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Messages - Zotis

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 28, 2013, 04:49:42 pm
I forgot to put my flash hat back in, but I doubt it would have changed the outcome.

Edit: Also, you got my Ninja's name wrong, it is Daitro not Daitoro.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 23, 2013, 12:36:33 am
Well, I think I'll hang onto it for now, I just gave him a Sadist's Whip to boost it a bit.  I think for it to be really effective though you need to inflict innocent on the other team as well.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 22, 2013, 11:01:55 pm
Okay that makes sense.  So basically both the user and target have to be innocenced in order for it to be super effective.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 22, 2013, 05:56:36 pm
Thanks Malroth, yeah the Mime worked perfectly.  The ninja didn't really do what I was expecting though.  I wanted him to use Meiton more, but Meiton also did a lot less damage than I was expecting.  When exactly does the 10,000 divide take place?

Also, how much PA would the Strengthen Earth be equivalent to?
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 22, 2013, 03:42:12 pm
Awesome! Thanks a lot Barren.  I had a suspicion that the strengthen wouldn't stack.  I'm not sure yet how I'll rework the ninja.

I have a question.  How exactly does Meiton work?  Dmg_((145-Fai)*(145-Fai)*PA*9)
So, 105*85=8,925 *PA...*9... I mean that's like a billion damage so obviously I have no idea how this formula is supposed to work...
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 21, 2013, 12:22:51 pm
formerdeathcorps' team is a beast.  Dang.  Well, I changed my team up a lot now.
For 2 days now I haven't been able to get the loosers bracket match between woodenbandman and TheJonin to work.  It just keeps erroring, but all of the other videos are working.  Is there something wrong with it?
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 18, 2013, 02:50:06 pm
Yes it is, and really that's more what I'm going for.  Frog was just a nice touch but it is not as important to the character's overall build.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 18, 2013, 04:56:27 am
Unless the target is oiled right?  Also Asura is the only attacking draw out that hits around friendly units.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 18, 2013, 03:59:54 am
Oh snap, yeah I know Muramasa, Marasame, and Masamune are all different, but I actually thought I had Marasame.  Although I can now heal all of my units with Kikuichimoji, my wizard can't heal himself with it.  I only have 150 JP remaining... I could drop Frog.  Frog has lost some of its effectiveness since people turn back into their human form when they are dropped.  Maybe I should drop it in favor of lowering his Faith.  I guess it's just the smart thing to do even though I really love Frog.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 18, 2013, 01:23:47 am
Wow you guys are awesome!

Thanks so much for testing my team out and for all the helpful tips and pointers.  Dokurider's video was intimidating (I was worried that might happen), but Barren's helped me see some of the merits shining.  I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to change.

Thank you Dokurider and Malroth for your critiques, they were very helpful.  I didn't think you were harsh at all Malroth.

Fenire the Ninja: I swapped Counter Flood for Abandon. I dropped Echo Grass and Antidote to make up for the excess JP.  I dropped my Geomancer class and instead took Overwhelm, Move+1, and picked up Ether.  I also decided to swap his Wizard Mantle for an Elf Mantle to maximize Abandon.  I traded the Power Sleeve for Earth Clothes for a tiny bit more MP as well as the synergy to be healed by the Monk and Wizard.  He will do less damage, but overall should be a lot more effective.

Rufio the Monk: I traded the power sleeve for an Earth Mantle and swapped Attack Up for Martial Arts.  I decided to drop Revive and instead picked up Spin Fist and Repeating fist with the extra JP.  I wonder if I should swap Move-HP Up and Counter Flood for more useful abilities?  But I really don't see anything better for 1000 JP.

Zotis the Wizard: The main reason I don't want to lower his faith is because of the chance to counter with counter magic and the chance to land Frog.  He already has Marasame.  So far I haven't changed anything on him.  Is it really worth lowering his faith anyway?  Should I choose another counter?  It's hard to find something else within JP limits.

Iria the Dancer: I decided to make her more supportive and a bit tanky.  I traded Yin Yang Magic for White Magic and changed all of her gear.  Orichalum, Gold Hairpin, Brigandine, and Diamond Armlet, and traded Defense Up for Magic Defense Up.

I've updated my team in the submissions thread.  Thanks again guys for being so helpful.  It really made my day to see those videos on youtube.  *Goes back and watches them again*
It would be awesome if you did Barren.  At least I feel like I actually understand what's going on a lot more that way.  I do like your commentating, but yeah that's one thing that could make it even better.  I'm thinking not so much for people who are new, but for sharing knowledge you're privy to having analyzed the teams, and for the sake of giving a lot more life to each video and each team. 
One thing I would like to hear from the commentators in the next tournament is a little less stating what is happening and a little more talking about what is happening and just talking about the match in general.  I mean, I can see that so and so just hit so and so for 150 damage, but I don't necessarily know who that's good for.  I'd also love it if every commentator gave a bit of a rundown of the teams and characters like CT5Holy does.  It just adds a lot more dynamic to the match.  Instead of just watching a super quick match and seeing who won, I learn a lot more about team composition and feel more attached to the teams I'm interested in.
I'm just making my way through the matches from the beginning.  This season really is amazing.  It's the best tournament I've seen so far.  So many good team compositions.  Barren's team is beastly.  I loved the Dol vs Skiploom188 match.  It's too bad Skiploom's team suffered from a few design flaws, but other than that his team was surprisingly good.  Dol's team was just a monster though.  I'm just really thoroughly enjoying almost every match.
Gaignun's team is scary.

Just saw your battle against him Torgo.  Ouch.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: FFT mixed with a bit of FF10?
October 15, 2013, 03:02:52 am
Quote from: thechancellor on October 14, 2013, 10:55:54 am
I'll consider that, if I decide to go with charge times. On that note, Toshiko's input on MP really got me thinking about doing away with Charge Times altogether and just using Delayed Next Turns. The stronger/more useful the spell/skill is, the longer the wait until that character's next move. Again, just throwing thoughts out there.
Maybe like going crit, after casting a spell they have a decrease in speed/atk or other penalties and effects depending on the spell and how powerful it is.  When I think about actual witchcraft in history things like incantation and blood magic come to mind.  Charge time would be the character reciting the incantation, or they sacrifice HP by cutting themselves to draw blood like a Baal worshiper.  Casting straight off of scrolls in some games consumes the scroll instead of MP.
Quote from: Toshiko on October 14, 2013, 12:37:40 pm
More realistically, the Integra is probably what you're thinking of (which is front wheel drive and not that impressive a performer).
Yeah, that's it actually.  I didn't realise it was fwd, that's a weird concept to me.  Still, I'd seriously consider getting one.  They say it's Honda's best fwd car.  But I know pretty much jack squat about cars.

Quote from: Philogosten on October 14, 2013, 04:57:38 pm
There is no real good and evil. Just morality which is all opinion based.
Well you are the one who said you didn't understand why they wanted to destroy the world.  So I don't know what you want to call wanting to destroy the world if not "evil."  But whatever you call it doesn't change the fact that you don't understand it.  You seem to think it's the writer's fault, but you just can't admit that it's your own fault.  Everyone else understands why demons want to destroy the world except you for some strange reason.  But I guess you're right and everyone else is wrong.

P.S. Post-modernism is so 2006.  It's all about post-post-modernism now.   :cool:
Non-FFT Modding / Re: FFT mixed with a bit of FF10?
October 14, 2013, 10:43:08 am
Yeah, that's understandable.  I know it takes a but load of work to incorporate things like that.  On the other hand, the better you make the elements that you do decide to incorporate the more people will likely be interested in your project.

I just had an idea for magic, what if the more it drained a character over time to use magic the longer the charge times became?

Another idea: The more damage a person takes the weaker they become.  It is kind of unrealistic to have a character with 1 HP still fighting as effectively as when they had full HP.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: FFT mixed with a bit of FF10?
October 14, 2013, 09:37:25 am
What about affecting character appearance based on their gear?  You change your armor and you see the new armor on your character.  That would be something that really appeals to me and just makes sense.  If I give my priest equip armor and a carabini mail, why is she still wearing just a robe?  And a character's weapon(s) and shield actually being in their hands the whole time instead of appearing out of thin air when they use them.

One thing that I think would have really improved the aesthetics of FFT would have been the random generic characters you recruit having unique hairstyles/faces.  So you keep shuffling the characters until you get one you like, and while their equipment changes and is visually represented their head stays the same no matter what class/equipment they have.  Well, except for their helmet obviously, but if they have long hair it would trickle out.
Well to be honest Philogosten I think that you have no idea what you're talking about.  I don't think you understand the nature of evil.  But I don't want to argue anymore, so let's just agree to disagree.  I certainly didn't beat the final boss on my first try when I was younger, the whole game made me try very hard and I died many times.  The hardest boss for me on my first try was Velius.  I think the game has an amazing story, I really enjoy the story every time I play and I've played through the whole game at least seven times.

Back to the thread's real topic: Air conditioning makes you weak, I never use it.  And dang, your mom sounds pretty cool.  Mine would probably try to convince me to buy a really crappy car like a Pontiac Sunfire.  But I'd just say no and buy a GT Twinturbo or something.

Is there a Honda Acura sports car, or a cheap car that looks kinda sporty?  I have this car in my mind that I've seen a lot and would consider getting, but I can't remember what it is.