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Messages - EmmaNigma


Turns 1-4: Hack away at the beast.
Confronted with a magical elemental, which is basically a naturally occurring wizard, and seeing Rhyhorn has distracted it, Hogarth's temper boils over and activates her Rage (Action1). "BY THE HOARY FROST OF N'LGGN!" she howls, dashing straight toward the elemental, leaping, and drawing her axe in seemingly one smooth, deft movement (Action2). She brings her axe down on the living flame (Action3), and upon landing, swing her axe around for another slice at the foul creature (Action4).

1)Activate Rage
4)Attack again
Having finished her apples while walking around, and had someone lead her to the Mages's guild because she is, in her words, "Too distracted eating apples and definitely nothing else" to find it on her own, or even with directions, she finds a nice bale of hay to sit on. Without regard to who is watching, or who it might offend, she starts tearing off bits of the apple cores and hucks them at the door of the guild. Passerbys glare at her, but say nothing because you really don't say anything to an over 6ft tall barbarian wearing a WOLF and has a bloodstained axe.
After being directed to the Marketplace, Hogarth does indeed come across a fruit stand. She notices that there's a small bin for the rotten or mealy fruits. "Hail and honor, shopkeep! I require apples. I need them for reasons." She just stares right at the shopkeep, not moving or saying anything else.

The shopkeep eyes her wearily, and silently hands her 6 apples. "20 copper, please." Hogarth produces a few coins and puts them on the table, snatches the apples, and giggles madly to herself, darting her eyes back and forth to herself while holding the apples close, making sure no one is noticing her (despite this making her stick out like a sore thumb). She helps herself to some of mealy apples in the trash, putting them in her sack, to which the shopkeep seems passively annoyed, as if he were counting down the minutes to when he could go home.
((Double that order. Definitely need a Gather Info check to find this damned Marketplace))
Meanwhile, Hogarth is furious. There is not one easy way to tell where the Marketplace is! Everytime she asks someone, they point to these wooden things with paint on them. Or they just hold their hand over their mouth and nose, turn away, and cough a lot. She punches one of the signs, splintering it and leaving it half hanging off the other half. Feeling better and more confident, she walks around aimlessly, hoping that Goddarth, the God of Luck, will allow her to find the Marketplace before more humiliation.
Hogarth has always hated temple districts in major hubs. In her decades of travel, she has never found one that has recognized her barbarian gods. Not the revered God of Blood Domogn, the respected Goddess of Pillage Esaliya, not even the much-jeered at "god" of the harvest Sven. She avoids the area out of pure spite. "I will catch up with you later, friends! Friend firebug, make sure to stop by the place to do the thing. I have important business I have to see to." She actually has no such business. She heads to the Marketplace, looking for a fruit vendor for apples, so that she may throw the apple cores at the Mages' Guild.
((Leave. I can't see Hogarth getting to chop any more things into tiny cubes anytime during this scene.))
Taking this as an opportunity to push Rhyhorn and his cart into the zone of safety, fearing for whatever thoughts barbarians identify with "reason" that self-aware stone rhinos are illegal, Hogarth waits outside the check point for Lejun's word, and to see the fate of the bard whose song made her so keenly mash up the remains of that one orc.
Hogarth thumps just above her breasts, causing a deep resonating bump. "I am Hogarth! I hire myself out for protection, and to hunt for a fee. I intend to protect my gnome friend here until Tevinar, then find the nearest tavern and inn for meal and rest. After that, I shall journey for parts unknown even to me!" She chortles at this last bit, because, for all the guard knows, it's true, plus it actually is. "Please forgive my prostitute companion's back talk, brave guard, for she is of low birth!"

Hogarth then puts one foot up on Rhyhorn, leans forward, and jerks her thumb at the rocky beast. "And this is my pet rock! I have named him Rhyhorn. I was drinking rye when I had found him, and he has a horn. He hauls around stuff I was given by my tribe. He is quite harmless, and most certainly mute!"
"Bored... BORED! That's IT!" shouts Hogarth, looking as if she's had a wonderful idea. She grabs her grappling hook and tries using a sharp end to bore through the wall. "This ought to.. WHITTLE away the time!" She pulls out a tankard and puts a little bit of standing oil in it, gathering the dust in the oily tankard.
Utterly bored, and not wanting to fight stupid cowards who use magic from the balcony, Hogarth idly peels off bits of dried orc blood caked on her skin. She decides to listen and look in the crowd for any bit of information/persons being shady, hoping to maybe get some wagers going in the caravan to see who gets taken into The Room next.

[spot and listen check for unsavory, nervous looking characters]
Hogarth contemplates how far she can throw an orc.
Hogarth, upon realizing she wasn't going to eat a bird that was on fire, spaces out through the rest of the fey's speech. Her glazed stare penetrates dimensions and realities until hearing about fine wine, when Hogarth snaps back to this reality.

Hogarth strides forward and reclaims her greataxe from Rhyhorn. "Ah, a truer friend I've never had! And thanks to you, Rhyhorn, for your might and power in today's battle!" She guffaws as she kicks the orc guts over the bubbling, acidic remains of the hobgoblin, using the guts as a stepping stone to retrieve her throwing axe. "The fools didn't even have a chance to run away in fear! Did you SEE that head? BOOOOOSH" She grabs a few stones from the ground and offers them to Ryhorn. "Tell me, firebug, about this flamed bird! I've never had a meal on fire before." Her eyes shine like a shark's. No attempt is made to wipe any of the orc blood away from anything but the axe, and even then, only the blade. The hilt remains stained.

Hefting the coin bag onto Ryhorn's cart, she takes out 10 SP and puts it in Ryhorn's money chest. "I figure the orcs can cover the bother of having you haul away all their blasted coins!" She walks over to Seap, and rests a heavy hand on his shoulder. "You may be small and cowardly, but your song is enough to make me like ya!" She laughs mightily, and slaps Seap on the back a bit too hard for the lad to take. Nodding to Xu and Elia, the only way a fellow warrior can properly recognize others of her talent, Hogarth stomps toward Lejun, and flashes a wide, toothy grin, speckled with orc blood. "We should be safe, for now. I look forward to any other detours!"

Placing the axe back in its holster on her back, and slipping the recovered throwing axe on its well-worn spot on her belt, she takes her place at the caravan, utterly content with the thrill of battle.
Hogarth, getting into the full swing of battle and infused with the power of the blood of an enemy,no longer speaks and just screams incoherently. She rushes in on Orc 2 (Action 1), swings her axe in a wide circle (action 2), and uses the momentum to hurl it at Orc 6 (Action 3). She flings her throwing axe at the Hobgoblin, hoping to catch him off guard while it is dealing with Ryhorn (Action 4).
"BLOOD AND THUNDER, COMRADES" howls Hogarth, running towards Orc 5 (Bonus Action 1) and unsheathing her axe (Bonus Action 2). Upon arrival, she leaps and cleaves the orc (Action 1). She hacks at the orc again for good measure (Action 2). She hurls a throwing axe at Orc 3 (Action 3) and another at Orc 1 (Action 4).
"A sorcerer, you say... and bring me ale! Then I welcome you, friend bug! Let us drink away our anger!" Hogarth greedily laps up the ale, and leans in close to Yvonne so she is nearly touching her with her own eye, as big as the fey's head. "But if you ever turn out to be a wizard in disguise, by the hoary beard of Yggral, I will flow that magic out of your veins."
"MAGIC?!" Hogarth roars, whipping out two of throwing axes and howling at the roof. "No one said anything about working with a cowardly, tricksy, impossible WIZARD she snarls, readying herself against a whole slew of imagined spells and light shows.
With deft movements, Hogarth scoops the fey into her tankard, clamps her hand over the hole, and quickly slams it, mouth down, on the table. "Don't like the bug bother you, friend Rhyhorn. I, Hogarth, scourge of Carpathia, conqueror of the frozen north, destroyer of small, helpless things understand your pain! She is small and weak, but with big brain! She TAUNTS those made of sterner stuff, like you! You and I, we are the same." She drops her hand heavily on the stone creature's head and cracks her knuckles on it.