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Messages - Mari

PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Least Favourite Jobs?
March 01, 2010, 09:47:16 pm
Chemist for me.

Decent for some of the first chapter, MAYBE the whole first chapter.
Too many things too much better.
The Lounge / Re: Question about a song in a commercial
February 28, 2010, 10:13:56 pm
I don't think it has a title and I dunno if you ever found it but the video uploader says

Music Company: HUM
Composer: Keith Horn
Creative Director: Alex Kemp
Meh, I use my browser a lot and it's IE. Doesn't ever crash for me and it's not slow.
I dunno about the features part because I have no use for them, though!
Personally, I don't see any use for another browser. (Except reason below.)

Only reason I even have mozilla firefox on my computer is because it has it's own seperate history, so I can look at my porn on that one and not have to worry about nosey friends!

Guess I'm not much help, unless you take my advice and use porn on a seperate browser.
The Lounge / Re: Favorite Final Fantasy
February 28, 2010, 02:42:09 pm
Quote from: "Bastard Poetry"It's amazing how many people fail to notice the first post.

He clearly stated that this is for the numerical FFs only.

It is ASSUMED that FFT is everyone's number 1, regardless of whether anyone states otherwise.


I don't want to sound like a total creep or anything, but I totally want to abduct, rape and murder all of you now.
FFT Arena / Re: Specific color palettes
February 27, 2010, 04:22:50 pm
I see the yellow problem in the knight too! But it's not the yellow in that sprite, it's the blue in it that seems strange to me. =P
But yes, very good stuff!

(I don't see some of those ninjas blending in very well in most places.)
The Lounge / Re: Favorite Final Fantasy
February 27, 2010, 03:26:54 pm
Why can't I pick Tactics? =[
The Lounge / Re: Dissidia Final Fantasy
February 25, 2010, 09:35:08 pm
I have Kai but my psp is bludgeo'd for hammer. =[
Spam / Re: Holy crap! I won!
February 25, 2010, 09:17:06 pm
Well congrats! I don't know much about Mega Man, though.
FFT Arena / Re: Specific colored palettes
February 25, 2010, 01:34:16 pm
Nice tries, wicked1one11!!
I really like the Black and Pink ones, but the others seem just too bright. And the white one's skin colour isn't a skin colour is a bit strange! =P
Practice makes perfect, though!

And mav, yours are going quite well too!
They're easy to tell apart for me.
Great job and hope to see some more.

Edit: I'll try testing them out over the weekend. Not much free time until then, except today and today has already been planned for.
The Lounge / Re: Music Thread
February 24, 2010, 04:39:21 am
I'll just put my few favourite artists in no particular order!

Tech N9ne
Alice in Chains
Jimi Hendrix
South Park Mexican
System of a Down
Pink Floyd

And some not so favourites that I listen to. No order again.

Lots of people from OCRemix
Devin the Dude
Johann S. Bach
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Dr. Panic

There are TONS of other things I don't mind listening to.
There isn't a lot of music I dislike.
Archives / Re: One big push left.
February 24, 2010, 01:32:48 am
Accessory descriptions complete.
Will make edits if necessary.

Still waiting on PMs from people. =[

Let me know what you need next, Koko. I'm sure they're telling you what they're working on, at least.

Edit: I'll take on Robes next, and if I don't have too much trouble with those I'll do Cloths afterwards.
Class now, but after my classes today I won't have school until friday, so I may have a bit more free time than usual.
Archives / Re: One big push left.
February 23, 2010, 05:39:22 pm
Silvas, make an AIM account and use the aim express. You don't have to download anything, it opens in your browser.

The title screen concept is very nice, Mike!

And Kourama, you should do the same as I suggested to Silvas, if you don't have an AIM!
It'd kinda be strange to see the item's descriptions in lots of different styles, that's what I wanted to communicate about.
Archives / Re: One big push left.
February 22, 2010, 02:39:31 pm
Silvas, PM me a messenger name (aim, msn, etc) if you have any, if you're doing descriptions.
EDIT: Anyone else doing/that-will-do descriptions also PM me messengers!

I'm currently finishing up descriptions for accessories.

Koko, another thing in the video. At about 1:08 it says "A uncommon child" This should be An rather than A
It's An if the next word starts with a vowel and A if the next word starts with a consonant.
It wasn't very hard at all. :S D killed the zombie that spawns next to me and I killed the next closest one with the starting turns. And then we just shot the vampire when he was in range and the zombies when he wasn't.

Give some vertical range to blood suck and I might've lost! (Remember, it has 0. :S)

Ps. I still like my attack button to be my top thing, whether I am using it the most, the least, or not at all!
It's just what's comfortable and how I learned the game. Even when I was thinking about not doing it I still ended up doing it. @.@

Edit: By the way, I'm not sure how easy it would be to fix this, or if you even see it as a problem.. But the re-raise is effecting the AI in, what I see as, a negative way.
The Vampire was the last left alive and he was in range of killing both me and D, but since he was in critical he ran away. He didn't go into berserker mode they usually go into when they're the last one alive because of the units having re-raise.
Just thought I'd bring it to your attention, if you didn't already know it.
Very nice idea! Just playing the first battle already has me plenty interested~! If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to let me know.
I'm a zombie obsessed person so.. Yeah! I'm sure I'll be following this ship for as long as it sails.

There was just one thing that bothered me, though.
How come Equipment is above Shoot?! I think I must've hit equipment almost every turn I had. @.@
Otherwise, looking good so far!
The Lounge / Re: I want to do this with FFT one day
January 08, 2010, 05:05:51 am
Yeah, I don't think I'd ever be able to make something like that!

I did make one of the normal levels automatic, though! I made the Yoshi's Island 2 automatic and the only things I changed were.. I made the level slippery and I made how Mario enters the level walking out of a pipe. The rest is all done with note blocks. It was fun making it!

I want to show you guys here but sadly I can't find a screen recording program that isn't a piece of crap. =(
The Lounge / Re: An Overview of the Scene, Please
January 05, 2010, 03:34:22 pm
I am new here too, but I think I heard some people mention some things they haven't figured out how to do yet.. I'm just not sure I remember what those are.
But as for the the other stuff! It's all on the main page - Tools are under Misc on downloads section and the Patches are under patches on download section..
There are lots of topic on how to get everything to work in the General Hacking, Hacking/Patching Tools and Help sections in this forum! (also the tutorial section on the main page)

Welcome to the forums.

(By the way I didn't mention the Vagrant Story stuff before, 'cause I have no idea what that game is except for that it has Ivalice.)
Spriting / Re: Im a walking blasphemy
January 05, 2010, 03:25:45 pm
Yes. They are nicely done. But they're just not for me.
Good job, in any case!
Help! / Re: Editing Dialogue in Cutscenes
January 03, 2010, 07:49:09 pm
Thanks for all the help, everyone!
We finally got it all solved, some people on IRC channel helped me out and we got it fixed!

The project should be done tonight. And then I can start researching to work on my real big project~!
Help! / Re: Editing Dialogue in Cutscenes
January 03, 2010, 04:28:44 pm
Yes, I understood that before. You're misunderstanding me now. =P

There already is an event.txt I just said that in the lasd post!
And I've said what the error says, as well, in my post two before that. @.@