... can't really remeber where exactly i read this particular about "the kingdom was in peace for a lot of time after Delita became king"
If im wrong i apologize in advance XD
Anyway i know who the CS is..

and it's name is David Copperfield.


Aniway from the first run i had through chapter 1, i dunno why, but i was always sure that CS is a woman. The sprite looks like the meliadoul one with a hood ^^ 100% sure it's not meliadoul , but the sprite is similar in some ways.
ahhaha it will be so much different , that it will feel like playing FFT as when i was 13 XD i really look forward to it.
agree with you urameshi.
If i recall well Olan actually get killed from te church, because with that book he support the heretic. but i can't remember if the game itself say so.
But 100% sure Delita wouldn't have killed Onlan, he NEVER kill a person who is not involved with his plan or restoring peace his own way. He do kill the Orlandu copy but just to let orlandu flee with Ramza, i will always be by Delita's Side, because his action always reflect justice\revenge in my point of view, he is more a Hero then Ramza was, well more like a "more human like hero" Ramza is more the Fantasy Hero of the story.

But if the took ff7 and dante world out... and the evil guy from zelda get killed.. that leave only Snake world, but snake world is a real world with high technologies, so i don't think anything like magic would be considered normal, also i always wondered why Snake NEVER say nothing about magic in jot5 XD not even a small joke or observation!

But i really think it will be a nice surprise for everyone who the hek is this CS XD
Im pretty sure it must be someone more misterious then balmafula. Even if she is a witch, i doubt she would have the power to summon 4 heroes from different worlds, so in my opinion it might be Someone with great powers but that for some reason he can't act by himself and need some other people to do the job for him|her
I love Delita's character is my favourite of all games i played untill now, but that video has been alreayd linker to us ^^
i think i'm more curious to see this game out then FF7 remake and FF15 lol...
Seriously with all the things you guys added, i will probably end up playing this one as much as FFT itself, which mean close to 20 years playing the same game.

Even just thinking about all these thing and the fact that you will have to FIND certain mobs to scavenge them to get the items you need to make a weapon or whatever,  its making me going crazy with the will to play!!!

I'm pissing in my pants from the emotion XD  Can't say hurry up , since i tried to script in first person and I KNOW how time consuming this can be, but seriously i never waited a game so much XD
What i always thought about this "Developer team" Is that compared to the FFT team, which was square, they are just a few...

Try to count all the people that worked on FFT , even taking off the music side and other things, will probably count into a a hundred people or so, and we have no idea how much it took to all those people to make FFtactics.

So for just a handful of people to do a work like this, it must be a HUGE amount of work.  Everytime i open up this forum i think , damn its still not out XD

But i will never be able to blame anything on the people who are working for free, and with such passion on a game nearly 20 years old.  I'll just keep waiting and play with the same feelings i had when i played FFT the first time, after waiting all this time !

Basically .. the more you wait for something the more you will enjoy when you get it ^^
Then guys, the best i can do personally is just play your mod to death when they come out, and say thanks :P
Man if i had any power to do so , i would have gladly.
But i live in ireland moving to germany soon.

Elric are you sure , a Donation button for the work you're doing, and not for the game itself, would be illegal?

There is many way go around the "Legal" thing if that is the problem. Just put donation for another reason!
Everyone would know the real reason, and i think it's legal no?
Aniway if you guys don't want this or really can't i think you have to know, you have all our respect and admiration for what you are doing.
i guess when this game will come out, the download will jump about 10 times more.
As i'm reading this isn't even worth to call a mod XD it's like a revisioned version of FFT 2, guess not even square could have done it with all this passion ,an details.

If there is not, you guys should add a Donation button where to click  ,because i'm sure some would donate for all the work and the free game we will download.

I know you don't do this for money, but i honestly think you deserve at least some, more like to see that people  DO REALLY appreciate your work , not only with words, but with fact too.
I would definitely donate if there was a option to do so, when you guys release the full game.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
April 11, 2016, 06:46:30 pm
i only post because i want to show theme, people never forget ^^

I mean after all the effort, i think is nice if someone ask one in a while and live up the forum even if a bit no?^^

I know it's not really needed, but if i was theme i would like people to get interested in what they are doing :)

Mine will never be a complain about time or anything else, i'm planning to do something that will take some of my time, for them after they finish this game for us :)
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
April 05, 2016, 12:34:31 pm
i will die for curiosity before the chapter 2 come out XD or the re release ahahaha
The Lounge / Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Announced
February 06, 2016, 02:22:48 am
i only say, World map... if they leave that as it was, it will probably be a fantastic remake, specially if you can run you fantasy wild, as to find new places like you could do with the original 7...
The Lounge / Re: Ramza in Dissidia
February 05, 2016, 01:05:16 am
don't like the first remix, but i like the second
The Lounge / Re: Ramza in Dissidia
January 30, 2016, 03:41:50 pm
ahahahhaah lol i came a bit late, i wanted to give this info to people here, but i can see i'm pretty late ^^

I like the way they did Ramza, well i would have liked it a bit less underweight lol, it looks like he barely eat XD

I might say something stupid but if that is not drawout skill, i thought about All ultima or only ultima, they will change the graphic effects anyway, as they did with all other char skills.

It would be cool if he boost himself like in the game, with screen cheer up to raise brave and yell for haste, that could be cool.

But if they do Ramza able to change job in the middle of a fight, that would be God lvl character to play!
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
January 09, 2016, 05:08:34 am
Well.... i honestly doubt someone that didn't play the 1 chapter will come and read this post, even for minor spoiler, plus is not a real spoiler for a few reasons!

Aniway, Delita Reign u_u
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
January 06, 2016, 04:42:10 am
i don't see any spoiler honestly, it's look more like comparing different point of view to me ^^ i know nothing of kot5 so i can't spoil , and i don't think even if nyzer knew he would make a big mistake like that.