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Non-FFT Modding /
November 22, 2009, 02:41:59 pm
Quote from: "Aquilae"

LD beat Omega with the same party he tried it with 6 hours ago (Terra / Relm / Cyan / Edgar). Pretty awesome to watch since he was doing about ~9k a pop around the end. You'd have to ask LD how he did it though, but it's great. Props to saestrol who came up with the strat lol.

EDIT: I got through the game all the way to the Returner's Hideout, I tried to fight whenever I could (aka not much =/)

The first part was fairly easy, Whelk was no problem at all. I used Mog's team for the rescue Terra fight, avoided all the fights except one (to learn Dusk Requiem), and beat the Marshall with it. Didn't blick the Marshall though, needed to chug a few Potions to survive and kill him with Cave In.

Magitek Armors were evil, heh. It took a bit of luck since Tek Laser one-shots Terra and puts Locke and Edgar in critical, but I spammed Fire with Terra and used Potions as necessary and got through the fight. Also, I hate that Auto-Crossbow can miss now and Noiseblaster is useless =(

Anyways, made my way to South Figaro, and the random monsters are a pain in the ass. Poison from Hornets (I only learnt Poisona just before Mt. Koltz) and Sleep from the Blearies, so I ran away from these guys and only really fought the crawly thingies.

Bought 50 Potions at South Figaro, and had ~25 when I reached Vargas. Why do all these monsters have status ffffff

Anyway, Vargas was pretty easy, just had to watch out for Gale Cut and heal as necessary, even then he only uses it once every few turns. Used Fire + Bioblaster on the Ipoohs, and once Vargas was alone I pummelled him with Bioblaster and used Terra to heal. I ran out of Potions, but I managed to end the fight with Locke and Terra in critical and Edgar at almost full health. Sabin... well you know the rest.

Thank you for your feedback, Aquilae- and fight where you can. It's possible to find a few cheap/free healing spots throughout the game and it's best to fight randoms and heal up there. Once you get magic, though, it gets a lot easier to train.

About Noiseblaster... many enemies late game are vulnerable to Confuse. Assuming you wish to take advantage of an AOE confuse such as Noiseblaster, you can form your party around that strategy and have Noiseblaster barely affect them at all. =D

Mt. Kolts statuses are easy to deal with- just equip everyone with a Star Pendant and a Jewel Ring. There, no more Mt. Kolts statuses. ^_^
Non-FFT Modding /
November 17, 2009, 01:28:58 pm
Yes, Marvel Shoes have been limited to certain characters and now have some negative effects to balance the positives. Thanks for your suggestion, though. ^_^
The Lounge /
November 16, 2009, 12:56:36 pm
Phil, if you do end up wanting to do a FFXII Job Challenge, I'd be happy to send you my notes for my Job playthrough if you'd like.
Non-FFT Modding /
November 13, 2009, 05:47:17 pm
Well, I can do that after I complete all the other changes, certainly. It's simply a matter of changing the names back to what they were. Not a big deal at all. Right now I'm more concerned about gameplay than names, though, because there are a handful of enemies I made invincible by mistake. Whoops.

tl;dr: I may release a Nostalgic Hardtype patch later.
Non-FFT Modding /
November 13, 2009, 01:23:56 pm
Sorry for the multiple posting, but perhaps someone here knows of this:

When I was doing my own playthrough, when I sorted my inventory, all my Potions disappeared, and other people had the same issue from what I understand. Was this a glitch in the original? Or was it because I renamed 'Tonic' to 'Potion'? Any help would be wonderful, thanks.
Non-FFT Modding /
November 12, 2009, 02:39:07 pm
Updated the first post with the newest patch. Blue Magic hasn't been touched... yet.
Spam /
November 12, 2009, 01:56:15 am
That's my fault, actually, I told him to just do a Printscreen. =(

*is stoned to death*
Non-FFT Modding /
November 11, 2009, 09:46:57 pm
Quote from: "Wasabi"Buffffffffffffffff Cyyyyaaan's Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed...

And hasten his Charge Gauge! Replace the slots with Quadra Slash with Quadra Slice, and Quadra Slice with a buffed Shock! (Or, just remove Quadra Slash entirely and replace it with a debuffed Shock!).

I don't mind if Atma is renamed Ultima, to be honest.

Nerf Sabin's MA stat. Gogo + Blitz is pretty cool, and at 80-99 I believe Bum Rush only hits like, 8600+ or something.

Give Edgar's Bio Blast 100% hit Poison and Sap status, but zero damage. If 100% is too awesome, give it a substantially good hit ratio (if you can separate the status infliction between poison/sap, even better). Chainsaw is, what 1.5 times base damage with a chance to inflict death on the enemy? Comparing that with Drill, Drill is outclassed. Maybe make Drill slightly less buffed at 1.2 times base damage, but has a high chance of landing a critical hit (I think that's possible?).

Definitely nerf MP costs on Blue Magic, but "Traveler" might be a toughie, considering that it gets stronger/expensive with each step you take throughout the game. Not sure what to do with  that spell.

Anyway, <3

Cyan's Katanas will probably boost his speed.

Sabin will soon be a muscle-head, if I can alter it in the Editor. If not, I'll nerf his Blitzes.

ALL of Edgar's tools are going to be changed. Flash/NoiseBlaster will probably affect allies/enemies; AutoCrossbow won't ignore Split Damage, BioBlaster will inflict Sap/Poison, Chainsaw will inflict Instant Death (maybe, not sure yet), Drill will do heavy single-character damage. Air Anchor/Defibulator will probably remain the same.

And yes, Blue Magic MP costs will be reduced.
Non-FFT Modding /
November 11, 2009, 09:24:54 pm
Yes, I think it'll be a very fun playthrough indeed! For any of you all who are playing through it, let me know how the battles are going! Feedback is always great. ^_^
Non-FFT Modding /
November 11, 2009, 08:57:53 pm
Here were a few things I was going to change, translation-wise:

Revivfy->H Water
Antdot->Poisona (or Poisna, if it doesn't fit)

I know there are more, though. Tell me if there are any changes you're ABSOLUTELY against. Note that I'm not touching the story AT ALL, which means character names will be left intact.
Non-FFT Modding /
November 11, 2009, 07:30:31 pm
Well, I was going to change Atma to Ultima, but if you guys don't want me to, then I won't.

As for random battles, they also got a health boost and smarter moves with some deadly combos. Bosses, however, will probably take a while to fell.

Also, some names such as Cactrot, Oscar, and Pugs have been changed. Sorry, but when I hear Cactrot I think of carrots, Oscar belongs in Sesame Street, and Pugs just make no sense whatso ever. =P
Non-FFT Modding /
November 11, 2009, 04:13:41 pm
OK, the enemy changes have been made! Included is the lik to the Final Fantasy VI Hardtype Version 1.0 patch. This doesn't include the equipment/spell changes (sans Meteor/Flare/Ultima being changed), but it should be a decent preview for those of you who are interested.

Please tell me if the patch works or not. You'll know it does if the Guards at the beginning don't fall in 1 hit and use Net. If you notice anything you think should be changed, post 'em here!

To use the patch, you'll need a clean Final Fantasy III SNES ROM, as well as Lunar IPS, which can be found here:


Final Fantasy VI Hardtype Version 1.0
Non-FFT Modding /
November 10, 2009, 12:01:37 pm
Quote from: "philsov"I'd say reduce Sabin's overall magic stat to make him more of a pure musclehead type.

If you can somehow introduce character-based level ups I'd be all for the removal of the Esper system.  But if that's not possible, make the character's base stats a little more... pronounced and defined.

Well, I'm not too familiar with how much of an effect stats have in the game, so I'm leery about touching them. However, weapons/armor will be more character-specific now, which will certainly be a start, IMO.
Non-FFT Modding /
November 10, 2009, 11:30:26 am
Quote from: "philsov"reduce cooldown on Morph ability
Make Runic enemy-only/not work on white magic/?
Make tools scale better -- Edgar starts off as an auto crossbowing hoss, but eventually just succumbs to delibitator bitch, and Drill isn't much better than straight up melee, iirc.
Blitz - OP!  Make it weaker
Make Cyan's charge gauge increment faster
Blue Magic - reduce its MP cost
Sketch - somehow make it not glitch the game.  Reduce chances of Coronet + Fake Moustache + Control.

More edits:

Make the esper-level up bonuses a little more evened out -- give a good spread of multiple espers with the same bonuses so I'm not stuck rotating a single esper around depending on who's going to be getting the next level.

Specific fights... hm...

Make phantom train immune to phoenix down?
increase difficulty of the Sabin/Cyan waterfull piranha gauntlet
On the reunite and split up v. kefka, somehow make it so Edger can't solo entire soldier packs with a single bio blast.
In the figaro tentacle boss at the start of WoR, make the fight no longer cheeseable with running shoes

Are the big things.  "Everything else harder" should suffice for the rest, though imo the Floating Island really doesn't need to be bumped up too much -- if you can make everything that level you will have my eternal <3.

Also!  Can you somehow make Shock (general Leo~) a Cyan swordskill?  Replace one of the crappy ones.

Morph ability: Not quite sure how to edit it, since it's based on AP and all, but I'll look into it.

Runic I know I'll probably get flamed for this, but I like Runic how it is now. It kind of forces you to time your spells well, and since a lot more enemies will be using magic now, it'll be able to see some more use.

Tools are definitely getting a nerf.

Blitz... oh Blitz. There are a few ways I could go about this. Either reduce Sabin's overall magic stats (since Blitz is somehow based on Magic) or reduce the power of the Blitzes themselves. Comments?

Cyan is definitely getting a Speed boost, but I'm not sure if that'll affect his gauge or not.

Blue Magic: Are there any specific spells in mind? I agree, though, that it's fairly expensive.

Sketch: There are a bunch of Glitch Fixes at Data Crystal, so I can see if one of them fixes the Sketch Glitch. I've already used the Evade Glitch Fix (say that 10 times fast).

Esper bonuses: I'm tempted to see if I can remove Esper bonuses all together, but I'm not sure how much that would nerf the party. Comments?

Phantom Train: OK, here's where I'll get flamed. I removed the Undead tag from a few of the enemies in the game (I'll go through and change them all later). I did this for a few reasons.

1) No Phoenix Downing your way through a battle.
2) They can have Regen properly.

However, although they've lost their tag, they'll still be weak to Holy. so for all intents and purposes, they're undead.

Heh, I have something in mind for the Piranha fight...

Edgar vs. Soldiers: I'm probably going to change Bio Blast so it just inflicts Poison or Sap.

Tentacle battle: Not sure I know what to do with this one yet.

Screenshots coming in a few... my desktop doesn't want to recognize my USB. =([/quote]
Final Fantasy VI (Known as Final Fantasy III when it first came out for the SNES) is probably my favorite Final Fantasy of all time (Tied with Tactics, of course.) However, it's not exactly... the most difficult of games. For years I've been searching for an editor that even an idiot like me could use to make the game a tad more difficult.

I stumbled upon the Final Fantasy VI Multi-Editor, a wonderful program that, much like the Patcher, is an easy to use tool to edit enemies, items, and other parts of the game. As a result, I've decided to use the Editor to attempt and create a hardtype version of Final Fantasy VI for the SNES.

Lunar IPS
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
November 07, 2009, 06:51:33 pm
Yes, Bikke is the one who gives your party a ship so that you don't completely kill him in FF1.

"Ye got cannonballs of steel to be challenging the great Bikke!"
Mercenaries /
November 07, 2009, 03:15:44 am
It's been a long time... again.

"They were as headless chickens, bereft of will and motive. Thus did their chaos meet my despair, a fitting match wrought by gods- they lend me their number, and they are given purpose in return..."

Full Name: Gretchen Lethro
Job: Madame
Age: 23
Birthday: July 7
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Blood Type: O-
Birthplace: Lionel Castle
Loves: Malboros, Occult Fan Magazine, Malbeaureaux Perfume
Hates: Beoulve Family, Fire, Ribbons
Hobbies: Street Magic(k), Gardening, Watching Sunsets

Abilities: Solar Flare, Cloak and Dagger

Young woman whose heart is torn over the loss of her husband. Her chest seethes with anger over her loss, and she will stop at nothing to see to it that those responsible meet their demise. Thus has she taken over Dorter's Death Corps, and uses them for her own devices. At the end of each day, she finds solace in the shared plight of the Malboros, keeping even her own pet, Carrot, in secret.
The Lounge /
November 04, 2009, 03:41:48 pm
Better than a toaster.
The Lounge /
October 28, 2009, 01:00:50 pm
Although that would have been nice, XI was in a package of sorts with IX and X.

The producers of IX, X, and XI wanted to make a nostalgic and classical game (IX), a game that took advantage of the then-new PS2's technology (X) and a game that gave its players an internet experience (XI).

So basically, they created these three games to give a certain experience to the players, while not considering the backlash of making XI so different from the others.
Archives /
October 28, 2009, 02:28:58 am
Relax, he's French. He can do no harm!

EDIT: On second thought, that knife is pretty sharp. He kind of reminds me of a tonberry...