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Messages - DarkxFatal

The Lounge / Re: FFH Contact Info Database
December 02, 2010, 09:30:23 pm
Hehe..I guess I'll put my info out there =P

Email: mailto:darkxfatal@gmail.com">darkxfatal@gmail.com
YouTube: DarkxFatal
Facebook?: DarkxFatal (Or was it FatalxCross? XD)
News / Re: Let there be democracy
November 30, 2010, 03:34:42 pm
Aw..Well, I'm sad you're leaving, or taking a break from FFH Xif. Which ever your choice is, I hope you feel less stressed =)

As for my vote, I too vote for Et. He's pretty smart, and seems to make logical decisions. If anyone was to help keep FFH all nice and neat while you're gone, it'd most likely be Et (and Philsov as well as a few other people, such as Kage)
The Lounge / Re: WTF?!!!!!! URGENT ISSUE!
November 28, 2010, 03:34:34 pm
Like I said, the whole site (minus the News Page, mind) is safe. And if they do decide to do more, then Zoddy most likely has back-ups of all the info and can reproduce it (^_^)-b
Help! / Re: Help with a skill (formula)
November 26, 2010, 11:51:51 am
Thanks Fluke, I'll try it out and see if it'll work.  :D
Help! / Help with a skill (formula)
November 25, 2010, 08:33:46 pm
As far as I know, I don't need to put this into the Job/Skill Proposal thread since it's not necessarily about a skill, but rather with a formula.

All I want to know is how to get two skills to chain together, using the 25% Cast Spell as Indexed formula.

Any and all help will be appreciated.  :D
Help! / Re: Holy knight skills.
November 05, 2010, 10:59:21 pm
Melee( but if you use the Rune Sword, the formula gets changed to Magic and is super-effective to ??? enemies since all Swordskills then use Dmg_(TarCurMP).)

Spam / Re: FFT:Cloud
November 05, 2010, 10:53:18 pm
Clouds in FFT? Since when? This are is very surprised. Im glade I cae to spam nao

thx n00b fr shoing this to evry1.  :roll:
Spam / Re: Cloud VS Ichigo (Bleach)
November 05, 2010, 10:42:14 pm
No because derpa durr hurdygurdy. Duh PX. Pay attention.
Filter one, please and thank you :P!
Spam / Obligatory FF- Thread
October 26, 2010, 10:00:40 am
Hello, FFH. I know, I haven't posted in the forums in a while, mainly finding my 'place' in the FFH Chat, streaming and whatever nonsense. So why am I posting now?

Well. It all started with me streaming FF7 just last night. Got pretty far in the relatively short (like..4 hours) time I had played.

Key Point: Nibelheim.
More specifically, Key Enemy: Lost Number.

'Oh yes, he is quite easy..' Shut up, I have good evidence that I'm underleveled :v
Well during the time of me failing to do the mostly simple code, Arch said 'here comes the first game over' (a while after I stated that I, in FF7, cannot get a game over. Mostly joking, mind.) then said 'if you die by Lost #, you have to make a thread saying you love me'

Well..Only thing I have to say: Lost Number Physical Form hurts. =| And as such..>_>;

I LOVE YOU Voldemort

Was that so hard? Yeah..a bit. Why post in Spam? For teh lolz.
Wonder how many replies this'll get..or if Arch will even find this :V

What's the worst thing that can happen? ( :?
There is the fact that Lightning also mentions SOLDIER

The game starts on a train as well..

All I really saw..Probably will find some if I can actually get FF XIII
@ The Damned

An interesting thing I found out, the 'Self-Destruct' formula doesn't seem to work for the fact of hitting the caster, I think I know how to fix this though so it's not too big of a problem. And yes, I will come up with some more attacking abilities.

As for Finality's Verdict in general, I might just make it so it does a LOT of damage instead of an instant-KO, however that might only be good for ??? status enemies because if it does 999 damage, the instant death wouldn't really matter =/

But like Vanya, and you, have said, I will experiment with the skills/formulas and hopefully make a balanced, mostly unique class.
@ The Damned

Oh, Probably should I mentioned that little fact, all of the 'Holy Edge' skills will have Require Sword =/

And I probably will make Esuna Edge recover less statuses,(And of course the statuses that Esuna can't heal won't be used, should have mentioned that too)

The only problem I have is the fact that I want the Holy Knight/Paladin's skills to cost a fair amount of MP or else he/she could just spam Cura Sword, Life Sword, and Finality's Verdict (Though technically you could spam it anyways with enough Ethers/Hi-Ethers and Phoenix Downs/ another Paladin)

Yes, Geomancer's class is..Well I haven't tried to replace/change it yet in terms of skills, but it should work fine imo. Just swap at the Skillset and take the time to find said Skillset in TacText and name it.

Well, as a few people have done, I kinda used 1.3 as a reference for my patch.

Right now, (I'm most likely going to change it)
Knights have the 'Ruin' skills and I took out the Stat Break skills (giving them to Squires and naming them Soldiers), as well as giving their Growths/Multipliers a few points (Giving them a bit higher Hp and iirc Mp)

White Mages are the same skill wise and (iirc) I gave them a little bit of a higher HP growth compared to Black Mages (Like in FFI) as well as some increases to MA and maybe a little to Speed, I'll have to check later.

(As for the Knights I'm probably going to replace the Ruins with some more unique abilities, not too sure yet.)
@ The Damned

Well then...I don't really know what to say. From what it sounds like, having a Holy Knight/Paladin-like class seems near pointless. I mean, space isn't a problem, but you are right, it takes away from the usefulness of Knights and White Mages, even if I reduce the Hp and Mp growths/multipliers for it there's still not enough originality..I suppose I won't find a good class to replace Geomancer =/
@ Vanya

Yeah, I just noticed that before I went offline. I mean, the 'Judgment Edge' and 'Finality's Verdict' moves give it some originality but I'm still (roughly) working on it. I don't want the Holy Knight to be basically a Generic version of Agrias' class. Any suggestions for skills will help (as will names, I don't want every thing to be 'Edge', 'Sword', or 'Blade' x_x )

But at least the growths aren't so terribly broken, no? Like you said ' A heavily armed White Mage', one could go as far as to call it a Paladin =/
And this Holy Knight is more like an..outline, if you will, rather than an 'actual' proposal.


@The Damned

Why yes, I suppose it would be a Paladin, but Paladins are 'Holy' Knights, no? =P

If I have to, I suppose I could give it nerfed versions of Agrias' skills, or at least those without the Status effects and add Mp Costs.
Hmm..I suppose now I shall try, eh?

Class: Holy Knight (Not like Agrias, mind)

Can equip: Swords, Shields, Armor, Robes, Helmets, (maybe) K. Swords

HPM: 145
MPM: 140
SpG: 95
SpM: 105
PAG: 40
PAM: 110
MAG: 30
MAM: 125
Move: 3
Jump: 4

Skillset: Holy Edge (Or possibly White Sword =/)

Cura Blade Mp: 16 Range: 3 CT: Instant  Effect: 1 panel Formula: Heal_F(MA*Y)
Life Sword Mp: 18 Range: 2 CT: Instant  Effect: 1 panel Formula: Heal_(Y)% Hit_F(MA+X)%
Judgment Edge Mp: 16 Range: 3 CT: Instant  Effect: 1 panel Formula: Dmg_(PA*(WP+Y)) 100% Status (No status yet)
Barrier Sword Mp: 14 Range: 3 CT: Instant  Effect: 1 panel Formula: Hit_F(MA+X)% Add: Protect
Shell Sword Mp: 14 Range: 3 CT: Instant  Effect: 1 panel Formula: Hit_F(MA+X)% Add: Shell
Esuna Edge Mp: 16 Range: 3 CT: Instant  Effect: 1 panel Formula: Hit_F(MA+X)% Remove: All statuses except Dead, Death Sentence, Crystal, and Treasure
Finality's Verdict Mp: 64 Range: 2 CT: Instant  Effect: 1 panel Formula: Dmg_(CasMaxHp-CasCurHp) 100% Add Status CasterinAoE: DmgSelf_(CasCurHp) NS (Status=Dead)

Now I do realize some things may seem either over-powered or even under-powered but this is just a..beta if you are willing to call it that. I have yet to test it, for some obvious reasons..
To be exact, I found the problem and I fixed it more or less. If it would help I could upload/stream a video of my changed Lancer class. I did have to change the skill set though, I don't know if changing the 'Action Menu' would do anything.
Archives / "Comments" Chapter One bug report.
March 07, 2010, 09:50:36 pm
Record Storage

Archivist's name = Barinten. Please fix Kokobo.

Prison Area

No music for fight.


'Inside Riovanes' Fight

Puppeteer's Name = Rafa.

Spelling Errors (Allowed to put now)
Original Spelling/Correct Spelling


*Edit 3*

Formation Screen

1 Loot Chest had no items in it.

*Edit 4*
Final Battle with Lol.

'Allies or allies or no' = Grammatical error, does not compute, fix now
The Lounge / Re: Now Playing
January 28, 2010, 09:20:50 pm
Well..Let's see. First off, 1.3. I've been playing Breath of Fire IV, Grandia I, and tried to play Brave Fencer Mushashi (unsuccessful, it's kind of harder with out an actual 'controller')

For non-emulator games, I've been playing Ninja Blade, Last Remnant, Prototype, and Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom (All are 360 games)

I would like to re-download my GBA emulator so I can beat Megaman Zero 3 and 4 ><..