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Messages - shoruke

FFT+ / Re: AI Battles topic!
December 30, 2011, 08:17:29 pm
I'm gonna bet on the knight, but there's a lot of "if this attack hits with only a meager hit rate, then they win easily".
For instance, basically any of the talk skill debuffs, besides maybe sleep...
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus Chat/discussion topic
December 30, 2011, 02:19:08 pm
I've noticed the "I'll do nothing" thing a few times now, myself. There was one archer outside Lionel castle who did nothing for two turns (and then was killed), there was a goblin in some forest who decided it wasn't worth his time to help his friends lose against Gafgarion...

And then there's Guest!Boco. Good lord, he friggin' LOVES his corner.

I actually lost that first fight against Wiegraf several times, because my entire team was mages at that point XD
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus Chat/discussion topic
December 26, 2011, 10:30:54 pm
Tip: If you have to choose between the Ice Brand, the Coral Sword, and the Blazing Sword, go for the Blazing Sword.
Why? Well, the corresponding elementals spells emphasize Area of Effect, Casting Speed, and Damage respectively. So when choosing which one to put into your always-single-tile, always-instant sword, go for the one with more damage.

If you're going to be having your casters hit people with sticks, this goes same for the elemental rods, although those have the additional benefit of boosting one of your elemental spells, so... *shrug*
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
December 17, 2011, 01:07:30 am
More Velius? F***
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus Chat/discussion topic
December 17, 2011, 01:06:56 am
I can't remember the exact requirements for Performer, but I think you need 3 in Geomancer and Lancer, and 5 in Mediator. It was something like that.
Mime needs 3 in pretty much every class except ninja... you don't need the level 8 in squire or chemist, which is kinda nice.
You can check the job requirements if you have FFTPatcher, you can load your modded .iso file into it and check the job requirements from there.
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
December 16, 2011, 03:01:03 pm
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
December 14, 2011, 08:21:01 pm
I noticed... 100% accuracy confusion from Queklain? Oi.
100% accuracy charm from Velius? MOTHER F-

Luckily I kept him from using it by continuously grinding his pets into the dust.
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
December 14, 2011, 07:14:54 pm
Epic duel against Wiegraf! Hardest match in vanilla, beefed up for Plus, let's do this!
My Ramza is a Summoner with a bunch of performer skills btw

Turns out silence affects summoning, but not singing. Doesn't affect dancing either.
Life Song is now strong and repetitive enough to last you through a 1-on-1 fight. At least, it was more than enough for me to deal with Wiegraf. I had enough time between healing sessions to debuff his PA down to 1 with Polka Polka. Then I buffed out Ramza's PA and MA with muzak. He had Move-MP Up on, so he kept spamming Lightning Stab at me the whole time (for 11 damage and repetitive silencing). Then I wiznaibus'd him to death posthaste.
Turns out mimes are even squishier now, although the MP switch helped that a bit.
100% accuracy charm anywhere on the map is really cheap... like, ouch...
I almost wiznaibus'd all of his demons to death, had my lancer finish one off (turns out that they're immune to secret hunt, they have the guest's auto-not-die thing), then Ramza got charmed in the middle of a Life Song and healed all of the demons back up while Velius auto-ressed the dead one. I couldn't get the sages close enough to Flarega him before they got charmed too, and then I got wiped. *sigh*

Same deal against Wiegraf again. Alternate between heals and PA debuffs, but this time I've got my silence-warding ring on. Wiegraf switched from Move-MP Up to Move-HP Up, which made him do less of his irrelevant damage but also made him more annoying to kill off. I managed to find a place where Wiegraf wouldn't do anything at all except wait, which sped the buffing process up a bit.
Anyway, drag him to his knees with Wiznaibus eventually, and then it's on to
Oh dammit right, Damage Split. Carp. At least all three of the lesser demons went down instantly, that was fun to watch.
It took a lot of Life Song, and Angel Song, and Flarega, and a couple shots of Bahamut, but so help me god I won it on my second try.
By the end, Ramza was 10 levels higher than when he started.

Speed Save would probably have been a good choice of reaction ability for this tactic, there was a lot of redundant songs going on... And pretty much any offensive skillset BUT summoning would have been good against Wiegraf, I think =P
Quote from: Eternal248 on December 14, 2011, 02:13:10 am
Dome, did you use the ASM where special units could go on Props?

Hence my guess.
I don't think I have the debugging tools to really delve into this one myself... and even if I did, I really dislike reading MIPS.
I found a game-crasher!

If you try to press square when scrolling through your list of units when applying for a proposition in a pub, the game crashes.
...I'm actually not sure if this is because of the patch or my emulator or what, but here's a screenshot anyway.

Notice that it closed off all of the dialogue boxes before crashing...

If I were to guess, I would guess that it's trying to load the unit's status page when you hit square... and then, due to the change in the bar's unit list, it's screwing up somehow.
Just a guess.
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus Chat/discussion topic
December 13, 2011, 09:38:05 pm
One of the archers at the entrance to Lionel castle just doesn't have this whole ambush thing figured out at all. He waited, perfectly still, for three turns. He even had people within shooting range at the start of two of them, but he just waited.
Agrias had that problem too, back when she was a guest character...
What does Esunaga do that regular Esuna doesn't? It costs two points less and... has no AoE? Seems somewhat backwards, I'd have thought a spell named Esunaga would cost more and have MORE AoE than the basic version...

And yeah, Queklain was a serious bitch... after doing 600 damage and he's not even in critical yet, I was like "...Goddamn." How much health did he have in total? I think it was OVER ONE THOUSAND!!!! At level 20.
Had an epic finish to the fight though. Pinned him in the corner (three different corners, over the course of the fight), stole three summoners worth of magic from him and all of his brave and spammed attacks at him from my thief and ninja while Ramza dumps the very bitter last of my Ethers onto one of my sages, fighting to keep the party from slowly dying of zombie & poison and confusion... Manage to fire off one last Flarega, there's no more mp anywhere so it's the last spell of the match, he doesn't die, kills the sage in return, and then the ninja finished him off, protect be damned.

Naturally, N-Kai Armlets become available for purchase IMMEDIATELY AFTER that fight. *sigh*

EDIT: Orbonne!Wiegraf now lacks Maintenance and has less friends to back him up? Well, I think some public nudity is in order. That'll learn him for being such a jerk back at that windmill.

And I can't tell if Flarega is broken, or if it's just that pimping out two casters with MA+ gear and Quick Charge and supporting them with Angel Song would make them broken with any magic skillset... I managed to kill Izlude in one turn, heh.
For when mimes and ninjas and such don't say "Screw you, Wiegraf/Velius!" loud enough.
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus Chat/discussion topic
December 13, 2011, 12:26:44 pm
Wait, the Martial Arts skill increases damage for monks, too? I'm used to Martial Arts making it so that non-monks have the same bare-fisted damage as monks, but I guess I just didn't re-read the description. XD

Also, I had a typo when I corrected one of your typos. It wasn't Fort Zeakden where priests were changed into thieves, it was the Thieves' Fort, in the first battle against Miluda. (Finagle's Law strikes again.)
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus Chat/discussion topic
December 12, 2011, 10:54:27 pm
(New to the forum, first post, woo, hope this is the right thread, etc.)

I've played up to Golgorand Execution Site so far, and I've got some thoughts. Sorry if they're disorganized.
-I like what you've done with Summoners. They're kinda sub-par against monsters, but decent against humans (and ghosts). (Trying to use them in the Araguay Woods story fight was a nightmare. "Geez, the summoners aren't doing much damage, I should try somethOH GOODNESS THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE")
-I get that monsters have been beefed up a lot, but it's just not the SAME using a character that doesn't use the job system, you know? Still, it breathes new life into the game when I actually have to worry a bit about the random enemies wrecking my schist. That pack of Juravises on Barius Hill totally got me, snipe-and-run self-haste-regenning group-healing punks...
-The Guest units could use some AI tweaking, I think, except Princess Ovelia. YES, Delita, it's okay to use your sword instead of Dash sometimes. YES, Algus, you may participate in the fight even though I hate your guts. YES, Boco, it's okay, you can come out of the corner and help now. No, seriously, Boco, you can come help. BOCO GET OVER HERE ALREADY THERE'S ONLY TWO LEFT and my Oracle could use some healing :(
-Oracles are useful? Counter Flood is worth having? Yay!
-Is it just me, or are monks pretty much worthless now? I never really got into the whole Two-fisted-monk-god thing with vanilla, but I hear they've been powered down for this version, and it really shows in the early game. I gave people knives to use when I was working on unlocking classes, because frankly they were better than fists. Plus, the monk's ability list has always seemed somewhat barren to me... maybe we could give them some analogue of Far Fist from FFTA, or a status buff of some kind? (Regen, haste, shell, that kind of thing...)
-At Fort Zeakden, the priests that were changed into thieves were still referred to as priests in the dialogue. It was kinda weird...
-The mediators' terrible hit rate for their skills makes them unusable. Most of the skills fall under "it would be good if it was reliable enough to bother with, but it isn't". The worst example is Warn, which the AI seems to think is a usable maneuver. 25% chance to give an ally one defensive buff? Look out, ladies and gentlemen.
-The sage's Flarega skill description says it only targets enemies? It doesn't just target enemies. Not that that's going to stop me from using it a lot, because hot damn that is a lot of damage.

All in all, I like the patch, though.