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Messages - Mudvayne

FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
August 21, 2015, 12:36:53 pm
Most of the proposed changes there I can get behind, Gaignun. I don't care for the 8 PA and 12 MA on the female Bard/Dancer class, though. It overpowers a female scholar who is only coming in at 10 MA and isn't female Wizards only 12 MA as well? Dancerbard shouldn't have the highest MA stat on a female unit, IMO. That doesn't seem right.

Male Netherseers with 12 PA are also pretty damn strong considering their skill set. I'm not entirely sold on the netherseer skill set having the skills be PA*X, it's not hard to get units with 18-20 PA like a monk for example who would now be able to successfully cast spells coming in at 250+ damage as well as doing 250+ damage punch arts? Ehhh.. Maybe something like (PA+MA)/2*X? I'm not sure how great that would work but I just feel like it would be pretty easy to make the Netherseer class and skill set pretty OP.

Also, I forget, is UnF now UnFury or UnFaith? And is that based off of your fury/faith, or the targets fury/faith, or both?
Don't worry Shintroy, I'll make sure my team spanks dat ass in our match so you don't have to worry about withdrawing  :P :lol: :roll:
Truth be told I did not find this mod to be too difficult at all. Besides a few randoms (like the battle with all the lamias and beast master, or the 5-6 turtles come to mind, it's been awhile since I've played though so forgive me) that I found to be just not worth the effort to try and win the fight for the small reward, the story battles were not too hard. A few of them kicked my ass on my first run through but that's to be expected. Assess the battle and adjust your party accordingly. Lowering the difficulty in the story I think is not really necessary.

If you are upping the JP we receive also, that should be more than enough help for the player to get a few more abilities which really was the only reason certain battles gave me trouble anyway was because I didn't branch out of the starting jobs and learn new abilities. If you have a small pool of different jobs and abilities unlocked for everyone, you can come up with many different strategies to beat any fight you are struggling with, none are impossible.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
August 19, 2015, 10:43:12 pm
Damage split is also pretty meh. Maybe up it to 40% from 33%?
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
August 19, 2015, 04:07:45 pm
I think a gun or maybe a book (since it does use a similar type formula using both PA/MA) that procs/shoots geomancy would be super cool. I think maybe adding a demi gun and maybe a geomancy book or something would be pretty unique additions.

Speaking of books... They seem to be a pretty under used weapon class entirely. I don't think I've personally ever used a unit that focused on using a book, and can't really remember or reference any teams that have. Not proposing anything since I'm drawing a blank, but it does seem to be pretty much the least used weapon type besides maybe Cloths.

On the subject of cloths, I know they are Dancer-specific weapons since Vanilla, but normally Dancers will opt out for a different weapon most of the time. Would maybe allowing other classes to use Cloths allow them to see more use also? Change their stats/buffs? It's a small class of only 3 weapons, but still. Between books and cloths, there was only 1 unit using either weapon type in the SCC tourney. I can't remember the stats for books/cloths from the previous tournament, but I'd be willing to assume it's probably around 1 use for both weapon types also.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
August 19, 2015, 03:55:29 pm
Oops I did write the formula wrong, I did mean change it to (PA+3)/2*MA. Adding that 3 in there WON'T make a huge difference unless you do end up with an odd ending PA* point, meaning it won't make it super OP but does offer the chance to ever so slightly boost your damage output if you use say, the Mystic Blade that adds +1 MA/PA which could leave you with an odd ending PA stat if that was the only PA boosting gear you use.

Maybe (PA+3)/2*(MA+1)? Like I said I am not proposing being able to do 180 damage geomancy on every unit making it super OP. I just find it averages out at <100 damage on most units unless every item is there to boost MA and the unit has magic attack up and 108 gems for elemental boosting also. That's a lot of requirements to buff a unit to do only mediocre damage.

What is the status proc rate currently for Geomancy? 20%? Upping to 25% doesn't seem too out of line. Not 25% and an increased damage formula though, one or the other.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
August 19, 2015, 11:47:35 am
I also still propose changing Geomancys formula from (MA+2)/2*PA to (MA+3)/2*PA. I've proposed this before but no-one ever really agrees with me. Since there has been suggestions to improve Geomancers base stats (which IMO are fine), I think maybe changing the Elemental formula (instead/as well?) would be nice. It not only helps Geomancers but any unit using Elemental which we mostly all can agree on, does have a pretty meh damage output even though it is instant, unevadable, and can trigger status procs. There are other unevadable moves with much higher AoE, higher damage output, can trigger status effects (Silf inflicing Dont Move/Dont Act while being unevadable), so I just feel like Elemental just lacks in comparison. This small buff won't make Elemental all of a sudden super appealing and OP, but it can make the damage output just slightly higher on elemental to give it that littttle extra oomph it needs IMO to actually be relevant on more units than just MA stacked units specifically built for elemental or having to rely on buffing  your PA/MA either through Accumulate/Focus, PA/MA Save, Magic/Battle Song, etc before getting a good damage output.

Plus, having it be MA+3 may not actually be all that more useful unless you end up with an odd ending MA stat, correct? Say you're 10 MA, so + 3 /2, would give you 6.5 * PA which I think FFT rounds down to 6 * PA? Do I understand that right? So it actually would only buff units that do end in an odd numbered MA stat?
Quote from: Shintroy on August 18, 2015, 08:49:14 pm
Is it possible to forfeit against Mudvayne? I don't want to see my team beat his and lose in R3 being incomplete and all. If it is then I'll forfeit against Mudvayne since it's a ditto and I'd prefer for his team to advance since it's probably better for the class.

Honestly? I'd prefer you didn't withdrawal. 'Unfinished' team or not, if you happen to beat me, you beat me. I'm not sure how much farther your team can go, but if you beat my team then I likely wouldn't be advancing much more anyways. Maybe it sounds selfish, but even if you think I will win easily (which I don't necessarily think that) I'd still like to see the victory after my R1 loss. It'd be nice to see my team perform [well].  :oops: :P
40 faith oracles wrecked me. GG. Too much status even with having status protection on most of my team. I thought Dont Act would be pretty prevalent in this tournament and I decided to go with Cross Helmet over a Crystal Helmet on 'AmazonChick', my lore using samurai. Bad call, but I hope I can maybe turn things around in the losers bracket and get a couple wins from this team. I did a lot of work on them and really struggled trying to put together something special using 4 samurais. There was a lot of editing of units/skills/abilities between me and Barren before settling on this version of the team and they still just fell short but I digress. Congrats Krypt!

Thanks for the matches CT5Holy!
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
August 18, 2015, 12:10:38 pm
I think going 10 PA/MA for Male/Female (respectively) Samurais would be okay. Male samurais really need some extra PA IMO. They are semi-lackluster damage dealers unless you make them berserk and PA stacked which can do huge numbers but gives the unit really only one purpose at that point. I think seeing a few more skills using a PA as opposed to the MA formula also will see some more use out of male samurais with the slightly buffed PA stat. Poles are a great addition but they really do boost the damage output significantly. I think spears would be ok, but obviously whatever weapon class we go with there will be kinks to work out. Samurai as is, is a fine class. Not necessarily the best SCC class, but for sure a great class to have on any team. I think adding a new weapon option and maybe giving them different PA/MA (or maybe give them 9 speed? Not sure how we would decide on adjusting the PA/MA if they do see a speed increase but, Samurais really do struggle to be even a semi-speedy unit reaching even 10(+) speed, and I don't think 9 base SP would be too OP).
I think all the data from the tourneys can be very helpful. Looking at items and moves that are not used at all, or very rarely used, vs items and abilities that are used way more often. There should be more of a balance and variety with the sheer amount of possibilities we have with different unit builds, so maybe some of these lesser used reactions/skills/equips and even classes may be in need of a buff, or some stuff may need a slight nerf. Or both. Just to add more flavor to Arena. I'm excited to see how this tourney turns out.
Welp, looks like my predictions were off as per usual. Barren going to the losers bracket in round 1 doesn't make his chances of taking the tourney with his team of archers seem too likely. Oh well.

Haven't got a chance to watch the other videos yet. That's an overwhelming amount of content in a really short time period.
Quote from: Barren on August 12, 2015, 12:07:27 pm
I was referring to what you said about Andante fixing his bards. I got what you said before too

Oh. It seemed like you were replying to this post [of mine]:
Quote from: MudvayneTrue. But it gives the option of having an effective male caster. Does not make wizard irrelevant because you never ever see male wizards. Wizards are strictly 99.9% of the time, a female unit. It does make bards slightly OP but the gender difference makes it balanced IMO.

Your reply makes sense in response to that comment too (to me atleast)
Quote from: BarrenYea true. Then again it would have been a interesting discussion had it stayed. Would bards benefit or hinder from robes due to lower HP but more MP? But that's for another time I suppose. Andante I'm sure already told CT5Holy about the changes so I'm sure he caught on.

Sorry :P
Wow... now someone tells me  :roll: :oops:

I've been manually inputting teams by typing out everything and clicking the individual skills every single time. Holy crap that makes life much easier.

Which is why when I or someone else puts say "All Items", "All Geomancy", it wasn't an issue since I knew that just means click every skill. Makes sense now why it's so important about spelling errors when posting a team. I never understood since if it was misspelled in their team, I still knew the correct spelling when inputting.

And Barren, your post above that one, I believe is mis-quoted. You're talking about bards but quoted the post where I was talking about Cure 3 getting lost between our messages.
As in you mean there's a way to just copy/paste teams into the memcard gen instead of having to manually typing out each unit individually and clicking the appropriate skills every time you enter a new team.......??  :oops: Or did I miss-read your message?
No worries. Must have gotten lost in translation between the many, many edits. The last version of the team I sent to you had it, but when you re-sent the team back to me after making edits (and making it look pretty with the breaks ============= in it) and I just made my edits off that version, and that version did not have Cure 3 for whatever reason, and was not intended.

And awesome. I'm really glad he decided to fix it. That makes things more fair all around simply because no-one can use the "it's because of the robes" excuse for however the match turns out.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena SCC Tourney Registration
August 12, 2015, 11:43:38 am
No offence but I doubt you'd make it past me in round 2 anyways since 2 of my units absorb earth and you have an all scholar team with earth dragon on 2 units. I also have other elements to get around your earth absorb but if your scholars cast earth dragon you'll be healing half of my team every time. Your only 2 non-earth based attacks are holy, and chiri.

Bad luck for you with your first two match ups, that's for sure. :P
100% agreed, Silentkaster. I just didn't want to be the first one to point it out.

His team is against the rules. 3/4 of units are impossible to recreate because of equip choices. If it were maybe 1 unit, ok let it slide. His team allows 3 units to equip items they shouldn't.

If 3 of my samurais were wearing clothes for example (which would have been severely helpful..) I think people would complain. Samurais can't wear clothes, only robes and armor, so why would I be able to get away with it on 75% of my team allowing unequipable items? No hostility of course, it's just like SK said. If he wins, "it's cause of the robes", if he loses "it's cause of the robes". Put his match on hold, give him ~5 days to re-create a team (sorry) and then re-record the match. It's only fair.

edit: @Barren, 'TeamPlayer' is still supposed to have Cure 3 on her white magic skill set. Thanks.
True. But it gives the option of having an effective male caster. Does not make wizard irrelevant because you never ever see male wizards. Wizards are strictly 99.9% of the time, a female unit. It does make bards slightly OP but the gender difference makes it balanced IMO.
IMO bards should be able to equip robes anyways. I've made that mistake my self a few times making bard units then realizing they can't wear robes (usually black robe, since I try to make them casters often) then I scrap the unit because it loses it's punch.