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Messages - Malroth

FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
December 24, 2014, 04:46:21 am
Yeah the CT on Tornado/Quake is pretty borked,   should be at least a 6 with that kind of power behind it.

As for Silence being under powered, I completely Disagree,  its essentially a petrify that works only on mages who don't take an equipment tax, Its very threat serves to bottleneck casters into lower damage, lower HP  builds than they otherwise could be running.  Berserk is even worse since its uncurable outside of Refute and only blocked by 2 accessories. 

I Liked Charm and Don't Move for Nameless dance because they can put enemies in intresting "spend a turn curing myself or loose several turns of work" decisions without irrevocably destroying the enemy team with a single status proc like Berserk/Frog/Death sentence would.  I concidered Innocent and Sleep but decided against them because of how double edged Innocent can be and how badly a PA stacked Dancer could take advantage of random Sleep Procs.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
December 23, 2014, 10:21:56 pm
Yeah I'm back,  Here's my take on things

Martial Arts: Cheap MP costs for everything but chakra, still slightly too good and not enough incentive to take off the 
chakra bands yet

Quickening:   as a cheap spammable instant cast skill it definately needs to go but I would not be opposed to it becoming an Interuptable charged skill with a casting time around 8 ticks so that units above 12 speed would no longer be able to cast it.

Bad Luck: It was fairly weak even when it added Dead or Stop,  now i can't even see a use for it at all.

Lifesong:  Slightly weak,  I'd either Bump the formula to Dmg_F(MA*3)  or speed up the charge time to 4 ticks but not both
Angel Song: Loose the MP cost otherwise fine to me
Battle song/Magic song: Currently Much Much stronger than they need to be, CT goes to 10 and accuracy drops to Hit_F(MA+25)
Nameless Song: Change to a faith/Magic attack based formula and throw Haste and Defending on the list of addable statuses so the AI will use it proactively,  Yes this means Nameless song will become a full time job.
Last song: Unsure,  still getting used to the new mechanics

Wizanabus:   Much weaker than where it needs to be,  My Ideal Solution would be to change it to DMG_Fury(PA*3) subject to Protect/Defense up/evasion as well as Overwhelm/Attack-up to simply allow a sufficiently PA stacked unit to attempt to overwhelm a purely Auto Potion based defense
but speeding up the charge time to 4 and making it unable to trigger reactions would also be a workable solution.

Witch Hunt: I actually like its current level of power,  I've seen a PA stacked Witch Hunter keep a Robe of lords Summoner trapped in a Carbuncle Loop which was really nice. I've read a couple of intresting Ideas regarding making this a MP leaching skill which I Like but don't see as 100% necessary. Dropping cost to 0 would work well with this idea and prevent MP absorb triggering.

Disillusion/PolkaPolka Change to Hit_Fury(PA+35) and up the CT and MP costs,  Encourages its use on High Risk High Reward teams rather than simply adding Stall to tanky setups.

Nameless Dance:  Currently too weak to concider using, to give it some actual stopping power  I'd throw Don't Move and Charm on its list of things to add and convert the formula to a Fury/PA based one and run a bunch of tests.

Last Dance: Looks Somewhat Promising but requires more research in its current form

Cheer Song/Slow Dance:  I love these skills, but currently they're simultaneously horribly overpowered and underpowered at the same time, I don't have any ideas on how they could be fixed without ruining them.

Spears:  Elemental properties on the spears with the elemental procs would be nice so Lightning crossing Lancers can be a thing.

Murasame:  Stealth Nerf NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Masamune:  Who can use this? anybody except a Equip heavy blade Ninja with a bag in their off hand and a full speed setup will go slower for equipping this. Maybe upping its WP to 12 would be worth the cost to a dedicated build but 8 WP on a -2 speed weapon?

108Gems:  Was the only caster accessory that prevented Poison, something needs to fill that niche.

Scholars: Can afford to loose a point of MA or 2
Time Mages: Need their Support ability back,  Speed+1 as a movement ability would  also be very nice

FFT Arena / Re: Non Tournament Battle videos
August 14, 2014, 05:19:40 pm
Okie dokie i'll start recording a couple tonight
well nothing in the loosers bracket will effect the outcome so Thats entirely up to Barren
FFT Arena / Re: Non Tournament Battle videos
August 10, 2014, 04:11:24 am
So any takers?

I'm really surprised on how differently your units behaved in these matches vs the trial runs I ran,   In the pratice matches your Oracle acted pretty much as a full time Holy sniper,   Your Monk would run up and die, your chemist and Oracle would nuke my ninja, My Mediator would then raise 2 My Ninja then Your Oracle would alternate between Nuking my Monk and Raising your dead units, once your Immortal units were down once it was pretty much over because you don't have any real healing for them.  Those Petrify spells your Oracle threw out of nowhere in the actual matches were huge,  Especially since my units were too dumb to soft/stigma magic her

WTF????   I ran 50 practice matches and she only won 1 round  WHY DID YOU FORSAKE ME SO RNG
FFT Arena / Non Tournament Battle videos
August 03, 2014, 02:49:55 am
Heard some comments from people who diddn't find out about the tournament untill too late  so starting next week i'll try to run some non tournament battles for those who missed the signup or get eliminated from the tournament early as well as everyone else but newer players will get priority.
Welcome to the Forums Darkangeluxz hope you stick around once the tournament is over.

As for Music suggestions
anything by
Nobou Ueumatsu (ff 1-10)
Yasonori Mitsuda (chrono trigger, chrono cross, xenogears, xenosaga ep 1 Xenoblade)
Yoko Shimomura (Kingdom hearts, seiken densetsu series)
Hitoshi Sakimoto (fft,FFtA, Vagrant story, FF12)
Kajiura Yuki (Xenosaga eps 2&3, Pandora Hearts, Fate zero, Dot hack series, More anime series than i can count)
Quote from: Celdia on August 01, 2014, 07:24:54 am
*checks Malroth's earlier predictions against the Round 1 results thus far*

...I haven't got a snowball's chance in hell against you, have I?

You've got a chance but not a good one,  I'm faster, can heal more reliably, have better status infliction and have 2 good damage units vs your 1 but you've got 2 immortals with 1 capable of starting a rez chain and your holy sniping oracle can 2hko any of my units,  if your distraction units can evade status effects long enough to buy her 3 or 4 turns of nuking then you'll  win. 
More predictions

Darkangelz team doesn't impress me, He's got a lot of Female melee units and doing nothing to take advantage of the few commands
that work better from a female user, he's also got a mono elemental summon magic user targeting one of the more common resistances
Whitebox's team has its share of problems mostly his lack of hard rez and healing but at least he's offensively solid.
I expect WhiteBox will win this one.

Zotis is running an unfocused Status team with a moderate amount of recovery power but little direct offence or lethal statuses while
Domie V is also running a status based offence on anotherwise well balanced team,  Expect a very long matchup  only 1 unit on each side is even remotely specced as a damage dealer and both teams are relying on piling on nonlethal statuses to gain a turn advantage.
My prediction on the Winner is Domie V.  He has hard rez, more lethal status effects and faster support units as well as the best
damage dealer in the match.

Eternal is running a 2 fighter/2 mage direct damage team with lots of AOE and elemental Resistance while TristanBelouve has
a squad of all squishy warrior types with 70 faith. This is the best possible opponent for Eternal's team dispite the lack
of active skills on his Squire or his suboptimal damage setups on his wizard and archer, 70 faith across the board with no magical
defenses to speak of means Black magic and Lore will deal huge damge numbers to TristanBelouve's team and a swift leathal victory.

Barren's team is a well balanced squad of proven concepts that have faired quite well in previous tournaments with
heavy direct damage, Unevadable non faith based Magic AOE, Hard Rez, high accuracy status effects,and Time magic.
Truelight has a nearly Identical team down to giving their main damage dealer Stigmamagic but no Chakra to tweak AI
Priority from Healing to Offence.  This match could really diserve to be in the Finals both teams are brilliant
and unbelivebly small details in starting position and the RNG will make a huge difference in the outcomes,  If i
have to choose I'd say Truelight has a very slight edge due to Stone gun Mediators being bulkier and more versitile
than Katar zombie thieves but this will probably be the closest match in the 1st round if not the whole tournament
and I would not count out the possibility of these two fighting again in the finals.
pre matchup predictions

Angelus has a fragile magic aoe team with little effective healing and Vigalanti has a hard rez and a living wall of a paladin but i'm still leaning toward Angelus  because of his speed advantage and Haste2/Slow2  but the match will be close and Vigalanti will have an advantage on maps that start units spread out from eachother. Expect huge damage holy sniping from Vigilanti's squire.

Lief has a huge advantage going into this one, he has better resurection, time magic, higher team speed and a status stacked mediator who has autoprotect as well as elemental resistance from Winterfractal's main damage dealers. Winterfractal also will be unlikely to ever get his stonegunner un petrified since his White mage is his only unit capable of status removal and Lief will likely have her otherwise occupied by the time her turn comes around

Both teams are fragle heavily offensive teams with PA stacked dancers and little healing but Reks has longer range, AOE magic damage, and a super evasive squire who might be capable of soloing Shadowstrike's team so he's my favorite to win in a short brutal match where neither team really gets to show off what they're capable of.

Redworld has all the qualities i look for in a team, Hard Rez, Long range, Time Magic, Varied status attacks, Long term staying power, and AOE but Mallen has an absolutely brutal front line that Redworld just doesn't have the defenses to slow down enough for her stratagey to work. Mallen is heavily favored in this matchup and i expect multiple 1hko's
FFT Arena / Re: Seeding for upcoming tournament
July 25, 2014, 03:13:19 am
if its a single or double elimination tournament some seedings will be necessary unless the number of players is an even power of 2.  In other tournament formats like round robin we should be fine without them.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 20, 2014, 01:23:52 am
Just made a super quick recording,  I went with the super quick easy route so I'd have time to possibly do a second one for someone else instead of spending 4 hours in post production.

Reinoe (10 Gage) vs CT5 Holy (blanket)
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 19, 2014, 07:17:12 pm
got time for a couple quicke video's tonight incase someone might want to test some last nano second team changes
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 09, 2014, 04:02:21 am
Ran silentkaster's  Ladies night out vs White knight Wiegraf's  revolution machine video currently processng.

Ladies night out vs revolutin machine
Sent mine to Barren  not posting it pubicly yet due to paranoia
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Stream day
July 04, 2014, 01:06:26 am
Squire for gain JP up :P
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Stream day
July 03, 2014, 08:31:13 pm
I saw a reply on this thread so i disabled ad-block and flash block and loaded up barren's twitch page before i even realised it was just a question not a streaming announcement
I'm pretty sure this means 1 each of ninja, samurai, mime, thief and chemist as none of the other classes have selectable innates at the moment.