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Messages - Zuka

The Lounge /
November 02, 2009, 02:26:43 pm
my feelings are pretty simple on the matter, I spent years waiting tables and realized when I stopped that it might very well have been my calling, I don't necessarily want to wait tables all my life but I really like the fast paced and high pressure environment of working in a restaurant, some day I might like to own one but for now I want to find something well paying in a restaurant and see if maybe just maybe I can still be a rock-star.

What I'm getting at though is that all i had to find was the right environment, and the specific work didn't matter to me as much anymore, now I cook, do dishes, manage, wait tables, prep, whatever, I just like the high pressure fast paced life of restaurants, and I think that's what it all boils down to, do you fall or thrive under pressure? Do you like fast paced or rather predictable, when you find the right combination I think you'll find that what type of job it is exactly isn't as important as whether or not you enjoy the life it provides you with.
The Lounge /
October 27, 2009, 11:54:43 am
there are other games?
October 27, 2009, 11:50:30 am
Hey everyone, been a while, how's things going around here? I lost my good computer so I've living off of a laptop that for some god awful reason won't run my emulators so I haven't been able to patch these days, but I still care, so i thought I would pop in and say "HEY BITCHES!"

|| Edit || Nicve touch with the whole G od=St. Ajora thing ^^
Spam /
May 11, 2009, 01:01:34 pm
...this is an awesome thread... I mean, personally I hated FFT, FFT, AND FFT, but I do have to agree that it's very possible that FFT is the best game ever made, I don't know though... does Other include FFT? cause then it might be the best, Anyone ever play that one, it was awesome, it was kinda like FFT, but the story was more reminiscent of FFT, and they had a couple character cameos fromFFT... it was freaking sweet, sort of like the ultimate compilation album, I mean, other than that though, I think for the most part, FFT, FFT, and FFT, were terrible games, but FFT, does really stand out among the crowd.
Spam /
May 11, 2009, 12:50:24 pm
Don't shoot the puppy... (I only got to lvl 3)

Kitten Cannon: (615 ft. WOOT!)

Boneless girl: (This one is just an awesome time-killer)
Spam /
May 10, 2009, 09:20:49 pm
...joke... difficult notion to grasp I guess?

|| Edit || Though I don't deny it's probably a bad one... My bad.
The Lounge /
May 10, 2009, 09:12:38 pm
*points to the above posts* Firstly... what they said, second, I recently lost my grandfather as well, so I know how you feel to some degree, I hope you do well with it, and I look forward to seeing you back with us.
Spam /
May 10, 2009, 09:04:12 pm
you know, I fully approve of his actions, I don't agree with them (in that I wouldn't do it myself) but I think that this is what the internet is for.  It's the ultimate escapism, on-line you can be anyone, anywhere, doing anything.  I could tell you all that I was a hatian psychic and you wouldn't know better unless I was proven to be lying, and even then, only my admission of guilt would genuinely clarify the matter...

I'm not sure  where I stand morally on this subject, I wasn't one of the people deceived, but speaking from a neutral perspective I have to say that all those people who cared have my respect, all the people who didn't don't... Those that decided they would be angry when the facade was lifted are naive, like I said, it's the ultimate escapism.
Arch I have to say the fact that you aren't "Bashing" him after finding this out I find truly admirable, and despite that I do certainly agree with taking away your support for a cause proven false I would very likely do the same (assuming I wasn't just too lazy as often I am.)

In conclusion, all I have to say if Rain4h FTW.  Anyone mad about it doesn't know the net very well.

|| Edit ||
Quote from: "TRC"I'm not mad about it at all, I find it interesting. >_>

I'd have to agree TRC, I do find the whole process pretty interesting, I was just referring to the apparent outrage over the whole "Troll" thing. In many respects I agree that "Trolls" are irritating and quite likely the source of all disease in the world... However, it's not my final answer, I'm also toying with the notion it might be Sweden...
Spam /
May 10, 2009, 08:42:10 pm
You know, people throw around the phrase "He's a troll" but what they fail to consider is that a troll is a CR5 monstrous humanoid with a pretty stout regeneration rate... No one here is a troll, in fact, if you want the numbers, a house-cat could most likely kill all of us being that we are commoners (I don't care what you think, I don't want to be a commoner either, if you don't think you are... prove it so I can prove you wrong) and they are a CR1/4 so I wouldn't be so nonchalant about insulting a troll... Just a personal thought.

|| Edit || *Becomes a troll... fear my 2 claw attacks and a bite...maybe a rend if you're un-lucky*
The Lounge /
April 22, 2009, 08:09:57 pm
http://geocities.com/deusincarnum/CTCalcpage.html  HP calculator that made my tabletop game a little easier.

http://geocities.com/deusincarnum/CTcalc.html CT calculator that REALLY streamlined my tabletop system... this way I could actually make use of CT which was all but impossible before the calculator
PSX FFT Hacking /
April 18, 2009, 03:04:25 pm
Yeah razelle is the shizz fo rizz
PSX FFT Hacking /
April 18, 2009, 03:00:55 pm
Or just be better at tactics, I only regret my movements about .0001% of the time. I agree that the ability to backtrack is cool and handy, but totally unnecessary if you know what you're doing, even sucking it up and dealing shit damage once in a while is nothing to worry about if you know how to compensate for it, but, maybe I'm just being an ass...
Spam /
April 03, 2009, 06:10:25 pm
Quote from: "gojoe"BAN EVERYONE! then start a new site requiring an interview to join

I Second this motion!
The Lounge /
March 30, 2009, 02:38:48 pm
I'd be glad to have my name cursed aloud Vanya ^^
The Lounge /
March 30, 2009, 11:09:41 am
Quote from: "Vanya"
Quote from: "Dominic NY18"
Quote from: "Dominic NY18"Taurus

Chaos, then? But, I'll have to drop the 'NY18'. I'm also looking for members with names that don't seem out of place for the setting. So if you're ok with loosing the 'NY18' you can have Chaos

Damn if only I had gotten here sooner, lol, I'm a taurus... snap
The Lounge /
March 30, 2009, 10:53:37 am
If you look at St. Ajora's history, I think you'd be best off just avoiding him at all costs, forget trying to bargain with him (we saw what happened to the zodiac braves) and don't even bother with a law suit (remember the airship graveyard incident?) I mean everyone knows if you oppose St. Ajora, he'll sick 13 powerful monsters after you, and as a last ditch effort (assuming you defeat the 13 monsters) will lure you to a long lost ancient city of nothing where he himself will proceed to destroy you, even if you can out fight him... I would personally just let it go... Anything's gotta be better than trying to deal with St. Ajora

|| Edit || I'm about 99.999% sure it is NOT real. Ofcourse, there is still that .001% chance that is nagging at me, lol.
Old Project Ideas /
March 28, 2009, 11:01:15 am
Allright, well, I'll be abandoning the Zombies patch, despite the fact when I posted in here no one said a thing (maybe 1 reply) and when I posted it's own thread I got a TON of feedback, But hey, it's cool, I'm just not going to worry about new patches...
I've begun work on a patch for all the zombie fans out there, the story will rotate around the theme of the undead suddenly taking control of Ivalice, as a few brave souls, attempt to battle back the hordes in search of what few survivors there may be. In this dark time, on the coattails of the lion and fifty year wars people are scared and broken from years of bloodshed, as the dead soldiers begin to rise on all sides, with a united front against all that still lives.

Nearly all humans encountered will have the undead status and the blood suck ability, Goblins, and all forms of undead will gain blood suck (Goblins become undead), On top of this all bull demon varieties will become undead, and gain the bloodsuck skillset. Classes don't change for the most part, though I may swap some out for classes more suited to a zombie specific game.

Blood suck will become a small skillset, including more than just blood suck, other skills to be included are yet to be finalized, but sleep touch, and drain touch may become more prominent.

Monsters as a general rule of thumb will become much less common, except in the cases of monsters who have been converted into special undead (like the boss zombies in Left 4 Dead... Sorta...) Monsters that are in combat and are not undead will not be on your side however, the undead are not on anyone's side, but when a monster is encountered in a random battle, you can be assured he's just as much a target as anyone on your team.

Some equipment will be over-hauled to better suit a world of undeath, as well as a few abilities.

To be honest I have alot of ideas to work with in this patch, but I don't want to make a patch that no one wants to play, which is why I come to the community about it. I'm looking for a team of people interested in working on a zombocalypse patch. I won't be posting a beta unless this generates some buzz because i don't really want to crowd the forum with something that, in the worst case scenario, will end up being a solo patch, and might take a LOOOOONG time.

This patch will involve a story rewrite as one might assume, and takes place a few years after the end of the Lion's War, exactly how long is still undecided. Anyways I hope this generates some interest as I would REALLY like to get it done, so please, flood me with your ideas and criticisms and if you want to be a part of the patching team just send me a private message, I don't know exactly how many people I will need but the more the merrier at the moment.

P.S. I'll be posting replies in this entry as spoilers so as to conserve the forum space.

|| Help Needed ||
Idea people
more to come I'm sure...

|| Edit ||
Quote from: "Dome"i think blood suck is very imba if it's too spread...you should reduce the % of the ability
- I agree completely, I was also thinking of granting immunities to a few main characters, I think it would be a good thing if the story revolved around just a small handful of people who were immune (therefore the only ones capable of actually fighting without a massive bloodsuck-fest) I was also going to make getting actually hit with the blood suck status cause you to become invited as well, so that if someone got transformed into a zombie, they were gone. Of-course, this would continue to exclude the main characters being that they would be immune to the transformation all-together. I was also thinking of re-naming blood-suck to something more appropriate, like "Infect" or something. any ideas?
Quote from: "Dome"You should also rebalance the healing items...
- I agree with you completely on that, I'm just not sure yet how I should go about re-balancing them, I mean, obviously pheonix downs can't be instant kilers anymore, but what else to do I wonder?

|| Edit ||
Quote from: "SilvasRuin"Ivalician (I don't think that is a word... yay for inventing)
-  *clap clap* Props to you sir.

Quote from: "SilvasRuin"White Magic would become immensely more powerful as it would serve multiple purposes.
- I agree, and I've decided that limiting white magic use to a select few special characters (who may or may not have any imunity) would help a great deal to balance them over-all, there is a thought I'm bouncing around as well in my head about taking off the hurt undead values of white magics basically changing the dynamic.

Quote from: "SilvasRuin"The greatest issue I see is that being set in the same world, the jobs and magic of FFT would presumably still be around... but things would get horribly lopsided very quickly with the classes and abilities, especially White Mage, as I mentioned.  
You could work around it and have new jobs developed specifically for zombie slaying and then have the normal stuff make an occasional "cameo" appearance or something to help continuity.
- My plan is to modify some classes that tend to be less used (any ideas? I've come up with archer, bard and dancer, I was thinking dancer could be a sort of necromancer, kinda thing) And simply removing some other classes that prove to be outbalanced against the horde.

 - As far as special characters are concerned none of the originals should be present in my opinion, as it seems to me they all are likely dead after the airship graveyard, although I haven't heard the official story, just beaten the game several times, though i still have my doubts. Here's where I need some serious help, I need some original sprites and have had a terrible history in my attempts to sprite, any good spriters wanna sign on?

Quote from: "SilvasRuin"I also think the amount of characters immune should be rather limited, perhaps even only two.  What good is a zombie survival game with recruitable generics if there isn't constant danger of losing characters to the enemy and being forced to kill your former allies?  
- I agree, I was thinking of making two maybe three people immune,(have to test it to be sure) I also had the idea of making them guests you don't actually control and allowing for you to recruit people you can control but may lose.

Quote from: "SilvasRuin"The risk shouldn't be absurd, so Bloodsuck would need to be used less often or have a fair chance of not turning them, but the danger of that occurring should always be looming over the player's head.  
- I've set it up so that blood suck is a skillset on human characters, there are more skills they will have access and while increasing the challenge I think it will also help to lessen the risk of people being hit with blood suck, in addition I made blood suck evadeable so that it's easier to dodge.

Quote from: "SilvasRuin"Perhaps make it common enough that players will give up resetting for every single generic they lose...  Unique characters that are vulnerable to it would wind up causing some needed tension as well.
- There are several monsters who have been converted to undead and given blood suck, I think it'll be the kind of thing players basically learn to live with.

Quote from: "SilvasRuin"Extra challenging encounters should be on every area from every direction so there is always some danger of running into something nastier than usual.  This is a fusion with a survival horror genre after all.
- There's always a chance of encountering the horde. BWA HA HA!

Quote from: "Dome"Of course the phoenix down would do 25% damage to the undead, like in 1.3
Potions should heal 20% of hp, hi-potions 25% of hp and x-potions 30% of hp, and damage undead by the same ammount ofc.
As far as potions and pheonix downs go I think that's a good idea, I might stretch out the % a little bit, maybe 15, 30, 45, or 20, 30, 40, I don't know, I'll playtest a few things and pass them around to try out, but I definitely think you're on to something there.

Quote from: "Dome"All special character should be immune to blood suck, and the name of the ability could simply be "bite"
- I think I am going to make a couple, but I do like Silvas idea of making very few characters that were immune, I don't want to fill up battles with immune characters, though i might make a support ability that grants immunity for special characters, so if you wanted to risk it... well.

Quote from: "Dome"A necromancer could be the cause of the plague, resulting in a new enemy.
- I was bouncing around the idea of a disease, some kind of mutated poisoning, or even the notion that they weren't really undead (like 28 days later) but at the moment the actual cause is still kind of up in the air, and when i do decide I think I'll keep it pretty confidential, don't want to divulge everything after-all.

Quote from: "Dome"Yeah battles should be a lot harder, with some human guest and enemy animals as happearence (that will be blood-sucked sooner or later xD)
- there you go, I may remove the recruitment system all-together, and simply throw survivors out there once in a while, if you can keep them from being infected then you can gain a new ally.

Quote from: "Dome"Priest will be imba, so you should use some support ability like "energy immune" to make some boss-enemy immune to potions and raise-cure shit like that...
- I am going to make certain bosses immune to the damaging effects of healing abilities, but I'm not sure about a support ability, I may simply change the elements of their individual status so as not to actually be undead, but treated as such.

Quote from: "Dome"Also put the necromancer class to charm the undead xD
- I was thinking of replacing the dancer with a necro style character to charm undead, maybe replacing the bard with a sort of undead hunter.

Quote from: "Dome"P.s: You already decided the story?
- Not entirely no.
The Lounge /
March 23, 2009, 10:27:32 am
Quote from: "philsov"2d10, people.  2d10.

Exactly... I created a working D20 system of tactics, had to convert a couple small things, but over-all it plays like tactics with thousands of new options, I even went so far as to create as to create something like 12 or 13 new jobs, not to mention converting the traditional D&D jobs into more tactics oriented ones, I like the system, if anyone is interested in it then let me know and maybe I'll get around to transfering it all onto my PC for upload.

|| Edit || Okay so i looked at the PDF conversion of tactics that already exists, and it's cool 'n what not, but it's not tactics, it's just standard D20 system D&D with the addition of a bunch of new 10'th level classes, there seems to be very little place for job points, and several abilities simply don't exist within the book, I hate to say it, especially since some people seem to think it's pretty cool, but the PDF is a sorry excuse for a conversion and it really rings to me to be much more of an expansion on the current d20 rules, however other than class names and ability names, like I said, I see very little similarity to tactics.
Symbols of Rage /
March 22, 2009, 10:25:45 am
you know, I made dancers and bards a lot more interesting by making their abilities AoE 1 and increasing the hit rate, while eliminating the CT all together (no persistence in the abilties), I mean, it made things a lot more fun for me when i used them, but I would also recomend choosing some stats to improve considering that the bard and dancer have the worst stat growths and multipliers you can give a class, personally, I increased the bards MA and MA multiplier, plus an increased MP multiplier, and growth (I went with a 150 multiplier since the abilities all have MP costs) ( a TINY HP boost as well) and with the dancer I focused more on PA and PA multiplier, as well as the bards increased MP multiplier and growth. (with another TINY HP boost), I changed the hit rate of the abilities to be based on the relevant stats for the class, Bard abilities are MA based, and dancer abilities PA based, oh and I gave all dances and songs an MP cost, 15 MP for everything but Wiznaibus, Witch Hunt, Life Song, Angel Song, and The nameless and last moves, Witch hunt, Wiznaibus, Life Song, and Angel Song all have MP cost 20, both nameless moves have 25 MP cost, and both last moves have 30 MP cost.