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Messages - Eternal

Skeletons are getting Tonberry-like skills, like I envisioned in the last Newtype. To that end, they're more physical than magical, being more like Skeleton Knights. There will be a lot of spells given to monsters, though. Hemogoblin (thanks to PX for the name) would get Drain/Osmose, Avians would get the Aero family, Mindflayers would get Psionic and Water magic, etc. In fact, since the Psions learn all their skills Blue Mage style from other Psions, having a Mindflayer around might be useful. ;)

If Kage can get around to making a Vampire and/or Succubus sprite, those would probably replace Avians and Trees. Uribos are currently out.
Thanks, I'll check it out.

On a sidenote, sadly I'll have to do away with Tactical Arts, or make one of each generic class' existing skills a Tactical Art. Last night I went through and edited my resources.zip to prepare inserting the skills, and there's just no room for it. I also had to cut a few monster skills (so monsters will probably be getting some spells and other things, but this can be made interesting. Imagine a Goblin Stealing, for example.) So that's kind of a letdown, but it was really my own fault for overestimating how many skillslots I'd have available. :(
I could probably set them to a currently existing formula that uses MA, but I'd have to mess with it to find a decent formula.
The Lounge / Re: Dissidia Duodecim Announced
November 10, 2010, 10:30:46 pm
Please don't remind me. Although I find it interesting that he's talking to Terra. Nice reference to Locke.

Also, Celes costume = win.
More or less. Believe me, he'll be beatable without too much of a challenge. As I've said before, it's not going to be as hard as 1.3, but battles in general will be harder than Vanilla.
Very basic skillset info thus far. As always, opinions are needed. Especially in terms of balance. =x

Hopefully these screenshots will come out large enough to read clearly, even though there's not much info.

EDIT: OK, apparently they uploaded a little too large (and backwards, at that!). Whoops!
Listed below are the new weapons for Newtype. The formatting copied horribly, as always, but there'll eventually be a final spreadsheet of all this info. Review it, and let me know what you think needs reworked with them. ^_^


Executioner's Axe 8 WP Two-Handed Casts: Decapitate 5% EVD
(1) Gigant Axe 18 WP Two-Handed Auto-Slow 10% EVD
(2) Viking's Axe 13 WP Two-Handed Thunder Elemental Boost: Water 5% EVD


Galmia Bag 6 WP 25% EVD
Brint Bag 8 WP Start: Shell
(3) Dragonscale Bag 10 WP Inflict: Berserk 10% EVD
(4) Doomed Design 20 WP Auto-Haste; Auto-Doom; Auto-Undead 5% EVD (?)


Scholar's Tome 8 WP Casts: Dispel 15% EVD
(5) Glabados Grimoire 3 WP Casts: Holy Boosts: Holy Holy Elemental 15% EVD
(6) Necronomicon 6 WP Casts: Turning Add: Zombie 15% EVD (?)
Grimoire Megid 7 WP Casts: Flare 15% EVD


Sniper's Longbow 4 WP Two-Handed +1 Range
(7) Cupid's Bow 5 WP Two-Handed Add: Charm
Composite Bow 7 WP Two-Handed 10% EVD
Burning Bow 6 WP Two-Handed Fire Elemental
Prismatic Bow 8 WP Two-Handed All-Elemental
Precision Longbow 6 WP Two-Handed Non-Evadeable (Uses WP*WP) (?)
(8) Thorned Bow 6 WP Two-Handed +2 Range Auto-Poison
Ultima Bow 10 WP Two-Handed -1 Range
(9) Sagittarius 12 WP Two-Handed Auto-Silence, Auto-Blind


(10) Dalmasca Weave 8 WP Cancel: Charging, Performing
Elegant Cloth 3 WP 50% EVD
(11) Legless Dancer 15 WP 35% EVD; Auto-Immobilize (?)


Rapidfire Crossbow 3 WP Cast: Doubleshot
(12) Shadowshot 5 WP Inflict: Blind
(13) Snakeshooter 4 WP Inflict: Haste and Poison
Arbalest 6 WP
Small Crossbow 4 WP Can be Dual-Wielded
Gastrophetes 10 WP Two-Handed

FLAILS (Whips)

Vampire Killer 9 WP Holy Elemental
(14) Flame Whip 8 WP Fire Elemental Add: Don't Act Dual-Wield
Morningstar 15 WP Two-Handed
(15) Mist Whip 17 WP Inflicts major damage on Don't Act'd units Dual-Wield (?)


Goug Rifle 6 WP +1 Range
Fomalhaut 4 WP Dual-Wield -2 Range
Buckshot 15 WP Dash Formula -1 Range
Espergun 20 WP Summons either Ifrit, Shiva, or Ramuh.
Starshooter 20 WP Casts either Gravity, Gravity II, or Meteor.
Medic's Cannon 20 WP Casts either Cure, Regen, or Renew.


Dreamer's Harp 6 WP Cast: Sleep
(16)Lamia's Harp 9 WP Add: Confuse or Charm
Sylvan Harp 5 WP Wind Elemental Cast: Silence

MAGICITE (Katana Formula)

Kupo Magicite 7 WP Heals HP on hit.
(17) Ardor Magicite 6 WP Casts: Ifrit Boost: Fire Fire Elemental
(18) Diamond Magicite 6 WP Casts: Shiva Boost: Ice Ice Elemental
(19) Elder Magicite 6 WP Casts: Ramuh Boost: Thunder Thunder Elemental
(20) Gaia Magicite 11 WP Casts: Titan Boost: Earth Earth Elemental
Ruby Magicite 7 WP Inflict: Regen, Reflect, Shell, or Haste (100%; no damage)
(21) Tidal Magicite 12 WP Casts: Leviathn Boost: Water Water Elemental
(22) Lordly Magicite 15 WP Casts: Odin PA +2 Immune: Death
(23) Draco Magicite 13 WP Casts: Bahamut MA +2
Zodiac Magicite 20 WP Casts: Zodiac Dark Elemental


(24) Combat Knife 3 WP PA +1 10% EVD Dual-Wield
Thief's Knife 5 WP Cast: Steal Gil 10% EVD Dual-Wield
Dancing Dagger 4 WP Cast: Doubleshot 15% EVD Dual-Wield
(25) Ripper 4 WP Add: Don't Act or Don't Move 5% EVD Dual-Wield
Gladius 5 WP Wind Elemental Dual-Wield
Main Gauche 2 WP 25% EVD Dual-Wield
(25) Swift 5 WP +1 Speed 5% EVD Dual-Wield
(26) Valiant Knife 5 WP Start: Reraise 10% EVD Dual-Wield
Mage Masher 7 WP Damages an enemy's MP. 15% EVD Dual-Wield
Tonberrian 10 WP Damages enemy equal to lost HP.


(27) Lohengrin 16 WP Two-Handed Auto-Shell; Auto-Slow 15% EVD
(28) Save the Queen 16 WP Two-Handed Auto-Protect; Auto-Slow 15% EVD
(29) Excalibur 19 WP Two-Handed Auto-Regen; Auto-Slow 25% EVD
Ragnarok 22 WP Two-Handed 20% EVD Holy Elemental
Chaos Blade 15 WP 15% EVD PA +1 Dark Elemental


(30) Orochi 8 WP Two-Handed Add: Poison 15% EVD
Osafune 10 WP Two-Handed 20% EVD
Rangetsu-Danbu 5 WP Dual-Wield 15% EVD
Muramasa 7 WP Two-Handed Drains HP 5% EVD
Murasame 12 WP Two-Handed Water Elemental 5% EVD
Mutsunokami 16 WP Two-Handed Auto-Slow
Masamune 14 WP Start: Haste 10% EVD
Gemini 10 WP Dual-Wield Auto-Haste; Auto-Doom; Auto-Undead 20% EVD


Monk's Pole 8 WP Two-Handed PA +1 20% EVD
Cleansing Pole 0 WP Two-Handed Cancel: All Negative Statuses 20% EVD
(31) Vaulter's Pole 6 WP Two-Handed Jump +2 25% EVD
(32) Xande's Pole 5 WP Two-Handed MA +2 15% EVD
Chrono Pole 9 WP Two-Handed Add: Slow, Stop, or Haste 15% EVD
Rending Pole 12 WP Two-Handed
Earthsnare 11 WP Two-Handed Earth Elemental 15% EVD
Whale Whisker 15 WP Two-Handed Water Elemental


Mage's Wand 1 WP MA +2 Dual-Wield
(33) Abraxas 1 WP MA +1 Boost: Dark Dual-Wield
Conductor's Wand 5 WP Immune: Silence Dual-Wield
(34) Rod of Dreams 4 WP MA +1 Add: Sleep Dual-Wield
Rainbow Rod 5 WP All Elemental Dual-Wield
Mist Rod 1 WP Restores a target's MP.
(35) Nether Rod 3 WP MA +2 Boost: All Elements Auto-Silence
(36) Rod of Faith 1 WP Auto-Faith Add: Faith


Frigid Lance 7 WP Ice Elemental 20% EVD
(37) Piercing Lance 5 WP Cancel: Protect, Shell, and Reflect 20% EVD
Dragoon's Spear 9 WP Jump +2 20% EVD
(38)Impartisan 1 WP Water Elemental -1 Range Add: Frog (100%) Auto-Slow; Auto-Blind
Stout Spear 12 WP Jump +2 -1 Range 20% EVD
Holy Lance 11 WP Holy Elemental 20% EVD
Gae Bolg 15 WP Thunder Elemental -1 Range
Zodiac spear 20 WP 13% EVD


Cadeuceus 4 WP Heals HP upon hit. Dual Wield 10% EVD
(39) Taming Staff 7 WP Two-Handed Add: Invite 10% EVD
Mace 10 WP Two-Handed 5% EVD
Mage's Staff 4 WP +2 MA
Nirvana 9 WP Fire Elemental Add: Reraise (100%)
Plague Staff 6 WP Add: Poison 5% EVD
Ramuh's Staff 8 WP Thunder Elemental 10% EVD
Seraph Staff 4 WP Add: Protect and Shell (100%)


Shortsword 4 WP 5% EVD
Wyrmslayer 6 WP (100% Doom on a Dragon)
Flametongue 6 WP Fire Elemental
Rapier 5 WP 15% EVD
Icebrand 6 WP Ice Elemental
Throwing Blade 8 WP (+4 Range; SP*WP; Can be Caught)
Stoneblade 5 WP Add: Petrify
Xankbras 10 WP Two-Handed
Estoc 4 WP 25% EVD
Illumina 10 WP Two-Handed Holy Elemental
Runeblade 4 WP +2 MA
Grandleon 9 WP
Bloodlust Blade 8 WP Add: Vampire
-Fort Zeakden-

Gragoroth: Begone, should you wish this girl to live! This fortress is loaded with gunpowder! Make but a single false move,

and you'll be supping upon flame!

Zalbag: The Northern Sky does not bend to the whim of brigands.

*Ramza and Delita arrive*

Ramza: Lord brother! Algus!

*Delita sees Tietra*

Delita: Tietra!

Tietra: Delita!

Gragoroth: Turn back! Now!

Zalbag: Fire.

Algus: Gladly, sir!

*Tietra gets shot*

Algus: Oh well look at that. I missed.

Gragoroth: By the gods...

*Algus shoots again at Gragoroth*

Tietra: Brother...

Delita: No...! Tietra!

*A Northern Sky Knight appears near Zalbag*

Northern Sky Commander: Sir, more brigadesmen numbering about fifty have been spotted on the border pass. The scouts tell

me that one of them appear to be Wiegraf!

Zalbag: Very well. Take me there. Algus, you've permission to take care of the rest here.

Algus: Yes, sir!

Gragoroth: Damn... dammit all...

*Gragoroth locks himself in*

Delita: Tietra...

Algus: Long time no see, commoner. Aww, you look as though someone just strangled your chocobo! Is something wrong?

Delita: Algus, you bastard!

Algus: You wish for a fight? How cute. I guess I have a few moments to spare.

Ramza: Zalbag... how could you order your own sister's death...?

Algus: I'll show you here and now that animals need to be kept in their pen!

*Algus whistles, and his troops appear*

Ramza: Why are you doing this Algus!?

Algus: Sorry Ramza, these are Zalbag's orders. "Those who would see the Northern Sky harmed are to be routed." Regardless,

would you sully your name just to save a commoner?

Ramza: Tietra was Delita's sister!

Algus: Ramza, allow me to teach you about "differences". You and the thing next to you are "different". You are a highborn,

fated to rule him, who is a tool to be used by you. Think, Ramza. If that Tietra thing had been selling flowers, or her

body, or the like she'd not have been here, and her life would have been spared. But no, she sought to overstep the

boundaries upon which she was born into it! Respected as your father was, he was a fool for welcoming them into the life of

the highborn. You continue to rebel? A traitor to the Northern Sky, you are!

Ramza: I'll not have you insult Father! What you've done here is inexcuseable!

Algus: Spare me your bleeting, you are no goat! Oh what a shame that one such as you should bear Beoulve blood!

Ramza: Family is not of our choosing!

Algus: You pamper yourself silly with your excuses, boy! You have no choice but to use tools such as him! It's your

birthright, to use these tools to do things they could otherwise not do!

Ramza: I am not some tool to be used!

Algus: Used? What rubbish! You are what you are because of your name! House Thadalfus ourselves have merited from your

existence, using you to reclaim our honor! The relationship is symbiotic! You use us, and we profit from you! Admit it,

you've even used your "friend", Delita!

Ramza: I would never use Delita! ...Delita, are you alright?

Delita: Enough of your words, Ramza. After Algus, I set my sights upon you!

Ramza: Delita...


Algus: Confess, Ramza. You saved me just to use me later.

Ramza: I could never abandon someone in trouble!

Algus: There's a lesson to be learned in this! Don't save anyone who you couldn't kill later should they betray you!

Delita: I'll kill you, you murderer! You can count on that!

Algus: Awww, "wah wah"! You're so pathetic, commoner. Know your limits! Know that you have no power to change anything!

Know that you are forever destined to be a slave to our whims! Getting angry? Clench your fists and writhe your hands, as

there is naught else you can do! Ahahahaha! Oh how enjoyable this is!

Delita: Is that all, Algus? Is that all that you have to say!?

Algus: Oh, you needn't be angry. You'll join "it" soon.

Delita: You won't manipulate me. NOBODY USES ME!

*Algus dies*

Algus: You may have gotten lucky, pig... but... it won't... ugh, mother... save me...

*Algus dies for good*

-Igros/Zeakden Pass-

*Zalbag appears*

Zalbag: Trapped, Wiegraf. Should you press forward into Igros, you will meet with our city sentry. Surrender, or know


Wiegraf: The white flag shall not be raised until the nobility make good on their promise to us veterans. Only then will we

lay down arms.

Zalbag: Your drivel falls on deaf ears. The Brigade is finished. You've no place to negotiate terms. The only good that

continuing fighting will do is guaranteeing your death.

Wiegraf: Better then to die fighting for a cause than to die in an alley. If I'm to fight and die fighting for what is

necessary for Ivalice's people, so be it. House Beoulve claims good for all people, yet here she stands before me. One of

its own slaying my sister, and another ignoring the pleas of the masses it was build upon. Is this what Lord Balbanes would

have willed, Beoulve? Or are you content in clinging to the royalty's boots?

Zalbag: I'll not allow you to dishonor our family!

Wiegraf: You do it dishonor simply by doing nothing. For that is the problem we face. Nothing is being done.

Zalbag: Your death is very much a "something".

Wiegraf: Men, this shall be our last fight. Whether we win or lose here is irrelevant. What matters is that in our plight,

the nobility have taken heed of our resistance. We have fought, and we have made our anger known. As we lock blades with

these knights, hold your heads up high, and never bow to them!

Corpse Assassins 1: Sir!

Corpse Vikings 1&2: Sir!

Boco: Kweh! Kweh!

Zalbag: Come, men. See that their blood flows down the pass this eve!

*battle begins*

Wiegraf: What about you, Beoulve? Would that you ruled Ivalice, what would you do?

Zalbag: ...

Wiegraf: Answer, Beoulve. Would that you were free from the marionette's strings, and you were the one ruling, what would

you do for the People?

Zalbag: "Ifs" mean nothing.

Wiegraf: Precisely. The only thing that matters now is action. You see for yourself in the streets of Igros lowtown how the

people suffer. Do you see now why I fight? I am no simple brigand, looking for loot. I fight for a cause, just as you fight

for yours.

Zalbag: Your cause is one of violence! Criminals such as you are best slain on sight!

Wiegraf: Discontent is a hydra. Should you slay one head, two more take its place. Slay me today, Beoulve, but there will

be others who take my place. Others who share my dream of freedom from your monarchy's tyranny.

Zalbag: Then they, too, shall be cut down.

Wiegraf: I pity you. A tool used by the Duke to further his own goals.

Zalbag: I need none of your pity!

*Wiegraf is sent into HP Critical*

Wiegraf: I'm sorry, men, but I must flee. Forgive me, and know peace in the afterlife.

*Wiegraf flees on Boco*

Zalbag: You coward...

*An explosion is heard*

Zalbag: What the-? An explosion? It seems to have come from the north! Algus...?

-Fort Zeakden-

Ramza: Delita...

*The fort explodes*

Ramza: An explosion!? Delita, we must away!

*Delita doesn't move; explosions continue*

Ramza: Delita!

*The fort is destroyed*

"I had taken my entire life for granted. When the pillars of my life came crashing down, I dropped it all... and ran."

-Confrontation at Igros-

Ramza: Brother, how could you order Algus to shoot!? Tietra was in the way!

Zalbag: The good of the many weighs heavier than the good of one.

Ramza: But... the Beoulve way...!

Zalbag: The Beoulve way is to do right by Ivalice's People. Gragoroth's survival would have doomed Ivalice to further

rebellion and death. Tietra was a martyr.

Ramza: That's your justification!? The ends justify the means!?

Zalbag: Ramza, you are no more than a green cadet. You know nothing of war's horrors, or how to make tactical battle

decisions in an instant. I used my judgement to do what was necessary.

Ramza: Delita and Tietra are dead because of your actions...

Zalbag: Martyrs. They shall be mourned. I'm truly sorry, Ramza. They were siblings to me...

Ramza: Words cannot undo action.

*Ramza leaves*

Zalbag: Ramza!

-Alma's Farewell-

*As Ramza is leaving the city, in his Chapter 2/3 armor*

Alma: Brother, I heard about Zeakden...

Ramza: Alma...

Alma: Brother, please stay. We can mourn them together.

Ramza: Algus said "I am what I am because of my name." If I'm to be what Zalbag and Dycedarg are, I can no longer bear to

use the Beoulve name. Alma, I am no longer Ramza Beoulve. I am Ramza Lugria.

Alma: Mother's name...

Ramza: Sister, please, be a good girl. I need to leave this life, once and for all.

Alma: Brother, you must promise to visit me someday. Tell me all about what you see, what you do... I want to hear it all!

Ramza: I will, Alma. I promise.

*Ramza and Alma hug using Chapter 3's EVTCHR*

Ramza: Never tolerate injustice, Alma. Remember when father told us that?

Alma: Yes...

Ramza: Farewell, Alma.

*Ramza leaves the city*

Alma: Ramza, what end do you hope to find in this...?

-Pub Crawling-

"It was a month later that I had found work. With the Brigade routed, many cities had no longer needed sentries. Therefore,

I was hired to do beastslaying work. That day, a knight and his apprentice entered the pub in which I was petitioning for


Rad: I'll have the Bacchus Wine, barkeep.

Gafgarion: Same here. Make it quick.

Barkeep: And you, sir?

Ramza: I'll have milk.

Barkeep: Milk, eh? You're a strange one.

Rad: Did you just order milk? What kind of warrior are you!?

Ramza: The kind that doesn't drink.

(Ramza turns and sees Gafgarion)

Ramza: I know of you. You're Goffard Gafgarion, are you not?

Gafgarion: "Are you not?" What're you doing talking like that? Are you a noble?

Ramza: I am Ramza Lugria. A mercenary.

Rad: Same here! Name's Rad!

Gafgarion: The boy's right. We're mercenaries, too. Looking for work?

Ramza: Yes. Work has been slow of late.

Gafgarion: Why not come with us? You look like you got some fight in you.

Rad: Master...?

Ramza: I wouldn't wish to impose...

Gafgarion: Nonsense, kid. Besides, I tire of listening to Rad's stories all the time. It'd be nice to have another warrior


Rad: Oh come on, my stories are great!

Gafgarion: Not when you hear them a hundred times.

Ramza: Very well, I suppose I can join you.

Rad: Barkeep, round of Bacchus, on this guy's tab!

Gafgarion: Welcome to our clan then, Ramza. We call ourselves Clan Sanguine. I hope you don't mind spilling some blood

every now and again.

Ramza: I'll do as I must to survive.

"The life I've lived, and the life I had come to know were very different. From once living in a castle on high, to

crawling about the woods hunting for prey, I grew to see what Wiegraf had meant. The life of the meager was rough. It was

all the more reason I could not bear to return to my brothers. From that day forth, I was a mercenary."

-Chapter 1 end-
That actually looks pretty cool, I think.
I have a new laptop now, meaning work on Newtype will be done even faster. I'll spend tonight getting the stuff I need on here to continue. Thanks for the patience!
New script up to Fort Zeakden. In other words, all 5 of Chapter 1's missions, and up to Zeakden.

-Scholarly Skirmish (Mission 1)-

Ramza: You are the mages the Academy wants us to spar with, correct?

Mage Trainee: Yes, sir. We must refine our arts if we're to become as powerful as Sir Elidbus!

Ramza: Well then, I suppose we should begin.

Mage Trainee: Hold nothing back!

*battle ends*

Ramza: I must wonder if we were too hard on them...?

*mission ends*

-Of Breeding and Brigandry (Mission 2)-

Brigand: These monsters are gonna be amazing! We'll let 'em loose on a full moon, they'll go into the city, and bam! Everyone

dies! Then we can take their stuff! Ahahaha!

Freelancer: Won't the city guard put them to rout, though? I don't think a few werewolves are going to be able to destroy an

entire city...

Brigand: Have faith, lad! During a full moon, these guys go into a fervor like none you've seen before! They'll ravage

everything in their path!

Freelancer: Including us, sir...?

Brigand: Well, erm...

*Ramza and party enters*

Ramza: You must be the ones responsible for breeding the wolves that the city-goers heard!

Brigand: You got a problem with that, kid?

Ramza: I'm taking you into prison. We won't allow you to cause havoc in the city!

Freelancer: Sir, I think we should just go in quietly...

Brigand: Hell no! C'mon, we're taking this lot to rest!

*battle ends*

Ramza: Where did they get access to those werewolves, anyways? They're rare in these parts, and hard to tame. I wonder if

someone else is behind this...

*mission ends*

-Sand Rat's Cellar-

Brigade Swordsman: How could Wiegraf massacre his own men? Such a thought is unbearable... Is this what our clan has come to?

*Ramza and party enter*

Ramza: What has happened here!?

Algus: Looks like they all got killed. Serves 'em right.

Brigade Swordsman: You are of the Northern Sky, aren't you!?

Ramza: That is so.

Brigade Swordsman: I shalln't let you pass, though I remain the only one alive! I will not fall, even by Wiegraf's hand!

Delita: Wiegraf was responsible for this bloodshed?

*battle begins*

*battle ends*

Ramza: Come, we've no time to waste! Elmdore must be within these ruins!

Algus: I'm coming, Marquis!

*Algus rushes off screen*

Delita: Algus, wait!

-Gustav and Wiegraf Swordfight-

Wiegraf: Gustav, lay down your blade. Are you blind to what I did to the other dissidents? I'll not hesitate to slay you as


Gustav: It is you who is blind, Wiegraf! Do you not see that your revolution is bound to failure? We need food and a place to

sleep, not ideas, and we need it now! We cannot afford to wait any longer!

Wiegraf: You are nearsighted, Gustav. You see only the present, but you fail to see the overall scheme of things. To correct

what is wrong, you must build anew. That takes time, Gustav.

Gustav: Time we do not have! You think you can change the world? You can't, Wiegraf! No matter how hard you endeavor!

*Wiegraf steps forward*

Wiegraf: Have you spoken your last words, Gustav? Because I think you have.

*Gustav and Wiegraf swordfight, Gustav gets stabbed*

Gustav: You rebel... in vain... ugh...

*Gustav dies*

*Wiegraf pulls his sword out*

*Algus enters*

Algus: Marquis! Wiegraf!

Wiegraf: You must be a Northern Sky soldier. You are free to take the Marquis. Permit me escape, and Elmdore is yours. It was

not my intent to see him to harm.

Algus: I don't care what your intent was! You bastards deserve to die! I'll mete your judgment out now!

Wiegraf: You will, will you? I had not wanted this, but I must see my escape through.

*Algus and Wiegraf battle*

*during battle*

Wiegraf: Anger guides your bowgun. Logic and tact have taken loss of you. Your own hatred for us will leave you to your


Algus: Hatred!? You speak of hatred!? It is you rebels who hate us, despite all we've given you!

Wiegraf: Yes, you've given us much. Pain, despair, destitution...

Algus: I've no need for your sarcasm, pig!

Wiegraf: Would we were pigs, we'd be enriched in bacon. But as you've not noticed, apparently, our people starve whilst you

feast upon your lavish foodstock.

Algus: Starving is God's punishment for your rebellion!

Wiegraf: As pious as you are highborn. I shall enjoy putting you to rout.

*battle ends*

*Ramza and Delita enter*

Ramza: Algus! Wiegraf!

Wiegraf: I tire of this farce. The Marquis is yours to take. His wounds are not life-threatening.

Algus: I'm going to kill you here!

Wiegraf: Enough. One more step and the Marquis shall die by my hand. It was not my intention, however, to see him harmed.

Delita: Algus, enough. He's serious.

*The party circles around to Elmdore, and Wiegraf escapes*

Algus: Grr...

*Delita stops Algus*

Delita: Algus!

Algus: Why do you stop me!?

Elmdore: Ugh...

Ramza: He breathes. We must take him to Igros.

-Gariland Church-

Algus: Sir, are you well enough to make church?

Elmdore: Since my birth I have attended church... whenever I could... I cannot allow these wounds... to stop me now.

Algus: If you insist, sir.

*Kletian enters and kneels beside Elmdore at the altar*

Kletian: You look as though you just came from battle.

Elmdore: I suppose you could say I have.

Kletian: My magicks can heal you, should you will it.

Elmdore: I suppose your "magicks" come at a cost?

Kletian: I am a humble servant of the lord, sir. 'Tis my duty to heal the wounded.

*Kletian stands and raises his arms*

Algus: What are you doing!?

Kletian: Font of life, spring forth! Cure!

*Cure lands on Elmdore*

Elmdore: My wounds are not as painful as they were before. Thank you, friend.

Kletian: Oh no, 'tis you I must thank. I have a trinket for you. One blessed by the High Confessor himself. I believe you

would find it to be of good fortune for the future.

*Kletian takes out Gemini*

Elmdore: A gem? It appears to be engraved with a starsign...

Kletian: 'Tis yours now, friend. Bear it always.

Elmdore: You are too kind.

Kletian: So some would say. Until our paths meet again, farewell.

*Kletian leaves*

Algus: What a strange man...

Elmdore: This crystal... yes... I shall keep this on my person.

*scene ends*

-Igros Castle-

Dycedarg: I certainly hope you've an explanation for your actions, Ramza.

Ramza: I...

Dycedarg: Explain to me why you thought it to be a good idea to-

Delita: It was of my doing, sir. I coerced Ramza to go with me.

Dycedarg: Does Delita speak true, Ramza?

Ramza: No, brother. It was my decision to go, and mine alone.

Delita: No, it was I who-

Ramza: I needn't be defended, Delita. I take responsibility for disobeying an order.

Dycedarg: Would that everybody acted as lawlessly as you, the world would have no need for law at all! We Beoulves must set a

standard for our society, and that includes following orders as they are given. Do you seek to drag the Beoulve name through

the mud?

Ramza: ...I apologize, brother.

Man's Voice: Come now, Dycedarg, do not take leave of your memory. We were once as they.

*Duke Larg enters*

Dapper Man: Without their assistance, the Marquis may not be alive at all. As youth, we were once as eager as they.

Dycedarg: With all due respect, Duke Larg, there was a difference. Difference being that we obeyed orders, Your Highness.

Duke Larg: You must be Dycedarg's younger brother. Be at ease. You look just as your father did in his youth, before his

sorrowful passing. Although I daresay that youthful valor was not earned simply through guarding castle flanks...

Dycedarg: The Corpse Brigade is nearly disbanded. If you still wish to aid us, you can rout the forces cutoff at the old

fisherman's shelter south of Mandalia.

Ramza: ...Yes, brother.

*Ramza, Delita, and Algus leave*

Dycedarg: I apologize for my brother's actions, sir.

Larg: You needn't apologize. Gustav was much less of a turncoat than he was a soldier. His death was to be expected. Once

Elmdore was kidnapped, the plan could not be changed. In that matter, the Marquis now owes us a favor for his life being

saved. Thanks to Ramza, we are now in quite the admirable position...

Dycedarg: Omdoria's life hangs by a thread. We must hurry.

Larg: I count on you for this, Dycedarg.

-Withering Earth (Mission 3)-

Ramza: The wraith was spotted around this very area. Where could it be?

*Ramza moves and looks around*

Ramza: Ugh... all of a sudden, I feel so ill...

*A skeleton teleports in*

Lich: My hunter has drawn near! I shall feast upon your flesh this day!

Ramza: You must be the Lich that the caravaneer was attacked by!

Lich: The very same. How lucky he was that he escaped my grasp!

Ramza: He is cursed, now. His life draws to a close. You are a monstrosity. Death on earth! I shall lay you to rest!

Lich: You flatter me. And now, you shall join me in glorious undeath!

*battle begins*

*Lich reaches 50% HP*

Lich: You do not die as easily as the others. You are well trained, boy.

Ramza: I shalln't be beaten by a husk of a monster!

Lich: I am not alone, lad. There are others that stand beside me! Accept death, or know death by our hands!

Ramza: I'll not dance the reaper's dance just yet!

Lich: You've no choice! Ivalice is ours for the taking!

Ramza: Not so long as I draw breath!

Lich: A challenge I accept!

*battle ends*

Lich: Oh, how the desert sun burns! The irony, that a being as I to know death... Marilith... you must avenge me!

*Lich crystallizes*

Ramza: Marilith? There are more creatures like this? I should be careful...

*mission ends*

-Thief's Fort-

Miluda: Devout, would you lead us in our final prayers, please?

Corpse Devout: You would have us surrender, Miluda?

Corpse Magus: Surrender or not, we have to keep fighting until the nobles give us the apology we deserve!

Miluda: My brother is an optimist. He doesn't see what others can. In this case, he is blind to our impending defeat.

Corpse Brigand: The enemy approaches!

Algus: You helped me save the Marquis, Ramza. I'll repay the favor!

*Battle begins*

*Miluda's turn*

Miluda: Do you think of us as animals? We're human, just as you are! Our only difference is bloodrank. Have you ever been

hungry, with only broth to sup upon for days? Why is it that we must suffer as we do? It's because you nobles deprive us of

our right to live!

Algus: Don't flatter yourself, girlie. From the moment you came out of your whoremother's womb, you were destined to serve

us! Human? Don't make me laugh. You're an animal, like any other!

Miluda: What gives you that privlidge?

Algus: Not what- who!

Miluda: Who, then, would let you treat us like swine?

Algus: Foolish woman. It's the will of God!

Miluda: God would say no such thing! In His eyes, all are equal!

Algus: Animals have no god!

Miluda: ...it's pointless to speak to you highborns about such things...

Delita: Ramza, is she truly our enemy?

*Battle ends*

Miluda: Go on, then, make it fast. Kill us. Have mercy on us "animals".

Ramza: You are no animal...

Algus: Go on, Ramza, grant her wish! Kill her like the animal that she is! She's an enemy of the Beoulves! Hell, she's an

enemy of all humekind! Got that? Your enemy! She lost her right to live the moment she was born! Fail to kill her, and she'll

end up killing us! Her kind cannot coexist with us! Do it, Ramza! With your bare hands! Take pleasure in choking the life out

of her! Hahaha!

Delita: Ramza, don't listen to Algus. I don't see why she's our enemy...

Algus: Is there a problem, Delita? I swear I just heard you say she's not our enemy...

Delita: She's no animal! She's human, just as we are!

Algus: Why not just join these turncoats then, Delita?

Miluda: I'll not have your sympathy. So long as highborn blood runs through your veins, I will be your enemy.

*Miluda leaves*

Delita: Ramza...

Algus: By the gods, you lot are fowlhearted!

-Inside Igros Castle-

"Meanwhile, back at Igros..."

Brigand: Damn, we got caught! C'mon, we have to get out of here before the guards get here!

*Zalbag comes out of the door*

Zalbag: Found you! Dycedarg, the brigands have fled to the inner keep!

*Dycedarg comes out the other door*

Dycedarg: You knaves think to invade Beoulve Manse and not find death? Fools.

Zalbag: Brother, we must rout these Brigadesmen.

Brigand: It's Zalbag and Dycedarg Beoulves! The generals! We can't possibly win!

Brigand: It's OK, kid, we got numbers on our side. The two of them can't take the six of us!

Zalbag: In the fires of war, strategy outclasses number!

Dycedarg: Enough talk. You die now.

*Brigand's turn*

Brigand: No guards, eh? You're a confident lot!

Dycedarg: No need for guards when we can handle you ourselves.

Brigand: So certain, eh? We got your little girlies. Gragoroth is taking 'em as we speak!

Zalbag: Girlies...? Wait! You don't mean Alma!

Brigand: Is that her name? What about the other one, eh?

Dycedarg: We must kill them quickly. Come, Zalbag!

*battle ends*

*More Brigands appear*

Dycedarg: Go, Zalbag! Rescue Alma! Leave them to me!

Zalbag: Very well.

*Zalbag leaves*

-Outside Igros-

Tietra: Please, just let me go!

*Tietra is taken*

Gragoroth: Make haste!

*A Brigand leaves the castle with Alma*

Alma: Unhand me! Brother! Help!

*Zalbag rushes out and cuts down the Brigand, saving Alma*

Gragoroth: We had best cut our losses.

*Gragoroth flees*

Zalbag: Alma, are you alright?

Alma: Yes, brother, but Tietra was taken...

Zalbag: Yes, I know.

*Dycedarg limps out*

Zalbag: Brother!

Dycedarg: I put the others to rout... but they wounded me... ugh...

Alma: Brother, what an awful wound!

Dycedarg: They came for me. I am certain of it.

Zalbag: Tietra was kidnapped, Dycedarg.

Dycedarg: Leave no stone unturned... until you find those bastards...

Alma: Speak no more, brother!

Dycedarg: Corpse Brigade... bastards...

Alma: No! Brother!

Zalbag: Alma, watch over him! I must find an Alchemist!

-Dycedarg's Bedchambers-

Dycedarg: I hear you destroyed their hideout... very nice. Leave the rest to Zalbag and take rest. You needn't worry. This

wound is far from fatal.

Ramza: What of Tietra?

Dycedarg: As soon as their base is discovered, we will mobilize troops and raid it.

Ramza: But if Tietra is their hostage...

Dycedarg: The Brigade falls apart with each passing hour. The plan is made, and we will not attack unless we are certain of

Tietra's safety. Rest assured, Ramza, I will not see her to harm. She is as a sister to me.

-Outside Beoulve Manse-

Ramza: Delita, calm yourself!

Delita: 'Calm yourself', you say!? How can I 'calm myself' at a time like this!?

Ramza: You don't even know where she is! Your search would be in vain!

*Delita pulls Ramza by his collar*

Delita: In vain!? She's my sister!

Ramza: Dycedarg said... that he'd... never abandon Tietra... Don't... Ugh... I can't breathe...!

*Delita lets Ramza go*

Delita: I'm sorry, Ramza. Are you alright?

Ramza: Yeah, *cough* *cough*.

*Algus enters*

Algus: "Never" is a word I "never" believe in.

Ramza: You say my brother is lying?

Algus: Would that I were a general, I'd not let a commoner get in the way of the greater good.

Delita: What!?

Algus: I said I would let you commoners rot!

Delita: How dare you!

*Delita punches Algus*

Ramza: Delita, stop!

Delita: Unhand me, Ramza! Dammit! Let go!

Algus: Leave it to a commoner to think with his fists. Endeavor does not earn highborn blood, you dog! Got that, Delita? You

could never be one of us!

Delita: Go to hell!

Ramza: Enough! Both of you!

*Algus stands*

Algus: Ramza, open your eyes. He's not one of us. Us nobles cannot be seen tarrying about with his type.

Ramza: You lie! He's my good friend! We're as brothers!

Algus: My point exactly. Don't try to be friends with it. You are the son of Balbanes Beoulve, a lord among lords! Would that

I asked Dycedarg or Zalbag, I'm sure they'd agree.

*Delita pushes Ramza aside*

Delita: Not all nobles are like you! I trust Ramza!

*Delita leaves*

Ramza: Begone! I never wish to see you again!

Algus: Such harsh words! Aren't we friends, Ramza?

*Ramza steps forward*

Ramza: I'll not repeat myself! Begone!

*Algus begins to walk off, but stops*

Algus: I hear their base is at Fort Zeakden, to the north. The pass to the south is heavily guarded by the Brigade, so the

only way to get in unseen would be through the plateau, around to the east. Well, I suppose I should 'begone' by now. I pray

for your victory, my dear little highborn.

Ramza: Go!

*Algus leaves*

-Mandalia Plains-

Delita: It's beautiful, isn't it? Tietra's watching the same sunset somewhere, I'm sure.

Ramza: Delita, I'm sure Tietra's alright...

Delita: For a long time now, Ramza, I've felt out of place.

Ramza: Do Algus' words trouble you?

Delita: I suppose that some things just cannot be changed, no matter how hard one tries...

Ramza: Don't say that. If you endeavor it...

Delita: Would endeavor grant me an army!? Would that I could rescue Tietra with these hands of mine... but I cannot. I'm


Ramza: Delita...

*Delita picks up a reed*

Delita: Remember when Father taught us how to play music on a reed?

*Ramza and Delita play the reed whistle*

-Khamjan Connection (Mission 4)-

Ramza: This abandoned hospital is where the petitioner claims there are shadowy figures entering at night... but who could

they be?

Assassin: I hear a voice!

Brigand: The city guard, maybe?

Sniper: I saw a bill in the pub earlier looking to investigate this place!

Assassin: You think someone responded to it?

Sniper: The reward was pretty high.

Assassin: Dammit. Lord Barrington said this place was safe for us to use as a base...

Ramza: Barrington...? The weaponslord?

Assassin: There's that voice again. C'mon, let's see what's going on!

*battle ends*

Ramza: What does Barrington have to do with these suspicious people? A base? Whatever for...? I should report this to the

petitioner, and the city guard, for that matter. This place is dangerous.

*mission ends*

-Lenalia Plateau-

Miluda: My escape route blocked here as well... I suppose this is the end...

*Ramza and company enter*

Miluda: So you would pursue me here as well? I'm sorry comrades... I cannot avenge you.

Delita: Miluda! Tell me where Tietra is!

Miluda: That Beoulve Gragoroth took?

Delita: She's no more a Beoulve than you!

Miluda: And what about you? Will you return to us all that you've taken from us? We only ask for that. But no! You just

continue to keep on taking! You leave us no choice but to retaliate. Just surrender, nobles! We have no reason to return her!

Delita: I...

*Spirits teleport in*

Ramza: What's happening?

Spirit: Miluda. You have forsaken us. In even Paradise, our souls immemorially know pain. You shall share our pain.

Miluda: I... I cannot.

Spirit: Miluda Folles, you have long wished respite from your empty existence. You shall have it.

Ramza: The sprits of her fallen comrades must be feasting off of her despair... We must stop them!

Miluda: Again, I'll not have your mercy! Begone, spirits!

*Battle begins*

*Miluda's turn*

Miluda: I can't die until this revolution is over! I am Miluda Folles, General of the Corpse Brigade. I will not die here.

Not now!

Ramza: You speak of revolution, but is such a thing necessary? I'll speak to my brothers- no, to Duke Larg himself! I'll make

him see your plight!

Miluda: I tire of your lies, and most of all, your ignorance! You think you can make right in this world, but you can only

change what you can see! I see so much more than you do... I see children on the street, dying because they haven't been fed

in days. These spirits can see it, too. There is no freedom, even in death! Ramza, I vowed that so long as highborn blood

runs through your vains, that you are my enemy. I shall uphold that vow.

Ramza: Miluda...

*Miluda dies*

Miluda: Brother... forgive me...

*Miluda crystallizes*

Ramza: This could have been avoided...

Delita: Dammit, what have I done!? What have I become...?

-A Beastmaster's Will; Igros-

Gerard: This is my family's home. That is, when they're not in the fields turning chocobo dung.

Ramza: Do you wish to see them before we leave?

Gerard: Yeah. That'd be nice.

Ramza: I'll leave you to your privacy then.

Gerard: Thanks.

*Gerard enters his home*

Gerard's Father: So, you finally show your face around here, boy.

*Gerard's father turns to see Gerard enter*

Gerard: I'm sorry I had to leave on such short notice, father. But I've made a decision. I'm going to become an explorer.

Gerard's Father: Do you not care about this family's honor?

Gerard: In all honesty father, no, I don't. I want to live my life how I wish. I want to see the world!

*Gerard stands next to his father*

Gerard's Father: And what about your mother? Don't you care about her?

Gerard: Mother would want me to be happy. Don't you want me to be happy?

Gerard's Father: You can be happy taming chocobos.

Gerard: You just don't get it, father...

Gerard's Father: The one who doesn't get it is you, Gerard. Our family has spent centuries becoming famed chocobo ranchers.

To abandon centuries of work... for your own selfish desires!? How could you!?

Gerard: I am not a name. I am myself. And I can make my own decisions. Whether or not you agree with them is a different

matter altogether! Father, tell mother I love her. If you can't accept my choice, then you choose not to see me again.

*Gerard's father turns away from Gerard*

Gerard's Father: Fine, kid! See if I care! You bring shame upon your family!

Gerard: ...farewell.

*Gerard meets Ramza out on the street*

Ramza: How did it go?

Gerard: I see for myself now that I made the right decision. No life is worth living if you can't make a life for yourself.

Ramza: Gerard...

Gerard: C'mon, let's go.

-Windmill Shed-

Wiegraf: Why did you kidnap the girl?

Gragoroth: I needed a hostage to escape the manse.

Wiegraf: Then why did you not let her go afterwards? Unless... have you decided to betray us as well, Gragoroth?

Gragoroth: Do not put me with Gustav. Think, Wiegraf. We lost most of our men, and we're surrounded by Northern Sky knights.

This Beoulve is our trump card! With her, we can escape!

*Wiegraf and Gragoroth look at Tietra*

Wiegraf: What good is there in escape? Even should we escape now, our capture is inevitable. We must fight here so that our

kin needn't fight as we have had to! A small stone may make but a ripple at first, but one day, it will make a wave... even

if we must die here.

Gragoroth: So you would have us die.

Wiegraf: Not in vain. If we're bound to hell, drag as many highborn louts with you as possible!

Gragoroth: We'll die like dogs out there!

Wiegraf: There may yet be survivors at Zeakden. If you join them, you may yet have a chance to escape.

*A soldier comes in and tells Wiegraf about Miluda's death*

Wiegraf: No, Miluda...! Slain by Northern Sky hands... Miluda...

Corpse Scout: It'll just be a matter o' time 'til they get here, sir!

Wiegraf: Very well, retreat then. Gragoroth, you heard me. Make for Zeakden, and leave the girl here!

Corpse Lookout: The Northern Sky are within sight!

*Soldier rushes out*

Wiegraf: Already? Very well, I'll hold them here. Gragoroth, go now!

*Wiegraf exits*

Gragoroth: I refuse to die!

*Gragoroth looks at Tietra*

-Windmill Shed Battle-

Wiegraf: So it was you who killed my sister, Miluda.

Ramza: She was your sister!?

Wiegraf: You've given me no choice. In Miluda's name, I shall have vengeance!

Delita: Wait! Give Tietra back!

Wiegraf: Tietra? You mean the maiden that Gragoroth took hostage at Igros? That must mean that you are a Beoulve.

Ramza: Must everyone associated with my family be of it!?

Wiegraf: The girl was to be released regardless. But I shall exact my vengeance, first. Should you wish to see the girl

again, you need cross blades with me!

*battle begins*

Ramza: Lay down your blade, Wiegraf! You needn't cause any unnecessary bloodshed!

Wiegraf: You are a hypocrite. You slay my sister then lecture me of 'unnecessary bloodshed'.

Ramza: I had no intention of killing her! Can we not talk about this like men?

Wiegraf: Men fight not for themselves, but for their comrades! You still do not understand why we raise blades? What good

comes from talking? You claim to want the best for us, but would your brothers? I think not!

Ramza: My brothers do not wish to continue fighting!

Wiegraf: No spoony bard could spin a sweeter tale!

*Wiegraf goes to critical*

Wiegraf: I have underestimated you. I apologize, Miluda, but I cannot avenge you here.

Ramza: Wiegraf, wait!

Wiegraf: Think, Beoulve, of who had Gustav kidnap the Marquis. It was Dycedarg. Zalbag knew of the plot as well, most likely!

Ramza: No Beoulve would do such a thing!

Wiegraf: The two Lions yearn for the throne for when the King dies. The White Lion, Larg, and the Black Lion, Goltana. Both

seek to test their allies, to know who is truly loyal. But it's hard to decipher true loyalty these days. Thus, it's in their

best interest to kill them all and bring in who you know you can trust. Gustav was weak. He was lured in by Dycedarg's silver

tongue... and golden Gil.

Ramza: You lie!

Wiegraf: Then open your eyes, and see for yourself. Farewell.

*Wiegraf rides away on Boco*

Ramza: Come back!

*In the windmill after battle*

Delita: Tietra? Tietra, where are you!?

Delita: Damn! Wiegraf lied!

Ramza: Delita, we must continue onto Zeakden. I'm sure Tietra is there.

*Delita begins to cry*

Ramza: Delita...

-Sands of Time (Mission 5)-

Ramza: The petitioner said the Gold Hourglass is somewhere within these ruins... but where could it be?

*An Apanda teleports in with Stop's animation*

Apanda: You seek what you cannot have. Turn back.

Ramza: What are you!?

Apanda: I am the guardian of these ruins. In ages long past, this was once an island in the sky, held afloat by an ore known

as Skystone. Within was a temple worshipping the divinity of time. The Hourglass you seek is that temple's most sacred relic.

I cannot allow you to have that.

Ramza: But the petitioner needs it to free his friend from a curse!

Apanda: Should you seek to stay, I am within my orders to send you to oblivion.

Ramza: I'm sorry... I know you seek to protect this place, but I must have that hourglass!

*Battle begins*

*Apanda reaches 50% HP*

Apanda: I have seen the destruction and rebirth of this world by hume hands. As they destroy, they can also rebuild. Do you

seek to destroy, or do you seek to create?

Ramza: I can only be myself. No more and no less.

Apanda: A wise answer. But wisdom from a dead man is wisdom wasted.

*Apanda dies*

Apanda: The Golden Hourglass... is I.

Ramza: What!?

Apanda: The oracles of the temple knew of Ivalice's imminent destruction. To protect me, the Hourglass, they transformed me

into this being. That I may defend the temple even after its destruction. By destroying me, you have destroyed what you have

come to seek. Farewell, brigand.

*The Apanda disappears*

Ramza: Brigand...? I merely wished to help someone in need... I suppose I should report this to the petitioner...

*mission ends*
Who said anything about there being a Tiamat generic anymore? :P

FFTA: Thus far, just do what I've posted. I'll post more as the day goes on.
Actually, there is something you can do if you wouldn't mind it. Just insert the new script that I've already posted for Chapter 1. That way, Pride and I can continue working on the new events.
Yes, but I'm sure he can use help. I'm writing up the scripts, picking out the music, and doing the ENTDs for the battles, while he's inserting them in-game. I know you want to help do some event editing, so feel free to ask Pride if he needs any help. ^_^
Thanks to Pride's wonderful event editing skills, Newtype can now have Missions by reading certain rumors. Some Missions will be a story arc taking place over various chapters, while others are a good opportunity to steal and win decent items and Gil. Also, in case you've not figured it out, Newtype will be split into two patches. This means a crapload of new battles and story events! Listed below is a flowchart of all the new events and battles taking place in Chapter 1.

Orbonne Monastery Events (Same as Vanilla, with new script- see topic.)
Gariland Magic City Events (same as Vanilla, with new script- see topic.)
Balbanes' Death Flashback (same as Vanilla, with new script- see topic.)
Mandalia Plains (Must save Algus, but elsewise same as Vanilla)
Igros Castle (Same as Vanilla, with new script- see topic.)
Scholarly Skirmish Mission Unlocks (Mission at Gariland against various mages as practice for them.)
Sweegy Woods (See new script in topic with Gerard.)
Dorter Trade City (Same as Vanilla, with new script- see topic.)
Of Breeding and Brigandry Mission Unlocks (Mission at Sweegy Woods where the party must stop thieves who are breeding monsters.)
Sand Rat's Cellar (See ENTD in topic.)
Algus v. Wiegraf 1-on-1 (Algus rushes in before Ramza and party and tries to stop Wiegraf, objective is to defeat Wiegraf.)
Normal Sand Rat Cellar Event (Algus evades an attack from Wiegraf, and Ramza/Delita enter, tell Algus to stay back, normal Vanilla event continues.)
Gariland Magic City Church (Elmdore wishes to pray, and is encountered by a mysterious man, Kletian, who offers him a

trinket- Gemini.)
Igros Castle (Same as Vanilla)
Withering Earth Mission Unlocks (Battle vs. Lich in Zeklaus Desert- needed to unlock the battle vs. Marilith)
Thieves' Fort (Same as Vanilla)
Igros Defense (Zalbag and Dycedarg team up to rout the Corpse Brigade from the castle; battle ends with more brigands
entering and Dycedarg telling Zalbag he'll fend them off, just to rescue Alma [specifically do not mention Tietra].)
Tietra's Kidnapping (Same as Vanilla)
Wounded Dycedarg/Algus Leaving (Same as Vanilla)
Khamjan Connection Mission Unlocks (Battle against Brigands/Assassins/Snipers at Dorter, using Dorter Hospital's Map)
Lenalia Plateau (See ENTD in topic.)
A Beastmaster's Will (Scene unlocked at Igros where Gerard confronts his father about wanting to be an explorer. Requires Gerard.)
Windmill Shed (Same as Vanilla)
Sands of Time Mission Unlocks (Ramza is hired to look for a Golden Hourglass supposedly found within ruins in Zeklaus Desert,
and finds a demon that controls time. Uses Bed Desert's map.)
Fort Zeakden (Same as Vanilla/Last version of Newtype; see ENTD.)
Igros Pass (Zalbag and the Northern Sky Knights must fend off Wiegraf and the remaining Corpse Brigade. Battle ends once
Wiegraf is taken to Critical, and if possible, you hear Zeakden exploding in the background.)
Zeakden's Explosion/Delita's Sorrow (Same as Vanilla)
Ramza Fleeing (Same as Vanilla)
Confrontation at Igros (Go to Igros where you confront Zalbag about Tietra's death.)
Alma's Farewell (Directly after, Alma bids farewell to Ramza as he leaves the life of a highborn behind.)
Pub Crawling (Directly after Alma's Farewell, Ramza meets Gafgarion and Rad, who recruit Ramza, who can no longer bear to use his Beoulve name.)
Chapter 1 End
We were talking about this on IRC, but a note that if the patch is split into two, we'd most likely need a way for people to know to save right after Queklain, before Chapter 3. Voldemort said that it would look unprofessional to have a message telling people to "switch to Patch 2" or whatever, whereas Hana is for it. Thoughts?

Also, if the patch is split into two, feel free to give ideas on events/battles you might want to see.
FFT: Parted Ways / FFT Newtype Questionaire- Vote or Die!
November 03, 2010, 10:28:24 pm
OK, folks, I have 7 questions that need answering preferably before I continue working on Newtype. Some of these are pretty important, others not so much. I'll list the pros and cons of each choice, just to give you an idea of what we're working with. Thus, since this patch is just as much yours as it is mine, I think it's fair to give you all a chance to decide on what happens in it.

1) Split the patch into two? (One patch for Chapter One/Two, another for Chapter Three/Four)

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Pros: By splitting the patch into two, it would give Pride and I a ton of room for new events and battles. Some concepts of events and battles we've come up for thus far are a battle at Igros where you fend off the Corpse Brigade as Dycedarg and Zalbag (before Tietra is kidnapped), a secret ending, and possibly Delita-specific battles. Also, I -think- this will give us more room for sprites, although I can't be certain.

Cons: Splitting the patch into two will require more effort on the part of the player when it comes to patching. Basically, after the War of the Lions scene after Queklain, you'd have to make a hard save, open the second ISO with Patch 2, and load from there. Although it probably won't be that difficult to figure out for us here at FFH, people who are new to patches might be confused after Queklain.

2) Keep increased item costs?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Pros: Higher item costs will make the player have to wisely choose which items they want, rather than just automatically going for an upgrade. This means that at one shop, the player may have to choose to upgrade weapons, and at the next one, they might need to purchase new armor, but not be able to afford weapons. This adds a bit of strategy when it comes to conserving Gil, especially on common sundries such as Potions and Phoenix Downs (which are going to be set at 1,000 Gil, rather than 2,000 as it was previously.)

Cons: By having increased item costs, the player might need to grind more and grinding really isn't much fun at all and I'd like to avoid that. Further, lower item costs takes away some of the aforementioned strategy with conserving Gil.

3) Do as FFT Arena did and try and make each item useful throughout the game?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Pros: Having a variety of items at your disposal gives the player more choice for builds for their character. Thus, by giving most items unique effects, it opens a variety of potentially interesting and varied builds to use throughout the game.

Cons: This might seem like a no-brainer question, but the problem comes with a lack of Item Attribute slots to give items, well, effects. This would mean that many weapons would just have differentiated elements/WP/EVD and really wouldn't be all that interesting.

4) Welcome Luso and/or Cloud to your party?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Pros: More characters, opportunity for a more varied party.

Cons: Takes up both skill and sprite slots that could otherwise be used elsewhere for something totally new.

5) Innate Weapon Guard (Parry) on all?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Pros: Innate: Weapon Guard is a pretty popular ASM to put into patches, and it seems to make players use higher Evasion weapons more than if it was not innate.

Cons: Makes Alicia and Lavian's Fencer jobs less unique (as they'll have Innate: Weapon Guard).

6) Use the Defend decreasing damage ASM?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Pros: Makes Defend a viable command over Wait in some instances in which a unit would not be able to/want to act, and makes Defend a viable choice in some builds that a player might want to use.

Cons: To my knowledge, the Defend ASM can cause the game to crash on certain emulators and on a PS/PS2/PS3. Therefore, if the ASM is used, people playing it on those might encounter problems.

7) Enemy Level Scaling: Yay or Nay?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Pros: With enemy levels scaling, it adds a challenge to battles and prevents the player from just being able to grind their way to victory.

Cons: If enemy levels scale too much, players might have -too much- of a problem defeating enemies. Therefore, it can take the enjoyment out of playing the game if you accidentally overlevel. Newtype isn't meant to be nearly as difficult as 1.3, but it's also not meant to be as easy as Vanilla.

Thanks for doing your civic duty and voting. ^_^
Only if the first thing you say to people is, "Welcome to Valhalla!"
To add to Pride's wonderful showcase, Malak will also say stuff and teleport out upon death. Thanks again to Pride for this wonderul battle. ^_^
Script Update: Mandalia/Igros/Sweegy/Dorter

-Mandalia Plains-

Highwayman: The boy still breathes! What'll we do with him, boss?

Algus: You'll let me go, that's what you'll do you foul milksops!

Brigand Leader: This one has a loose tongue. I say we cut it off, boys. Not that this one

matters. We already got ourselves the Marquis!

Highwayman: Y'hear, kid? Your charge is in our hands. Milksops we may be, but we're not the

ones who went and got ourselves kidnapped!

Algus: Just you wait... one day you lot will all be rotting in your graves!

Brigand Leader: That day is long in the coming! Go ahead, kill him!

*Ramza arrives*

Brigand Leader: Dammit! The Northern Sky louts are here! Ready yourselves, boys!

Delita: The Corpse Brigade is attacking someone?

Ramza: We have to save that man!

*Algus' turn*

Algus: Reinforcements? Looks like you guys will be meeting your graves sooner than you

thought, eh?


Ramza: You seem unscathed. Are you alright?

Algus: I may be unscathed, but the Marquis isn't.

Ramza: Marquis? Do you mean... Marquis Elmdore?

Algus: The very same. Who might you be?

Ramza: We're cadets out of the Academy in Gariland. Tell us what happened. I think we may be

able to help.

*battle ends*


Ramza: He still draws breath. Delita, hand me a spare Phoenix Down.

*battle ends*

Algus: My name is Algus Thadalfus of the Limberry Aegis.

Delita: That means... you're a Knight?

Algus: Not really a Knight... more of a cadet, like you all.

Ramza: I am Ramza Beoulve. This is Delita Heiral, my close friend.

*Algus looks at Ramza*

Algus: House Beoulve of the Northern Sky!? Such luck!

Ramza: Eh?

Algus: I beg of you, please help me save the Marquis!

Delita: What are you talking about?

Algus: I think the Marquis might still be alive. Those Corpse Brigade dolts kidnapped him,

and if we don't act fast, they'll kill him! I could never live it down should he be killed!

Please... I'm begging you! Help me, please...

Delita: Calm yourself. We don't know for certain if they'll kill him. For all we know,

they're holding him for ransom.

Ramza: Regardless, there is little that we can do alone. You should report this to my

brother, Dycedarg. He'll gather the troops up at Igros and will launch a search party.

Delita: Ramza's right. We should head back to Igros.

Algus: ...if you insist...

-Igros Castle-

Dycedarg: I heard of your victory against the rogues within Gariland. The headmaster sends

word of his pride for you and Delita. You bring honor to the Beoulve name.

Ramza: ...Thank you, brother...

Dycedarg: I would think that you would be happy, having won your very first true bouts.

Ramza: Oh, yes, I'm very happy. I thank you for the kind words, but... Brother, you have

heard of Elmdore's caravan being besieged by the Corpse Brigade, yes?

Dycedarg: Indeed I have. A tragedy, that.

Ramza: What would you have us do to help?

Dycedarg: You? Nothing. Zalbag has already assembled a search party. Given the

circumstances, they may demand ransom. That is, if he still lives.

*Algus stands and bows*

Algus: If it pleases you, sir, lend me a hundred soldiers that I may lead an assault against

these peasant-knaves!

Dycedarg: You overreach yourself.

Algus: Please, sir, let me avenge the deaths of my clansmen!

Dycedarg: Perhaps you didn't hear me. The matter is being dealt with as we speak by

experienced troops. With all due respect, Limberry is your domain, not Gallionne.

Algus: But sir...

Dycedarg: Consider the state of things. We've barely enough troops to defend our borders,

much less "lend" out to a cadet, inexperienced in the matters of strategy and war.

Algus: Ugh...

*Algus sits*

Dycedarg: Your mission is to guard Igros' flank. This ought to be an easy assignment for you

all. It's highly unlikely that any danger will reach this far into our domain.

-Igros Courtyard-

Algus: ...My family was once as revered as you Beoulves. But during the war, my grandfather

was captured. Coward that he was, he sold his allies out to the Ordalians to save his own

skin. As he left the enemy fortress, his surviving comrades struck him down. One of my

grandfather's few remaining friends spread the word of his death, and from that day forth my

family was cursed by a legacy of disloyalty. My father refused to believe a word of it, but

everyone else did, and from there we were forced to live as mere commoners. A shade of what

glory we once had.

*Algus throws a rock into the pond*

Algus: What does Dycedarg know of rank? Merit or no, he would never have met with me had it

not been for you all...

Young Girl's Voice: Delita!

Delita: Tietra!

Ramza: Alma! Zalbag!

*Teta, Zalbag, and Alma go to Ramza*

Alma: Brother, you came back!

Ramza: I promised I would, did I not? Brother, it has been too long.

Zalbag: Dycedarg tells me of your exploits in Gariland. Father would have been pleased.

Ramza: ...Thank you.

Zalbag: The Academy has made you dislike flattery no less, has it? Delita, you've grown

since last we met. Dycedarg tells me that you also cut down many brigands in Gariland as

well. Tietra heard as well, if you'd not know it from the smile upon her face.

Tietra: Delita, I'm glad you returned unharmed!

Delita: I'm glad to see you again, sister. I trust your schooling is going well?

Tietra: Yes, brother. Everyone is so kind to me...

Zalbag: Would that we could speak more, but brigands do not shackle themselves. If you'll

excuse me...

Ramza: I pray for your victory.

*Zalbag turns around, but stops*

Zalbag: Algus, Dycedarg wanted me to inform you that the Corpse Brigade demanded ransom for

the Marquis.

Algus: What!? Those swine!

Zalbag: Yet, I cannot understand it. The Corpse Brigade claim to only want equality, yet

they only harm their cause further by harming nobility. An organization with such strong

"ideals" would not simply kidnap the Marquis for Gil, I would think.

Algus: Ideals? They're nothing more than lowborn rats, I say!

Zalbag: The spy we sent into the Corpse Brigade has yet to return. He's most likely dead by

now, but the other generals see no reason to search for him.

Ramza: Where did you last hear from the spy?

Zalbag: The crossroad trade city of Dorter, east of the Gallionne border. When I was your

age, I always thought guarding a castle was such monotonous work. I daresay it'd not do any

harm to vanish for a few days. ...Wouldn't you agree?

*Zalbag leaves*

Delita: Tietra, I'm sorry, but we have to leave again...

Tietra: You needn't apologize. Please, just come home unharmed.

*Delita hugs Tietra*

Delita: Don't worry about me. I'll come back safe, so be a good girl, alright? Ready, Algus?

Let's go.

*Ramza tries to leave, but Alma interrupts him*

Alma: Tietra means well by it, but she's not telling the truth...

Ramza: Is something the matter?

Alma: Tietra is mocked at the Academy because she's lowborn... I do my best to quell others

from mocking her, but it's just not enough...

Ramza: Alma...

Alma: Sorry, brother, I shouldn't have caused you grief. Tietra will be alright, since I'll

be at her side always. Trust me, brother.

Ramza: It's not you I worry about, sister. But please, you mustn't overexert yourself.

Alma: Says the man who does anything and everything that's expected of him, haha!

Ramza: You become our mother in both looks and wit each day, Alma. Hahaha!

*Ramza leaves*

Alma: Brother, please be safe...

-Sweegy Woods-

Gerard: Come back, Chocobos! I, I even have some Gysahl Greens for you!

Black Chocobo: Kweh!

Algus: Look at that man quivering before chocobos! Let's leave.

Gerard: Hey, you!

Ramza: Us?

Gerard: Yeah, you guys! Can you spare a moment and help me wrangle these chocobos so I can

take 'em back to the Menagerie?

Algus: I think not, commoner. We have more pressing matters than cleaning up chocobo dung.

Delita: I think we should help him, Ramza. It'll only take a second.

Algus: What!? You'd forsake resucing the Marquis to collect chocobos!?

Delita: We helped you, did we not? I think you ought to return the favor by helping this


Gerard: Oh thank heavens! Now listen, these Chocobos are feral, and they'll attack if you

get too close. Either let me tame 'em or you can put them to rest, it's up to you!

Ramza: Very well then. Let's go!

Algus: If we must...

*battle ends*

Gerard: Thanks for the help, guys. I suppose I should introduce myself. Name's Gerard


Ramza: Of the Merlose family of breeders?

Gerard: The very same. Unfortunately, breeding isn't quite my thing these days...

Ramza: Why not?

Gerard: I yearn for adventure! To visit the many unknown places in the world! ...it's far

preferable to chocobreeding.

Ramza: Then why not come along with us? I'm sure you'll get your fair share of adventure


Gerard: Yes, that's quite the idea! I'm a grown man and I'll take the road I want! Goodbye

chocobos, I'm going on an adventure!

Algus: What a strange man...

-Dorter Slums-

Corpse Swordsman: I said I don't know! Put that blade away, and we can talk!

Caped Man: Talk? I'll have no more of your lies. I know all about Elmdore's kidnapping. Tell me where Gustav is, and I'll spare you.

Corpse Swordsman: I... I don't know, sir...

Caped Man: Spare your "sir"s! Where are you hiding the Marquis!? Answer me!

*Wiegraf drives the swordsman into a puddle*

Caped Man: I'll not waste my time further. Speak, or be slain.

Corpse Swordsman: The... the desert! Please, spare me!

Caped Man: The Sand Rat's Cellar, then... Out of my sight. Now.

*Ramza enters*

Ramza: Hold!

*Wiegraf turns around*

Caped Man: Hmph. The Northern Sky come to play.

*Wiegraf flees*

Algus: Looks like the trip was worth it afterall.

Delita: I know I've seen that man somewhere...

Ramza: Delita, do you know him?

Delita: I... I think I remember now. I saw him at Igros, at the end of the Fifty Year War.

*More Corpse Brigade members show up*

Delita: I remember his name now! It's Wiegraf! Wiegraf Folles! He was the leader of a volunteer army, then known as the Reaper's Regiment.

Algus: The Reaper's Regiment...? Wait, that means he's the-

Delita: Yes, Algus. Wiegraf is the leader of the Corpse Brigade.

*After the battle, in an empty room*

Algus: Tell me where Marquis Elmdore is being held! Now! That is... if you value your life.

*Man is silent*

Algus: I know that your leader was just here. Tell us where he went!

*Man is still silent*

Algus: You pig of a bastard! Say something before I cut your damn eyes out!

*Algus kicks him and grabs his hair*

Ramza: Enough, Algus! You needn't go any farther!

Algus: Ugh, fine.

*Algus lets go*

Algus: Hopefully you can listen better than you can speak. So listen well. Shortly, the Order of the Northern Sky will arrive. And unlike us, they will have no mercy on you or your clansmen. Each and every one of you will be slaughtered, as is befitting of brigands. Ah, but you're a lucky one! Tell us where Wiegraf is and we'll be sure to spare your life. Got that?

Corpse Swordsman: I spit on your "mercy"! And guess what? I don't know a damn thing!

*Algus kicks him in the face*

Algus: That's no way to talk to a noble!

Corpse Swordsman: You think we're just thieves? That we have no ideals?

Algus: Huh!?

Corpse Swordsman: You nobles are all the same. We were only human when we were fighting to protect you lot in the war. We risked our lives that you could keep your comfortable abodes out of tyrant hands. And now, you act as the tyrants we drove off! What the hell's so different about us? When we are cut, do we not bleed? Do we not need food and shelter as you do? What the hell does rank matter? We're all human!

Algus: Humans don't kidnap people- monsters do! Don't act so chivalrous, like you're trying to make things better for people!

Corpse Swordsman: ...Kidnapping Marquis Elmdore was not Sir Folles' plan.

Algus: What!?

Corpse Swordsman: We would never kidnap a noble just for the Gil.

Ramza: Then who was behind the plot?

Corpse Swordsman: You'll not get a word out of me, boy.

Algus: Then you'll not get any mercy out of us. Talk!

Corpse Swordsman: ...Gustav.

Algus: Gustav? Who is he supposed to be?

Delita: I think he means Gustav Margriff, the lieutenant of the Corpse Brigade.

Algus: So it was you lot afterall!

Corpse Swordsman: We're different from him. We take pride in that we fight for equality. Gustav no longer shares that ideal!

*Algus kicks the man*

Algus: You're PROUD of what you do? You bastards!

Ramza: Algus, again, enough!

Algus: So where is this Gustav person?

Corpse Swordsman: ...he and the other rats who share his ideals are hiding beneath the village ruins, in the Sand Rat's Cellar. Fitting for rats such as he...

Algus: Sand rats!?

Delita: Algus isn't from these parts, so he may not know of them, but the pests known as Sand Rats only dwell within Zeklaus Desert, to the north.

Algus: Disgusting...

Ramza: The village is long destroyed, making for a perfect hideout.

Delita: That must be where they stowed the Marquis.

Ramza: ...Wiegraf may be headed there. We must get there before him!

Delita: Yes, we should get going.

Algus: A Sand Rat's... cellar?

Ramza: A "cellar" is where Sand Rats mate and where they keep their eggs.

Algus: Ugh, the Marquis had better be there...

*The party leaves*