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Messages - 3lric

Help! / Re: Is there anyway to mod past the 999 stats?
August 11, 2012, 10:56:45 pm
You can edit jobs and abilities in FFTPatcher
You can edit ability and job names in FFTactext
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Journey of the 5 DEMO!!
August 11, 2012, 03:33:26 pm
I look forward to it Barren :D
Yea, I'mnot sure why that happens either, cuz with other emulator settings I can see it, I will look in attack.out for a bit today.

I know I also need to stop the weather in the victory event, so you cant hear in at the save screen.

EDIT: Also 1000th POST!! \o/
Well, in the first battle, the background goes black before the fight starts, because it starts raining.

But anyway, I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying the demo :)
It wont be to long before you can play the entire chapter  :mrgreen:
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / OLD - Journey of the 5 Demo
August 10, 2012, 09:41:05 pm

Okay so it's finally time, we have a demo for everyone to play!

Now, just know, this is only a very small section of Chapter 1. This is basicly what I like to
call the intro, tho it's rather long to be called that. Then again Chapter 1 itself uses over 150 event slots,
so what do I know.

This includes events passing what was shown in our teaser as well as 3 playable battles.

I would like to write more and to thank my entire team and all that, but they already know I love them,
and I would much rather just release this damn demo already so you guys can play it, rather than spending
another hour typing shit out.

So quickly, to my team. Awesome work everyone! We've come very far to get to this point,
and once the rest of the ASM's are finished as well as the balancing we can finally make the full Chapter 1 release.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


-Items reset after second battle
-Fire arrow can be used with sword XD
-IF you use PSXFin, you may get a crash on Dante's intro. For best results, use any other emulator,
or console. As (for now) this seems to be purely an issue with PSXFin.


VanishMantle did a stream of the demo. Watch it HERE

Barren did a video playthru of the demo. Watch it HERE

:wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark: :wark:
The demo is finished. I'm giving my team a day to play it first before i release it to the public, since they all worked very heard and deserve first crack at it.

(and i don't wanna get stabbed)

My next thing to release will be KnT episode 4, while more Jot5 stuff for chapter 1 gets finished up
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
August 09, 2012, 01:41:15 am
I totally missed this even being said until right now :P

Thanx Celdia
well most of the horrendous stuff like that has been fixed. now we are just dealing with getting the stats to save between battles, once we get that working we  should
be good to go. and I know its not even a huge deal for just a demo, but I can't stand to release it without this bug being fixed, and I know Raven feels the same way.
So it might be tonight, it might not.

Basically the demo will be out when we finish the bugs, ETA - Somewhere between 1 hour and 2 days
Due some bugs tht had raven and i raging hard yesterday, we are going to try tp release the demo today, provided we can get the rest of the bugs squashed lol
Okay, so for anyone who's paying attention. The Journey of the Five demo will be released tomorrow evening (I don't get out of work til 4:40pm AZ MT Time.)

I will make a separate thread for it when we release it. And I hope everyone enjoys it. I must personally say it was very nice to be able to finally play the mod after all this time, even if it's only the first 3 battles until the main release.  :mrgreen:
So, since a few things like ASM's are taking longer then we expected.
We have decided to release a short demo of Jot5, this will be done within the next few
days hopefully, and will cover a bit more then the trailer that we did, including 3 playable battles
and a bit more plot development.
Spriting / Re: Lijj's Sprites
August 02, 2012, 11:11:56 pm
Awesome job as always Lijj  :mrgreen:
Quote from: makennedy on August 01, 2012, 08:32:17 pm
...you're totally off topic. if you don't know the answer stop posting. i'm asking a pretty to the point question, how do you recognize each in ganesha. i don't care about anything you're saying, we all know the situations are random but that doesn't change that i need to alter a specific situation in order to not do lots of un-needed work. do you know which situation is which? if so tell me, if not then let some1 who does answer. i think you got way too caught up with bad examples and forgot the base question: how can you tell which situation is which. i can flip through them but what they actually are is unclear

First off, there is only like 4 people who know about map editing on this site, consider yourself lucky that even one of them gave a shit enough to even try to help you.
Second off, do not be this disrespectful again, if someone posts something that doesn't answer your question, oh well. They still bothered to post with the knowledge they do have.
There was absolutely no reason at all for you to react this way.

This is your one and only warning.
RP Forum / Re: Zombiepocalypse!
August 01, 2012, 07:16:11 pm
I'm in
lol, I've lost many iso's this way. But that's why we are here.

If you've any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!
this is normal, the EVTCHR.BIN size does increase, but I import it all the time without issue, try CDProg, or CDMage R5. Also, don't reimport the battle.bin  ONLY reimport the EVTCHR.bin
The Lounge / Re: Oi Boy-o!
July 31, 2012, 06:07:58 pm
Welcome to FFH, where all your dreams come true! (now if i only had a nickle for that one)
We have many different things to offer around here, so don't hesitate to ask.
Help! / Re: Problem Applying Patch
July 31, 2012, 04:21:58 pm
This issue has come up several times. Try downloading a new copy of ppfomatic from a different source.
Spriting / Re: We need MOAR Monsters
July 28, 2012, 02:39:46 pm
CONMAN! I'm very happy that someone is finally trying to make a custom CYOKO type sheet. I would really like to see it finished.

I honestly had never thought of putting a new monster into it, but I was wondering how long it would be before someone armored a chocobo.
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
July 27, 2012, 12:09:53 am
[21:05] <@Etna> just stop smoking and drink instead
[21:05] <@Etna> that'll fatten you up
[21:05] <Ralts> it's like my body knows
[21:06] <Pierce> "More cushion for the pushin"
[21:06] <@Elric> you can't do as many things when drunk tho
[21:06] <Ralts> i exercise regularly but i eat a lot. i have like five meals a day.
[21:06] <Pierce> Lies.
[21:06] <@Elric> like driving drunk = bad
[21:06] <Pierce> You can do /more/ things.
[21:06] <Pierce> Biking though.
[21:06] <Ralts> when i'm drunk
[21:06] <@Etna> driving high is also bad >>;
[21:06] <Wasabi> I don't usually get the munchies when I smoke. I get super thirsty though.
[21:06] <Ralts> i can sing better than whitney houston
[21:06] <@Elric> driving high = driving not 1 mile over the speed limit and watching every single part of your surroundings
[21:06] <Pierce> ^
[21:06] <Sammy> Drunk drivers run stop signs, high drivers wait for them to turn green.
[21:06] <Pierce> It's safer if anything.
[21:06] <RavenOfRazgriz> I bet if we got Eternal high he might actually do something useful. :D
[21:06] <Ralts> i'm also the best damn dancer (when i'm drunk)
[21:06] <@Etna> lmao @ sammy
[21:07] <@Elric> [21:06] <Sammy> Drunk drivers run stop signs, high drivers wait for them to turn green.
[21:07] <@Elric> Win
[21:07] <Ralts> lmao