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Messages - 3lric

Hacking/Patching Tools / Re: Gameflow Editor
November 11, 2011, 09:57:30 pm
Quote from: Pride on November 11, 2011, 09:38:32 pm
I'm pretty sure you can draw a line anywhere on the map, I've created and erased lines all over the map before.

I'm going to do some more testing on this, I have only found the one place that it did not work on so far and all i did to fix that particular incident was change the line to go from Dorter to Araguay instead of Araguay to Dorter.

You said you've created lines all over the map, have you been able to successfully create a new line somewhere that didn't previously exist in the game? For example drawing a line directly from Lionel to Golgorand? Which would bypass Bariaus Valley?
Hacking/Patching Tools / Re: Gameflow Editor
November 11, 2011, 09:23:30 pm
Ohh i did not realize that they enemies where counted that way i get it now, but yes this will make it so i atleast don't have to keep swapping my other attack.out in and out because eventually in the confusion of it all i will probably overwrite it lol, so thank you very much for that update.

As for the line drawing, it may be because to my knowledge there was never a line drawn from Araguay to Dorter so that particular animation might simply just not exist, in which case its not a huge deal.

Edit: How will i know which portion I would need to copy now? Since i still only see the one xml tab? I'm probably missing something obvious here lol  EDIT: Never mind i noticed that you set it up so attackout and wldmap conditions show up separately in FFTorgASM now, thank you very much for adding that
Hacking/Patching Tools / Re: Gameflow Editor
November 11, 2011, 03:40:00 am
Okay so I've successfully created the worldmap for my mod using your Gameflow Editor and it's working perfectly  :mrgreen:,
I'm going to test some side-quests soon and I will let you know if there is are any bugs with that. A couple questions tho.

-Did you ever figure out if a line can be drawn in a direction it wouldn't normally go? For example; if i try to have a line go from
Araguay Woods to Dorter it won't happen and the game will just kind of hang there, however if I make the line go from Dorter to
Araguay then it works fine, not a huge deal i just thought i would ask.

-Now one thing that is causing me some confusion is the Sub-event editor which I believe is the attack.out editor, now the issue
i have is if i go to 03D Miluda 2 to try to edit it to match what i did in raven's spreadsheet (so I don't have to keep repatching my
attack.out every time i have a game flow update). I notice that while in Ravens spreadsheet Miluda is referred to by her unit
number which is this case would be 85, but in your game flow editor she is referred to as Enemy 6, where do you get this value? If i
go into the ENTD she is the first of 6 enemies in the list but i don't know is that has anything to do with it? If you could clear this up
for me i would appreciate it since then i could just use 1 spreadsheet for gameflow/worldmap conditions/attack.out conditions.
Hello everyone, we finally got a demo made, I've sent it to both Joseph Strife and Durbs for bug testing and so hopefully within the next 2 weeks once all the bugs are taken care and it is slightly more balanced, we will release a demo of chapter 1 to the general public. Stay Tuned!  :mrgreen:

Also new boss battle video right now, it is very unbalanced, and there are still some errors and other things i still need to work out

but none the less here it is:

This battle would be much further along but I've been working on worldmap stuff so that it will be easier to balance the game and such

Help! / Re: How to make someone join as a guest?
November 10, 2011, 05:02:30 pm
Aewsome, thanks guys, that helps alot
Help! / How to make someone join as a guest?
November 10, 2011, 09:28:13 am
I can have someone actually join, but how do i make someone join as a guest, such as Delita and Algus from chapter 1?

Also can i make someone join my party not as a guest without having to do the join up screen? eliminating the player from avoiding key characters?
Help! / Re: Since it was never answered...
November 09, 2011, 08:39:50 pm
Quote from: Xifanie on November 09, 2011, 08:32:17 pm
I made a no music patch... if you study it a bit you should be able to easily find those and change them to your wishes... Just keep in mind:
Team Making 0x1F (Formation)
Attack Team 0x2A (Unit Placement)

Beautiful! thank you Xifanie! This will help us alot  :mrgreen:

Btw, where is your Avatar?
Hacking/Patching Tools / Re: Gameflow Editor
November 09, 2011, 08:26:11 pm
As suggested I'm posting this here so that anyone else with these issue can try to learn from my mistakes  :mrgreen:

Ok i only made a few minor changes since i don't want to kill anything that i shouldn't just yet :P I'm going to include some pics of what i did,

I must have missed something because it actually does work sort of, when i try to walk off of Lionel at the world map to get to Bariaus Hill it will instead pull into Lionel at the scene from chapter 2 where you first going into Lionel with Agrias, Ovelia and Ramza and guard stops you at first.. So while this is slightly confusing it is also quite exciting that something DID happen. Maybe not what i wanted to but none the less something did :)

This is what i did, i changed Lionel to Story progress 1

Then i changed Bariaus Hill to story progress 2 and changed the event to 1E sweegy woods since that's what i event i was replacing it with

I'm sure it has something to do with the values that i did not change for Lionel, also one thing that bugs me, what will I do with the original value of 1 and 2 from the vanilla game? will this cause an error if i happen across one of those corresponding points on the map before it has been changed?
The Lounge / Re: The greatest quote of all time
November 09, 2011, 06:13:14 pm
Defiantly lol
The Lounge / Re: The greatest quote of all time
November 09, 2011, 06:09:07 pm
Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on November 09, 2011, 05:50:26 pm
I already have plenty of imaginary people I want to suck my cock, I don't need another one. 

^I think this is actually the greatest quote of all time..
Hacking/Patching Tools / Re: PPF-O-Matic Patch Time
November 09, 2011, 03:09:08 pm
Kuraudo is correct, something is terribly terribly wrong if it's taking that long lol.
If you need any further help then PM me, I'm sure I can get it workin for ya  :mrgreen:
Quote from: Kagebunji on November 08, 2011, 11:24:57 am
Can't wait! My internet had a cap currently, and I am unable to watch videos, but once it gets liften (on 10th), I will watch these and give input.

Awesome :mrgreen: I always love your input Kage, the next video i put up today will have Dante all fixed like :P
The Lounge / Re: My scary YT videos
November 08, 2011, 02:50:22 pm
Rest Stop... was a good movie... not scary tho.. but then again when I'm not doing FFH stuff all i pretty much do is watch horror flicks so i dunno whats it's like to have a movie scare someone anymore.. none the less you got some weird videos there Dome lol nice job
News / Re: Spam is Back!
November 08, 2011, 04:48:11 am
Quote from: Dome on November 08, 2011, 04:34:15 am
You guys got troll'd

The Lounge / Re: FFH Community Picture Gallery
November 08, 2011, 03:21:36 am
Both of these from roughly a year ago

New Project Ideas / Re: FFT: A Hero's Tale
November 07, 2011, 06:06:13 pm
I like the thought of a Shadow Ramza, if you need any help setting him up in the event lemme know you can do it easy with the unitcolor command
New Project Ideas / Re: Final Fantasy VII Project
November 05, 2011, 07:19:55 pm
I love this, it seems perfect so far, the only thing that seems a bit off to me is when Cid says "You're a great help Besrudio, we'll visit often for updates." to me this just doesn't seem like Cid, but otherwise it sounds great
Help! / Re: Needs help on monster editing
November 04, 2011, 11:33:35 pm
Hello and welcome to FFH, you are definitely going to want to take a look at this section


I hope this helps
Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on November 04, 2011, 07:59:34 pm
Try Music(x00,+VOL,+TIM) to go back to the first song.  It's probably a 00/01 used to choose first song or second song and the command was poorly documented on the front page or something.  I made many help files quickly off the info at hand, so things like that probably slipped through the cracks on my help files.

That Camera() stuff is good to know, though, since I can fix up the Camera Maker and such easily for 1.8.

I think when i tried that before it just restarted the second track but your probably right, I'll have ta try it again next time i need to change music

Edit, here is another bug I found.

you have Rotate setup as

but it should actually be


Help! / Formation Music
November 04, 2011, 05:13:15 pm
Can this be changed at all?