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Messages - Tempest

Plot related if possible marks that do not require any custom work, use whats in the modded version of the current chapter 1 as your only resource to create the mark. I'm currently trying to figure one out that is immersive to the tactics lore but friendly to the current state JOT5 Ivalice is in.

from my understanding they would prefer single mark missions that have relevance and purpose to the current plot, or without plot relevance yet still believeable in the JOT5 world. 
I can respect that, especially with the amount of content you have already produced.

I prefer to look at marks personally as an opportunity to do things the story wouldn't involve. Expanding upon the already established lore, in areas the story didn't touch on so well. Hard to do that off of youtube gameplay footage ;o
To be honest i don't want to figure it out :o, i love a good twist and good writing too much to spoil it for myself in any way.
My knowledge of the original story is strong, but i need to make a new game in jot5 and read into the lore you guys have established as Elric suggested. Once i do that ill work on figuring out a lore friendly Mark... and who the hooded stranger is :)
If you have any specific strings your looking for input on, i'd love to brainstorm with you :).
(pt1?) (if this is too difficult to do in one mark, it can easily be split into 3) (if turned into 3 marks, the Tormentor can flee after summoning each memory)

Story : "There is a new beast making an appearance in northern Ivalice named Tormentor, it has already slain many... You will know when you get close, many say the beast can peer into your deepest and darkest memories, using them against you in physical form. Do not take this foe lightly!"

A new mutation of the Mindflayer has been terrorizing Ivalice, the beast can make your deepest fears reality. As you make your way closer to the objective point you will encounter battles of your past, each time tormenting you due to past failures, or trauma.

(Can a mark have multiple objective points consecutively? This would work best with one objective in a battlefield sequencing into another neighboring it. If this is doable it would be great for the first encounter to be at Grog hill, Then another at Doguola Pass, then the final encounter at Finath River, Ramza must be in the party for each battle)

When you reach Grog Hill you hear a familiar voice inside your head "There must have been another way, why did you kill me my brother?" You encounter a group of Houkten Knights (in ghost form) as well as Zalbaag (a ghost but not a zombie, give him his old ark knight skills?) During the battle he can continue to torment you with the guilt of being unable to save him.

Enemies : Zalbaag (ark knight, ghost), 3x Knight (ghost), 1x archer (ghost), 1x healer (since they are all ghosts a chemist or white mage wouldnt work? how about a supportive Monk)

When you reach Doguola Pass you hear an aggressive voice inside your head "Your filthy commoner friends cloud your judgement fool, you are no brother of mine" You encounter a group of Houkten Knights (in ghost form) as well as Dycedarg (a ghost, he can use his old Rune knight skill set) During the battle he can continue to torment you with words of your failure as a noble, and your inability to protect your father and Zalbaag.

Enemies : Dycedarg (Rune Knight, ghost), 2x Knight (ghost), 2x samurai (ghost), 2x Lancer (ghost).

When you finally reach Finath River you spot the Tormentor, as he is still looking into your memories he conjures Izlude, Gaffgarion, and Wiegraf (if desired the three can taunt you with your failures relating to their deaths and fates). The Tormentor as well as his trio of violent memories engage you for a final battle. The Trio of bad memories haunt you with things you regret during battle, and mock your ideals. 

Enemies : Tormentor (Mind Flayer with high hp, frequent use of Mind Blast - give it a high % to confuse), Izlude (Nightblade - dont let him destroy equipment if possible, ghost), Gaffgarion (Dark Knight/Fell Knight, ghost), Wiegraf (White knight, low proc chances if possible this battle is hard enough, ghost)

Difficulty : Very Hard

Reward : Chaos Blade/Armor? Lots and lots of Gil?

Rewards are not my thing, they are so relative to the point in which the mark is introduced and what level your at >.<

I think this might be the last one for me :o
Hot Real Estate

Story : "I just moved into another mansion this time in Garland, and at such a bargain deal; its as though the former owner was giving it away!! My new neighbors are never anywhere to be found, but not at night... I've seen them both running out of town during nightfall regularly. I am paying well for answers to quell my insatiable curiosity!"

This unfortunate citizen has moved next door to some very suspicious neighbors. Lucky for your team he has plenty of Gil to spare and is curious what it is they are up to running about in the darkness. Your team Follows the neighbors to Mandalia Plains...

In the Moonlight you see the men you were following are pale skinned, and have met up with a Werewolf. It seems the group have been actively turning travelers into Werewolves and Vampires. They speak each-others names aggressively, as they warn each-other not to enter each-others turf. The Werewolf smells your scent, and howls summoning assistance from the nearby Sweegy Woods. Resentful of humans and looking to keep their identities a mystery to Ivalice, the unlikely team prepares to engage you in combat!

Difficulty : Medium

Location : Mandalia Plains

Enemies : 3x Vampires (Suitable characters whom are easiest to edit into a pale skinned vampire, make them magical in nature as the werewolves will handle the physical warefare), 4x Werewolf

Reward : Blood sword, Gil.
Best guess so far - 3 midgets in a cloak.
Awww. We could of course edit a crystal into the happenings, and them stealing the crystal. and him giving her favorite perfume as a mark reward. Wouldn't change too much at all really, if i were a treasure hunter and i saw a giant crystal floating in the air i'd grab it too haha.

EDIT : Done :D
He Stole My Wife!!!

Story : "The last i saw her she was in Mandalia plains, fallen from a group of monsters. When i came back with help she had turned into a FLOATING CRYSTAL, as i stared in awe at this occurrence a rogue snatched the Crystal and made off into the hills. I need that Crystal as a reminder of my lost love. I will never forget the way she smelled... so mesmerizing!"

The rogue carried the large Crystal to Bariaus Hills, thinking he hit the jackpot. Your Team quickly catches up and confronts him, and the friends he has met up with. You call out to the group accusing them of theft.

The Male rogue became enraged at the words, yelling that he is a treasure hunter not some common thief. He and his band of "Treasure hunters" prepare for battle.

Difficulty : Normal

Location : Bariaus Hill

Enemies : Locke (Standard rogue sprite is fine, but if possible give him the silver hair?), group of rogues male and female with varying skills.
If not possible : Enemies can just be a random group of Rogues.

After the battle, Locke returns Crystal. You explain the crystals origin and that it has no value. He then apologizes for the trouble; after having learned what these crystals really are. Him and his treasure hunters depart to continue their journey. You return the Crystal as requested, and the widower rewards you with payment, and his late wives favorite perfume!

Reward : (Whichever, if any, Perfume that has not yet been acquired), Gil.
I didn't even think about the fact that this is EXACTLY what happened to Delitas sister, its completely on the nose. You could make it into a joke though, Snake could constantly warn his team that it is a trap, Dante could want to go simply to beat some skulls in, Link wont say much, but will want to save the lady, and Ramza will as usual blindly walk into the trap regardless of the advice, snake can then say i told you so :p

Speaking of a joke mark..

Silk Tongue

Story : "There is a Murderer making his way about Dorter Trade City. Rumor is his victims often show no signs of a cause of death, or even a struggle. He must be stopped!"

You walk into Dorter Trade City Slums to find a group of men conversing about their "leader"

Man1 : I hear he can even kill somebody with words alone
Man2 : That is impossible, how can one do that?
Man1 : It is said that he convinces you that death is approaching, and it does... In three turns.
Man2 : Three turns? ... Wait come to think of it why are we helping him again?
Man1 : He convinced us to join his party.
Man2 : I have a wife and children, so i cant be out here... But he DOES need our help; oh well.
Man1 : There is only one way to stop him.
Man2 : Whats that...
Man1 : The Finger Guard technique, or earplugs.
Man2 : Earplugs i understand, but what is this technique?
Man1 : You quickly press your finger to his lips, or your own ears, and say nay; i will not hear your words.
Man2 : That sounds amazing, but i cant seem to do it yet - too complicated.

Their leader (A mediator/orator with a gun he's never had to use) walks out with the rest of his "party". They spot your Team...

Orator : "What are you all doing here? Do you not know Death is coming?"

Difficulty : Hard

Location : Dorter Slums

Enemies : The Orator/Mediator, (Combination of classes that compliment eachother for a well formed team) 1x chemist (with weaker gun than Orator), 1x knight, 1x samurai, 1x ninja, 1x black mage (with white and black magic), 1x archer with longbow?

Rewards : The gun the orator used (one of the stronger ones), Gil.


Story : "A rather strange warrior has placed a bounty on his own head to any who are worthy to take it, and he asks any challengers to meet him at Zirekile Falls"

A head to head Duel between 1 character of choice and a wandering swordsman, to the death!

Difficulty : Hard

Location : Zirekile Falls

Enemies : 1 x Duelist (Samurai in Genji armor, with Blade Grasp)

Rewards : Gil, Genji Armor.


Story : "We have recieved word that a woman of noble birth has been abducted and brought to the Thieves fort, The captors are demanding prompt payment lest blood be spilled"

Difficulty : Normal

Upon arrival of the thieves fort you make your way inside the building and realize this is a trap. Your team is then surrounded by thieves and mercenaries. This was all a scheme to kill and rob the "nobles" who would respond to the request. The thieves tell you of their hatred for those of noble birth, and that there was no abduction to begin with.

Location : Thieves Fort

Enemies : 3 x Rogue, 3x Archer (2x longbow, 1x poison crossbow), 1x Ninja (Leader).

Reward : Assorted equipment relative to the level you will be when you unlock the Mark, Gil

Goblin King

Story : "The Goblin king has surfaced in the Sweegy Woods. Defeat him and local merchants will make it worth your while!

Difficulty : Normal

Location : Sweegy Woods

Enemies : 1x Goblin King (Green goblin (Larger than normal if possible?) with ??? hp and high stats), assorted goblin minions x 6

Reward : Gil
Hahahahaha, that is hilarious its so similar. Im flattered that i had the same thought. Cant wait to play it out :)
Darn. I figured there would be something along these lines already written up, however looking through the previously submitted ideas i didn't see it. I'll try to think up something slightly more off the wall but doable and fun.
Fair enough :p just curious.

I don't believe it to be impossible in the world of FFT to conjure a Lucavi even without a Zodiac stone - if you are in agreement this is a Mark that would be pretty fun and challenging. I apologize for any typos or poor wording, typing this up during my lunch break :O

The Dark One pt. 1

Story : "There are a great deal of people speaking of a suspicious man walking about the local graves. Some of the nobles are concerned and are paying well for information, who is this person and what does he want?"

Difficulty : Hard

Location : Cemetary of Heavenly knight Balbanes

Enemies : 1 x Dark one : Black mage (If at all possible make him look different more like a Necromancer, he should have Teleport and dark holy), An assortment of Zombie/Ghost warriors (Small map, unit size will need to be low)

Rewards : Gil

The Dark one has been gathering power from the resentful spirits of the dead, those whom died during the Lion and 50 year war, he approaches Balbanes Grave...

Balbanes does not share the hatred others who died in the war had, the Dark one is unable to do his bidding at this grave. Ramza and his men arrive and question the mysterious man about his intentions. The dark one is unwilling to comply, and prepares to attack to silence your team.

After the battle, the Dark one retreats and teleports.. claiming he has all that he needs to do his work and you will not stand in his way.

The Dark One pt 2

Story : "There has been a series of unusual storms and harsh winds at Yuguo woods, as well as a surge in activity from the undead. Please put an end to this madness!"

Difficulty : Very Hard

Location : Yuguo Woods

Enemies : Dark One x1 (More Spells, High hp), Zalera (Death Seraph, same spells and perks will be fine unless there is tweeking to be done), and Undead servants.

The Dark One made his way to yuguo woods; to utilize the undead there and further his cause...

The Dark One has been gathering the souls of the spiteful, teeming with hatred he used that power to conjure and summon Zelera the angel of death. The Dark One made it clear he lives only to serve the Death Seraph, and together they plan to slaughter and bleed the innocent. In doing so they will command an army of undeath and conquer Ivalice.

Rewards : Gil, and Masamune.

Edit :
In the lore you are working with, what has happened to the Zodiac Stones that Ramza gathered during FFT? Its unclear what happened to them all after the events of FFT..
what limitations do we have as far as what tools are available for these marks? Do we have the space and resources to dedicate a unique sprite or are we trying to stay more with source material already in the game and mod?
This is where my having not played yet hurts me ;o Sorry about that haha


Story : Rumors suggest that Boco is searching for his old companion Ramza and has once again found himself in grave danger!

"Rumors are spreading of a Strange chocobo wandering aimlessly in monster infested regions, seemingly without purpose. Poor thing wont last very long unless somebody goes to help it..."

Difficulty : Easy - Medium

Location : Araguay Woods

Enemies : Large number and variety of ghosts and goblins (make it challenging)

Reward : Recruit Boco (higher stats than normal yellow chocobo, perhaps add other chocobo skills as a perk)

He was Wiegrafs chocobo during his time in the Corpse brigade and much more than just an optional character, however underwhelming he was in the original game perhaps with this mod things can be done right.
Deliberate or not, those monsters quite possibly would have shown up regardless and perhaps the help was needed. With the Zodiac stones and other magics already available in the series it of course is possible with in game lore to summon those 4. However given the specific people who were taken; who are heroes in their own individual worlds... leads me to believe it was done by somebody whos interests lie in the balance of power and peace of the realm. Those heroes taken from their homes without their weaponry does imply a less than benevolent power in the works, however that could have been intentional as well. It is possible they needed to struggle and become stronger to face the challenges that were yet to come. It could be well written in many different ways, its hard to decipher at this point which route was taken, but its so much fun to try and guess :)